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US Court Indicts Paedophile Imprisoned In Thailand


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US Court Indicts Paedophile Imprisoned in Thailand


Canadian-born US citizen Glen Richard Allen, already imprisoned in Thailand, has now been indicted by a US District Court in his hometown of Seattle. Allen was arrested along with several other men after evidence of his sexual interference with girls as young as 11-years-old came to light in 2007.

Thailand, the 23rd of June 2010 [PDN]: Thailand’s Crimes Against Women & Children Suppression Division arrested Allen, along with two Brits, Maurice John Praill and Stephen James Ellison and a Finn Ilkka Ylikolola in March of 2007. The four were all charged with several counts of sexually interfering with underage girls.

Already sentenced to 16-years in a Thai prison, the Seattle District Court earlier this month indicted Allen for his heinous crimes. The US Attorney’s Office has released a statement saying that Allen is in and will remain in Thai prison over his offences.

Allen, who retired to the seaside resort town of Pattaya on Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard in 1997, was caught in March of 2007 with a catalogue of some 200-300 DVD’s depicting himself sexually interfering with children as young as 11-years-old. Arrested in his Pattaya City condominium, along with Praill, Ellison and Ylikolola, Allen was eventually sentenced to 16-years in prison by a Thai court. Consequently Praill was found to have been convicted on child sex offenses in Thailand prior to this matter, returning to his ways upon being handed a 14-year suspended sentence.

Story continues with pictures: HERE




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What pedos do is beyond any words, but i would like to ask a question

-Where were or are the parents of those kids?Surely many parents knew about this and in many cases sold their kids. Should not they be punished?

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how many Thai also arrested along with these 'scum'?

one would think that they needed 'assistance' in percuring their 'prey'

You can rest assured NO Thais were arrested with them.

My Thai male friend said the "locals" brothels is full of underage girls. Go figure. Though, this is not news as this sort of thing is big in Japan, Korea and China as well and is much more excepted than it is in western culture. Disturbing.

At least they got these guys off the streets even though the Thais involved will just pawn them off on new customers.

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What I dont understand how these monsters find these young poor victims, do they just kidnap them or what? THis is horrible and always old diseased people. So bad, Do the families sell their children? I think a father that does that should go to jail too.

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It is all in the name of the old xenophobic wisdom: Thai good, Farang bad.

Obviously if procurers, panderers and brothel owners are never arrested and/or prosecuted, what does it say about the prevailing LE system?

I am afraid that payola probably has to do with that. Most unfortunate because the victims are degraded by all this and their lives and childhood tainted by those experiences.

I do not think that death penalty is an adequate punishment.

Castration, mutilation and long term imprisonment is more appropriate.

My 2 cents



how many Thai also arrested along with these 'scum'?

one would think that they needed 'assistance' in percuring their 'prey'

You can rest assured NO Thais were arrested with them.

My Thai male friend said the "locals" brothels is full of underage girls. Go figure. Though, this is not news as this sort of thing is big in Japan, Korea and China as well and is much more excepted than it is in western culture. Disturbing.

At least they got these guys off the streets even though the Thais involved will just pawn them off on new customers.

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Why do such 'guys' give all of us a bad name? Understandable that more and more Thais dislike all of us.

Why do you feel the need to categorise yourself in the same group as paedophiles? Because they're white? Thai people aren't that stupid to think all white people are pedos simply because of a few bad apples.

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What pedos do is beyond any words, but i would like to ask a question

-Where were or are the parents of those kids? Surely many parents knew about this and in many cases sold their kids. Should not they be punished?

you have insider knowledge? <_<

Of course he doesn't. They never do. These guys just make up things as they go along.

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Capital punishment should be the final sanction in these cases - period.


"Capital punisment" perhaps not, but we should neuter them... castration before jail should be the best punishment and sure, they will never do it again...

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About 3 years ago I went to renew my work permit. The man handling my application told me that the following year I would be more inconvenienced as I would need a police check from my home country. I politely asked him why and he told me that I was male and working with children and could be a Paedophile. I get where he was coming from but then asked him if the Thai teachers in my school had to do the same thing. His reply was that Thai men aren't Paedophiles - it was accompanied by that certain look that says - "it's obvious - Duuh!".

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Capital punishment should be the final sanction in these cases - period.


"Capital punisment" perhaps not, but we should neuter them... castration before jail should be the best punishment and sure, they will never do it again...

I think treatment in a secure mental hospital is needed for these people as they are obviously mentally ill. In the picture they all look to be very old, usually a reduction of libido goes with an increasing age so there must be something very wrong with them. I don't think vengance really helps anyone including the victims. If treatment worked and they were no longer a threat to society maybe they could be rehabilitated and later released. Putting them in jail for years just wastes money and doesnt really achieve much.

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Why do such 'guys' give all of us a bad name? Understandable that more and more Thais dislike all of us.

