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Unmasked: Thailand's Men In Black


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It's a well know fact the army is split. Part supporting the current gov and part supporting the reds. Khattiya is proof enough of this. I was taking with a fairly successful Thai business man the day after the first killings occurred (April 22?). He lowered his voice, even though we were in my house, and said "there are 2 armies." He didn't say any more.

I am sure the government knows exactly what is going on, but with all the propaganda from both sides, it's hard for us on the outside to get things straight. Especially all the spewing the UDD leaders do!

My favorite picture is the one with burned out Central World in the background and the large red banner saying something about peaceful protests....right...who's propaganda is worse? Not hard to figure out.

edit: I do like this editorial:

/link removed //Admin

There were two armies in 1992. Seems to me the army has always been split into various factions as reports often mention groups of officers graduating from a certain class & how they stick together.

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"M16 and AR-15 rifles slid free from concealment under plastic or inside their clothing."

- M16 in their clothing... just wondering if these were M16 rifles or M16 key chains? Is that an assault rifle in yor pocket or are you REALLY happy to see me? :)

"Ammunition was running low, they said. Each fighter was given no more than 30 rounds to carry. Although we didn't see any M79 grenade launchers, the Ronin discussed a bulky sack of grenades they were carrying."

- Contradicts the governments claim of huge weapons haul.

Hard to believe the article… if they were actually interviewing men that had trained to be stealth; would those men have invited such publicity?

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Reckless shooting by army officials during the crackdown on Red Shirt demonstrators

Sat, 22/05/2010 - 16:53

Pipob Udomittipong

/link removed //Admin

What kind of a wacko blog is this? The other stories on the link are even nuttier than this one. Try finding an article from a credible source.


It is a blind link to a cached copy of an illegal publication.

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I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


Are you sure? I thought that Sondhi dissolved all connections to Asia Times when the paper was put out of print in 1997 during the financial crisis. Two years later the former writers and editors banded together to form Asia Times Online, a non-print publication 'By westerners, for westerners'.

Cover up. Sondhi is a master in covering things up.

If you follow the leads you will end up in the Caribbean but the Postbox Lawyers' Office won't give you the shareholders names of course.

In fact it's a Hong Kong registered company and why on earth would a HK company move it's share to some obscure Caribbean island? Why..?

I wrote a detailed post about ATO not so long ago; I will try to look it up.

But, in fact it's not so important. There will always be pro & anti Red Media and pro and anti Yellow Media in Thailand.


A cover up from way back in 1999, before Thaksin took office....

Why else? Well, because they were making money and wanted it safer offshore...

And not involved in the crashing of the Asian banking system cause by Chavalit.

Which not coindicentally gives them greater freedom from being manipulated.

Both things like Thaksin did himself then.

Always a conspiracy about Sondhi and always innuendo,

and not much substance or logical positing. Broken record.CLICK!

Oh Oh the bogeyman master of cover-up is at work again.

Might as well just fill Thaksin's name in here too.

Sondhi is a light weight in comparison.

Edited by animatic
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Something current from asiatimes online equivalent of a maste head.

vs 4 year old links and articles from half a world away.

It only say they once were associated with Manager group,

but that that link stopped in '97.

Historically, in our publication policy and editorial outlook, we are the successor of Asia Times,

the Hong Kong/ Bangkok-based daily print newspaper founded in 1995 and associated with the Manager Media Group,

which had to cease publication in the summer of 1997 as a result of the Asian financial crisis.

I can see by the vehemence of the Red cheerleaders trying to denigrate this OP story,

that it has strongly hit a nerve and makes them scared... oh I am crying so hard over this.

Dredge up anything they can find, no matter how old or questionable

to slam the source, because the article is too damning to their cause.

Let the howling at the moon continue.

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I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


Are you sure? I thought that Sondhi dissolved all connections to Asia Times when the paper was put out of print in 1997 during the financial crisis. Two years later the former writers and editors banded together to form Asia Times Online, a non-print publication 'By westerners, for westerners'.

Cover up. Sondhi is a master in covering things up.

