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If Farang wants to come to Thailand, they should contribute to the local economy too.

Next time, they bring their own van, to visit their own bars, and drink their own beers, and perhaps even import their own girls (from the Philippines).

And I hope if the Thai navy ever visit the coast of the States they receive the same treatment. But of course they won't because that is not how developed countries welcome guests.

Tourists don't have to use the tuk tuks. It's up to them how they get from A to B.

Where did these people get that feeling of self-entitlement to tourists money? it's a dangerous game when you look at tourists like they're second class citizens.

Rkidlad,you are right. Foreign naval vessels arriving in at US ports are well received and treated as guests and for the most part our ships have always been treated well by the Thai Navy and public at large when visiting Thsiland. Also, please note that US Navy and Coast Guard vessels regularly take part in community service projects in the places they visit such as the recent CARAT joint exercise (photo's here: http://www.clwp.navy.mil/CARAT2010/thailandphotos.html). However, the ships are there to train with the Thai military and occasionally re-supply. The sailors are not there to go on tours, or shopping, or drinking, etc... to support the local economy. The Commanders of those vessels can easily cancel shore leave if they feel there is significant danger as they will be held accountable now if a sailor is seriously hurt or killed. Like the article said, This wouldn't have happened in Singapore. Any guesses as to where that ship will re-supply next time?

My wife and I don't go to Phuket anymore because we've noticed a significant decrease in friendliness and hospitality and an increase in rudeness and ripoffs. We don't use the Tuk Tuk's there because we already know they prefer to wait for a sucker rather than negotiate a reasonable rate. There are better places to go in Thailand that appreciate our business. And to the Tuk Tuk drivers that are upset they weren't able to cheat a sailor out of their hard earned money... Boo-Freaking-Hoo.


I can understand the Tuk Tuk drivers but no way I am sure does the USA want these drivers driving around the US military.

I would not want them driving my Canadians boys around that is for sure. But again I use them but for some reason I find it

a little differant.


If Farang wants to come to Thailand, they should contribute to the local economy too.

Next time, they bring their own van, to visit their own bars, and drink their own beers, and perhaps even import their own girls (from the Philippines).


why do they bring there own van?? cos your boys are ripping them off 2000 bhat for a 200 bhat journey??

to visit there own bars?? cos they make them so we all feel welcome and want to spend money

to drink there own beers?? you never drank red label or jd, spy classic, bacardi breezer?? nice arnt they??

girls from phillipines?? well yes up the thais put up there prices too much or give bad service yes of course thats next.

your attitude is typical of holding back your own people, doing haarm to your own taxi drivers, but you wont admit it, thats very childish,

you ob read good english, to be on here and understand whats happing?? but you not listening??

look what everyones writing???

that boss from america who takes his boys on a holiday to have a good time, is met by your mob, who has given them a lovely welcome???

where do you think he's gonna take them next time???

possibly phillipines as you mention, where they also have a land of smiles!!

you should spend today telling off your taxi boys for having made your island look bad now around the world, and wave hello to them guys make them want to go back to your island.

unfortunatly i think you will just be happy someones getting made to use a taxi that is going to rip him off, make the most of it, it cant last!!


"We don't use the Tuk Tuk's there because we already know they prefer to wait for a sucker rather than negotiate a reasonable rate."

Which is why you always see scads of sonthews, tuk-tuks and motos parked with their lazy-ass drivers idle in all the main tourist areas. I'm kinda at the point, especially after the Bangkok arson, to steer completely clear of any men with a numbered vest and not interact with them about anything. They seem to be predominately (sure, OK, not all) a bunch of lazy !?*&%! with nothing going for them.


Nothing will happen of this, even though smaller events have triggered wars. Thailand and the USA at a government level have been in bed together a long, long...............love you loooooong time. There's too much at stake for this small episode to change anything substantial. The navy brass will be upset, but their government masters will water it down and they will continue to come to Thailand.......and don't think it's one sided either, both sides benefit from this tax dollar paid relationship. Thailand will have some explaining to do cause the US brass is upset, but more likely Thailand will just wai, and say "me so horny", and give USA a nice deep BJ, and by the morning all will be forgotton. Sabai Sabai TIT.


I personally hope that the United States Navy pulls out of Phuket now and lets the authorities stew in their arrogance.

I think that the term "As thick as pig shit" comes to mind or "Head in the sand", both seem equally applicable.

I've not had the 'pleasure' of visiting Phuket as yet - and the more I see and read about it the less I am inclined to go and spend my hard earned cash there; but just how far is this 2,000B taxi ride? Rip off sounds like a very kind way of putting it; I can travel from Hua-Hin to Bkk airport for 2,250B some 250kms - tell that to the Tuk-Tuk drivers in Phuket.


