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Chiang Mai, 1993


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I have been thinking about my first year in Chiang Mai and some the characters around then…

The scene: Moon Muang Road, 1993

First night in Chiang Mai, first stop: Domino’s Bar. Owner: David West. Bartender “Mam”. Barfly: Andy Gill.

A walk up the alley: Up To You Bar just built. Owners: David West, Shane Beary. Bouncer: David’s brother from the Midlands of England.

Further up the alley: The Bar Beer Center, Blue Sky Bar. Owner: “Nu.”

Boyfriend: Rudi from Germany. Barflies: Andy “Mauw”, Abe, Richard, and an Australian who walked with a cane.

Bar Beer Center a thriving den of wild music, lights, women and ladyboys. Blue Sky Bar open all night, with “Nu” resting on a lawn chair, keeping an eye on things. Andy Mauw and the boys up to their usual -- “sets” of half-liter Mekong whiskey, coke and buckets of ice. They will have several each before dawn. Andy has begun to babble in Glaswegian. Few understand what he’s saying.

Back at Dominoes, Andy Gill has begun to get loosened up, telling people he’s from Ireland (he’s actually from outside London). “Mam” is smiling demurely. David West, too, is getting loose. There are many members of the Hash House Harriers around. And so the night continues, like many would after, with a party that seldom stopped.

Where they are today:

David West arrested for whacky-tabacky, jailed and released. His wife managed to get the bar and sold it. After living in the hills, David is rumored to have moved to China. His brother died of a sudden, strange illness and was memorialized by the Hash House Harriers. Shane pulled out the area and concentrated his considerable talents in Taton, where he has a large hotel and tour business. Recently opened the Just Kaosoi Restaurant in Chiang Mai.

Andy Gill and Mam became infamous in the Kirsty Jones case. Andy inherited some money and bought the Aree Guest House. The rest is history. They were already together, in some way, that long ago.

From the Blue Sky Bar: Rudi died from a drug overdose. “Nu” did very well and eventually receded from the scene to build a big house. At last report had another German boyfriend. Andy Mauw, after so many years of staggering home (and falling in the moat more than once) fell in his guesthouse room, gashed his head and bled to death. Richard had to undergo serious surgery for damage to his pancreas. He survived, but is still ill. He continues to run a small business in Chiang Mai. Abe, at last report, continues to hang around the area, a waif of a man with long gray hair, possibly overstaying his visa by many, many years. The fate of the Australian with the cane is not known.

Me: Got a steady job, kept it, and eventually married. Now living quietly south of town.

Oh, and then there’s the crazy Australian, Allen, who owned the Overlander Bar down Moon Muang, but that’s another story…

Any old timers out there with stories to add?

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Oh, and then there’s the crazy Australian, Allen,  who owned the Overlander Bar down Moon Muang, but that’s another story…

Any old timers out there with stories to add?

Well lad, anything to do with the Beer Bar Center or Dominos is for some of us still recent history not worth waxing nostalgic. Now Alan's original bar, the Lovebirds, can stir some faded memories from the days when other things use to stir.

But the stories stay the same. Farang comes to Chiang Mai, maybe buys bar, and ends up dead or in jail in home country. If you want lowest common denominator, there was the ol' Welchman's Pit with the dirt floor. I actually had dinner with the Welchman a few years ago so he might still be around.

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I actually had dinner with the Welchman a few years ago so he might still be around.

Did he own a tuk-tuk?

I have been thinking about my first year in Chiang Mai and some the characters around then…

The scene: Moon Muang Road, 1993

Yep ---- brings back some good and bad memories

Couple of others you may have run across/

Skipper who has since passed away

Frank Truman -- who was going to turn the old ‘Dang Fantastic “ joint [front of the old Top North Hotel ] into a suave nite spot --- never got further than writing menus on envelopes

JB -- Former Marine- Big guy Black belt Judo Instructor

Gino short guy from the Hollywood movie making business

Orathai Mam’s predecessor

Butch and Tune

The Trink wanna be who borrowed from half of Chiang Mai and paid back little if any reportedly fleeced a wheelchair guy out of a Chiang Mai Magazine business

