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The Preferred Brewsky Of Expats And Locals?


What is the preferred brewsky of forumers?  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the preferred brewsky of forumers?

    • 1.Chang
    • 2.Singh(a)
    • 3.Leo
    • 4.Thai
    • 5.Lao
    • 6.Archa
    • 7.Tiger
    • 8.Blue Ice
    • 9.Red Horse
    • 10.Heiniken
    • 11.Klosters
    • 12.Asha (japanese dry)
    • 13.Sato
    • 14.Spirits
    • 15.Wine/wine coolers
    • 16.Other

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I've always wondered about this. My guess and stereotype is that the farang will tend to choose Chang. Maybe I'm wrong. Personally, I'm caught between Tiger and Archa. Archa is a little more bitter but much cheaper. I'm gonna have to choose Archa. :o Usually, If I buy buy the can or bottle, it's either between Sing, Chang, or Tiger...sometimes Leo, but I always buy the case by Archa for 365 bought--case of 12 big ones. I rarely ever buy a small bottle unless I'm forced to in the night clubs. In my oppinion, Heineken is overrated here...merely good advertising and marketing and they got the masses behind them...similar to what Oishi did with green tea.

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Heineken, and if that's not available then anything but Singha.

By the way the "clever marketing" for Oishi green tea involved the chance to win 1 Million Baht. I would wager that if Heineken did that, then even a few of our Chang friends would come over to the dark (green) side... :o


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Red Horse suits my palate the best. Propably due to its resemblance of scandinavian beers. Which I'm very fond of. It is difficult to acquire though. Mostly available only in big supermarkets etc..

Too many times I need to go for the most popular ones, Singha or Chang.

Anyway I drink to get drunk. Only thing I don't drink is the common brand of Lao Khao, which you can see at every Seven. But the Leaderprice brand is fine, and even cheaper. :o

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WhenI was a drinking man I was stuck between Chang and Carlsberg. Chang up country and Carlsberg in Pattaya. Those days Chang was not readily available in the cities. I also used to drink Chang in UK. Probably cause I sold it and I could nip down the cellar for a nifty. I also used to drink a lot of the Passion fruit wine cooler.

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yea, i forgot to list carlesburg and mitwelda... i'm not a fan of either of em anyhow

Carlsberg is no longer available in Thailand. Mitweida I did not see fro a long time.

Warsteiner is quite popular in Bangkok as a real beer.

Heineken? Is it beer? :o

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yea, i forgot to list carlesburg and mitwelda... i'm not a fan of either of em anyhow

Carlsberg is no longer available in Thailand. Mitweida I did not see fro a long time.

Warsteiner is quite popular in Bangkok as a real beer.

Heineken? Is it beer? :o

Yea, I'd really like to try that. Isn't it a dark beer? I don't know where to get it for a reasonable price. I almost ordered it a few times at Suan Lumpini night bizarre and some other resteraunt, but it was ridiculously priced, like 200+ baht for a small bottle or was it 300 baht for a liter :D ??. I don't fancy paying 6 times the local beer price especially when I've heard beer is cheaper than water in Germany.

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I like beer Lao, but at home here I drink Chang when it's just beer, but Singh with food. My local minimart only carries Chang, Leo, Singh and, sometimes, Heineken. Chang is by far the cheapest. And, as a fixed income retired geezer I have to watch every satang....

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Please. You people and your watered down, bicarbonated kiddie drinks. :D

Step up to the bar like a man and order Mekong, or Sang Thip. Whiskey, Vodka, Rum, Tequila. So many flavours and varieties to choose from ! :D

Just think, my last outing I was quaffing 10-12 whiskey/colas per night on average, before I got to the point where I was "buzzed" :D

Imagine how much weak beer I'd have to drink to get to the same stage ? Gallons ! :o

Why drink 8 ounces of beer, when 1 ounce of whiskey will do the same trick ? :D

Give me the hard stuff any day (but hide that ###### Thai whiskey out of sight !)

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Gin is my friend and would rather have that than anything else. Hard to find places that have a decent Gin though> I'm a fan of Bombay (the old style with the Queen on the bottle). Price being what it is in Bangkok and I drink Heinekin or Chang.

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I used to like the hard stuff...That's when I was watering down grandpa's lq cabinet nearly a decade ago at the innocent age of 14---I wondered if he ever noticed?? :o

Now, I can't stand spirits, somehow my Asian non-alcohalic gene kicked in since I've been legal to drink in whatever country, and any direct hit of 40 proof + or even a mixture of different types of alcohal send my stomach turning instantly.