Seems like there is nothing that can be done to keep the Mafia out of every aspect of life in Thailand. From politics to now tuk tuks everyone wants a cut..............................

When a fish is rotten it's rotten from the head.



Greed has absolutely no bounds. The Navy should just pull out and state exactly the reasons in plain language.


Well said. Because of Tuk tuk drivers, it may cost the Phuket economy on a much larger scale. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! It's about time to abolish all of the tuk-tuks and get some real public transportation!

Thitime its more like "shoot themselves in the head"


If Farang wants to come to Thailand, they should contribute to the local economy too.

Next time, they bring their own van, to visit their own bars, and drink their own beers, and perhaps even import their own girls (from the Philippines).


why do they bring there own van?? cos your boys are ripping them off 2000 bhat for a 200 bhat journey??

to visit there own bars?? cos they make them so we all feel welcome and want to spend money

to drink there own beers?? you never drank red label or jd, spy classic, bacardi breezer?? nice arnt they??

girls from phillipines?? well yes up the thais put up there prices too much or give bad service yes of course thats next.

your attitude is typical of holding back your own people, doing haarm to your own taxi drivers, but you wont admit it, thats very childish,

you ob read good english, to be on here and understand whats happing?? but you not listening??

look what everyones writing???

that boss from america who takes his boys on a holiday to have a good time, is met by your mob, who has given them a lovely welcome???

where do you think he's gonna take them next time???

possibly phillipines as you mention, where they also have a land of smiles!!

you should spend today telling off your taxi boys for having made your island look bad now around the world, and wave hello to them guys make them want to go back to your island.

unfortunatly i think you will just be happy someones getting made to use a taxi that is going to rip him off, make the most of it, it cant last!!

Wow crisinbangkok, you wrote this 6,53 (in the morning). Glad am not with you in the morning timecool.gif. hehe


Nothing will happen of this, even though smaller events have triggered wars. Thailand and the USA at a government level have been in bed together a long, long...............love you loooooong time. There's too much at stake for this small episode to change anything substantial. The navy brass will be upset, but their government masters will water it down and they will continue to come to Thailand.......and don't think it's one sided either, both sides benefit from this tax dollar paid relationship. Thailand will have some explaining to do cause the US brass is upset, but more likely Thailand will just wai, and say "me so horny", and give USA a nice deep BJ, and by the morning all will be forgotton. Sabai Sabai TIT.

Being in bed with one another also assumes that you show each other basic common courtesy. Of course bed relationships in Thailand revolve around money and who gets paid.

The US Navy can choose any number of places to R&R for it's crews and to re-stock. Phuket has no monopoly on this, and I think I read elsewhere in the thread that this was was a recent arrangement to switch from Singapore. I bet they won't be going back to Phuket any time soon. It isn't as though America is without any friends in this part of the world and they wouldn't be so dumb as to look a gift horse in the mouth, let alone give it a clip around the ear also.

I hope that the tourism association and the hoteliers march to the house of the bloke who runs all the taxis and demand a refund for damages done to the islands business and reputation.


Simple answer but few will follow , simply Boycott Peauk-ette , everybody peed off about the joint just e-mail 10 to not go and ask them to e-mail 10 friends and so on down the line , the only way to give these types a lesson is to completely cut off their cash supply , simply mouthing off on a forum will achieve the same as the all favourite 'Mai Phen Rai' , absolutely ZILCH .


Been to Phuket once in 10 years. It was once too many. On the subject of Phuket as a destination I see Orient Thai is offering cheap fares from Bangkok. Would that be one way or return ?

Phuket seemed passed its "use by" date 6 years ago. Can't be any better now. Without the international tourists coming in for 1-2 week package holidays the place would have shriveled up and disappeared long ago. The actions of the taxi mafia stinging the fly-in tourists guarantees that a percentage of them won't return.

Eventually these taxi mafia will be reduced to brawling amongst themselves for fares while the authorities look the other way.


A shame they gave in to the tuk tuks going back to the old agreement. I guess it partly was because the sailors had not been ashore in 97 days. I would expect them to get free passage way the next time the re arriving- If not it might the last visit in a long time.

Just stsay away from tuk tuks. They re greedy and bad people. Its about time people boicott them.


As long as these thugs keep getting their way, they'll go on... They usually don't care beyond their very own, personal interest..and if they don't get any then no one will...

I cn't understand that "negotiations" even took place, if events really happened like this.


Rucharee Posts

If Farang wants to come to Thailand, they should contribute to the local economy too.

Next time, they bring their own van, to visit their own bars, and drink their own beers, and perhaps even import their own girls (from the Philippines).


I think you are right Rucharee if only in a backhackwords way - I don't think the US should come to Thailand. The US has given the Thai goverment money for the privilege of the visit, if the Thai goverment wants to pocket it all and not send at least some down to the local economy that is their problem.

