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Mild Panic! Return Flight Shows Longer Than 30 Days!

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Hopefully someone can help me!

I'm flying to Thailand with a group, all on the same flights. We originally had our flights organised to return within the 30 day limit on the free stamp (we're Irish). Only now the flights have been moved, due to the airline cancelling our outbound flight, and while we have return flights they show a 31 day stay. I know that we can simply do a border hop to avoid overstaying, but I'm worried what will happen at the airport. Can we be refused? Can we be sent home?

Appreciate the help! We're leaving next week, so no time to get a visa now! And changing the flights is going to cost us!

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If you get refused at BKK (highly unlikely in my opinion, but you might get charged 500 Bt per day overstay when you leave), then the airline will have to pay for your flight home ( because they should not have let you board the plane in Ireland). Therefore be prepared for a problem at departure airport --- suggest you ask them to re-arrange your ticket and get a letter of explanation if they cannot.

The planes in and out of BKK are half empty at the moment anyway, so logically (western logic) the Thai Immigration will be delighted to see you.

However, this is Asia ----- but then, you are Irish ------ so ------ all part of life's rich tapestry.

Enjoy your holiday.

Oh and Slan

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There should not be a problem as you would always be given a chance to buy or change ticket at boarding time - just allow time. Any ticket out would do so a full refundable ticket could be obtained or a throw away cheap one. I expect boarding without doing this will be allowed as they changed the flights. There is virtually no chance Immigration in Thailand would even question you.

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I had heard about the "onus on the airline" thing, with the problem going to be when boarding. I could kill my travel agent, who told me that there wouldn't be an issue. The "disposable flight" idea is clever, thanks lopburi3! I reckon that would be our best last-minute bet.

All the officials that I've talked to keep parroting the official line that I need a visa if my flights show later, but as that's not an option now...

Thanks for the replies, I'll keep thinking about the prob!

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I think the problem could be getting on the plane in Ireland, have you worked out the days exactly, do you arrive the day after you leave Ireland, if so will that make it only 30 days here?

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When leaving by air, immigration even don't fine you for a 1 day overstay. (They will stamp the passport you had an overstay, but there are ni problems in getting another visa).

That's a useful nugget of information too. Thanks.

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Hi only poss prob could be the airline operator may refuse you to fly from dublin, some airlines may do this, regarding the that immigration ,, no probs there,,, my friend flies into BKK every 5 weeks and stays for 5 weeks and pays a fine for overstay on exit, he never shows return flights on entry to thailand and they have never asked him for return flight itiniary in 3 years of travelling to thai. best to give airline operator a call to see what their requirements are

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