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Unmasked: Thailand's men in black

By Kenneth Todd Ruiz and Olivier Sarbil


Red lovers please read.

''Not Terrorists Not Violent; Only Peaceful and Democracy,'' :)

Their tactics were consistent with those of trained guerrillas and snipers, letting off brief fusillades of gunfire before repositioning. They terrorized regular Thai army soldiers throughout the night, winding them up and denying them sleep.

At 6 am on May 16, they swaggered back into the camp under covering fire from homemade rockets to the cheers of the assembled reds. Visibly weary but beaming triumphant smiles, the men shouldered the night's spoils - body armor, riot shields, batons, helmets, flashlights and other gear taken from Thai security forces - some of which they handed out as gifts.

Now Jayboy you have indirectly accused me of lies no less than twice in this thread. What have I lied about?

I thought I had made it clear the alternative explanations were stupidity or ignorance.

Now Jayboy you have indirectly accused me of lies no less than twice in this thread. What have I lied about?

I thought I had made it clear the alternative explanations were stupidity or ignorance.

Ever considered others may have different opinions? If it differs from yours and you say 'stupidity' or 'ignorance' it only says something about yourself, I'm afraid.

Unmasked: Thailand's men in black

By Kenneth Todd Ruiz and Olivier Sarbil


Red lovers please read.

here is some video evidence to it.

Between 0:11 - 0:19 you can see a person in civilian clothes, t-shirt and shorts, armed with a rifle and probably also shooting. Similar to the clips with a sighting of one of the 'terrorists'. But the problem here is that he is together with regular army troops, soldiers in combat gear, Abhisits security forces.

Unmasked: Thailand's men in black

By Kenneth Todd Ruiz and Olivier Sarbil


Red lovers please read.

here is some video evidence to it.

Between 0:11 - 0:19 you can see a person in civilian clothes, t-shirt and shorts, armed with a rifle and probably also shooting. Similar to the clips with a sighting of one of the 'terrorists'. But the problem here is that he is together with regular army troops, soldiers in combat gear, Abhisits security forces.

You've posted this video close to 10 times by now. Apart from getting boring, the context of the clip is unclear whatever you care to insinuate. Back off.

(not surprising in THailand's current climate of fear)

Current climate of fear?

Care to expand on that?

need some graphic photo of a red shirt protester executed with a head shot by an army sniper?

or read about the arrest of people without any clear evidence:

Chula academics call for “return of justice and academic freedom”

Graphic photo of soldier with part of arm blown off by M79 grenade attack? A picture of the lady who happened to take the BTS at Saladaeng at the wrong time? Back off !

Now Jayboy you have indirectly accused me of lies no less than twice in this thread. What have I lied about?

I thought I had made it clear the alternative explanations were stupidity or ignorance.

Ever considered others may have different opinions? If it differs from yours and you say 'stupidity' or 'ignorance' it only says something about yourself, I'm afraid.

Jayboy enjoys flaming me ... then again he can't refute what I write so he relies on that instead of addressing any particular issue.

This is an example of independent reporting ... sadly it can only be given the value that the authors personal reputations warrant ... and I don't know them ...


Thanks to whoever posted it.

(not surprising in THailand's current climate of fear)

Current climate of fear?

Care to expand on that?

need some graphic photo of a red shirt protester executed with a head shot by an army sniper?

or read about the arrest of people without any clear evidence:

Chula academics call for "return of justice and academic freedom"

Graphic photo of soldier with part of arm blown off by M79 grenade attack? A picture of the lady who happened to take the BTS at Saladaeng at the wrong time? Back off !

I think that it is time to close this topic.

"The Abhisit government, however, faces the burden of proof."

No worse than the burden of being completely illegitimate. :)

No, Thaksins parents were legally married...!!!

(not surprising in THailand's current climate of fear)

Current climate of fear?

Care to expand on that?

need some graphic photo of a red shirt protester executed with a head shot by an army sniper?

or read about the arrest of people without any clear evidence:

Chula academics call for "return of justice and academic freedom"

Graphic photo of soldier with part of arm blown off by M79 grenade attack? A picture of the lady who happened to take the BTS at Saladaeng at the wrong time? Back off !

Hmmmm since we all know that snipers were operating from within the red lines and most of us saw GRAPHIC evidence of a red being shot on April 10th from back to front while facing the Army troops ... it makes ANY claim to which side any given person was killed from. Sae daeng's ronin were (imho and that of many others) clearly responsible for many of the red shirt deaths on April 10th and who knows how many later.

(not surprising in THailand's current climate of fear)

Current climate of fear?

Care to expand on that?

need some graphic photo of a red shirt protester executed with a head shot by an army sniper?

or read about the arrest of people without any clear evidence:

Chula academics call for "return of justice and academic freedom"

A climate of fear is not in question in terms of participation in the recent red shirt "protest" - a climate of fear in terms of writing an opinion piece on the internet is what was being suggested and it is that, that i questioned.

