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Help With Getting An Attorney With Knowledge And Experience With Condos In Bkk To Stop Owners From Acting Like Short Time Hotel Renters.


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Please help with getting the laws for Condo rentals in Bkk that rent by the day. I was told that they should have special license for hotels to be allowed to do this? Can someone that knows the law give me details of what I can do to stop this? The short time renters treat the pool and gym and jacuzzi area like a pig stye, and the security and Manager allow this? The Committee seems to be people that do not live there but rent and they don't seem to care. what can I do to stop this?

Thanks in advance.

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Look in the Bangkok Post or google for some Thai law firms...then make some calls. Us ThaiVisa lawyers (i.e., laymen with widely varying opinions) ain't going to be able to give you the detailed law guidance you need...unless some ThaiVisa member actually is a real lawyer and wants to post some guidance.

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Two major issues (1) violation of law regarding zoning, lack of licenses for activities and the like, a police or government regulation enforcement issue, good luck once you report it. (2) civil enforcement through the condo association, you have said the condo association of owners managing committee don't care. Concerted action by other owners bothered by the same thing is necessary to replace board with those who care.

Many lenders will not lend money to buy a condo when the non-owner occupied units get to be too high a proportion for the natural forces of home owner concern evaporates as the building becomes largely tenant occupied. That is the reason there are "good" condo buildings, those with good management, a caring ruling board and large owner occupied percentages.

You might start by finding a "good" building and talking to the management there as to how to best approach solving your problem.

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There is no law and you were told wrong.

Condo's are individually owned and owner can rent it for 1 day to 100 years if he/she wishes too.

This is not a hotel business and private individual does not need to have any permits or licenses to rent out their private property.

If you own a condo in that building and bothered by it, you can always bring it up at the committee meeting (but i doubt anything will be changed, as long as owner gets money for his property, they very happy and your discomfort about pool etc is not their problem)

If you rent a condo in the building, in that case you do not have a right to complain full stop.

If you are an owner of the room there and you do not want your room to be rented out daily, you can ask management to stop renting your room by the day

Edited by kuffki
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There is no law and you were told wrong.

Condo's are individually owned and owner can rent it for 1 day to 100 years if he/she wishes too.

This is not a hotel business and private individual does not need to have any permits or licenses to rent out their private property.

If you own a condo in that building and bothered by it, you can always bring it up at the committee meeting (but i doubt anything will be changed, as long as owner gets money for his property, they very happy and your discomfort about pool etc is not their problem)

If you rent a condo in the building, in that case you do not have a right to complain full stop.

If you are an owner of the room there and you do not want your room to be rented out daily, you can ask management to stop renting your room by the day

Thanks for the feedback, yes it is a Condo I own,

No, the Condo Juristic does not do the renting, some owners that do not live there,

use some people to post on bulletin board and I heard one soi 11 hostel bought 10 apartments

and rent out these by the day, that is why it feels like a hostel or YMCA or short time hotel, these

visitors use the common areas like they own it, and real owners like myself cannot even get into the pool, jacuzzi,

or gym or chairs when it is really busy.

I have complained to the Juristic and Committee and requested to be on the Committee and will

try and get others involved in doing away with this policy of daily motel type treatment in this Condo.

That is why I want to follow up on what the laws are in Thailand.

My Thai girlfriend called Land office and they say they do not know?

She called the Tax office and they didn't help either.

So the next was here and then getting legal advice.

I like this location and the facilities here and am happy that I bought here

and happy with the possibilities that people will realize that a few bad apples that

are milking this buildings resources making this a hostel/motel, overall the property value

is being lowered and the people that want to rent out for yearly or so are not being

accommodated as was in the past when this building first went up.

I rented for 3 years and love it overall. For those that like to hear others woes,

and feel good about themselves for not buying, good for them, but throwing away those

rents for 3 years after 10 years this place is like living rent free.

The small issues will be fixed in the long run.

