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ICT Ministry Bans Websites Attacking Govt

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yea, you guys are making the pm sound so bad...This guy is great.

Have you ever seen him on TV---he never has to think too deeply about his response. Just a chuckle and a god-like response. That's character.

Anyway, anyone who watches Aum's soap opera (or even admits it) with his daughter is a worthy prime minister. 

Censorship or not, you are forgetting why a majority of Thai voters keep him in power---atleast what they have expressed to me. Look at where Thailand was economically when he came to office---what he assured Thais about the economy, OTOP, and where Thailand is now. Even when I first came here three years ago, my USD was worth 45-47 baht. Now look at it...39-41. It's almost starting to look like it did before 1997---especially with all the construction cranes everywhere, no matter where you go.

Let's just hope history is a teacher--not a broken record.

Yes, Thailand has developed amazingly during the reign of Thaksin. I wouldn't give the credit to him though. I seriously think that anybody could have done it. It's more about global forces that his decisions.

Even the PM would have been me.


I asked my girlfriend why she wouldn't vote and she basically said because her vote wouldn't change anything anyway. Great!

Exactly how I feel in Finland. Common thing says I. Sad but true.

I don't really think it matters what they do when concerned with the internet.

As people have shown here with postings of free proxy servers, it is not very difficult to circumvent Thai politicians and there feable attempts to control technology that is way beyond there intellect.

I think for the Thai government it is easy to influence poor un-educated people from the rural regions but when they try to influence someone with a western education Thai or foreigner alike, most of us see them as children with expensive suits, and we just step around them, with the same ease as breathing.

I saw a political TV broadcast in person once, it was the funniest thing, all these

politicians chatting and drinking coffee, then the camera crews come in, and they all open up labtops and start typing away, or start writing down notes, and the such, then broadcast finished, cameras leave, labtops shut, and coffee and chatting resumes.

I know for me in the beginning I had a terrible time dealing with government agencies, always wondering why they made everything so difficult.

Then I just copied there style, I was late, made appointments I didn't keep, submitted wrong documents, and everything else I could think of to act like I didn't care about anything, except when lunch is.

Now I kind of view it is a game, and have lot more fun.

Everytime I deal with them it is a new round of "Who can appear to have the lowest IQ, and the biggest smile"

You're absolutely spot-on there Cutter. Especially, with that comment about children in expensive suits.

Most everything these days is about showing-off and competing with the neighbours. Sweeping home-truths under the carpet has almost become a national conspiracy. :o


Seems like Governments in Asia don't seems to go down well with critism. They may draw a policy and throw it out to the streets and ask everyone for their opinion BUT in the end..they deicide theirs is better. Sometimes i wonder what Democracy is all about!!!!


You kill the idea or the idea kills you :D

so i suppose i can kill the idea of putting my webcam out the window to broadcast the short time hotel comings and goings of official cars :o


sorry to correct you!

The USD was falling, if you look Euro/Baht it looks different.

Everything else I agree. Don't keep to much Thai Baht, maybe it drops again like 1997

yea, you guys are making the pm sound so bad...This guy is great.

Have you ever seen him on TV---he never has to think too deeply about his response. Just a chuckle and a god-like response. That's character.

Anyway, anyone who watches Aum's soap opera (or even admits it) with his daughter is a worthy prime minister. 

Censorship or not, you are forgetting why a majority of Thai voters keep him in power---atleast what they have expressed to me. Look at where Thailand was economically when he came to office---what he assured Thais about the economy, OTOP, and where Thailand is now. Even when I first came here three years ago, my USD was worth 45-47 baht. Now look at it...39-41. It's almost starting to look like it did before 1997---especially with all the construction cranes everywhere, no matter where you go.

Let's just hope history is a teacher--not a broken record.

Seems like Governments in Asia don't seems to go down well with critism. They may draw a policy and throw it out to the streets and ask everyone for their opinion BUT in the end..they deicide theirs is better. Sometimes i wonder what Democracy is all about!!!!

There's a Freedom topic.