Now Jayboy you have indirectly accused me of lies no less than twice in this thread. What have I lied about?

I thought I had made it clear the alternative explanations were stupidity or ignorance.

Is that the best you can do? Why don't you address the questions rather then dismissing them entirely? You can't can you? [deleted by MiG16]

You are still democratically elected no matter how corrupt you are and how much you buy peoples hearts, minds and votes?

The BBC and international media probably can't comprehend that someone could be so rich and powerful that they could totally corrupt the whole system. Thats basically what Taksin did. Thailand was his private conglomerate. The international media are only looking at the veneer, not the rotten wood underneath.

you talk like "the others" are clean and white. maybe u live in Switzerland and u have never been in Thailand.

Maybe yes, but as a tourist.

And tell where there is no corruption?

and b4 T. there was no corruption? And after T. there in no more corruption? eheheheheh

i think the international media can comprehend better than me and u what's happening in the world. they are well informed.

they are well connected. I think u are looking at the veneer.

everybody knows what means corruption, what means to be rich. ... i'm italian, my PM is Silvio Berlusconi eheheheh

But italians don't care much if he is corrupted. he can run the economy better then "the others", corrupted as well.

The question is therefore how to get the reds to accept that the yellow has the most power in Thailand

I think they already know that - that is why they are demonstrating against so much power being held by so few :)


Yes they don't want so much power in the hands of a few people, better it is in the hands of just one person.


I don't think Thaksin really wants to appeal to the international community to prove his version. Those people haven't been paid off and will see right through him. He might recall that the Premier league decided he wasn't fit to own a football team.

Hmmmm since we all know that snipers were operating from within the red lines and most of us saw GRAPHIC evidence of a red being shot on April 10th from back to front while facing the Army troops ... it makes ANY claim to which side any given person was killed from. Sae daeng's ronin were (imho and that of many others) clearly responsible for many of the red shirt deaths on April 10th and who knows how many later.

And how do we know that exactly? Do you have a source to back up that statement? The real answer is that we don't know.

What about the paramedic that was shot while assisting a red shirt protester that was also shot just moments earlier? It was caught on video. And the nurse that was shot inside the temple while she to help a red shirt protester?

Hmmmm since we all know that snipers were operating from within the red lines and most of us saw GRAPHIC evidence of a red being shot on April 10th from back to front while facing the Army troops ... it makes ANY claim to which side any given person was killed from. Sae daeng's ronin were (imho and that of many others) clearly responsible for many of the red shirt deaths on April 10th and who knows how many later.

And how do we know that exactly? Do you have a source to back up that statement? The real answer is that we don't know.

What about the paramedic that was shot while assisting a red shirt protester that was also shot just moments earlier? It was caught on video. And the nurse that was shot inside the temple while she to help a red shirt protester?

Yes please tell, dear clown, enlighten us (if you can that is). Don''t forget to put things within their proper context, no non-connected questions or answers please.

(not surprising in THailand's current climate of fear)

Current climate of fear?

Care to expand on that?

need some graphic photo of a red shirt protester executed with a head shot by an army sniper?

or read about the arrest of people without any clear evidence:

Chula academics call for "return of justice and academic freedom"

Graphic photo of soldier with part of arm blown off by M79 grenade attack? A picture of the lady who happened to take the BTS at Saladaeng at the wrong time? Back off !

I like the earlier pictures of power pylons blown up with C4 and RPGs targeting jet fuel depots myself, easy to understand terrorism. Throwing out a single image of a red guy getting it as prove of something kind of insults the audience's intelligence.

Hmmmm since we all know that snipers were operating from within the red lines and most of us saw GRAPHIC evidence of a red being shot on April 10th from back to front while facing the Army troops ... it makes ANY claim to which side any given person was killed from. Sae daeng's ronin were (imho and that of many others) clearly responsible for many of the red shirt deaths on April 10th and who knows how many later.

And how do we know that exactly? Do you have a source to back up that statement? The real answer is that we don't know.

What about the paramedic that was shot while assisting a red shirt protester that was also shot just moments earlier? It was caught on video. And the nurse that was shot inside the temple while she to help a red shirt protester?

How do we know what? That the reds had snipers? Video evidence is pretty clear on that. Who shot any given person? Hard to prove. Direction that a shot came from can be evident from videos. Armed ronin mixed with the reds on the 10th of April. Tons of video evidence. News reports of armed reds? Plenty from ALL sources even when the BBC and CNN couldn't mix with the reds they reported firefights.

but feel free to note where I dtated my opinion in the post of mine that you quoted w/o the refferent posts :)


Im going to ask everyone to chill a bit, and keep it civil

I know we all have strong opinions, heated debate/disagreement is one thing, but lets not get too carried away and turn this into a personal war against each other :)

didnt bring any good to the community on the streets of Bangkok.

cant see it bringing any good to our online community or the real world out there either :D

may I suggest you take the board as a platform for dialogue? and if it gets to the point where you simply cant engage anymore, just walk away. throwing insults at each other doesnt change anything except raising up all our blood pressure :D

cheers everyone


Will the government be able to document the squre face ones involvment in the riots? They donot have a good record of getting their ducks in a row, they waited two months into this mess before they requested bank records of the sq. face one and his cronies when this should have been done at the beginning.

