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Forum Issues And Suggestions


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1. On top of the page, where it shows your member name + small photo of Avatar.....it doesn't show the photo anymore. It did earlier today.

2. I got a message from a Mod but can't see/access it. Previously (also today) it was no problem.


I have the same problem. Can't view my profile. Have a message from a mod but can't view it.

Same problem here. Can't view profiles.

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1. Perform a search on members.

2. Try and re-order the list of search results that appears, e.g. by title instead of date added.

3. When the page reloads, the sort criteria have all changed and you can no longer choose to re-order by Title.

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Can we be certain all PMs will get sent that were sent prior to the change over? I sent some PMs on Sunday but have no idea as to whether thet have arrived as the recipients can not reply as the system stands. Will those people even be able to read the PMs now or are they still tied up in the system somewhere?

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As per my post at the beginning of the thread. Millions of PM's will be migrated. It takes some time. Same with all profile information. G and our webmaster are working night and day to get all features enabled as soon as possible. Please have some patience in this.

Please do not continually repost the profile and PM issue, thanks.

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Hi sbk, I already had read the comments so sorry to repeat them as such, but my questions were a little more specific, I am wondering if PMs sent on Sunday before the change will have been sent as normal, at what point did you start storing them for onward transmission?

Sorry, I am sure this is giving you all a headache haha

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1. Click "Manage Friends" under your username at the top.

2. In the list of friends that appears, click "View posts" next to any of your friends.

3. Takes you to the search page, but should show a list of posts from that user.

Edited by dantilley
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On the New Content page add a "View New Content" button to the Bottom of the page.

Scrolling up to the top of the page each time we want to hit the "view new content" is a pain

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On the New Content page add a "View New Content" button to the Bottom of the page.

Scrolling up to the top of the page each time we want to hit the "view new content" is a pain

on that note, when you do enter the 'new content page' and then wish to navigate to a listed forum instead of one of the new posts listed, there is no drop down menu in which to do so.

you have to click on one of the 'new content' posts which takes you to a page - from there you can find a drop down forum topics menu.

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If you view a list of posts from many different forums, e.g. with the View New Content link, there is a small control which allows you to jump to a specific page in the list - you type in the page number and click "Go". Currently, this just takes you to page 1 every time.

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1."My assistant" has disappeared, this is where I used to be able to check my last ten posts. Are we getting it back?

2. Please advise the purpose of the vote this post up/down buttons?

:DMidas: I have checked your last ten posts mate, you aren't missing much. Believe me.

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1."My assistant" has disappeared, this is where I used to be able to check my last ten posts. Are we getting it back?

2. Please advise the purpose of the vote this post up/down buttons?

:DMidas: I have checked your last ten posts mate, you aren't missing much. Believe me.

8 minutes for that Gem James.....You are slipping mate! BTW, mind telling me how you checked my last ten posts?:)

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1."My assistant" has disappeared, this is where I used to be able to check my last ten posts. Are we getting it back?

2. Please advise the purpose of the vote this post up/down buttons?

:DMidas: I have checked your last ten posts mate, you aren't missing much. Believe me.

8 minutes for that Gem James.....You are slipping mate! BTW, mind telling me how you checked my last ten posts?:)

I posted that thing 20 mins ago mate, don't blame me for the response times.

With regards to how I checked your last 10 posts, well to be honest, I didn't but assumed they weren't that memorable otherwise you wouldn't have needed the assistant to remind you what they were about. :D

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1."My assistant" has disappeared, this is where I used to be able to check my last ten posts. Are we getting it back?

2. Please advise the purpose of the vote this post up/down buttons?

1. In the Profile / My Contents there is an advantage and a disadvantage to the new system.

The advantage is you can view way more than 10 of one's last posts. The disadvanage is they are listed in the the most recent order of when someone Replied; some Thread from months ago you might not be interested in anymore. I would prefer to have them in order, in MY contents, when MY last post was. Subscribe to Topic takes care of keeping one informed or not of a Thread you subscribe to.

The Super Deluxe model would let one Toggle between Last Member Post OR Last MY post. [maybe even an 'option' view from date of OP?]

For now, if you could just change it list MY most recent posts going backwards down the list. please.

2, That Up and Down is going to be OK for how to fix a computer or where to find the best sushi bar, but for Story type threads and news threads, I think it has to stay chronological, who said 'what' and 'when'.

