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Every user needs to have control over this silly reputation thing.

For example, my profile currently tells me that I have a good reputation.

I don't wish to take part in this nonsense. I would prefer that any reference to 'reputation' in my profile, be removed.

I would only allow this 'reputation' thing if nobody can reduce the reputation. In other words, the reputation only goes up, not down. Is this how it works or not?

Could somebody who has authority, please completely explain how this reputation system works?

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the reputation - or call it 'content meter' - is not a 'member voting up tool'

FYI - A 'high score' will not save a member from a warning or a ban.

I give you 5 votes in return for your 5 is not a fair approach but misuse of this tool.

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the reputation - or call it 'content meter' - is not a 'member voting up tool'

FYI - A 'high score' will not save a member from a warning or a ban.

I give you 5 votes in return for your 5 is not a fair approach but misuse of this tool.

I don't see how this tool can be effective.....people regularly giving their friends the high five more than likely......!

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I figured that was the great thing about this system, as apposed to the star system, which has been used to beat people down. With reputation the only direction seems to be up! :D Maybe I'm delusional, but that is what I hope. ;) UP UP UP.

Yeah but I had to work hard for my two stars......buggered if I know how I ever escaped from the cesspit that was one star living.......is anyone up there living the five star big cheese lifestyle? :lol:

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Under the circumstances I think we have shown remarkable restraint. You throw a shiny new toy, into a room full of naughty little boys, with nary a word about its use or function and what do you get? We play with it, kick it around the room a bit, trying to figure out what makes it tick. There was no malice involved, just natural curiosity about something new and unknown. Besides there were no adults in the room. ;)

Ha Ha, I would have given you +1 for that post but I'd had a look at your profile and noticed your reputation was at 42 and excellent, so I didnt bother.. :P

IMO the reputation thing is like being back at school at a young age when you used to get stars if you were a good boy, gold being the highest, but IMO if the reputation thing is open to abuse then no point in having it, but then again if members feel good about them selves because they have a high reputation, is there any harm in it.

I think it's cheesy but up to you if you like it.

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