I've been unfaithful to preferred Archa and Tiger this evening as I top off my second Chang...as a few have said it's the marketing selection that keeps most of us loyal to whatever brand.

In my apartment's mom and pop shop below (around paholynyatin 14) I have a limited selection of Sing, chang, Leo, and heineken. Sing and heiniken are too much for my baht though I'd prefer Sing, and Leo gives me a headache. If they provided Archa or Tiger, I wouldn't hesitate in those two brands.

Anyone know how to easilly brew home beer?

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I love a gin and tonic (Bombay, please) now and then and always enjoy a decent Scotch. Trouble is, I'm a nervous drinker and always seem to need to be pouring something down my throat. If I drink the hard stuff the evening is over way to soon. With beer I can quaff all night and still enjoy the end of the day.

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I alternate between Heineken and Tiger. Heineken if I plan on staying sober for the night, Tiger if not ( and where available). Chang kills me with the next day hangover and aftertaste but preferable to Singh where I may not remember the night before :o

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All of the beer offerings in this country are putrid. You can either buy a beer brewed in thailand or a beer brewed in thailand; and they all taste horrid and give you a pounding headache in the morning or whenever you awake; this is esp. true with chang (a dreaded Changover). When you can't buy any beer brewed in another country for under 100 baht, then there is no choice other then to give up beer. When I drink beer here it is a never ending battle to fight off heaving with each gulp

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kringle wrote:

Gin is my friend and would rather have that than anything else. Hard to find places that have a decent Gin though> I'm a fan of Bombay (the old style with the Queen on the bottle). Price being what it is in Bangkok and I drink Heinekin or Chang.

Gin is a very good friend indeed. :o

I am partial to, in this order, ...Tanqauray, Bombay, Seagrams, Beefeater or Gordons, etc.

I can even drink floor-dripping and rotgut and enjoy it (alot!); but once I step up to a higher grade, there is no way I can 'lower myself' in the same night.

There are some surprising bargains with gin in Thailand if you are willing to go base-grade. Not much more than 150 baht a bottle at times. About the same price as the Jinro brand that I bought while I was in Korea. A fine ditiller they are too; and that was for a 26 oz'er bottle...


PS. With beer it's Leo or Japanese (preferably Asahi).

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I see that Heineken is out front in this poll. That's funny really cause Heineken in Thailand is a completely different beer than Heineken anywhere else. There's something about brewing the stuff here that brings it to an utmost low level of quality. Maybe it's the water in this country that makes all beers brewed here supremely nasty. If I have to drink beer here it's a bottle of Sing and that's about it. Chang is brutal

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Please. You people and your watered down, bicarbonated kiddie drinks. 

Step up to the bar like a man and order Mekong, or Sang Thip. Whiskey, Vodka, Rum, Tequila. So many flavours and varieties to choose from ! 

Just think, my last outing I was quaffing 10-12 whiskey/colas per night on average, before I got to the point where I was "buzzed" 

Imagine how much weak beer I'd have to drink to get to the same stage ? Gallons ! 

Why drink 8 ounces of beer, when 1 ounce of whiskey will do the same trick ? 

Give me the hard stuff any day (but hide that ###### Thai whiskey out of sight !)

That's the way I think too, why waste time with beer when the hard stuff is cheaper and does the same thing. This is the thinking of an alkie though.

Does anyone really drink beer for the taste?

I used to drink "beer chang"(4 big ones for 100 baht, to get in the mood to go out!), "sang thip", "maekong" and "saeng som", haven't for years now.

One beer I did like was "Beer Laos".

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All of the beer offerings in this country are putrid. You can either buy a beer brewed in thailand or a beer brewed in thailand; and they all taste horrid and give you a pounding headache in the morning or whenever you awake; this is esp. true with chang (a dreaded Changover). When you can't buy any beer brewed in another country for under 100 baht, then there is no choice other then to give up beer. When I drink beer here it is a never ending battle to fight off heaving with each gulp

From what i can remember from your other posts, there's not much you do like in Thailand is there Dude? :D

A few Heineken's followed by Jack and Cokes do me just fine :o

Mr BoJ

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I will mostly always choose Leo over Chang... but Chang if no Leo... but then sometimes just Chang anyway... but I voted Leo 


I drank Leo a couple of times, but it was very weak, but quite refreshing.

I gave up the booze before Leo Super was on the go, is this like chang?

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