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Warrant Of Arrest

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Thanks for it all. But Dave...I am in disagreement about the cost of living in Vietnam. It is on par with Thailand in every regard. Last month I got by very well on 500 us dollars. And I made 1400 us dollars salary. This is a place that is growing on me fast. The people are incredible and there are no hassles from the police. And the people are wonderful. Yesterday I asked myself if I would return to Thialand if I could. And I said no...I like it here too much now. The wife is coming next week and I think I will be very happy indeed. I think, after three years in Thailand, I thought that was all there was. Now I realize that, especially in the present climate in Thailand, I would prefer it here. And I am saving a ton of money. 6000 baht for a top apartment. 60 baht for a good meal. I say it is definately on par, price wise with Thailand.

But if I do return to Thailand when the statute of limitations expires, will i have been blacklisted? Will I still have to go before the judge and wait in a Thai jail until it is sorted?

Thanks everyone. If any of you want some info pertaining to my ordeal or life in Vietnam....feel free to ask.

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But if I do return to Thailand when the statute of limitations expires, will i have been blacklisted? Will I still have to go before the judge and wait in a Thai jail until it is sorted?

at this time no one on this forum can predict what the police or immigration computer system will be like after 7 years. you may be welcomed or handcuffed. or you may be welcomed and handcuffed.

you are enjoying your life in viet nam and your honey is coming to join you, be happy.

unless you have the funds to have a GOOD CONNECTED LAWYER pursue your legal problems here in Thailand, don't even think about stepping foot back here.

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I don't know how much thai immigration is "stupid". I don't know which town are you from, where were you born. Supposing you were not born in a big city, if the computer at immigration works properly, it would show :

We are searching for a man named John Smith, born in Smalltown on february 4th 1974, now comes to immigration Frank White, born in Smalltown on february 4th 1974, here's his picture (they have your picture from visa application).

Is it the same person?

If you get there, after the jail probably would be blacklisted for life. So there's no point in getting back. Call your girl out of Thailand, marry her, take her to your home country and have a job, or after married go on working in Vietnam until the crime will be statute-barred (correct?) according to thai law.

I know this is not how you planned your life, but you can consider this a "payment" for your "stupidity" as you called.

Of course you should also contact a thai lawyer through your wife, to know better what you risk etc..

If they are in any way suspicious, they only need to enter your date of birth and nationality and up will come the list of people from that country born on that date. It isn't mind boggling in sophistication, but it is pretty darned thorough and effective.

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Hi Gouged,

Thank goodness you have become attached to Vietnam.

Love is blind and nearly dragged you back to Thailand.

I have some thoughts:

You are not married she is not your wife.

Others seem to be regarding your GF as a piece of Bggage

- get her to Vietnam - take her to your home country.

AND they seem to have overlooked what she may want to do.

You said she has a High Profile job - which I guess she

does not wish to give up readily. So presumably she is

coming on a visit - not to join you - as someone assumed.

Taking a GF / wife to your home country is not just getting

an AirPlane Ticket. There are Visa problems to be overcome

- which may be more complex in your current situation.

I guess your Long Term goal will always be to Return to

Thailand. But I suggest you spend your immediate

Time & Effort on the short term - to ensure that

you are safe from arrest.

Some weeks ago there was talk of Thailand and its

neighbours becoming a single Visa area - if this

happens - does it have implications for your

situation? What is your Visa status in Veitnam?

Maybe you should consider somewhere a little

further away for example Philipines.

I would like to take you up on your offer for some info.

Could you please expand on the Facilities you have for

a Bht 6,000 apartment? (Bedrooms /bathrooms) and is

that in Ho Chi Min or Hanoi or neither of these places

(I don't expect you to be more specific than that.)

Good Luck


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Hi again. In response to about your saying the 500 dollars is good living, well I just kind of wonder what living you are doing my friend.

I have some very concrete sources that have explicily told me the living is kinda high over there and income to sustain such living to be in something decent like in for example > An apartment in Thailand, with just a bedroom and kitchen bare necessities, bathroom and shower and A/C all in one with a small balconey costs average around 12 - 14 thousand baht a month. To me this is bare minimum clean living for a single person. Getting a double room over in thailand is around 18,000 baht a month depending how long you are staying in this place. Yes they do give discounts to regulars or long term stayers etc.