Why do you feel the need to categorise yourself in the same group as paedophiles? Because they're white? Thai people aren't that stupid to think all white people are pedos simply because of a few bad apples.

hungryhippo- when there has been institutionalised world-wide abuse uncovered and constantly reported cases (e.g. the Catholic Church's suspension/removal of thousands of priests in numerous countries in recent years), perhaps you unintentionally trivialise (or just don't understand) the huge scandal of global paedophilia that is more than just a few 'bad apples'......??

This sick cancer of exploiting and corrupting our youth is historic through the ages and must be stamped out wherever and whenever it is found.

Brewsta :realangry:

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Unfortunately these couple of guys are only the tip of the iceberg... I don't even want to think of how many other paedophiles are up to no good and getting away with it - either by sheer luck or because they know the right people and oil the right palms (BIB). Sad in this day and age...

I've never read any stories about the victims - what, if any, help do they get? Is there some agency/department that looks after the kids? Helps them to get over the trauma? etc.??? It would be interesting to know how many of the kids become "repeat victims". That would be a good indication as to whether or not the parets are involved (ie pimping their kids) or if they just bad/irresponsible parents.

Edited by djayz
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What pedos do is beyond any words, but i would like to ask a question

-Where were or are the parents of those kids? Surely many parents knew about this and in many cases sold their kids. Should not they be punished?

you have insider knowledge? <_<

Of course he doesn't. They never do. These guys just make up things as they go along.

Look around, if you life in Thailand. The parents not sell the children, they borrow them out!!

If Thais are involved in things like this, the pay any thousand bath to the parents that they not loose there face, and may to the police. Later may the child get married, even if underaged, with the pedo :-(. TiT

In our village, last year, the monchs married a girl age 12 to a guy may 30 years old.

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how many Thai also arrested along with these 'scum'?

one would think that they needed 'assistance' in percuring their 'prey'

It's about foreigners what they're doing in Thailand, not what Thais are doing.

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As I understand the karaoke bars and other establishments along second and Third roads in Pattaya, frequented by locals are full with underage girls, mostly from Cambodia, Laos and Burma. There is ample supply as indicated by the report that evidence of 200 different girls was molested.

I live in rural Thailand central region, A few years ago I was sitting in a rural local police station waiting to met an official. A mother and her son came into the station and talked to the officer on watch (reception). From the conversation I could hear that the young man had in some way molested or tried to molest a underage girl in the village. The officer proceeded to give him a very loud scolding and sent them packing home again.

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Unfortunately these couple of guys are only the tip of the iceberg... I don't even want to think of how many other paedophiles are up to no good and getting away with it - either by sheer luck or because they know the right people and oil the right palms (BIB). Sad in this day and age...



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I think the Thais have this paedophile thing in more perspective than westerners. I personally have never seen one Thai even cautious of a westerner being a paedophile. It surprises me at times. I did once hear of a farang who was actively procuring young 15/16 year old girls through bar girl intermediaries and to my astonishment, the 10,000 baht "reward" was of far more interest to these girls than any moral consideration.

The age limits for prostitution have been largely forced by western pressure on Thailand. Child protection is an issue which matters to westerners more than Thais. I think the Thais see a lot of good in farangs. It is hard when you look at that crazy culture clash which is Pattaya for Thais not to see all farangs as scum, but the girls there see weakness and "Jai dee" more than they would in their fellow countrymen. And that is something to exploit more than admire. Money to your average low class Thai is something of far higher value than morality.

Thank goodness he wont be walking around for some time.

Why do such 'guys' give all of us a bad name? Understandable that more and more Thais dislike all of us.

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How morbid and twisted can a person get! They come to Thailand with their perverted intent on molesting children and think they will not get caught is beyond comprehension. Thailand has a thousand eyes on farang, it is only a matter of time before a sicko like this is discovered. I could care less about what the Thai authorities do to these beast, put them away and throw away the key. In viewing the photo these guys have the nerve to be ashamed by covering their head, they are only sorry that they got caught in their beastly appetite for innocent defenseless children. They will never receive the punishment they deserve for destroy the lives of these children. Sixteen years?...A life sentence in a Thai prison preferably but most likely that won't happen either since there is a possibility that these perverts can pay for their freedom by deportation to their own country just to repeat their disgusting habit.

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About 3 years ago I went to renew my work permit. The man handling my application told me that the following year I would be more inconvenienced as I would need a police check from my home country. I politely asked him why and he told me that I was male and working with children and could be a Paedophile. I get where he was coming from but then asked him if the Thai teachers in my school had to do the same thing. His reply was that Thai men aren't Paedophiles - it was accompanied by that certain look that says - "it's obvious - Duuh!".

The old Xenophobic wisdom: Thai good, Farang bad.

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These guys have some serious issues and it is not isolated to just them. Diagnosis of these 'traits' has never ben fully analysed by the medical profession as it is not apparently a priority or able to generate research grants due to the minority. Sadly it has a far greater reaching affect on young children who degenerate far faster than knowledgeable adults or those with life experiences to recognise they predatorial behaviour of these degenerates.

At any rate - removal of these people from society or at least from young children is far better than having them roam streets but there should be some assistance to tackle their disease as it is hard to keep them incarcerated for ever and they will release back into society and without treatment - will become repeat offenders.

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