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Farang Men Hitting On Farang Women?


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From amongst the young(ish) female western friends that I have I have heard complaints (or at least comments) that they generally get far less attention out here. For some this is very welcome indeed, for others a bit of a shock to the system after being fawned over regularly in their home countries. I guess not everyone wants the same thing! I also know a few guys who choose to go for western girls out here - they seem to think it's great; an untapped (touched?) market! :rolleyes:

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Sorry to jump in on the Ladies Forum, just saw the thread on the rightside of the main board and got interested.

My perspective is that in the U.S. many times it's very difficult for men to strike up a conversation with a woman as it's then the " are you hitting on me!", sort of attitude, after a while men don't really bother.

Here in Thailand it's all a bit more relaxed, you can say hi to people you don't know without being perceived as a lunatic, many times people are curious about other people male and female "where are you from, what are you doing here, etc." It's all nice no pressure one way or another, no pressure perceived.

Last year when I was in the states I pulled up a chair next to a lady, she was talking with the bartender, when they stopped I said hi, asked if I could buy her a drink, she said no and walked off. I usually do o.k. with women, you know the third eye and a tail usually is intriguing for them ;-), but attitude like that made me look forward to getting back to Thailand. Even if the women here are not interested at least they are polite.....

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If one were to believe many of our regular posters, it is a complete figment of your imagination, so, sorry to tell you ihunniebee. Its utterly impossible. You should seek therapy for these delusions of yours. At least, if one were to believe many Thaivisa men, that is. ;)

Envy? :whistling:

Got me in one james, fat old hippie feminazis like myself don't get hit on at all. :whistling:

That answers a lot,I forgive you for everything,I didn't know.I will refrain from typing the truth for at least a day.:sorry:

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While my border-line thai-bashing posting penchants are all to well known, as is my other penchant for bloviation; I thought I'd jump in here to this sub-forum about this oh-so interesting a topic. :whistling:

I live on a small soi which has a very well known yet totally crap thai restaurant further down the soi :bah: . Even more sad for me is the fact it's featured in both the Rough Guide and Lonely Planet as a 'must eat at establishment' :( . This makes it a veritable mecca for the tourist crowd.

I usually sit outside my apartment with some middle aged thai guys (35-45 y/o), and I'm no spring chicken either (51). However never ever has a foreign woman who’s walked by shown the slightest indication of interest or the inclination to chat. There were many a time I was smitten by their fair skin and foreign appearances as they walked by. Were I not so shy :ermm: , I'd have at least spoken to them in passing.

Having no real 'taste' for females of the 'asian persuasion', and living here by choice not blind chance, I have found overall; foreign women are far harder to talk to than the native variety. :o

Perhaps I should venture out to an area where foreign women congregate thick as ticks on a dog's back and see if my luck doesn't improve.

Then again, a quick check in the mirror reveals the sad truth of the matter. :D

Oh & sbk aka "Mistress Whiplash": I always thought with your icon, that you'd use the lash a little more than "sparingly".

Although FWIW, it does appear to be of good quality. ...

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Tod, why would you be interested in tourist girls for anything other than eye candy? Koh Phangan, backpacker island, is full of such eye candy both of the male and female persuasion but anyone with an ounce of common sense would realize that they aren't there for conversation with friendly older gents. ;)

Eye candy is what it is. Conversation, on the other hand, is something different altogether and not always found in a 19 year old backpacker. :)

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Heya Tod, dont be shy, say hello first! I dont mind when a guy says hello to me, regardless of nationality or age..(so long as he seems respectful and not too much of a weirdo lol). But, i am far too shy to ever be the first one to say anything.

Sometimes i get repetitive looks if im out somewhere..say like a coffee shop..but most of the time thats it. Ive had men strike up conversations, but often its just looking. I wonder sometimes whats going through their heads. :huh:

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Heya Tod, dont be shy, say hello first! I dont mind when a guy says hello to me, regardless of nationality or age..(so long as he seems respectful and not too much of a weirdo lol). SNIP!!

Ugh, you may have caught me on that last part :lol:

As has been pointed out by another poster;

Sometimes when foreign women go on holiday here; they 'let their hair down' and have been known to do things they'd never think of doing in their home country :o .

Then again, perhaps it's not solving world hunger or world peace that I'm interested in conversating <sic> with them about ;) .

I do however draw the line at AGE; I have abso-tively posi-lutely NOTHING in common with a 20 something y/o female of ANY nationality!

I run under the premise that NO one is admitted under 33, and being 51 even then sometimes it's quite the stretch of the imagination to communicate on that level; given it's an 18 YEAR difference :( !!