I think Ian was the gimpy Aus guy with the Gnarl Head walking stick

Another gimpy guy -- American bearded, used to walk all over the city with two walking crutches

Oman John—used to be in/out between jobs in Oman

Oklahoma Richard

Brian --- who used to work for Chizzle Charlie—had early hand phone like army radio

Brian Cheers

Moon Garden Max

Pom and Andy

The Moon Garden Pig who’s best friend was Lucky the 3 legged dog -- Who piggy always tried to hump --- Piggy would always run to the gate when someone showed up and barked like Lucky

Mostly good memories from those days

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I have been thinking about my first year in Chiang Mai and some the characters around then…

The scene: Moon Muang Road, 1993

Yep ---- brings back some good and bad memories

Couple of others you may have run across/

Skipper who has since passed away

>> Yes I rember Skip. Like many you mentioned hung out in the Moon Garden (and many other places). Vietnam Veteran from the Navy.

Gino --short guy from the Hollywood movie making business

>> Still here a few years ago.

The Trink wanna be who borrowed from half of Chiang Mai and paid back little if any reportedly fleeced a wheelchair guy out of a Chiang Mai Magazine business

>> Still here and still owns it.

I think Ian was the gimpy Aus guy with the Gnarl Head walking stick

>>That's right...that's his name.

Oman John—used to be in/out between jobs in Oman

>>Still around when not working in the Middle East.

Brian Cheers

>>Started a language school and lost it. Went into the therapy business...apparently is a licensed psychologist. Don't know now.

Moon Garden Max

>>Got another place just down from the Brasserie. Don't know if he's still there.

The Moon Garden Pig who’s best friend was Lucky the 3 legged dog -- Who piggy always tried to hump --- Piggy would always run to the gate when someone showed up and barked like Lucky

>>I rember the pig...used to root up the entire lawn.

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Once again I have a brief missive from the Khun Anon, who asks that I post on his behalf:

"Very accurate picture of Domino and Up 2 U (now True Blue and Out Back) in the days of David West, now teaching English in China and his younger brother Martin, who sadly passed away back in UK with a nasty dose of fungus on the lungs and heart. This was incurred when he and another regular, Kiwi Eddy, dived into the Kok river at Ban Taton (Shane's place, since sold) to rescue a Thai girl from drowning.

Eddie was ill immediately from swallowing river water, so got the treatment needed. Martin was OK at the timet but it killed him years later.

The big Aussie with the big hat and cane was also a tragic story. He had a security job with an airline and in a fracas with a thief he was pushed out of the plane door. The altitude was something like 15 ft as the plane happened to be on the tarmac at Bangkok at the time, but sadly the steps had not arrived yet. He was very badly injured and lucky to be able to walk and talk at all. Died since.

Another sad demise was one of the place's very best customers, Roger the English agronomist., now RIP in the Foreign Cemetery thanks to lousy post-operative care at a local hospital. His side kick, tall Jeremy, is still around occasionally, with wife Audrey the pie maker and dangerous driver.

More medical negligence? Another local hospital killed tall Brian, the Hong Kong Brit former property man who was a regular and great friend of Charlee Top North. Operated for an ulcer, found it was cancer and he was gone in 2 weeks.

'Absent friends' still alive include Johann the mad Swedish missionary, last heard of running a pig farm in Hod, big Ian the Aussie who earns a living hanging out of helicopters taking pictures (back here soon) and Irish John who teaches English in Saudi. He still returns to his bar and bookshop across the road from the infamous old Aree Guest House. I can't agree with another poster who claimed John knew 'more than he let on' about the Kirsty Jones tragedy. Andy 'the voice' certainly did, but he won't ever be coming back to see justice done!

Mam, former Domino night cashier, is hitched up with Scottish Alan in Scotland and Toon, former day cashier, married Butch the US Navy officer (who did a marathon run the length of Thailand, remember?). They have a baby and live happily in US.

Andy 'mao' certainly went to the big bar in the sky the way you recall, while drinking buddy Abe lives happily with lots of books and no booze at the McKean Rehab centre just outside town.

