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Marketing Thailand

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The Thai government is having high level talks with private and public business to develop strategies to renue interest in Thailand and market it as a tourist destination.

So far they have worked out that social media is cost effective.

They have started a twitter account and a facebook page.



if you have twitter, I have started a #tag #BTAT (best thing about thailand) post what you think the best thing is about.... Thailand...

Maybe we can help out....

I think that we should all do our part to help, what else could we do?

This country needs tourism to function (yes I know all the arguements to this, but for now, lets just assume that untill the reliance on tourism changes, Thailand would suffer greatly with extended periods of low tourist numbers)

Another thing to remember is that, even though Thailand bounced back after the Tsunami, the Airport closing and other issues, the fact that CNN is still reporting worldwide that there is still a risk of violent elements of the protest who are still armed and willing to go at it agian, that it may take more time and effort than before.....

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Why do I care, yes I am in the tourist business...... like 15% of Thailands population.

Everyone should care, If you live here you should be concerned about the economy and the people.....

Think about it, if a huge % of the population loose its only form of income, then well, Thailand becomes not as nice a place to live. Think about it.

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The first thing I would do is outsource the whole country promotion thing.

To a 3rd party that only gets paid based on actual visitors to the country. 100% incentive based. No fees, just commission.

No need for TAT bureaucracy and inefficiency.

Hire Disney to do it, or Lin Ping.

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TheKingfisher' date='2010-06-02 19:12:06' '3661566']

Again, a good option, but still not one where were working together to do something for the country...

Do you ever read the actual content of threads on TV ? Have you suddenly become the new Mesiah or some such hallowed one ? Tv is somewhat similar to a union , brothers all united until you ask which ones will take a cut in pay to keep their brothers employed , " Brother , what's a brother "? .

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I am afraid that we wil, if we want to cooperate, have a hel_l of job.

What country can be taken seriously if one of the arrested leaders of the redshirts can have his say in the parliament.


And I am afraid, this has been seen by a lot of newsagencies, governments and private people.

I sincerely hope Thailand will bounce back as a tourist destination.

The best way to do this is lure the farang back here.

Because they stay the longest and spend the most in the local economy

But I am thinking this will not happen, because of the financial crisis.

Maybe make it easier for legitemate pensioners to stay in Thailand, do something about the pensioners who now start to find out that because of the fall of the pound and the euro, the income is not enough any more.

People have to go back home, many times leaving wife and sometimes children behind.

And because of the low income in the country of origin find out that what they get as a pension is not enough to live on for one person, let alone send money to wife and/or children.

Maybe those people are not the tourists or long time guests the government would like, but they happen to bring in a lot of money into the local economy.

I also think these long time stay people promote the country much more as any leaflet can do.

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Why not give to all those involed in tourism, courses on greed, customer service and being polite to visitors. Also stop messing about with visas and all Thais to be taught how to be welcoming and nice to visitors. Reduce prices on many products and then they would be half way there. At present, Thailand hasnt a market to target. Students etc, now go to Cambodia, Laos etc. Families wont touch the place since the coup and sex pests get it cheaper in other parts of Asia. Sad to say, Thailands tourist economy is not going to pick up for many many years to come.

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Get real, there are so many alternatives that offer better safety & customer experience. TAT is utterly devoid of any competence but they are not accountable so will continue to keep their highly paid jobs. THAI is equally bad, they have restarted flying to South Africa today but have so far not placed one advertisement to tell this to S. Africans & the S.A travel industry was so alienated by the way they pulled out last year that they positively sell people off flying with them as they are classed as an unreliable airline. Until these two key organisations are rebuilt there will be no chance of any success. The world does not need Thailand and Thailand thinks it does. It is called delusion.

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That is one option,

anything that you can think of that we can do ourselves?

Lets work together people!

Outsource it to me. Pay me 1000 baht for every tourist I can convince to come here.

I will do it for no cash! Just give me a) the right to own 1/2 Rai of land in Nakhon Nowhere and :) outlaw double pricing.

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