The old amusement parks in america used to have signs which said "You must be this tall... to ride this ride!!" While I don't discriminate on height, I do on age. .. For me it's more like; "You must be this OLD, to ride this ride. .."

Thanx though, for what I think, :( was encouragement for me to speak out to foreign women. I'll give it a try and letcha know how it worx out :D ..

If the truth were to be told :P I'm really looking for friends, or people who live here more than a errr, what's the term in today's lingo 'a casual hook-up'??? :huh:

Edited by tod-daniels
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My personal experience as a non-Thai male in Chiang Mai is that non-Thai women seem more approachable than non-Thai men.

I don't get out that much so mostly I run into people when I am shopping at someplace like Carrefour, Tesco or Big C. Generally I am open to meeting other people, male or female, Thai or non-Thai so if someone makes eye contact with me I will acknowledge them. Occasionally I will get into a nice conversation with someone while waiting in line.

What I just realized while reading this thread is that when it comes to non-Thai people it is women more often than men that will acknowledge me or talk to me. As an example there are several women I have met in Carrefour over the years who when we see each other we will stop and chat a bit and catch up. We have no other social interaction other than occasionally running into each other while shopping. For me this has never happened with another non-Thai male.

I'm not sure but it seems like in my experience that a lot of non-Thai men don't seem to be very interested in being approached. So what I was thinking is that due to this experience I may well be more likely to approach non-Thai women than men. This might be another logical reason why the OP finds non-Thai men interested in talking with her.

I.e. if one is interested in chatting with non-Thai people for a change and non-Thai men don't seem that receptive then it may be more likely that one will try and chat with non-Thai women.

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Why should that seem so strange? There are surely Farang men living/working in Thailand that are single or uaccompanied. Why would it be a big surprise that such a man might not approach you (I mean that in the most polite way possible) and try to talk to you? I'm sure that if at the time you weren't interested you were perfectly able to make that clear to him. Even with the plethora of easily available Thai women, I suspect there are Farang men who are tired (at least after the first thrill of the bargirl/club scene wears off) of the bar/club round. If nothing else, the novelty of having an attractive Farang woman they can talk to in their native language...even just the possibility of having an intelligent conversation with a female.... would be pleasant after having to talk bar-english to the bar girls all the time.

Now I've been married and out of the date scene for a good 30 years, but I can still remember the times when, although I was hitting the bar scene in Bangkok pretty heavily at the time, I still had 2 or 3 Farang women friends...really just friends...who I could just talk to about events of the day that happened to me. It really was nice to be able to speak to someone on the same level in English....and not have to talk down to them.

Bottom line: I wonder why you would be surprised that there are Farang guys who are willing to approach you and talk to you. In fact I would be surprised if they didn't. As I said, if you were not interested, I'm sure you know how to politely steer them away.


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I had a farang woman (whom I did not know) smile at me the other day. I thought, "wow that was weird", and I passed it off as some sort of mistaken identity thing.

Today at the MBK a farang male who was about 3 stores down from me gave me a real big smile. I smiled back then his eyes went down to my chest and remained there until we passed each other.. I have to say I was no longer feeling comfortable enough to start up a conversation.. lol


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I am a western male 26 and I have to say in Asia I am not going to even look at any female

that is not Oriental. I will not go into why I am attracted to them, there are too many reasons.

Sorry girls just a personal preference here but for me there is no contest.

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Yes, friendliness is such a bad thing canuck, best give her a scowl next time so she doesn't make that mistake again. ;)

I didn't say I was against it. I was just unprepared. :(

I find that scowling on these occasions many times does not have the desired effect...a leer with positive, lascivious intent almost always yields the desired result...

and when it doesn't...well, then yer stuck... :(

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I am a western male 26 and I have to say in Asia I am not going to even look at any female

that is not Oriental. I will not go into why I am attracted to them, there are too many reasons.

Sorry girls just a personal preference here but for me there is no contest.

Devastated :rolleyes:

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I am a friendly soul (yes its true!) and smile at most people. Its an American trait I've noticed (unless you hail from NYC) so for me, its just a matter of being friendly and polite. Usually, I get smiles back. Occasionally I will make a friendly comment to someone who catches my eye in one of those odd moments and its only been the rare grumpy old farang man who has dissed me completely. Mostly, I have found, that by being pleasant and friendly, I get pleasant friendly responses from both Thais and foreigners.

Oh, and to those two (yup count em, two) grumpy old farang guys, good luck in Thailand. Thai people don't think much of sourpusses either ;)

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I think friendly and smiling people and unfriendly and unsmiling people are from all over. From all countries. For me I believe its an individual trait. Some people are also just more shy than others too. Many reasons. Ive met some grumpy unfriendly people from all nationalities.