They will get new Management soon, and some of the issues about people smoking, they recently

put up signs, and notices of when the pool PH and Chlorine were checked.

Hopefully the security will do their job and get people to follow the Condo rules like

shower before entering the pool etc. The last part about legalities I have been given allot of advice

about that by people that are not legally aware of Thai laws. So like anything else, people get what they pay for and I will have

to pay to find out what the laws are. If the law is in their favor and Board can overrule it with a vote

then I will make the owners aware of the situation and the pros and cons of having this policy in effect for the few

that do daily rentals.

If they still choose to keep things this way then I will make my decision about leaving and finding another condo or renting or buying a house with more privacy.

All in all I am very happy retired and living here. We survived the heat in the kitchen recently and sad about the loss of lives and the horrors we have seen and have hope that sanity and civility will prevail here now and in the future. I wish all well a day at a time.Thanks again for the feedback and good luck to us all.

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There is no law and you were told wrong.

Condo's are individually owned and owner can rent it for 1 day to 100 years if he/she wishes too.

This is not a hotel business and private individual does not need to have any permits or licenses to rent out their private property.

If you own a condo in that building and bothered by it, you can always bring it up at the committee meeting (but i doubt anything will be changed, as long as owner gets money for his property, they very happy and your discomfort about pool etc is not their problem)

If you rent a condo in the building, in that case you do not have a right to complain full stop.

If you are an owner of the room there and you do not want your room to be rented out daily, you can ask management to stop renting your room by the day

Thanks for the feedback, yes it is a Condo I own,

No, the Condo Juristic does not do the renting, some owners that do not live there,

use some people to post on bulletin board and I heard one soi 11 hostel bought 10 apartments

and rent out these by the day, that is why it feels like a hostel or YMCA or short time hotel, these

visitors use the common areas like they own it, and real owners like myself cannot even get into the pool, jacuzzi,

or gym or chairs when it is really busy.

I have complained to the Juristic and Committee and requested to be on the Committee and will

try and get others involved in doing away with this policy of daily motel type treatment in this Condo.

That is why I want to follow up on what the laws are in Thailand.

My Thai girlfriend called Land office and they say they do not know?

She called the Tax office and they didn't help either.

So the next was here and then getting legal advice.

I like this location and the facilities here and am happy that I bought here

and happy with the possibilities that people will realize that a few bad apples that

are milking this buildings resources making this a hostel/motel, overall the property value

is being lowered and the people that want to rent out for yearly or so are not being

accommodated as was in the past when this building first went up.

I rented for 3 years and love it overall. For those that like to hear others woes,

and feel good about themselves for not buying, good for them, but throwing away those

rents for 3 years after 10 years this place is like living rent free.

The small issues will be fixed in the long run.

They will get new Management soon, and some of the issues about people smoking, they recently

put up signs, and notices of when the pool PH and Chlorine were checked.

Hopefully the security will do their job and get people to follow the Condo rules like

shower before entering the pool etc. The last part about legalities I have been given allot of advice

about that by people that are not legally aware of Thai laws. So like anything else, people get what they pay for and I will have

to pay to find out what the laws are. If the law is in their favor and Board can overrule it with a vote

then I will make the owners aware of the situation and the pros and cons of having this policy in effect for the few

that do daily rentals.

If they still choose to keep things this way then I will make my decision about leaving and finding another condo or renting or buying a house with more privacy.

All in all I am very happy retired and living here. We survived the heat in the kitchen recently and sad about the loss of lives and the horrors we have seen and have hope that sanity and civility will prevail here now and in the future. I wish all well a day at a time.Thanks again for the feedback and good luck to us all.

I can feel your pain, but there is no law or anything you can do about.

The units are not registered as a business and as such do not fall under any law.

Your only real option is at the next meeting of owners, bring up the question and try to get the majority, but again this will not really work because its individually owned and no one can restrict owners from renting their property

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Please help with getting the laws for Condo rentals in Bkk that rent by the day. I was told that they should have special license for hotels to be allowed to do this? Can someone that knows the law give me details of what I can do to stop this? The short time renters treat the pool and gym and jacuzzi area like a pig stye, and the security and Manager allow this? The Committee seems to be people that do not live there but rent and they don't seem to care. what can I do to stop this?