The best thing the US could do is cut down on visits or eliminate them and Cobra Gold for that matter. The US taxpayers need relief!


Every time I return to Phuket I see brand spanking new buildings going up, road improvements, and now those very pretty bus shelters lining the sides of the roads. It's ridiculous that the only public transport is a bloody tiny overcrowded 'chicken bus'. Why can't (won't)they see how silly they look to visitors to the island foregoing the bandits that are the tuk tuk drivers?

They might have got away with it when Phuket was a sleepy backwater. They now look plain ridiculous and the reason for not providing decent modern buses is understood by all. They should grow up.mad.gif


F^ck the US Navy... (I sort of only half mean that:) )...

They have been on a boat in a warzone for 97 days, getting paid a shedload (with all the allowances added in)... they got free transport TOO Phuket, they have free accommodation while they are there... if they have to drop $60 on a fare into town, it is only a drop in the ocean for their 'shore leave budget'...

This should just highlight how much of a pain in the @rse these Tuk Tuk c^nts are for all visitors to Phuket... I was there last year with my family (in Kata) and chose to rent a car instead of dealing with local transport hassles... luckily for my family I have spent a lot of time on the roads in Thailand, so feel confident to do that, where I am sure others would not...

The cost AND HASSLE of transport around Phuket is a big influence on visitors enjoyment... I actually think that if they had Meter Taxi's charging Western fares (to everyone), drivers who knew where they were going, were safe and comfortable, tourists would be happy... Tourists hate feeling ripped off, and feeling taken advantage of, and hate the hassle... I HATE haggling with taxi drivers and tuk tuk drivers... I was actually lucky, In Kata one night, just me an my two boys (3 and 5) were walking back to the hotel... I asked a Tuk Tuk driver in Thai "how much to ride for 5 minutes?" he was confused, and asked where... I replied, just ride, for the boys, 5 minutes... he was happy with 100baht, and so was I, if he had started at 500, I would have just walked on, my boys would have missed one of the highlights of their trip (yep, hundreds of thousands of baht spent, and a 100baht tuk tuk ride is their highlight, kids ...:) )

You guys on here need to understand that for most tourists, 100 baht for a short journey and 500 baht for a longer one probably isn't a concern... for most tourists paying 10,000 a night for their hotel room, and 250,000 baht for the airfares to get there... what they don't want is hassle, and to feel like they have been treated like sh!t...

If the price was 1,000 I bet most of the Sailors wouldn't have cared, as long as there was no hassle...

As to the subject of the officers keeping the free busses, I assume that is pretty standard for any port visit... I know here in Sydney my dad (after his retirement) loved driving the minibuss with the officers around, while the sailors had to deal with local transport...




If Farang wants to come to Thailand, they should contribute to the local economy too.

Next time, they bring their own van, to visit their own bars, and drink their own beers, and perhaps even import their own girls (from the Philippines).

but should the tuk tuk driver make twice as much money as the bar girl?????????


If Farang wants to come to Thailand, they should contribute to the local economy too.

Next time, they bring their own van, to visit their own bars, and drink their own beers, and perhaps even import their own girls (from the Philippines).

Might want to reread the article before making blatently incorrect statements. The vans used are a local hire, they don't visit their own bars, nor do they bring beer from America to drink. Many might want to have girls from the Philippines, but after being in the gulf for 97 days, where would they get them?

saipan? guam?


F^ck the US Navy... (I sort of only half mean that:) )...

They have been on a boat in a warzone for 97 days, getting paid a shedload (with all the allowances added in)... they got free transport TOO Phuket, they have free accommodation while they are there... if they have to drop $60 on a fare into town, it is only a drop in the ocean for their 'shore leave budget'...

This should just highlight how much of a pain in the @rse these Tuk Tuk c^nts are for all visitors to Phuket... I was there last year with my family (in Kata) and chose to rent a car instead of dealing with local transport hassles... luckily for my family I have spent a lot of time on the roads in Thailand, so feel confident to do that, where I am sure others would not...

The cost AND HASSLE of transport around Phuket is a big influence on visitors enjoyment... I actually think that if they had Meter Taxi's charging Western fares (to everyone), drivers who knew where they were going, were safe and comfortable, tourists would be happy... Tourists hate feeling ripped off, and feeling taken advantage of, and hate the hassle... I HATE haggling with taxi drivers and tuk tuk drivers... I was actually lucky, In Kata one night, just me an my two boys (3 and 5) were walking back to the hotel... I asked a Tuk Tuk driver in Thai "how much to ride for 5 minutes?" he was confused, and asked where... I replied, just ride, for the boys, 5 minutes... he was happy with 100baht, and so was I, if he had started at 500, I would have just walked on, my boys would have missed one of the highlights of their trip (yep, hundreds of thousands of baht spent, and a 100baht tuk tuk ride is their highlight, kids ...:) )

You guys on here need to understand that for most tourists, 100 baht for a short journey and 500 baht for a longer one probably isn't a concern... for most tourists paying 10,000 a night for their hotel room, and 250,000 baht for the airfares to get there... what they don't want is hassle, and to feel like they have been treated like sh!t...

