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Dissapointing World Cup So Far?

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I have watched most of the World Cup games so far and feel a little

dissapointed. Most teams have been negative and not really entertained

dispite the amount of big stars on show. Apart from Germany most teams

have seemed to set up their tactics not to lose. Anybody feeling the same?

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World cup in full swing now.

After the initial round of games, the show starts and the Argentina v S.Korea game last night was a cracker!

Messi is a star.

I missed the joy of seeing France lose, as I need my beauty sleep, but will be up to watch England's win over Algeria at two Saturday morning.


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It is still early in the competition and we've seen a lot of just average or below par performances - but also some pretty good games!

My memory is not all that good - but do you really think that the first round of matches of the last World Cup were any better?

It might be that everybody's expectations are set too high - with all the hype around such a big tournament, the best teams in the world etc when in reality all they want to do is just not too loose the first game.

Can't wait for the knock-out stage - that's when the tournament starts.

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It's going to cost a few teams big time and England is in big trouble. With the USA and Slovenia tying 2 - 2 today it puts the USA in second place behind Slovenia. England is going to have to annilhilate Algeria and then beat Slovenia to move ahead. 1 - 1 ties are not going to get it done.

France has been a disappointment and even with all their big stars they haven't scored a goal in two matches.

The Swiss certainly surprised Spain,

Argentina certainly seem full value for their efforts.

Germany was surprised by Serbia today, 1 - zip, but their 4 goals against Australia should move them through, providing they don't take Ghana too lightly.

Soccer is a game where nobody can take the other team too lightly and a simple mistake can cost you dearly.

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Unless you are European, I think the games are good so far.

The South American teams and Mexico are looking pretty good.

The African teams didn't show me much.

The European teams seem to be choking.

Is it the pressure?

Or just good defense on their opponents?

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Unless you are European, I think the games are good so far.

The South American teams and Mexico are looking pretty good.

The African teams didn't show me much.

The European teams seem to be choking.

Is it the pressure?

Or just good defense on their opponents?

I think perhaps delete European and Insert French

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