If you follow the leads you will end up in the Caribbean but the Postbox Lawyers' Office won't give you the shareholders names of course.

In fact it's a Hong Kong registered company and why on earth would a HK company move it's share to some obscure Caribbean island? Why..?

I wrote a detailed post about ATO not so long ago; I will try to look it up.

But, in fact it's not so important. There will always be pro & anti Red Media and pro and anti Yellow Media in Thailand.


It did a low level search and couldn't find anything conclusive. Your suspicions could be right. Or not. In any case, I haven't been able to determine the facts of ownership of ATO.

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The article is a very nice example of imagination running wild. A great piece of fantasy writing.

And I suppose if someone said that pigs can fly, you all would believe that as well.

You don't happen to have a picture of a black pig?.....that would clinch it...... :)

You know that I posted a picture here as requested, but the pig has indeed flown away. Pigs can fly, man!

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There are two keys factors arising from this article:

Firstly for most of the time the red apologists were denying day after day that the blackshirts were a part of the red occupation in Bangkok.

I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


It's quite evident from the sum of all your posts that you're quite pro-Red. Just be honest with yourself for once :D

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I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


Are you sure? I thought that Sondhi dissolved all connections to Asia Times when the paper was put out of print in 1997 during the financial crisis. Two years later the former writers and editors banded together to form Asia Times Online, a non-print publication 'By westerners, for westerners'.

That's correct. No association with Sondhi or M group.

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The article is a very nice example of imagination running wild. A great piece of fantasy writing.

And I suppose if someone said that pigs can fly, you all would believe that as well.

You don't happen to have a picture of a black pig?.....that would clinch it...... :D

You know that I posted a picture here as requested, but the pig has indeed flown away. Pigs can fly, man!

I did say also in my expert opinion it was about to take off.... :D

Luckily the pig is re-captured - an intelligent person recognised it in the rather obvious disguise of an Emoticon... :) .

I have attached a mug shot in case it takes off again


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Both the BBC & CNN with their biased 'poor little people from the country fighting the nasty rich people from the big city' views reported that there were 'men in black' on the red side..the money and blood trail will lead to Thaksin's door soon enough.

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Google the journalists who penned the article, they seem pretty legit and objective.


Oliver Serbil photo journalism with Karen hillstribe

SMH article on army snipers

Another interesting link I came across. Corroborates the OP link.

I am sorry but this is nothing. First link only one noname photoblog, 2nd link writer is Jack Picone, not one of these two guys. I don't give any credibility for this unmasked black story. If this is real I am pretty sure one big media already pick up this story. But no-one did it.

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Google the journalists who penned the article, they seem pretty legit and objective.


Oliver Serbil photo journalism with Karen hillstribe

SMH article on army snipers

Another interesting link I came across. Corroborates the OP link.

I am sorry but this is nothing. First link only one noname photoblog, 2nd link writer is Jack Picone, not one of these two guys. I don't give any credibility for this unmasked black story. If this is real I am pretty sure one big media already pick up this story. But no-one did it.

It's typical of the Red Shirt propaganda machine. When there's something negative written about the movement or their beloved leader, they

1) Blame someone else

2) Say it's fake

Laughable really.

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The article is a very nice example of imagination running wild. A great piece of fantasy writing.

And I suppose if someone said that pigs can fly, you all would believe that as well.

You don't happen to have a picture of a black pig?.....that would clinch it...... :)

You know that I posted a picture here as requested, but the pig has indeed flown away. Pigs can fly, man!

All this pig stuff is just a boar.

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Google the journalists who penned the article, they seem pretty legit and objective.


Oliver Serbil photo journalism with Karen hillstribe

SMH article on army snipers

Another interesting link I came across. Corroborates the OP link.

I am sorry but this is nothing. First link only one noname photoblog, 2nd link writer is Jack Picone, not one of these two guys. I don't give any credibility for this unmasked black story. If this is real I am pretty sure one big media already pick up this story. But no-one did it.

It's typical of the Red Shirt propaganda machine. When there's something negative written about the movement or their beloved leader, they

1) Blame someone else

2) Say it's fake

Laughable really.

