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Healthy Meal Branch Opened In Pattaya


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I've enjoyed these in Bangkok and happy to see a branch now here in Pattaya.

Enclosed map shows the shops location on Soi Khao Talo , easy to find.

Give it a try if you like eating healthy and want to take care of yourself.


Edited by JimmyTheMook
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I can't expand you map.

Could you give a few examples of what healthy foods are on offer? Is it vegetarian?

click the map it will open larger , they sell healthy protein type meal replacement shakes.

I know, but when I click the image I get the red cross like the one in my avatar (but it doesn't fall down on my head


Do they not serve real meals?

Edited by tropo
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I can't expand you map.

Could you give a few examples of what healthy foods are on offer? Is it vegetarian?

click the map it will open larger , they sell healthy protein type meal replacement shakes.

I know, but when I click the image I get the red cross like the one in my avatar (but it doesn't fall down on my head


Do they not serve real meals?

I just have a shake in the evening in place of dinner , they may sell prepared food as well

does this work ?

View image: DSC06243.jpg

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why dont you just make one yourself?

Just get a blender from any supermarket.

then put in any combination of fruit and veg yourself........

ie, carrot, orange, banana, apple..............and if you want the protein, just chuck in some whey

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They have one of these in Victory Monument Bangkok. Basically a shake with some healthy ingredients(so they say) like protein powder and chocolate or vanilla flavoring.

Expensive and may leave you hungry in a couple of hours.

Bacon and eggs for me!

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Yeah i go there my slef... The shakes are goods.. But it's true in the beginning it left me hungry quickly.. But now i get used to eat.. and i lost 3 kg in 2 weeks following there program...so pretty worth it for the BIG that i am!! But the Menu and flyers are in Thai.. although they have some english info inside.. and the "very nice" owner speaks english!!

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I can't expand you map.

Could you give a few examples of what healthy foods are on offer? Is it vegetarian?

click the map it will open larger , they sell healthy protein type meal replacement shakes.

It's not Herbalife or some of that <deleted> :)

Edited by Seizetheday
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I can't expand you map.

Could you give a few examples of what healthy foods are on offer? Is it vegetarian?

click the map it will open larger , they sell healthy protein type meal replacement shakes.

"healthy" and " protein [...] meal replacement" in one sentence is a bit strange, isn't it?

I stick to my home made shakes and vegetable juices...

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"healthy" usually was the lame excuse invoked by my mother/grandmas when their food wasn't tasty.

I'm still puzzled at the westerns' inability to prepare vegetables in a tasty manner, while asians do it every day!

And for the people who want to loose weight: there is only one method that works.


That's not difficult in a hot climate.

Just eat half of what you used to eat, and you will see the Kg melt away.

No need for a diet, no need to spend extra money, no gurus, no "enhancers" or "replacements" or what ever. You will even save money on food.

Edited by tgw
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"healthy" usually was the lame excuse invoked by my mother/grandmas when their food wasn't tasty.

I'm still puzzled at the westerns' inability to prepare vegetables in a tasty manner, while asians do it every day!

In Western Europe we do it pretty well with the vegetables...well..depends on how far west you go....probably you should not go any further west than to Calais...:whistling:

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Just eat half of what you used to eat, and you will see the Kg melt away.

No need for a diet, no need to spend extra money, no gurus, no "enhancers" or "replacements" or what ever. You will even save money on food.

Eat less and exercise if you did not.

But also eat healthy and most people do not.

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Just eat half of what you used to eat, and you will see the Kg melt away.

No need for a diet, no need to spend extra money, no gurus, no "enhancers" or "replacements" or what ever. You will even save money on food.

Eat less and exercise if you did not.

But also eat healthy and most people do not.

Nothing wrong with protein. Cut the carbs if u want to lose weight.

Even my girl knows too much rice makes one fat.

Hamburger is OK. Lose the fries or eat less of them and less soda.

Doctors are continually amazed at how well Atkins and paleo diets work.

Another interesting tidbit is that research has shown exercise alone to be very poor at

reducing weight.

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That's not difficult in a hot climate.

The calorie reduction of eating less in a hot climate is more than compensated for by the lethargy that it produces. Try doing a vigorous workout at the gym in 30C ++ heat and you'll realise that exercise becomes more difficult and less efficient calorie burner in the heat. Most peoople are too lazy to exercise regularly in hot weather.

The body is very good at compensating and even in colder climates reducing food drastically can result in an eventual weight gain after the metabolism slows down and calorie consumption gets back to normal as it invariably does for most dieters. These diet/weight gain cycles are one of the reasons so many people get fat.

Once you've lived here for awhile the appetite soon springs back to normal and you may find yourself consuming a lot of high calorie fluids. Other people (such as myself) spend most of their day in airconditioning anyway, so the heat is not a contributing factor. The only difference is that it's harder to get motivated to exercise in the heat compared to back home.

The only way to lose weight permanently is to do it slowly and incorporate a lot of resistance training with a small reduction of calories over a long period of time. Muscle usually comes off first if you don't take preventative measures, especially if you're addicted to activities such as running. A lot of so called slim people are clinically obese because their bodyfat percentages are high. One really should consider body composition rather than kilos on the bathroom scale.

These meal replacement drinks are not a good way to lose weight because they are too easily digested and the person will become hungry far sooner than after a meal with fiber which digests slowly. Hunger is a dieter's worst enemy and deserves a lot of consideration.

I use meal replacement drinks after heavy workouts in the gym in order to facilitate rapid carbohydrate and protein assimilation to get my nutrients quickly back into balance. I'll be hungry about 60 minutes after a full 90 grams of protein in full cream milk with sweetner.

Even vegetable juices with or without fruit are not a great idea because they will cause an insulin spike amongst most people, particularly us older folk who may have impaired insulin metabolisms. The rapidly digested carbs will quickly be stored as fat.

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