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In the United States during 2001, 17,448 people were killed in alcohol-related accidents. This number accounted for 41% of all traffic deaths in the United States. Unfortunately, this number is an increase of 5.2% from 1999 and a .4% increase from 2000.

Jesus Christ.... :o And its legal!!

Do you think that there is a case for Alcohol to be put on the dangerous drugs list?

17,448 deaths in one country in one year related to that drug would suggest so.

Or are those figures quite acceptable to you?


The research into the global burden of disease attributable to alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs found that in 2000, tobacco use was responsible for 4.9 million deaths worldwide, equating to 71 percent of all drug-related deaths. Around 1.8 million deaths were attributable to the use of alcohol (26 percent of all drug-related deaths), and illicit drugs (heroin, cocaine and amphetamines) caused approximately 223,000 deaths (3 percent of all drug-related deaths).

But it's ok chaps, you are paying governments tax money, carry on Smoking and Drinking. The governments of the world will not jail you for using their drugs.

And yes, i dont have anything better to do than this. :o


the french would reply that the flavonoids and anti -oxidants absorbed by drinking a glass or two of red wine a day would probably save 17,448 people a year from heart attacks and strokes.

its all down to the personality of the user and peer pressure.

not all wine/beer drinkers become killers at the wheel.

but all wine/beer drinkers eventually become intolerable bores if within arms length of a bottle/glass.

if you break down the rta deaths by age group, there would probably be a good case for banning alcohol for those under 35.

and if you include boredom related deaths then i would ban verbal communication by drinkers of more than 4 glasses of wine/4 bottles of beer.

and if you include boredom related deaths then i would ban verbal communication by drinkers of more than 4 glasses of wine/4 bottles of beer.

Now, this is something, I can accept. Buy me another wine, I drink it and shut up.

Make it a bottle....


The governments of the world will not jail you for using their drugs.
for sure to much money to make on this :D

but in the other hand, they have to take care of the medical side which cost a lot B)

if you break down the rta deaths by age group, there would probably be a good case for banning alcohol for those under 35.

just like they do in some country, no-sell, under 18, but this is not enough ...

how many kids finish their life in a wheel-chair, just because of a glass too much ?

I like the idea of tolerance 0 when driving :o


Oh Gee, I think it is quite an acceptable number of fatalities. Okay, maybe a few too many. *please note the dripping sarcasm*

First, the United States tried banning alcohol. From the 1920's to the early 1930's, no alcohol for the masses. Didn't work worth a tinker's dam. In fact the only group that really benefited from it was organized crime. Well, and some plucky bootleggers and smugglers.

Smuggling rum was a fairly respected vocation when Britain ruled America's eastern seaboard in the 1700's. And according to some, the term "The Real McCoy" came from a capable sailor during the prohibition. The liquor he got passed the revenue cutters was always of the best quality. And he was the toast of the town, so to speak.

Alcohol has been a cultural tradition in most of Europe and America since the pasty white guys arrived.

Moderation in all things is normally a good way to go. Too much drink makes a bore, too much food a glutton, and so on. But I always shy away from people that seem to think they know how everyone else needs to live.



BEGS; How did they come up with the figures that you posted as to the number of deaths attributed to each cause?

I will go along with the alcohol related traffic deaths,,but what about tobacco? how were these deaths figured?

And I will go along with some drugs like ODs from mainlined and drug poisoning.

If the tobacco deaths were from lung cancer and emphysema,I can't go along with that. Because you can die from either one of these and never have smoked in your life.

And I also believe that stiffer penalties for drunk driving would not do that much good,using myself as an example,I maybe would not drive when I had my license revoked for drunk driving as long as I was sober,but let me get drunk and I would drive anyway.and I have friends that are the same. You can not stop a person from driving drunk if they have the desire to drink,the only way is to remove the desire to drink and i only know one way to remove the desire and you pobly know what i am talking about.

And many more deaths are caused by alcohol than the ones listed because of the many things that alcohol can cause that are attributed to other things such as heart attacks,pancreatic cancer,cancer of the esophagus,high blood pressure,strokes,liver cancer and many others,so it is really hard to name the exact causes, but the main cause of death is old age and I don't think that they can do much about that. :o

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