It's tyipical Yellow Shirt propaganda machine what you did...

I am nobody side of course.

Can you answer my question? Or it's too hard task?

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Why is the 'terrorist' running together with the soldiers? :)

Maybe because he is a plain clothes 'terroist sniper hunter'.

Call it Urban camoflage. Easier to sneak up on the real snipers,

if they don't think you're army.

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Google the journalists who penned the article, they seem pretty legit and objective.


Oliver Serbil photo journalism with Karen hillstribe

SMH article on army snipers

Another interesting link I came across. Corroborates the OP link.

I am sorry but this is nothing. First link only one noname photoblog, 2nd link writer is Jack Picone, not one of these two guys. I don't give any credibility for this unmasked black story. If this is real I am pretty sure one big media already pick up this story. But no-one did it.

It's typical of the Red Shirt propaganda machine. When there's something negative written about the movement or their beloved leader, they

1) Blame someone else

2) Say it's fake

Laughable really.

It's tyipical Yellow Shirt propaganda machine what you did...

I am nobody side of course.

Can you answer my question? Or it's too hard task?

What was your question again?

So who cares if YOU don't give any credibility to the article. You say it's fake? Prove it.

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"Ronin" :) What a crock!

What a pity these 2 "journos" don't know the true meaning of the term.

A quick Google would have stopped the use in their tale. :D

I don't see what's so amusing.

They were using the term 'Ronin' as the name given to these people by Sae Daeng. They aren't Ronin per se but that's what they call themselves.


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The article is a very nice example of imagination running wild. A great piece of fantasy writing.

And I suppose if someone said that pigs can fly, you all would believe that as well.

You don't happen to have a picture of a black pig?.....that would clinch it...... :)

You know that I posted a picture here as requested, but the pig has indeed flown away. Pigs can fly, man!

All this pig stuff is just a boar.


I agree time to call time on the flying pig....case 100% proven......

Unlike the majority of comments on this post.......

Anybody ever advise some of you guys to look down at your feet......you may observe many of you have one foot nailed to the floor.....

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Google the journalists who penned the article, they seem pretty legit and objective.


Oliver Serbil photo journalism with Karen hillstribe

SMH article on army snipers

Another interesting link I came across. Corroborates the OP link.

It's typical of the Red Shirt propaganda machine. When there's something negative written about the movement or their beloved leader, they

1) Blame someone else

2) Say it's fake

Laughable really.

It's tyipical Yellow Shirt propaganda machine what you did...

I am nobody side of course.

Can you answer my question? Or it's too hard task?

What was your question again?

So who cares if YOU don't give any credibility to the article. You say it's fake? Prove it.

I don't have to prove anything. Prove who wrote article. :)

Ok, again. Somebody give 2 links proof these 2 guys real journalists. I just told 2 link don't proof anything (one blog and 3rd guy article). Thats all.

My question: if 2 guys story was real why we don't hear anything from any big media (BBC, CNN, Times, Nation, Bangkok Post or any TV even thai army channels)? Every big story going around of course gave credit for original source. Only this is my very simple question. I read story Unmasked MiB. First I thought WOW, 2nd this secret tent little bit stink like cheap action B-movies, 3d let's look around the net, check the story! The original story came out few days ago but still big and deep silence everywhere.

And please don't preach me propaganda machine and beloved leaders. I don't care them. :D

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It's tyipical Yellow Shirt propaganda machine what you did...

I am nobody side of course.

Can you answer my question? Or it's too hard task?

What was your question again?

So who cares if YOU don't give any credibility to the article. You say it's fake? Prove it.

I don't have to prove anything. Prove who wrote article. :)

Ok, again. Somebody give 2 links proof these 2 guys real journalists. I just told 2 link don't proof anything (one blog and 3rd guy article). Thats all.

My question: if 2 guys story was real why we don't hear anything from any big media (BBC, CNN, Times, Nation, Bangkok Post or any TV even thai army channels)? Every big story going around of course gave credit for original source. Only this is my very simple question. I read story Unmasked MiB. First I thought WOW, 2nd this secret tent little bit stink like cheap action B-movies, 3d let's look around the net, check the story! The original story came out few days ago but still big and deep silence everywhere.