I am a western male 26 and I have to say in Asia I am not going to even look at any female

that is not Oriental. I will not go into why I am attracted to them, there are too many reasons.

Sorry girls just a personal preference here but for me there is no contest.

"Oriental"..is this something people still say? lol?

Kevozman..dont really understand the relevance of your post...as its one mans independent personal preference. We all have preferences. All you are telling us is that you have a thing for Asians. Well..er..you know..good for you.. :lol: ..but doesnt actually address the original post.

The apology part gave me my morning laugh though, nearly choked on my coffee. :giggle:

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^How is my post not relevant to the OP. "ihunnieibee" stated that she

is surprised for some reason that a lot of western guys are hitting on

her in Thailand. Now being a western guy myself She also said a lot of

western men are interseted in her in Thailand, I added my part to say

personally I would not be interested in her (sexually) while in Asia

towards the east of Asia you know where Oriental looking people live.

As for Boo, I have to say I am probably the sexiest man on this planet god

dam_n it. (maybe apart from Enrique Iglesias, hes such a dream)

devastated................yes but you will get over it..............eventually.

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I use the whip sparingly :P

By way eek, how is this post relevant to the op????????

Or is it Ok for her but not me to post things that are not exactly in line

or co-ordinance with your views on how the op should be interpreted.

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I use the whip sparingly :P

By way eek, how is this post relevant to the op????????

Or is it Ok for her but not me to post things that are not exactly in line

or co-ordinance with your views on how the op should be interpreted.

You must not have gotten the recent email from TV. It states explicitly that every member, except kevozman1, has the right to be irrelevant at any time!

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I'd hazzard a guess (or two). With the farang expat community of singles being almost completely male percentage wise, the odds are that a farang girl here is a tourist, and many men I would guess (I'm talking under 40's here probably) feel they have a good chance of pulling a girl here that's in holiday mode (and getting lucky too) - I'm thinking Spain/Greece/etc and Euro ladies.

Another idea may be that many of us have been with pretty Thai girls for a while and a change is as good as a rest!

Last idea, maybe some of these guys think they stand uo better against the local lads than they did back home - for whatever semi-prejudiced reason - so think they may stand a good chance, especially if they, like you, think all the other competition is looking elsewhere.

I always smile and nod at farang men I walk past, and smile at farang woman in an attempted non-creepy way. I think its nie to acknowledge each other. I do it to loal Thais in my area too. So, I'm known as being friendly (local girls call me papa - I'm in the 30's, but cart around my two farang noi daughters with me everywhere! - which I don't use as hitting props, before anyone says it, but it would not be difficult to). Some times I get THAT look back, but being a good husband (12 years now), I try to make it look like I missed it. Being friendly can easily be missread in either direction.

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^How is my post not relevant to the OP. "ihunnieibee" stated that she

is surprised for some reason that a lot of western guys are hitting on

her in Thailand. Now being a western guy myself She also said a lot of

western men are interseted in her in Thailand, I added my part to say

personally I would not be interested in her (sexually) while in Asia

towards the east of Asia you know where Oriental looking people live.

As for Boo, I have to say I am probably the sexiest man on this planet god

dam_n it. (maybe apart from Enrique Iglesias, hes such a dream)

devastated................yes but you will get over it..............eventually.

I like to think of you as another James Hunt rather than Enrique Inglesias.

A mere expression of opinion would be of some interest in a poll, I suppose, but, in a discussion, while relevant, it might still be of no interest and therefore not worth posting.


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As for Boo, I have to say I am probably the sexiest man on this planet god

dam_n it. (maybe apart from Enrique Iglesias, hes such a dream)

devastated................yes but you will get over it..............eventually.

yeesh, just what the planet needs more narcissists, this is the guy you see at the gym flexing in front of the mirror the whole time............................

For me flat out a pretty woman is a pretty women, with the shapes and curves I approve of she could be green and from another planet.

Hot is hot and that is that.

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like this grumpyoldman? :D


Absolutely ! Where's Naam, isn't that one of his girls?

Also this shot reminds me, I really like and appreciate different sizes, myself being a larger guy (87 kilos), I like a women with a little bit of size. I can admire really slim ladies but not always right for me.

I guess you could say I'm an equal opportunity kind of guy.

Cheers, GOM

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Years ago, i went to Thermae - one of the most notoriously seedy late night hooker joints in Sukhumvit and there was a group of tourists down there at 4 am including one farang girl. Cut a long story short, i picked up the farang girl from Thermae and took her home for the night (or short time if you will:-)

For those interested in farang girls i recommend Bulls Head soi 33, Coyote (suk and silom branches), cheap Charlies on suk soi 11.

Personally, i wish the ladies would look beyond my banker salary, large willy and six pack and just like me for me :-)

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