Now compare this to what you just said. From my sources they say it costs about that much if not more to foreigners living in Vietnam. All of them have said to live on 500 dollars a month is insane and next to impossible since they do have a two level system.

So I would have to assume (pardon of the word), but to me you are living something on bare means with just enough necessities to get by in Vietnam, and of course your location is another matter. Not counting food, and other expenses and clothing and traveling around etc.

Ok at range of 13,000 baht for apartment, that is around 330.00 usa dollars. What about your food, what about your transportation, what about your water bill, electric bill, any cleaning services etc and so on. That alone can amount to another 500 or more. Ok so now we are in the 850 range or more USA dollars.

How you are doing it, >>>>>> is beyond me.

Oh and these sources I trust. They have lived there for a lot longer than you have and bless you for being in Vietnam now and not at the Hilton.

Going to the Philippines, might be a lot easier for you if you live outside of Manila. Now I can tell you all about this since my ex was a Philippino and I have been there numerous times. She lived inside Manila, but when we went out of the city, holy cow, the possibilities are numerous, but again, remember your in Asia, and these people are indeed on the poor side. Dealing with Philippinos is another bag of thorns to handle and totally much different than Vietnam and Thailand.

Yes seeing you be a foreigner, of course they will ante up the prices etc, and also try to use you as an ATM, but a heck of a lot easier to be with them since they accept foreigners much more readily than in Vietnam and Thailand. In these two countries, their culture takes precedent over others. Philippines is opposite. Yes they abide their culture, but they can easily throw it away instantly once they become anothers nationality.

Last I know of, Philippines have really relaxed their regulations concerning foreigners wanting to live there, and or own businesses. Depending on what you are going to do. They have come a long way the last 10 years or so.

So if you can make it on 500 dollars a month more power to you. To me, I see it being impossible, but again, we all get surprises huh :D

Do take care my friend. Stay safe and KEEP AWAY FROM THAILAND. Just look at Thailand and vision this in your mind always " THE HILTON " if you ever step back into that country for any particular reason even if it is piddly. Just the thought of that place gives me the willies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and the constant reminder makes me always want to be totally straight and keep myself as private as possible. The less they know of you the better off you are. I cannot trust anyone inside that land, till I get to know their language well. Once I learn it, I plan on using it sparingly, so the less they know of me knowing their language the better my cards are and I can have the upper hand on most things as it moves on. One big bright side for you is that Vietnam is separated with Cambodia and Laos in the middle. That is one big thing you got going for you now which reduces your temptations etc.

If I were you look homeward bound long term, where you came from. Nothing better than your real home. Think of it as Truth or Dare. One of the TV shows. :o


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Hey, don't forget that some people are more cunning (right word?) than others.

Even in thailand I know people paying a lot more than what they should for their apartment, as an example... (how long they have been in the country doesn't matter...)

And not everybody need to eat Tbone steack and french fries everyday....

(even in Vietnam Rice isn't so expensive!)

500 usd for food, transportation, water bill, electric bill, isn't it too much?

(except for the stupid one who choose an apartment too far from his job)

And about coming back to Thailand sometimes, I'm sure he could (custom or not, they are Thai!), but maybe hard to figure out now after having read so many alarmist posts...

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well even if you eat thai food, it can amount to average for a man, around 8000 baht a month and that is already 200 dollars my friend. I know if you use electricity to use that A/C you are going to pay anywhere from 5,000 to 7000 baht easy. And I did not even mentioned having a mobile phone either. Now what about transportation. You can easily spend up to 200 baht a day going just to two places give or take depending on your destination. Ok now add this all up, and heck it will bring you right smack around 500 dollars at a crack right here.

Living on 500 dollars a month, you have to almost be a hermit and live without the basic needed things give or take. So lets be real here. I can show you my bills and it is not funny. What about needing medications, or if you get sick or you get hurt????????? Aanything for entertainment????? or for some beers etc.