I think it should relate somehow with real democracy :o


I think this website is lucky that the Thai government is so bad at English.

Does this mean that we must think that the Thai Rak Thai is the best party in the word, and Thaksin is the best bloke in town?


I think this website is lucky that the Thai government is so bad at English.
Does this mean that we must think that the Thai Rak Thai is the best party in the word, and Thaksin is the best bloke in town?

YES, else you get problems from Adolf Toxin

I think this website is lucky that the Thai government is so bad at English.

Don't fool yourself that the government doesn't read or cannot understand what's posted here. They just dont care, probably because most locals dont visit here anyway. :o


In Austria there is a part of the Army, which reads all media available to find subversive content. (so if you speak a special language, you have a nice time at the army service, looking TV, hearing radio and reading newspaper instead of jumping thru the forest).

I am sure Thailands gouverment has simillar specialists. Only the few Expats are not interesting for them, anyway they don't vote and if an Expat make troubles he'll not get a visa anymore and sent home (like every country does)......

I think this website is lucky that the Thai government is so bad at English.

Don't fool yourself that the government doesn't read or cannot understand what's posted here. They just dont care, probably because most locals dont visit here anyway. :o

Won't work unfortunately. They will just block the site.

That's what they (True/CAT) do most of the afternoons anyway to all international website access...  :o

Democracy and freedown of speech declared dead in TH.

Maybe someone with connections to some western media should spread the articles....see what happens ?

Should just get a Bulgarian server or something.

fm9225.com was hosted on the datacenter of issp.com....

i dont think the government has blocked access to fm9225.com, just that they have asked issp to pull the plug on fm9225.com

i guess if they move to another country would it solve their problem temporarily???

for all i know issp requires the customers company registration/ ID/ passport to use their services....so whats this thing abt "So the websites were ''suspended'' until they were improved and registered properly."

do a whois for fm9225.com and you get their complete registration details....im sure ICT knows abt this....

all this doesnt bother me a lot....what really bothers me is that the thai ppl are OK with this......"mai bpen rai" attitude....sometimes crosses the limits.

court case wont work....im sure the justice ministry is on toxins payroll...


People, there are ways around this. One bit of software designed for anonymous web surfing is Tor:

The system was designed with opressive governments in mind. Take a look at:


It's operation is a little slow, but it lets you see what the government doesn't want you to see, and keeps the government from knowing you saw it.


yes sounds fine. But it does not solve the real problem, which is the gouverment.

People, there are ways around this.  One bit of software designed for anonymous web surfing is Tor:

The system was designed with opressive governments in mind.  Take a look at:


It's operation is a little slow, but it lets you see what the government doesn't want you to see, and keeps the government from knowing you saw it.

Even when I first came here three years ago, my USD was worth 45-47 baht. Now look at it...39-41.

Just for accuracy sake, taking today's date as an example

June 22, 2002

THB Thailand Baht 42.02

June 22, 2005

THB Thailand Baht 41.16



And Thailand means "Land of the Free"? .....

National Security = insecurity

Maybe it's time to set up a "Free Thai Movement" in Burma!


Thais have never lived in a socialist state so they embrace the idea wholeheartedly.

Free medical care, lots of handouts from the government in exchange for pure love for the dear leader who is considered infallible and godlike.

Mr. T just gave himself 300 bil to spend about in any way he pleases without any budget planning or checks. That's about 30% of total government revenue.

By socialist I mean like USSR, not like Sweden.


is there any planning or checks for the other 70 %???

Thais have never lived in a socialist state so they embrace the idea wholeheartedly.

Free medical care, lots of handouts from the government in exchange for pure love for the dear leader who is considered infallible and godlike.

Mr. T just gave himself 300 bil to spend about in any way he pleases without any budget planning or checks. That's about 30% of total government revenue.

By socialist I mean like USSR, not like Sweden.

Thais have never lived in a socialist state so they embrace the idea wholeheartedly.

Free medical care, lots of handouts from the government in exchange for pure love for the dear leader who is considered infallible and godlike.