If the price was 1,000 I bet most of the Sailors wouldn't have cared, as long as there was no hassle...

As to the subject of the officers keeping the free busses, I assume that is pretty standard for any port visit... I know here in Sydney my dad (after his retirement) loved driving the minibuss with the officers around, while the sailors had to deal with local transport...



"As to the subject of the officers keeping the free busses, I assume that is pretty standard for any port visit... I know here in Sydney my dad (after his retirement) loved driving the minibuss with the officers around, while the sailors had to deal with local transport..."

sounds like you and your dad have a lot in common. why would anyone want to see anyone else struggle??


Been to Phuket (pronounce the "ph" like an "f") once, for less than 24 hrs. Would prefer to not have to return for reasons that have been stated on this thread repeatedly. If you don't like it...don't go, and tell your friends.

I think it is funny that most people think that these tuk tuk drivers should use their brains.....how do you think they got to be a tuk tuk driver....they have none. Give them credit...they are doing the best they can given their equipment. And the police....slighlty smarter. Again, doing well for themselves given their investment in career.

A few things I've noticed here in Thailand:

Most Thais are not long term thinkers. They can't afford to.

Don't take direction. (Especially from foreigners.) Taking direction proves not knowing.... and that...is a loss of face.

Don't take responsibility.....again...loss of face

I live in Chiang Mai. I have run into many rip-offs. And many good business people. I support the good businesses and tell my friends. I use the rip-offs once, and tell my friends. The latest rip-off was at the University Pet Hospital. Been there many times with a Thai, and treated fairly (allthough slow), last time was by myself, got gouged on the meds and a quote for the next visit.. Never go there again, will not argue the price as it just makes me angrier...... and have told all my friends. 3000 bht to spay a dog, vs. 1150 down the road at a competent vet. I only got the quote, tomorrow I go down the road to the competent vet.

My point is...this is Thailand. If it were a richer more developed country, many of us would not be here. It is wonderful the way it is. Get used to it the way it is. It is not 30 years ago, it is now. Find your way in the least agravating way, share your experiences with your friends. Sh$tholes like fuc_ket....now we know....don't go there.


If Farang wants to come to Thailand, they should contribute to the local economy too.

Next time, they bring their own van, to visit their own bars, and drink their own beers, and perhaps even import their own girls (from the Philippines).


why do they bring there own van?? cos your boys are ripping them off 2000 bhat for a 200 bhat journey??

to visit there own bars?? cos they make them so we all feel welcome and want to spend money

to drink there own beers?? you never drank red label or jd, spy classic, bacardi breezer?? nice arnt they??

girls from phillipines?? well yes up the thais put up there prices too much or give bad service yes of course thats next.

your attitude is typical of holding back your own people, doing haarm to your own taxi drivers, but you wont admit it, thats very childish,

you ob read good english, to be on here and understand whats happing?? but you not listening??

look what everyones writing???

that boss from america who takes his boys on a holiday to have a good time, is met by your mob, who has given them a lovely welcome???

where do you think he's gonna take them next time???

possibly phillipines as you mention, where they also have a land of smiles!!

you should spend today telling off your taxi boys for having made your island look bad now around the world, and wave hello to them guys make them want to go back to your island.

unfortunatly i think you will just be happy someones getting made to use a taxi that is going to rip him off, make the most of it, it cant last!!

Wow crisinbangkok, you wrote this 6,53 (in the morning). Glad am not with you in the morning timecool.gif. hehe


think outside the box,,,tuk tuk drivers a not very bright..... if they want to stick to there old agreement, give all the sailors fake captains bars on there shoulders..lol....


If Farang wants to come to Thailand, they should contribute to the local economy too.

Next time, they bring their own van, to visit their own bars, and drink their own beers, and perhaps even import their own girls (from the Philippines).

Sounds like a good idea when in Phuket :)

The Tuk Tuk scum in Phuket are a disgrace, and have got greedier and greedier over the past few years.


Come on Khun Rucharee, answer your critics, provide more rational for your comments.

I must be the most hated person in ThaiVisa now.

Typical Thai self pity.....


Come on Khun Rucharee, answer your critics, provide more rational for your comments.

I must be the most hated person in ThaiVisa now.

Typical Thai self pity.....

OK. I re-phase that.

I must be the most famous person in ThaiVisa now.

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