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Cigarette Police On Sukhumvit Road


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Smokers are not the cleanest people on the planet

Steady on!  

Are you one of those reformed smokers?

Reformed smokers often seem to attack others right to chose whether or not to smoke. I do actually understand their need to over-demonise smoking, but making sweeping statements about other people's state of cleanliness does overstep the mark a tad - I have a tidy condo, clean clothes and shower regularly, thank you very much!

Yes, dropping butts is not acceptable. I personally carry one of those old photographic film pots for my butts, as there are absolutely no bins anywhere on my daily routes.

However, I don't like the fact that smokers are a target for BiB scams - and I don't think it's appropriate for reformed smoker types to lend moral weight to the BiB's actions with comments like the above.

The issue should be 'Littering', not 'Dropping butts'. After all, the actual problem includes food wrappings, chewing gum, plastic bags, bbq skewers, etc, etc as well as butts.

No need to bring up the hypocrisy of it all mate.  :lol:

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Personally, as I shuttle between Bangkok and Berlin, I'm disgusted at the piles of cigarette butts and other crap everywhere in Berlin, on the street, at bus stops, just everywhere. In comparison, Bangkok, a relatively much poorer city, is sparkling clean. No heaps of cigarette butts lying around, very little graffiti, no junk on the sidewalk because someone's too lazy to take it to the dump. You notice it in particular in Bangkok's central business district. The skywalks and BTS stations are pristine. Of course everyone - Thai and farang - knows if you get caught dropping something on the skywalk floor they're going to nail you. But not only that, I think the Thais have pride in their environment, in their city. I'm reminded of the time I bought a little bottle of fresh orange juice from a vendor on Sukhumvit and attempted to dispose of the bottle by laying it against the fence between Soi 10 and Chuwit Garden. I thought it would be a place where the garbage collection would be sure to pick it up. The ladies in the massage shop across the road saw me and made me put it in their garbage bin.

I'm glad to hear that the BMA guys are on the job and I rejoice in every 2000 baht fine handed out to ignorant foreign yobs who drop cigarette butts in the street. And I don't care if the BMA guys pocket the fine.

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Personally, as I shuttle between Bangkok and Berlin, I'm disgusted at the piles of cigarette butts and other crap everywhere in Berlin, on the street, at bus stops, just everywhere. In comparison, Bangkok, a relatively much poorer city, is sparkling clean. No heaps of cigarette butts lying around, very little graffiti, no junk on the sidewalk because someone's too lazy to take it to the dump. You notice it in particular in Bangkok's central business district. The skywalks and BTS stations are pristine. Of course everyone - Thai and farang - knows if you get caught dropping something on the skywalk floor they're going to nail you. But not only that, I think the Thais have pride in their environment, in their city. I'm reminded of the time I bought a little bottle of fresh orange juice from a vendor on Sukhumvit and attempted to dispose of the bottle by laying it against the fence between Soi 10 and Chuwit Garden. I thought it would be a place where the garbage collection would be sure to pick it up. The ladies in the massage shop across the road saw me and made me put it in their garbage bin.

I'm glad to hear that the BMA guys are on the job and I rejoice in every 2000 baht fine handed out to ignorant foreign yobs who drop cigarette butts in the street. And I don't care if the BMA guys pocket the fine.

So you will be happy to be fined even when you have not dropped a cigarette?

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Interesting perspective/comparsion re Berlin and Bangkok... I've never been to Berlin, so I'll have to take your word for it.

Indeed, the staffs of the BTS and MRT do a very good job of keeping both their stations and trains in very clean and well maintained condition. I think those two operations are two of the best things about living in BKK.

Elsehwere, however, I've never thought of BKK as being a particularly clean city, what with the air pollution, roaming rodents, and piles of trash widely thrown around... Ohh.. don't forget, the taxi and moto driver urinating on the street-sides.

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Hello, do not blame the player. You can blame the game as corruption makes people greedy, and they can do what they can to increase their income. This is Thailand so the rules might be different in your original country, and everybody knows that the foreigners can afford to pay the fines. Cheers, Dale

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I live in Sukumvhit Soi 10 and these police (who are stationed in a little box at Sukumvhit Plaza) have been doing this for years. They seem to operate between Soi 8 and Times Square as suggested - why walk too far, even for 1000bt?

They will actually spot and tail a smoker along the street, waiting for the butt to be dropped. They are, in fact, and unusually, operating within the law.

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There is no one who is more against smoking than I am. And I can't think of anything good about littering.

BUT - in this case the issue has nothing to do with littering and everything to do with Thais getting money out of farangs. The littering is just the excuse - and it's not even always necessary.

If Thais were equally targeted, I would have less objection to this practice. I live on Sukhumvit and there are piles of trash on the road, most of which is thrown there by Thais. Yet I've NEVER seen a Thai being fined for littering.