I am very happy this mess is over but the government hasn't instilled much confidence in their ability of getting much right.

BANGKOK: -- Thaksin Shinawatra and his lawyer Robert Amsterdam were a busy couple this week. Their barrage of media interviews unveiled their lines of defence in the face of an arrest warrant approved by the Thai Criminal Court in connection with "terrorism" charges levelled against the former prime minister by the Thai government.

Here's what they are telling the world: Government agents burnt down the CentralWorld in a well-planned and professionally executed operation to frame the protesters; Thaksin did not fund the red shirts' rally; and seized weapons were a set-up.

Telling these outrageous lies does nothing but strongly suggest guilt. :D

Taksin must think all of us in the world are stupid and he is above us all... It annoys me that he always turns things around and accuses the opossition of the exact acts that he does- it has been his way for over a decade.

Many saw this man coming a mile away and long ago- his ambition reaks of greed, corruption and arrogance towards all of us. :D

Money can buy substancial power in developing countries. The sooner people like Taksin ared done and dusted, Thailand can emerge from its corrupt and developing world status. :)

Thailand needs leadership for the 'People', not for themselves... :D

Taksin is not your man... He is for himself.

That's quite incredible as my ex-Thai wife does exactly the same. She does horrendously bad things then accuses me of doing it! Is this a Thai trait or a paticular mental health problem?


I wouldn't say that thaksin has put this on the world stage, far from it, thats down to the murdering fascists tyrant despots who gave the orders for the troops to murder innocent civilians. ,

In recent years it would have been swept under the carpet and hidden by that smile.

Not this time, thanks to modern communication technology and embedded journalists , the international community have been informed have made their judgement.

And the amart dont like it .

Unmasked: Thailand's men in black

By Kenneth Todd Ruiz and Olivier Sarbil


Red lovers please read.

Without having read the article I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Yellow leader, Sondhi Limthongkul....

So, all "news" about Thailand by ATO have to be read with a lot of butter on the toast since it won't be positive for the Reds and not negative for the Yellows :)


Unmasked: Thailand's men in black

By Kenneth Todd Ruiz and Olivier Sarbil


Red lovers please read.

Without having read the article I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Yellow leader, Sondhi Limthongkul....

So, all "news" about Thailand by ATO have to be read with a lot of butter on the toast since it won't be positive for the Reds and not negative for the Yellows :)


To be fair I think the Asia Times consistently produces interesting copy on Thailand including the piece by Ruiz/Sarbil.Surely it's better to be challenged rather than just have prejudices reinforced.The dirty little secret is that there are few if any heroes in this saga.I cannot think of one person who has emerged with any credit in any of this.Possibly Sukhumband is a candidate, but he's only a bit player.Thaksin has poisoned everything, the old elite has behaved appallingly, the middle classes have been duped by quasi-fascists and the working class by a demagogue.Abhisit had so much potential but his reputation is now in question.

Unmasked: Thailand's men in black

By Kenneth Todd Ruiz and Olivier Sarbil


Red lovers please read.

Without having read the article I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Yellow leader, Sondhi Limthongkul....

So, all "news" about Thailand by ATO have to be read with a lot of butter on the toast since it won't be positive for the Reds and not negative for the Yellows :)


To be fair I think the Asia Times consistently produces interesting copy on Thailand including the piece by Ruiz/Sarbil.Surely it's better to be challenged rather than just have prejudices reinforced.The dirty little secret is that there are few if any heroes in this saga.I cannot think of one person who has emerged with any credit in any of this.Possibly Sukhumband is a candidate, but he's only a bit player.Thaksin has poisoned everything, the old elite has behaved appallingly, the middle classes have been duped by quasi-fascists and the working class by a demagogue.Abhisit had so much potential but his reputation is now in question.

The quiet Sukhumband is a leading contender for having ocme out of it well by a country mile. However, he doesnt exactly face any competition. He basically acted reasonably and did the job he was appointed to do. Hopefully th epeople of BKK will remember this at the nexrt governors election.

The disastrous performance of nearly all the players highlights the problem that there is no simple way forward. It is not just a break down in consensus among the poltical classes but a complete fissure which seems to be impossible to mend and can only lead to more problems. The one saving grace is that amongst the vast majority of the people the division is nowhere near as great. However, the downside of that is that in Thailand polticians lead and people follow

Oh for some doubting boring technocrat polticiians and not those who just love the sound of their own voices arer convinced they are right on everything and just love power, revenge and hatred

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