Tony Harris (ex Black Cat) runs a sausage and pie company in Pattaya, tall Cockney Max is still to be seen now and then, but wonder what became of big 'JB', the Vietnam vet and self defence expert? Brad 'Sir Jeffrey Hillpig-Smythe trekking stick' Harper passed away, Andy 'mao' style, aged only 56 last year, his lovely blond Cindy may come back from the States soon.

Yes, it was quite a place. Still is. But like nostalgia, it ain't what it used to be."

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Thank you for that 1p1.

I'm glad that Big Ian, the former Oz policeman and long-time aerial photographer, is well. I saw him take a guy apart in the Bar Beer Center. The guy deserved it, but Ian was apologetic. He's a very nice guy, but in his cups, can be dangerous. C'mon, he's huge in size. But he's a nice guy. I'm glad he's well.

I spent some time with him in Vientiene...ah, but that's another story.

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I was always thinking that the "good lod time" was before the BBC opened ...

when everybody used to know everybody, and the times we could have friends, the time when most of us made our Thai relationships that still last now.

1993, was already a bit too late for "fun" ...

early 90's was a lot better ... imho :o

I hope that some remember Domino's in 90 ... and the nights of pool, with Martin, Sandy, Ron, Alan, James .. and so many more :D

just my view ...

you all forgot Guy(french guy) .. (rip)

thanks for not forget Skeeper (rip)

and just to say, Max is still around after long stories ...

had a bar along the river with a guest-house attached but got busted ...

and then after some adventures, came back as should be still around ..

can't leave!

just, where to go ...?


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Thanks for that. I knew a lot of those guys some good friends.

Disagree with the comments about Andy of Aree guest house fame. His only crime was probabley not keeping an eye on his place.

I doubt the Welshman is still around. He was fairly unwell in 1992 the last time I saw him.

Big Ian had moved to Indonesia a few years back, though he still turned up at sixes time.

Everyone in town knows Trink.

Edited by lamphun
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Thanks for that. I knew a lot of those guys some good friends.

Disagree with the comments about Andy of Aree guest house fame. His only crime was probabley not keeping an eye on his place.

I doubt the Welshman is still around. He was fairly unwell in 1992 the last time I saw him.

Big Ian had moved to Indonesia a few years back, though he still turned up at sixes time.

Everyone in town knows Trink.


I know/knew most all of the people in your post. I was around Chiang Mai from 88 till late 93 when I moved to Phuket. For what it's worth "Kiwi Eddy" is currently visiting me for a few months. Heard from David West and Big Ian McDougle just after the tsunanmi. Heard from Black Cat Tony about 2 years ago and is based somewhere in the Rayong area, making meat pies etc. Have'nt seen him since 93. Canadian Scot is still up there running O'Malleys, spoke with him yesterday. Good to hear old Abe is still truckin !!! Anyone remember Nong and Bee from the Black Cat ??? I spent most of my time there and used to have an absolute ball !!!

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I thought I’d pass this along:

The Mrs. and I were driving home from the market and saw the sign for McKean Hostiptal (we live not too far away), so I thought I’d drop in and see the place after the post from 1p1 about Abe and the old times. Really interesting area…historic (more than 100 years old) and big land…and I’ll be dam*ed…there’s Abe sitting out taking in some fresh air.

We parked and walked up to him and I said do you remember me? -- it’s been maybe 10 years -- and he said my name. Said he didn’t remember me by sight, but remembered my voice.

He said he’s doing “all right” and now has a disability pension from the U.K. and everything’s covered.

He seemed to be comfortable and peaceful there. It is very a peaceful place.

I was impressed -- The U.K. government really did help one of their own by getting him on disability. We can say what we want about the Christians, but it’s great for Abe that place is there. It was a leper colony before, so McKean’s has a long history ... There are also a number of Thais who have lost limbs cycling around on special bicycles. It’s now called the McKean Rehabilitation Center.

(OK, I'll now stop with the old time stuff. I think I got it out of my system)

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