And I, as a non-smoker and non-litterer - was even stopped once for "dropping my cigarette". When I told the crooked accusing officer, in Thai, that I don't even smoke, he backed away from me with a sheepish grin on his face.

Targeting (only) tourists in this way is despicable and only serves to further enhance Thailand's reputation as the Land of Scams.

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There is no one who is more against smoking than I am.  And I can't think of anything good about littering.

BUT - in this case the issue has nothing to do with littering and everything to do with Thais getting money out of farangs.  The littering is just the excuse - and it's not even always necessary.

If Thais were equally targeted, I would have less objection to this practice.  I live on Sukhumvit and there are piles of trash on the road, most of which is thrown there by Thais.  Yet I've NEVER seen a Thai being fined for littering.

And I, as a non-smoker and non-litterer - was even stopped once for "dropping my cigarette".  When I told the crooked accusing officer, in Thai, that I don't even smoke, he backed away from me with a sheepish grin on his face.

Targeting (only) tourists in this way is despicable and only serves to further enhance Thailand's reputation as the Land of Scams.

Agree 100%

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There is no one who is more against smoking than I am. And I can't think of anything good about littering.

BUT - in this case the issue has nothing to do with littering and everything to do with Thais getting money out of farangs. The littering is just the excuse - and it's not even always necessary.

If Thais were equally targeted, I would have less objection to this practice. I live on Sukhumvit and there are piles of trash on the road, most of which is thrown there by Thais. Yet I've NEVER seen a Thai being fined for littering.

And I, as a non-smoker and non-litterer - was even stopped once for "dropping my cigarette". When I told the crooked accusing officer, in Thai, that I don't even smoke, he backed away from me with a sheepish grin on his face.

Targeting (only) tourists in this way is despicable and only serves to further enhance Thailand's reputation as the Land of Scams.

Agree 100%

I was stopped by a "policeman" in Bangkok a few years ago for dropping a cigarette, that i was still actually holding. On closer inspection i noticed from the costume he was wearing that he was from the Los Angeles Police Department. :lol:

No transaction of monies took place.......

Edited by carmine
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Though it is very nasty to have stall owners acting as spotters, getting a kick back from a fine, while targeting "farangs".

The moral of the story is don't litter.

I for one am sick and tired of smokers who think it is their God given right to litter wherever they go.

For example, you go to a beutiful beach to find that cigareatte smokers have deposited a days worth of stinking buts on the white sand, turning the beach into an ashtray. Don't you even dare say a word about it to them. You will just likely get a very hostile response from them.

Cigareatte buts take a very long time to biodegrade. So they have polluted the beach for many years by their careless thoughtless selfish act.

Is it really so difficult to take the trash with you and deposit it in an acceptable receptackle? Trash cans are located in many places these days. If a trash container is not conveniently located take your crap home and throw it in your trash can!

Well said! So many smokers seem to think that their butts don't constitute rubbish. What's with that?! Why can't they carry around a small recepticle, and then dispose of the filthy things when they get home? Too hard? Too lazy? Too ignorant? Too inconsiderate? I will now take a chill pill....

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Though it is very nasty to have stall owners acting as spotters, getting a kick back from a fine, while targeting "farangs".

The moral of the story is don't litter.

I for one am sick and tired of smokers who think it is their God given right to litter wherever they go.

For example, you go to a beutiful beach to find that cigareatte smokers have deposited a days worth of stinking buts on the white sand, turning the beach into an ashtray. Don't you even dare say a word about it to them. You will just likely get a very hostile response from them.

Cigareatte buts take a very long time to biodegrade. So they have polluted the beach for many years by their careless thoughtless selfish act.

Is it really so difficult to take the trash with you and deposit it in an acceptable receptackle? Trash cans are located in many places these days. If a trash container is not conveniently located take your crap home and throw it in your trash can!

Well said! So many smokers seem to think that their butts don't constitute rubbish. What's with that?!  Why can't they carry around a small recepticle, and then dispose of the filthy things when they get home? Too hard? Too lazy? Too ignorant? Too inconsiderate? I will now take a chill pill....

So when you stumble out of 711 with your large beer Leo in hand, do you properly disburse of it in a garbage can or just chuck in down the dark alley while you are taking a piss? :unsure:

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Though it is very nasty to have stall owners acting as spotters, getting a kick back from a fine, while targeting "farangs".

The moral of the story is don't litter.

I for one am sick and tired of smokers who think it is their God given right to litter wherever they go.

For example, you go to a beutiful beach to find that cigareatte smokers have deposited a days worth of stinking buts on the white sand, turning the beach into an ashtray. Don't you even dare say a word about it to them. You will just likely get a very hostile response from them.