And please don't preach me propaganda machine and beloved leaders. I don't care them. :D

It is very simple really ----

The article doesn't name any names .... even though it can reasonably be assumed to be a factual account it doesn't end up telling anthing that wasn't already known.

If you doubt the credibility of the authors all you need to do is look them up online. They have posted Youtube videos that they have taken behind red lines and whilst mixing with the black-clad red shirt guards. That places them in the right place and the right time. Now, do you HAVE to believe the story? No. Most people will see elements of truth in it. Enough to give it more merit than some anonymous blogger's writings.

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I don't have to prove anything. Prove who wrote article. :)

Ok, again. Somebody give 2 links proof these 2 guys real journalists. I just told 2 link don't proof anything (one blog and 3rd guy article). Thats all.

My question: if 2 guys story was real why we don't hear anything from any big media (BBC, CNN, Times, Nation, Bangkok Post or any TV even thai army channels)? Every big story going around of course gave credit for original source. Only this is my very simple question. I read story Unmasked MiB. First I thought WOW, 2nd this secret tent little bit stink like cheap action B-movies, 3d let's look around the net, check the story! The original story came out few days ago but still big and deep silence everywhere.

And please don't preach me propaganda machine and beloved leaders. I don't care them. :D

jdinasia has answered your question.

But I reiterate, if you want to call this article fake, then YOU prove it's fake. The burden of proof is on you.

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This set of postings has been a fascinating read - great stuff guys and girls. I can't help but wonder how the blogs would have read if (by some trick of time travel) we could have gone back to the barricades in Paris when the Rabble stormed the Bastille - or to the radical changes (at times quiet violent) when Oliver Cromwell and his Roundheads took over. The times are a changing in Thailand folks - maybe the end of an era - I don't know. But at times of momentous change all sorts of things happen. As they say it's hard to make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. By the way in both the historic examples (and there are a pile more) the elite was smug and complacent (believing they could keep a lid on it) and the other side maybe lied and cheated the common folk into participating (some even claim the mob was paid) and in the process they ended up in power. What started as a populous movement driven by poverty ended up getting a bit out of hand - a process by which even those involved at the start got consumed by their own violence and the high ideals of the change became somewhat spoiled and at times sordid.

So folk sit back and absorb the process of history - allow others to have their own views and observations - no one is right and no one is wrong. Maybe we will never know whether these reporters were real or bought - if the MoBs were this side or that - History is a very complex thing - try and read about the French Revolution - gets real confusing at times as does the power struggle inside the Roundheads (friends became enemies and rivals eventually joined together). But the outcome was the same France and Great Britain were never the same again. There was change - real change.

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I don't have to prove anything. Prove who wrote article. :D

Ok, again. Somebody give 2 links proof these 2 guys real journalists. I just told 2 link don't proof anything (one blog and 3rd guy article). Thats all.

My question: if 2 guys story was real why we don't hear anything from any big media (BBC, CNN, Times, Nation, Bangkok Post or any TV even thai army channels)? Every big story going around of course gave credit for original source. Only this is my very simple question. I read story Unmasked MiB. First I thought WOW, 2nd this secret tent little bit stink like cheap action B-movies, 3d let's look around the net, check the story! The original story came out few days ago but still big and deep silence everywhere.

And please don't preach me propaganda machine and beloved leaders. I don't care them. :D

jdinasia has answered your question.

But I reiterate, if you want to call this article fake, then YOU prove it's fake. The burden of proof is on you.

I think it was said in previous posts......A story is just that... does not have to be factual.......but you guys appear to require proof the story is factual, or proof it is a 'story'........a story can carry an element of both... :)

Carry on.....

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I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


Are you sure? I thought that Sondhi dissolved all connections to Asia Times when the paper was put out of print in 1997 during the financial crisis. Two years later the former writers and editors banded together to form Asia Times Online, a non-print publication 'By westerners, for westerners'.

