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Do You Have A 'plan B'?


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In my 60+ yrs, I've learned to always have a plan 'B' to fall back on if needed and have been glad to have it at times in the past. Better than having to make rush [and costly] decisions and mistakes that you have to live with.

And I've always considered myself lucky [intuitive] in knowing when to move on. In retrospect, I've enjoyed the best of times in the best of places [Australia, Hawaii, Philippines, and maybe now Thailand], and thank my 'inner voice' for knowing when and where to move to when the time was ripe.

That has changed since I moved to Thailand 10+ yrs ago @ 50 yrs old and married, bought a house and finally settled down. I told myself that 'this is the last move....I'll be burried [burned] here' and planted deeper roots. Now, 10+ yrs later and after the events of the last few months and the last couple of weeks, I'm beginning to think that I should start thinking about a plan 'B' should things continue to deteriorate.

What has shaken my faith in LOS are a couple of 'trends' that seem to be emerging......

1] A few stupid falangs getting involved in the Thai political shows and witnessed on film and commented on by the authorities.......scary new turn.

2] and the most alarming cause for concern are the [threatening] statements by the black [red] shirts that they are going underground [southern Thai style] and not only are they going to target government and the 'ruling elite', and strike tourist venues. Good move on their part if they want to strike where it hurts the most. [Oh, in case you don't know it......we are 'elite' just by having computers, UBC and all the gadgets that the 'rural poor' can only have on credit if they are lucky.

I do love and respect the good honest friendly people of this country, but after many years here, I can see that Thais can have many faces and the 'friendly' smiles can turn into angry hatefull resentment. And we are all wondering what will happen when our beloved King departs........

Unfortunately I have broken the 'golden rule of expats' and have invested a large part of my savings so any quick move would hurt me financially, but I will survive........

Has anyone else given any thought to a 'Plan B'??? Where to go from here??

Edited by jaideeguy
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Right now personally I don't feel physically threatened.

That could change I guess .

I too have money tied up here in 3 properties, car, furniture and all the othr things one gathers through life.

However, If the time came and I and the missus thought it was a necessary thing to do , I would hand over the keys to condos and car to Thai family for safe keeping and buy 2 air tickets out and be gone within 24-48 hours and look at returning if/when things were safe again.

Of course, there is the chance that if I do leave and have time to settle back in my home country, I may never return to live full time in Thailand.

Edited by bonobo
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Right now personally I don't feel physically threatened.

That could change I guess especially after you know who passes on.

I too have money tied up here in 3 properties, car, furniture and all the othr things one gathers through life.

However, If the time came and I and the missus thought it was a necessary thing to do , I would hand over the keys to condos and car to Thai family for safe keeping and buy 2 air tickets out and be gone within 24-48 hours and look at returning if/when things were safe again.

Of course, there is the chance that if I do leave and have time to settle back in my home country, I may never return to live full time in Thailand.

same as my plan B, which I put into effect around six months ago, the timing I felt was right and I have no regrets.

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My plan B would be to move to Issan. It would probably be a lot safer than BKK, Pattaya or Phuket


I would not be so sure about that. hatred is irrational. particularly in combination with brainwashing and low intelligence.....

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Having nor "over" invested in Thailand with anything other than my time and energy. Moving on would just hurt a lot emotionally but not financially.

That being said, I see no real problems affecting me or my business due to this mess other than it has slowed down the planned JV I had going with a UK company. In fact, this may have sped up a planned business with a Japanese company :)

Life is still good in Thailand even though I am trying to get my BF to move out of BKK and move up here to CNX :D

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My plan B would be to move to Issan. It would probably be a lot safer than BKK, Pattaya or Phuket


My Plan A is to live in Isaan so I am slightly buggered for a Plan B :) .

I think avoid known hotspots and you should be OK. I cannot envisage a situation arising that would cause my Plan B to be 'leaving the country'.

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When I see any "color" driving around in the back of pick ups with semiautomatics i know it will be time to implement plan B which would be getting my wife, son, and self on the next plane out of here .

For those who are married I think the most practical thing would be to get your wife (or husband) the proper visa now, so you don't end up in long lines trying to get refugee status for family if the :) Not tying to sound paranoid, but like a good boy scout it makes sense to be prepared . :D

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An interesting topic for conversation. I work with a nice group of expats and this has been passed around the lunch table a time or two over the past couple of weeks for sure. Some are settled up with family and property and have started considering an "out" should it become necessary. Some have had enough of the instability and will not be renewing contracts beyond next year. As for myself, I'm not totally sure yet what the future holds but a 'plan b' of sorts surely seems wise given the murky waters our adopted home seems to be wading into...


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Jump on my bike with my GF and ride to Malaysia or Vietnam. Prefer to stay in Thailand, but i work overseas offshore, so can live anywhere without too much hassle. I would lose my deposit on the house i rent, but since i dont own any valuable property other than my Harley, it will be easy enough to move on.

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"why do you feel that "after you know who passes on" things may take a turn for the worse?"

What other direction could it take?? This is a chaotic country in normal times and that could be the worst case scenario, as total chaos would rule. But wonder how that would affect us falangs out in the sticks?? For sure, I wouldn't want to be in any urban areas.

