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Beentheredonethat Is In Bumrungrad Hospital


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Just a quick update on BTDT. He is still in the hospital and hoping to be released early next week. He is feeling better and starting to get around but the infection is still pretty active in the abdomen and they are keeping a watch on his kidneys. Apparently they were not functioning as well as they should be. The good news is all the tubes and drains and IV's have been removed and he is now on a regular diet. So it mainly is antibiotics and time to heal.

The care here at Bumrungrad has been very good and the Doctors have also been top notch. The cost is high but still much less than what we would have been paying in the USA. I guess if you have to be hospitalized here is one of the better places to be.


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Well BeenthereandDoneThat myself but when I was much younger and it is still one of the most vivid memories I have, don't know him personally but wish him well at his tender young age to a full recovery that was the most painful and physically draining illnesses I've had the misery of experiencing myself.. Was really not at full speed for months thereafter (probably my family was thankful for small blessings on that one) and again I was still a youngun..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I'm sure it was a [painful experience, and that you have a speedy recovery.

I just want to add that you have to watch yourself there. Someone mentioned a 5 day recovery may be a little extreme, but just though you're ok, money isn't relevant.

I had a foot infection that was very painful, and, it got to the point where I couldn't walk. I was very scared, and I went to the same hospital. In hindsight, they could have just given me an anti-biotic, and sent me home, but they decided to take advantage of my situation. I spent 3 nights in the hospital. This didn't concern me that much, but they said I was diabetic and anemic. I asked the doctor just to treat me for the infection. However, when I checked out, there was a mountain of diabetic medicine and vitamins that cost a lot of baht. I had read where they can't treat you for things you tell them not to, but that didn't stop them. I wound up not paying for them, but not with their agreeing. Let's just say I was lucky. A word of caution BTDT, look at your bill carefully.

Thailand. LOS. Right.

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We have been watching the bill and other than a CT Scan that was scheduled and then canceled it all looks OK. They did remove that charge when pointed out that it was canceled. They do tend to bring in other Doctors that may not be really necessary, but then we had been considering having his blood pressure checkout anyway, so that specialist was appreciated.

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Thanks a lot for your concern and get better wishes. It was nice reading all the posts and I am very appreciative of the concern.

Well I’m home and getting better but not too enthused about sitting at the computer and typing yet. But as soon as I get a little rested I will tell you all about my exciting 10 nights in Bangkok Bumrungrad hospital.

Actually it is a top notch hospital and my only complaint would be about the food and being there too long. But the too long part is my fault as I should have checked it out the day the pain started but managed to put it off for three days and during that time my appendix ruptured and it became a large problem rather than a small one. Will give all the gory details in a few days, when I’m feeling more rested.


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Thanks a lot for your concern and get better wishes. It was nice reading all the posts and I am very appreciative of the concern.

Well I'm home and getting better but not too enthused about sitting at the computer and typing yet. But as soon as I get a little rested I will tell you all about my exciting 10 nights in Bangkok Bumrungrad hospital.

Actually it is a top notch hospital and my only complaint would be about the food and being there too long. But the too long part is my fault as I should have checked it out the day the pain started but managed to put it off for three days and during that time my appendix ruptured and it became a large problem rather than a small one. Will give all the gory details in a few days, when I'm feeling more rested.


Sorry to hear about this - except for the part about getting out of there and getting better.

I too had the less amusing pleasure of trying out the food at Bumrungrad (even though the reason for my visit was very enjoyable). Next time, may I suggest the noodle stand outside 7 Eleven in soi 1. Walk away when the father of the family cooks, order pizet when it's the daughter.

Get well!

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