Mr. T just gave himself 300 bil to spend about in any way he pleases without any budget planning or checks. That's about 30% of total government revenue.

Details of which are being discussed here:


By socialist I mean like USSR, not like Sweden.

And Thailand means "Land of the Free"?  .....

National Security  = insecurity

Maybe it's time to set up a "Free Thai Movement" in Burma!

Land of free. No it doesn't mean that. Check the spelling.

Free Thai movement in Burma. Well, there is, free Shan movement.

There is no security in the world.

My friends staircase was stolen in Bangkok???? I mean lots of heavy wood??? Expensive sure.



From Reuters: Today 17:45 GMT

The Thai PM has reportedly scrapped his political party's English title.

Citing confusion in the English speaking community as to the true meaning of his party's name, the PM has dropped 'Thai’ Love Thai's' as of today.

Mr Thaksin said that having consulted his English to Thai dictionary, a more accurate reflection of his party's ethos would be encapsulated in the name: 'Thai-Pumpkin-Thai'.

Non-Thai speakers are actively encouraged to consult their English-Thai dictionaries to obtain the Thai translation.

Glad to see that it is still ok to criticise the Aussie cricket team.

They know where you watch television. :D

They know where you live. :D

I used to criticize Aussie cricket matches... :D

...then there was that night, the water, the car batteries, the copper leads, the plyers, the cigarettes and blowtorches... :D

Now I just cheer and order more beer like everyone else. :o

ICT Ministry bans websites attacking govt

Closures 'violation of right of free speech'

BANGKOK: -- Two websites critical of the government were banned yesterday, the first to be shut down for political activity rather the usual reason, pornography.

Isn't that former regular contributor to SCT years ago, Trinh, the head government honcho for Thailand's Internet policy?



PM: I know nothing about anti-govt website closures

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday distanced himself from the closure of two websites deemed critical of him and his government.

Thaksin said he knew nothing about the shutdown of www.thai-insider.com and www.fm9225.com, which belong to a local businessman and a community radio station, respectively.

“I know nothing about it. You must ask the minister in charge,” said Thaksin.

Ekkayuth Anchanbutr, owner of www.thai-insider.com, said the company that hosted his website had been ordered by the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Ministry to remove it.

Ekkayuth, who has crusaded against the Thaksin government since his return to Thailand last year after fleeing the country for several years, said the site carried articles critical of the government.

FM 92.25 MHz is a community radio station known for its vocal anti-government stance. FM 92.25 had broadcast its radio programmes over its website until it was taken offline on Tuesday.

Thaksin said he was aware that the businessman and the community radio station had both been campaigning against him, but he was unable to say who had ordered them shut down. Thaksin said he had never seen the websites.

“I only visit websites with useful content that can provide me with the knowledge I need, such as Google,” he said.

He added that the officials in charge of shutting down the websites had not reported the cases to him.

Democrat Party MP Apichart Sakdiseth, spokesman for the House committee on communications, said the government violated the Constitution by taking www.fm9225.com offline.

Apichart said the ICT Ministry had no legal authority to order the shutdown of the radio station’s website.

--The Nation 2005-06-03

just spoke with my thai staff about it, and they are not angree. It is more or less OK for them.

If your bowing down, then let me the cutting-Rage Against the Machine

That's sad. I really thought the Thais cared more about what happened to their homeland.


PM: I know nothing about anti-govt website closures

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday distanced himself from the closure of two websites deemed critical of him and his government.

Thaksin said he knew nothing about the shutdown of www.thai-insider.com and www.fm9225.com, which belong to a local businessman and a community radio station, respectively.

“I know nothing about it. You must ask the minister in charge,” said Thaksin.

Funny, I thought I saw a resemblance there......




PM: I know nothing about anti-govt website closures

“I know nothing about it. You must ask the minister in charge,” said Thaksin.

“I only visit websites with useful content that can provide me with the knowledge I need, such as Google,” he said.

What a bulxxxit!!!!

Even I'm suprised he can be so stupid to say smtngh like that.

Amazing Thailand. :o

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