Thanks in advance.

"The short time renters treat the pool and gym and jacuzzi area like a pig stye...".

Sounds like: Mommy Mommy,got shit in my pants. Answer: Change your PAMPERS.

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Please help with getting the laws for Condo rentals in Bkk that rent by the day. I was told that they should have special license for hotels to be allowed to do this? Can someone that knows the law give me details of what I can do to stop this? The short time renters treat the pool and gym and jacuzzi area like a pig stye, and the security and Manager allow this? The Committee seems to be people that do not live there but rent and they don't seem to care. what can I do to stop this?

Thanks in advance.

"The short time renters treat the pool and gym and jacuzzi area like a pig stye...".

Sounds like: Mommy Mommy,got shit in my pants. Answer: Change your PAMPERS.

OP asked for advice or a lawyer and you offer what exactly? oh wait absolutely nothing!

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Please help with getting the laws for Condo rentals in Bkk that rent by the day. I was told that they should have special license for hotels to be allowed to do this? Can someone that knows the law give me details of what I can do to stop this? The short time renters treat the pool and gym and jacuzzi area like a pig stye, and the security and Manager allow this? The Committee seems to be people that do not live there but rent and they don't seem to care. what can I do to stop this?

Thanks in advance.

As a owner, submit your application to be a member of the owners committee. Standing on the outside yelling does very little, if anything.

Renting out for any length of time is at the discretion of the owner of said unit.

The common areas being occupied is normal, as it is for the use of owners and renters alike. If you think it is a "pig stye" after people have been using it, suggest to the management to arrange clean up after the "peak" hours of use. Also have the cleaning crew go in and clean up at random times while people are using the areas. This sends a message that the management wants it clean.

Put up signs stating that area should be held clean and no garbage to be left. Any violators should be fined "X baht". Get the approval of the committee for this.

In the end, management is a direct reflection of the committee which is a direct reflection of the co-owners.

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This is the trouble with Strata title units.

In OZ you have to get all the I and T crossed.

But i guess in Thailand it is Rafferty rules.

And hope it might get sorted.

I have seen first hand in OZ what does happen.

Best of luck for the future.

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  • 11 months later...

I was hoping for some real Attorney to write and not give free advice, but to recommend someone that handles cases like this. So sorry that some replies were as I suspected painfully submitted to cause harm rather than help.

One reason why i tread lightly when putting in requests for help. Mean replies do not do anything except make some bullies feel good about themselves at the expense of the one risking their self respect by putting themselves out there and risking be mocked by arrogance and self centered abuse. I hope those that do read and want help are willing to risk this abuse by that small minority of bullies.

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I'm saddened to hear about your dilemma and I hope that someone can point you to some qualified professional help. However, for those of us that have been here for many years, most would agree that unless you know the people with influence in your neighborhood (BIB) it is unlikely that you will resolve this problem to your liking.

Living in the main tourist areas means that you are up against investors of billions of baht in running schemes to bring in more baht. The low end tourism generates as much or more than the more exclusive neighborhoods but the big land owners don't themselves reside in the tourist areas, hence they don't care about one condo owner's complaints. If I was in your position I would contact the best lawyers available to your budget as they usually have the contacts that can help. Us everyday Joe Farangs are seldom able to help in these situations except by pointing you in the direction of people of influence.

It still astounds me when I hear the amount of people that come to a developing foreign country like Thailand without doing their homework and invest their hard earned cash into most peoples largest purchases of a lifetime like homes. Thailand must have a special 'throw caution to the wind effect" on many people.

Best Regards

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Good idea is to rent a condo to see what it's like before you buy it, do you even know what contract you signed?

And all the fuss will most likely just piss the owners off and get you nothing but shit.

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