Cigareatte buts take a very long time to biodegrade. So they have polluted the beach for many years by their careless thoughtless selfish act.

Is it really so difficult to take the trash with you and deposit it in an acceptable receptackle? Trash cans are located in many places these days. If a trash container is not conveniently located take your crap home and throw it in your trash can!

Well said! So many smokers seem to think that their butts don't constitute rubbish. What's with that?! Why can't they carry around a small recepticle, and then dispose of the filthy things when they get home? Too hard? Too lazy? Too ignorant? Too inconsiderate? I will now take a chill pill....

So when you stumble out of 711 with your large beer Leo in hand, do you properly disburse of it in a garbage can or just chuck in down the dark alley while you are taking a piss? :unsure:

Littering is littering, full stop. Yes, no matter how pissed I may get, I wouldn't chuck an empty leo bottle anywhere other than a rubbish bin.

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Though it is very nasty to have stall owners acting as spotters, getting a kick back from a fine, while targeting "farangs".

The moral of the story is don't litter.

I for one am sick and tired of smokers who think it is their God given right to litter wherever they go.

For example, you go to a beutiful beach to find that cigareatte smokers have deposited a days worth of stinking buts on the white sand, turning the beach into an ashtray. Don't you even dare say a word about it to them. You will just likely get a very hostile response from them.

Cigareatte buts take a very long time to biodegrade. So they have polluted the beach for many years by their careless thoughtless selfish act.

Is it really so difficult to take the trash with you and deposit it in an acceptable receptackle? Trash cans are located in many places these days. If a trash container is not conveniently located take your crap home and throw it in your trash can!

Well said! So many smokers seem to think that their butts don't constitute rubbish. What's with that?!  Why can't they carry around a small recepticle, and then dispose of the filthy things when they get home? Too hard? Too lazy? Too ignorant? Too inconsiderate? I will now take a chill pill....

So when you stumble out of 711 with your large beer Leo in hand, do you properly disburse of it in a garbage can or just chuck in down the dark alley while you are taking a piss?  :unsure:

Littering is littering, full stop. Yes, no matter how pissed I may get, I wouldn't chuck an empty leo bottle anywhere other than a rubbish bin.

Great, now stop pissing on my shophouse! :lol:

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Though it is very nasty to have stall owners acting as spotters, getting a kick back from a fine, while targeting "farangs".

The moral of the story is don't litter.

I for one am sick and tired of smokers who think it is their God given right to litter wherever they go.

For example, you go to a beutiful beach to find that cigareatte smokers have deposited a days worth of stinking buts on the white sand, turning the beach into an ashtray. Don't you even dare say a word about it to them. You will just likely get a very hostile response from them.

Cigareatte buts take a very long time to biodegrade. So they have polluted the beach for many years by their careless thoughtless selfish act.

Is it really so difficult to take the trash with you and deposit it in an acceptable receptackle? Trash cans are located in many places these days. If a trash container is not conveniently located take your crap home and throw it in your trash can!

My sentiments exactly

we are talking about cigarette ends which will i am sure wash down to nothing after a bit of rain

what about the polystyrene and heaps of stinking rotting stuff in ditches at the side of the road !!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

After 4 years living here, I thought I had seen everything, but no, I had my best experience ever walking Sukhumvit. I stopped buying cigarettes at the 7-11 next to the diving shopping near suk. 24 and was walking my way back to soi 26 to grab a cab there. Waiting on the pavement, I saw a cop on a bike stopping next to me... and in very good english accusing me having dumped my cigarette in the street. Wrong pick, if I did actually buy a pack, I did not light any... yet. Where it becomes interesting is that a couple of minutes later here comes the street vendor who usually stands in front of the 7-11. Imagine the rest, I was doomed with this very nice and convenient help from the local.

Needless to say, I had no IDs on me, so, as I have learned so many times already, I went for the quick settlement and swallowed 2,000THB to bring back peace of mind.

I just wonder how much was the kick back to the street vendor..... and how many tourists they grab in a day right next to Emporium. Adding any other comments to this post from my end would be just a waste of time !

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How many scams are run by police and gov officials?

1.Cigarette but entrapment scam.

2. Scam taxies paying police to own the turf in front of tourist hotels.

3. Thong Lor police doing random searches of visitors.

4. Gem scam.

5. Jet ski extortion scam.

6. Airport duty free extortion scam.

7. PatPong upstairs bar ripoff scam.

8. Disfigured beggar scam.

Any more?

Edited by JWJ
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How many scams are run by police and gov officials?

1.Cigarette but entrapment scam.

2. Scam taxies paying police to own the turf in front of tourist hotels.

3. Thong Lor police doing random searches of visitors.

4. Gem scam.

5. Jet ski extortion scam.

6. Airport duty free extortion scam.

7. PatPong upstairs bar ripoff scam.

8. Disfigured beggar scam.

Any more?