[Perhaps the OP could have the Option to enable this 'feature'!?

vote this one up (;+p

***Maybe let Members Delete Posts from My Content??

Edited by eggomaniac
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1."My assistant" has disappeared, this is where I used to be able to check my last ten posts. Are we getting it back?

2. Please advise the purpose of the vote this post up/down buttons?

:DMidas: I have checked your last ten posts mate, you aren't missing much. Believe me.

8 minutes for that Gem James.....You are slipping mate! BTW, mind telling me how you checked my last ten posts?:D

On the little arrow to the right of your Name, to the left of My Settings, you can Click 'My Contents'. There you can view your last 100's of Posts. Prepare to underwhelmed!:)

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On the little arrow to the right of your Name, to the left of My Settings, you can Click 'My Contents'. There you can view your last 100's of Posts. Prepare to underwhelmed!:)

Not nearly as useful as the former "My Assistant" that allowed one to go directly to one's last 10 posts. This function only lets you see the thread, and then one must hunt down the last post to see the responses. Thus I join with the others who would like to see the functionality of "My Assistant" drop down menu returned. I urge the admins to reconsider this issue.

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What Happend? :)

Is this new layout intentional? Did I miss the memo?

Couple of initial thoughts why is everything so spread out and why are some links so hard to find? like "View new posts"

I'm not impressed but guess I'l have to try and get used to it :D


Where is 'View New Posts'?

'Sign In' and 'Register Now were difficult to see - white lettering on faint grey background

I think I'll come back in a couple of weeks and wait for the bugs to get ironed out.

It's just like getting a new laptop - you know things will be better but ih the teething pains

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A couple of things.

PMs and messenger windows don't work.

I tried to PM Webfact and it says I have no rights to do this.

Can't see profiles or contact anyone except in open forum.

There is no working access to Admin or Mods EXCEPT here, that I have found.

Edited by sbk
remainder of email removed
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I would like to suggest that Thread titles be posted in a more "bold font" Right now, they seem to blend into the background.

2nd - The thread title font itself seems to lack serifs, and that makes more difficult to read. Since this is a text based website - serifs make things much easier. Just my two cents.

Edited by SomTumTiger
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Before there was under every post a "go to top" button which was very handy.I know it is still at the bottom of the page but it was useful to have it below each post.

Solution: Use the "HOME" button on your keyboard. Voila!

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On the little arrow to the right of your Name, to the left of My Settings, you can Click 'My Contents'. There you can view your last 100's of Posts. Prepare to underwhelmed!:)

Not nearly as useful as the former "My Assistant" that allowed one to go directly to one's last 10 posts. This function only lets you see the thread, and then one must hunt down the last post to see the responses. Thus I join with the others who would like to see the functionality of "My Assistant" drop down menu returned. I urge the admins to reconsider this issue.

If you go to 'My Content' there's a drop down box on the right of the page that allows you to select 'View all posts by Johpa'.

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A couple of things.

PMs and messenger windows don't work.

I tried to PM Webfact and it says I have no rights to do this.

Can't see profiles or contact anyone except in open forum.

There is no working access to Admin or Mods EXCEPT here, that I have found.

1. Please read my second post in this thread. It has been covered extensively.

2. email support (at) thaivisa.com

3. It is not appropriate for you to discuss other members issues publicly in the forum, hence your post has been edited. In fact, it is up to those members to deal with these issues themselves and since the member under discussion is in contact with support I fail to grasp why you felt the need to air stuff publicly. dont' do it again.

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A couple of things.

PMs and messenger windows don't work.

I tried to PM Webfact and it says I have no rights to do this.

Can't see profiles or contact anyone except in open forum.

There is no working access to Admin or Mods EXCEPT here, that I have found.

1. Please read my second post in this thread. It has been covered extensively.

2. email support (at) thaivisa.com

3. It is not appropriate for you to discuss other members issues publicly in the forum, hence your post has been edited. In fact, it is up to those members to deal with these issues themselves and since the member under discussion is in contact with support I fail to grasp why you felt the need to air stuff publicly. dont' do it again.

A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down - as I've been told.

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2nd - The thread title font itself seems to lack serifs, and that makes more difficult to read. Since this is a text based website - serifs make things much easier. Just my two cents.

Please, no serif fonts. Not on my my computer screen.

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