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House Plans For The Poor

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Might anyone have some simple house plans, maybe along the lines of what a Habitat for Humanity house would look like? My wife and I would like to help a villager build his own home. No need for anything fancy....actually, we'd prefer to give his family basic shelter first.....roof, walls, doors, windows, cement floor. The finishing on the walls, ceiling, etc can come later.

If anyone has access to a floor plan or the costs associated with such a basic plan, please let me know. The family has two young children. Right now, they're living in a grass thatch hut.

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Habitat for Humanity homes can be found doing a google search

Former US President Jimmy Carter was just here in Thailand building homes for Habitat for Humanity

Any Thai builder can build you the basic house

the best thai building forum is teak door com and their construction forum

How do you plan to build them a house? Do they already own the land?

Edited by liveinlos
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Crossy............Are there any other useful sites for house plans that you or any other can recommend

I've not found any nearly so good or free as those government plans, try a Google there are others but not free :(

A visit to your local Amphur office should net a number of plans books (that include those on the site) available for a nominal copying fee.

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When considering different designs for a 'simple' house, please do bear in mind the climate in which the house is to be built., an oft neglected consideration.

Most simple off-plan houses designed here follow the Western 'bungalow' type, eg low ceilings (incredibly hot) = very expensive to cool, and very short eaves.

There are many houses utilising the 'eco' edict, and contrary to popular opinion, not all expensive. Jusr takes research and a little imagination. There are also many alternatives these days to the heat retaining cement block/render.

Google eco housing. There's lots of info. Youtube also worth a look. Even show you how to make and install solar panels/water tanks etc for around a couple hundred dollars.

Also, trees, extraordinary house cooling, and all that oxygen, (forget the locals irrational fear of snakes - you don't bother them, they don't bother you, and they feed on rats and other vermin of course).

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All sorts of Thai house plans here Living in Asia

Originally provided by the Thai government, pre-certified for construction.

Crossy............Are there any other useful sites for house plans that you or any other can recommend

I wondered what had happened to the site. I managed to download from the Thai site a couple of years ago. Crossy's site makes it much easier. The Thai builder I hired had no problem with the plans it went quite smoothly.The only issues were when I did the wiring.

I changed the roof colour to red tiles and raised the house so the carport is a shaded sitting area.

Edited by maprao
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Some of these 'simple' houses look tip top. Does anyone have a ball-park figure for building one of the larger traditional style houses? (Land not included).

Not that I can afford it, but I can dream.

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Some of these 'simple' houses look tip top. Does anyone have a ball-park figure for building one of the larger traditional style houses? (Land not included).

Not that I can afford it, but I can dream.

The plans used to include pricing information. I don't know if the current plans still have this information or not. IIRC, when I was looking a while ago some of the larger houses were listed around the 2 million baht range. Of course the price depends upon the quality of materials used. I think the materials list was either moderate grade or basic grade.

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Some of these 'simple' houses look tip top. Does anyone have a ball-park figure for building one of the larger traditional style houses? (Land not included).

Not that I can afford it, but I can dream.

The plans used to include pricing information. I don't know if the current plans still have this information or not. IIRC, when I was looking a while ago some of the larger houses were listed around the 2 million baht range. Of course the price depends upon the quality of materials used. I think the materials list was either moderate grade or basic grade.

The pricing data (and BOQs) is still on the Thai site, I didn't include it as it's well out of date.

Here http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dpt.go.th%2Fdownload%2FPW%2Fhouse_model%2Fframehome.html&sl=th&tl=en click on Brief Summary Construction Price

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Some of these 'simple' houses look tip top. Does anyone have a ball-park figure for building one of the larger traditional style houses? (Land not included).

Not that I can afford it, but I can dream.

Try the following link,


Just click on a house you like the look of, includes a floor plan and a from to price range.

Price depending on such things as floor, tiles or wood, windows and doors, wood upvc or aluminium etc etc.

Dont know how up to date prices are, but should give a ballpark figure.

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Some of these 'simple' houses look tip top. Does anyone have a ball-park figure for building one of the larger traditional style houses? (Land not included).

Not that I can afford it, but I can dream.

We built number 8 on crossy's site for about 1 million Thai baht back in 2006 / 2007 Upgraded the specs of the interior to european standards for hidden wiring, bathrooms etc. Replaced the windows with Thai style wooden shutters.

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