What about the telephone box scam where somebody stands outside a telephone box fumbling in his pocket for change and then asks a passerby to help pay for his call. This has caught me out twice big-time, about 20 baht ha ha ha

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The mindless nonsense some posters spew out is just over the top sometimes. :bah: How did a thread about what you call the ‘cigarette police’ turn into a pissing match about politics and the plethora of shirt colors the differing factions wear? :blink: Sheesh, get a frickin’ grip will you? ;)

The guys who you refer to as 'cigarette police', are employees of BMA (Bangkok Metropolitan Authority, the people who run Bangkok) and are city code inspectors/enforcers, for cleanliness. They are immediately differentiated from police by the fact they don't carry firearms. In thai they're called เทศกิจ (for those who live here yet can't read thai, the karaoke engrish is like this; 'thet-sa-gid').

They routinely apprehend the all too many tourists who litter whilst making their way down the Sukhumvit. FWIW their little headquarters is just in front of Sukhumvit Plaza (Little Korea) near Soi 12 next to the Tourism Authority of Thailand's info booth. They're the exact same group of guys working there since I've lived in this area (nearly 5 years now). The area they enforce is from just in front of Times Square down to Soi 8, and then another groups area starts.

They have a laminated sheet which outlines in engrish the various fines for discarding garbage, cigarette butts, (even spitting and/or blowing your nose) on the ground. The fine for dropping something on the sidewalk is posted at 2000baht, and if you slyly decide to drop waste into the sewer drains that carries a HIGHER penalty (up to 5000 baht).

As an aside, there are garbage receptacles at the mouth of Soi 12 in front of the 7/11, in the old Leader Price shopping area, at Times Square and just inside Little Korea Town too. There's also one right on the top steps of Bangkok Bank just after Chuwit park, so really I don't see any reason to litter. There are signs stuck on poles in several places between Soi 12 and Chuwit Park in ENGLISH and THAI which state it is illegal to litter and you can face a fine of 2000 baht or more. (If you don’t believe the veracity of my statements I’ll go out and snap some mobile pix this afternoon)

I've also seen them stop moto-taxi guys who are using the sidewalk instead of the road and fine them too when the mood strikes them. I think the guy they work with is the key cutter who sits just behind the bus stop before Bangkok Bank, as he's got one of their walkie-talkies sitting on his table.

In all honesty, they're nice guys who just happen to have the bull-shit job of apprehending foreigners who litter. I've shared a drink with them many times after their shift was over and they were waiting for traffic to die down before heading home. I've also sat next to their booth for a couple hours just shooting the shit with them and watched them apprehend and fine more people than I care to count. From my observations they write receipts for the people they fine, and if you just talk to them politely the fine can and often does go down precipitously, sometimes to a couple hundred baht or even a 'stern warning' if you're really polite. However, if you even start copping the slightest attitude with them, raise your voice or act in any way disrespectful, you're in for the max fine as they don't take that shit off foreigners AT ALL. :lol: If the truth were to be told and I was in their shoes; I wouldn't take any attitude from a tourist either. :ermm:

Possibly the reason they don't target thais is that few if ANY thais are gonna have a spare 2000 baht in their pockets to cough up for being stupid and littering. Then again, even a semi-sensible person might argue, that this being the glorious “Land ‘O Thais”, if the thais wanna let other thais litter, well I guess it's their country to do so in, just as it's their country to enforce the city's anti-littering code as they see fit. B)

Don't like it, don't frickin' litter. Sheesh, have some cheese with your whine. :blink: Oh the terrible injustice of it all. .. ...

You did give me a good idea though, and when I go out this afternoon, I'm gonna ask them if they offer a commission if I spot littering foreigners for them. I've got nothing to do and wouldn't mind doin' my part and maybe make a few baht to boot. .. :P

Thank you for settling an argument I've had with my wife for ages; I don't like it when foreigners work illegally in my country (I work under the table all the time and don't pay tax but I am a citizen) and think those who do should be arrested and deported.

Thank you for siding with me, if I want to break the law in my own country so be it but if an alien does it I would take no greater pleasure than seeing them nailed to the wall, especially those who are ethnically different from me :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

"cigarette police" hahaha

Well, littering is rude and degrading, I admit, but what can you do where there's no trash bin?! The first thing I've noticed in Bkk was there're no (not enough) trash bins and public toilets. Of course Thais (well, the lower class ones) are do their needs where they can or they drop, "by mistake", their plastic bags (all classes), however, the police will not charge them because they know their income is lower then the tourists'. So, in order to do their norm, they might be hiding trash bin and hunt foreign smokers.

Conclusion: smoking is bad :)

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