Cover up. Sondhi is a master in covering things up.

If you follow the leads you will end up in the Caribbean but the Postbox Lawyers' Office won't give you the shareholders names of course.

In fact it's a Hong Kong registered company and why on earth would a HK company move it's share to some obscure Caribbean island? Why..?

I wrote a detailed post about ATO not so long ago; I will try to look it up.

But, in fact it's not so important. There will always be pro & anti Red Media and pro and anti Yellow Media in Thailand.


A cover up from way back in 1999, before Thaksin took office....

Why else? Well, because they were making money and wanted it safer offshore...

And not involved in the crashing of the Asian banking system cause by Chavalit.

A cover up from way back ?

Why else Animatic? ......."because they were making money and wanted it safer offshore..." ??

You hit the nail right on the head, Animatic, Bravo!

Because Sondhi Limthongkul has every reason to hide his connections with Asia Times Online.

The Nation, on 11 September 2000 called him: "SONDHI LIMTHONGKUL: Debt-ridden payment avoider" I have the article if you wish. Too long to post it here.

He declared himself bankrupt for 3 years* in Thailand in order not to have to pay his immense debts, and what's more...:

"Sondhi has 65 court cases pending for inability to repay debts to 10 financial institutions in Thailand. He initially put up a single land deed for all the dodgy loans he received from these institutions. A senior financier by the name of Prapat SriSathhayakun working at one of the banks found this out and reported to DSI. Sondhi wanted to compete with Thaksin’s communication empire and aspired to be successful like him. He then went to the Lao government and asked them to put up USD 300 million for co-financing a communications project. They eventually found the money only to find that Sondhi was not able to put up his money as he promised."

from: http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2...before-the-pad/

What this poster wrote doesn't necessarily have to be 100% correct but everyone knows that Sondhi has great difficulties to stay out of prison because of his enormous malversations with money and companies in his still ongoing lawsuits.

Of course he covered his connections with ATO when his Multi Media company went bust.

But....BUT...I don't understand why a few posters are so determined to prove that Sondhi is NOT linked to ATO.

I merely wrote that he is the owner and suddenly some posters jump on me and tell here he's not.

Funny :D

The man is a fine example of an opportunist, bowing with the wind, blowing from whatever direction as long as it is in HIS favor.

In 1992 he opposed to the military with his media when so many students were killed by the military and after the 1997 crisis he fought the Democrats because he blamed them for their reform over the crisis after he went bankrupt.

In the first Thaksin era government in 2001 he declared his friend Thaksin was "the best prime minister our country has ever had" after his buddies became powerful people in the Thaksin government.

His friend-Banker Viroj Nualkhair forgave him to have to pay back a Baht 1 Billion in debts but in 2005 his buddy-Banker was sacked and thus Sondhi ended up in big problems (again) and started shouting at Thaksin it was his fault.

U true opportunist.

Since a few years I have a special dossier about Sondhi since the man fascinates me and I have documentation way back, leading to his youth when he studied in the US...history.

On the other hand: he has a whole bunch of angels sitting on his shoulder..both shoulders :)


Edited by LaoPo
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There are two keys factors arising from this article:

Firstly for most of the time the red apologists were denying day after day that the blackshirts were a part of the red occupation in Bangkok.

I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


It's quite evident from the sum of all your posts that you're quite pro-Red. Just be honest with yourself for once :D

Ah..another sticker-poster. :D

Because I mentioned that people, reading the OP article should be a little wary that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkul?

You have to do better than than. NOBODY can put a sticker on my forehead.

I'm wiser than that to run around with a red or yellow or elite sticker on my forehead. If you want to put a sticker.....

put a I LOVE THAI PEOPLE sticker on my forehead and you're not far off, although loving ALL Thai would be overdone :)


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I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


Are you sure? I thought that Sondhi dissolved all connections to Asia Times when the paper was put out of print in 1997 during the financial crisis. Two years later the former writers and editors banded together to form Asia Times Online, a non-print publication 'By westerners, for westerners'.

That's correct. No association with Sondhi or M group.

Your statement is incorrect. See my previous posts.


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