"i know it will be time to implement plan B which would be getting my wife, son, and self on the next plane out of here "

agree that it is best to be prepared for the worst and if it doesn't happen, then we're all lucky.

If IT does happen, then you're ahead of the other falang rats leaving the sinking ship.

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My plan B would be to move to Issan. It would probably be a lot safer than BKK, Pattaya or Phuket


I would not be so sure about that. hatred is irrational. particularly in combination with brainwashing and low intelligence.....

I notice that with a lot of the posts in the News Clippings Forum.

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'jaideeguy' date='2010-05-27 20:23:32' post='3647288']

"why do you feel that "after you know who passes on" things may take a turn for the worse?"

What other direction could it take?? This is a chaotic country in normal times and that could be the worst case scenario, as total chaos would rule. But wonder how that would affect us falangs out in the sticks?? For sure, I wouldn't want to be in any urban areas.

"i know it will be time to implement plan B which would be getting my wife, son, and self on the next plane out of here "

agree that it is best to be prepared for the worst and if it doesn't happen, then we're all lucky.

If IT does happen, then you're ahead of the other falang rats leaving the sinking ship.

Used my plan 'B ' 5 years ago , never looked back , never regretted it , never burned bridges so still have an 'Out ' if the occassion should arise , make part of your plan a quick dash across the border to catch a plane , things could go down hill more rapidly than you may expect with no airport facility , obviating your plan 'B' .

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Have a "Go" bag at the ready and keep the car filled up.

If things went radio rental I can be at the border in 3 hours. When the dust settles I'll come back and re-stock the fridge. Life goes on. If it was not worth coming back. Well, I'd miss the new grass I put in my garden, but I can get more grass wherever I go next.

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Hate to be negative but it is difficult to make a Plan B after things go pear shaped…..caveat emptor…..it would have been better to plan in advance which means never investing in anything not portable and being ready to leave with an hour or so notice….lots of other paradises waiting for your money…

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" Hate to be negative but it is difficult to make a Plan B after things go pear shaped…..caveat emptor…..it would have been better to plan in advance which means never investing in anything not portable and being ready to leave with an hour or so notice….lots of other paradises waiting for your money…"

Not a very fun way to live [for any length of time] I did just that for 10 yrs prior to setteling in LOS. Got tired of living out of a suitcase and not having a decent kitchen, my own lawn, garden and landscaping that I can look at now and see how they have grown. Also have lots of time and love invested in my Thai family. Anyway, it's too late, I've dug a deep hole and won't be easy to climb out of without taking a big lo$$

And what other paradises can compare with the LOS that we were attracted to [as much as we bitched about it]??

7 yrs in the Philippines as an expat nomad before realizing that if I didn't settle down at 50 yrs, I never would.....so I went for it and it will be hard to leave, IF the shan hits the fit.

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I've tried to figure out the best place to be out of work and homeless in the US - getting a job right now at my age would not be easy - but no place really appeals to me. I think that I will stay here if I can. :D

UG, you can come and stay @ my home in Oz. Not far from there is a musuem & I know one of the fellows that runs the show there. They are a bit short on old fossils, so finding a position for you would be no problem :D

I can't remember what my plan B was, I'm actually up to about plan T. The only thing that scares me is that Plan Z is rapidly approaching, then what? :D:)

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it was also mentioned that the 'hooligans' occupied the main airport in BKK, as well as the train and bus station up here in CM......showing how easy it would be to paralize this country in a short time using cel phones to organize. They have gone underground for sure andit is just a matter of when and where they will resurface. Time will tell!!!

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Hate to be negative but it is difficult to make a Plan B after things go pear shaped…..caveat emptor…..it would have been better to plan in advance which means never investing in anything not portable and being ready to leave with an hour or so notice….lots of other paradises waiting for your money…

Unfortunately you cannot make plan B on the basis that your plan A has failed because essentially Plan B is now Plan A. The whole point is that Plan B is based on things going pear shaped before rather than after Plan A.

However while I can afford Plan B, I do not have one. Obviously, if I am kicked out of this country, I will have to create one. Still, I do have an underlying belief in Thailand, if I have to take a few more bad years, I am happy to accept it. I have made a long term call which I believe in. I know it makes sense to have a plan B in every situation. I actually believe I am privileged to be allowed to to live here.

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To be honest I donot even know how bad it would have to get before I would consider leaving. Everything that has happened here in the last few years hasnot even came close to enterest me in leaving. My feelings are even if there was a civil war here, many areas would just go on with everyday life. At the worst maybe some skirmishes in the area occasionally. So no plan B.

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I've tried to figure out the best place to be out of work and homeless in the US - getting a job right now at my age would not be easy - but no place really appeals to me. I think that I will stay here if I can. :D

UG, you can come and stay @ my home in Oz. Not far from there is a musuem & I know one of the fellows that runs the show there. They are a bit short on old fossils, so finding a position for you would be no problem :)

I guess that I could work at the "Dunk the Old Geezer Tank" for a little change.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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i think ,, whatever relationship you are in ,

it is wise to have plan b . nothing is permanent ..only rip ..

many farangs living in thailand , have burnt their bridges .

this is not a criticism , but a fact .

i consider myself fortunate , to be a young free , and single , sixty year old , untroubled man .

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