Like I said, 500 it is gone before you even begin to live.

Daveyoti :o

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I know if you use electricity to use that A/C you are going to pay anywhere from 5,000 to 7000


You are quotying your experience

probably from living in an Expat area like Sukhumvit.

I used to pay Bht 18,000 Rent and Bht 6,000

Electricity for a 2 Bed/2 Bath Flat - but the electric

bill had a 100% mark up by the Flat owner.

Now I have been here longer, I have found a

2 bed / 2 bath Apartment near Ramkamhaeng

Costs Bht9,000 monthly rent and only Bht 2,000

Electricity (I can show you my bills.) - no mark up

by flat owner. I have 3 Aircons - one I use every night.

I can afford to have the a/c on any time I need it.

I am retired and have the a/c on most mornings & evenings

Your experience is not the same as mine!

There is no Swimming pool ...

- but there is 24 hours security, several Laundry

shops, 4 groceries, a Restaurant all in the Compound.

Do you really think that people with limited resources will spend

Bht 8,000 on Thai Food ? - You are presumably talking about

eating in an Expensive Restaurant!

Using the services of the Restaurant in my Apartment block

- it would be very easy to stay within Bht 3,000 for

3 meals a day (I don't do that - I eat out at the Malls)

but it is also easy to make some meals at home ...

Transport - have you noticed those Motocyclists

with Numbered vests? And Thailand has buses too

We don't HAVE to ride in Taxi's all the time!

OK - I admit that I do & I spend at least Bht 200

per day as you say - but those with limited

resources have cheaper means available to them.

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I know if you use electricity to use that A/C you are going to pay anywhere from 5,000 to 7000 baht easy.

I spend less than that for a six bedroom house with 6 refrigerators, 4 airconditioners, 5 water heaters, washer/dryer, dishwasher and 8-10 people living in it. And I don't live on the cheap.

A two story/two bedroom townhouse rents for about 6k here in my Bangkok mooban.

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Bangkok electricity bills are scarry, My last months electricity bill up here in Isaan was 460 baht (cold season), hot season around 580 baht, no aircon but lots of fans running day and night in hot season. my house is not large (see avatar) but it is an awful lot cheaper to run than a BKK condo. :o

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I feel I live very well on my 500 dollars. Granted I am trying to replenish the funds from my wonderful Thai experience, but by no means am I a Hermit. For the 150 dollars I get a large room, 1 bedroom, sattelite t.v. full laundry service, maid in 3 times a week; huge 26 inch t.v. balcony on the 7th floor; full size fridge and portable cooking; dvd player; centre of town and breakfast every morning. Basic eggs and toast and coffee. electricity is about 800 baht a month and I have the air con on when I am there and all night.

I eat out all the time. But the posh, waste of cash places I stay away from. PLenty of good Vietnamese food for 40 baht a plate. I also have a motorbike that I rent for 35 dollars a month so I go everywhere on it. 20 baht a day for gas, upkeep provided by rental company. And I do my beer hound nights as well. Maybe 2 times a week, sometimes 3. 60 Baht for a large Carlsberg in the Bars but the real nice places it goes for about 100baht.

I could live better and I am no patron of the ladies of the night. That indeed would plow into your wallet. But it is the people that have been so great. I feel welcomed here and it is so easy for a visa. I am on a 6 month/ multiple entry business visa. 100 us dollars. No hassles whatsoever. This is just my word and I have been here in (I should not say where...paranoia.)

Anyway, My need to come back at some point is because of the roots I have there and my GF's family. But I am waiting for info from the ministry of Education. Apparently my school submitted a fake degree to them from the University of Miami, but then went ahead and submitted another one to the labour board from a Canadian university. My GF has been in touch with a very helpful man in the ministy and he has promised to supply me with the documents to show it. He tells me (Conjecture and rumour I know but I must follow every lead) that the school originally denied the Canadian uni cert because it was not a good fake. So the school resubmitted another, Made by them, from the uni of Miami. It just gets deeper and while the shit is sorted I will be waiting here instead of the Hilton.


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