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Sunn Hemp


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Sun Hemp, or Paw Tuang, is legal. It is good for fodder, mulch and enriches the soil. Some times its available free from your local Dept of Ag office. It is also avail from any good bulk seed supplier (at B35/kg) Bought some only just last week (in CM).

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You can't beat Pah teung. It will start to germinate in about 6 hours if you put a bag of it in warm water (make sure it is only a half bag as it will swell a bunch and don't pre-germinate it too long or it will split). It should be planted in soil that has had manure in it previously or get some manure into the soil when you plant it. That will ensure that you will have the microbiotic life to guarantee that it will be able to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere (79% of air is N) on its roots. By incorporating it into the soil at the flowering stage means you will get the benefits of the green manure from the plant and also the highly available nitrogen from the root nodules. It is so satisfying to grow because even without any pre-germination you can just scatter the seeds and it germinates fast, grows fast, occludes weeds, is easily incorporated into the soil and is very beneficial to the soil. You can see much more info on this if you go to our pinned topic in the organic section (click on the top of the page on the farming forum) and look for "green manures". I have about a ton of seed or so if you need a bit and can't find any. Hopefully next year I'll be able to supply more quantity. As CM4ME said it can be available for free from the Ag dept in some quantities (Like almost 20 - 50 kilos) if they have some, many times they don't but is worth a try.

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Sun Hemp, or Paw Tuang, is legal. It is good for fodder, mulch and enriches the soil.   Some times its available free from your local Dept of Ag office. It is also avail from any good bulk seed supplier (at B35/kg) Bought some only just last week (in CM).

Hi CM4Me, where did you buy in CM?

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Buying Sun Hemp in CM - a bit of a run around..... your 1st stop must be the bulk seed warehouse located on the Doi Saket Road, 2 buildings further out from the side exit from Carrefour, & on the same side of the road.

Inside the warehouse is a small office, manned by a couple of ladies, one speaks good English. Here you place your order & pay for it (at B35/kg), you'll be given an invoice which you must then take to another warehouse which is on the outer ring road (some expats say CM has Super Highway, then 1st Ring Road & then 2nd or outer Ring Road). Turn right at this junction & continue for about 2 kms, looking for a salesyard that has heaps of painted cemented animals on show (on the right hand side). The next warehouse is where you pickup your order.

There is a security gate which you drive through & directly in front of you, some 100m on, is a demountable office, show them your invoice & they will arrange your order.

Good luck

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Buying Sun Hemp in CM - a bit of a run around..... your 1st stop must be the bulk seed warehouse located on the Doi Saket Road, 2 buildings further out from the side exit from Carrefour, & on the same side of the road.

Inside the warehouse is a small office, manned by a couple of ladies, one speaks good English. Here you place your order & pay for it (at B35/kg), you'll be given an invoice which you must then take to another warehouse which is on the outer ring road (some expats say CM has Super Highway, then 1st Ring Road & then 2nd or outer Ring Road). Turn right at this junction & continue for about 2 kms, looking for a salesyard that has heaps of painted cemented animals on show (on the right hand side). The next warehouse is where you pickup your order.

There is a security gate which you drive through & directly in front of you, some 100m on, is a demountable office, show them your invoice & they will arrange your order.

Good luck

Thanks for the info.  Will check it out on next trip into town.

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