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As an addition to the quote I posted in the General Topics I thought these might shine some light on what it is about those of us that go how and try something new, such as farming in Thailand. Most often this is totally different to what we are experienced in and therefore both daunting and exhilarating.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

George Bernard Shaw - Man and Superman, Maxims for Revolutionists.

Man's highest merit always is, as much as possible, to rule external circumstances and as little as possible to let himself be ruled by them


We rarely gain a higher or larger view except as is forced upon us through struggles which we would have avoided if we could.

Charles Horton Cooley - Life and the Student

I had six honest serving men:

They taught me all I knew.

Their names were where and what and when and why and how and who.

Rudyard Kipling

No sooner do we take a step out of our customary routine than a strange world surges about us.

J.B. Priestley - All About Ourselves and Other Essays

so all you armchair "fill os iffers" go for it



Didn't know you were into fishing. A true fisher of men. I wait with "baited" breath.



I am sorry but I'm going to have to admit to being dumb but I don't understand. I googled "fisher of men" and it seemed to point toward religious meanings. Maybe I should just revert to my old favourite and ask you to do a Pauline for me "please explain".

Or I could do it this way.

Establishing the Boundaries for Success

There is something that I Don't know

That I am supposed to know

I don't know what it is that I don't know,

And yet am supposed to know,

And I feel I look stupid

If I seem not to know it;

And not know what it is I don't know

Therefore I pretend I know it.

This is nerve wracking

Since I don't know what I must pretend to know.

Therefore I pretend to know everything.

I feel you know what I am supposed to know

But you can't tell me what it is

Because you don't know that I don't know what it is.

R.D. Laing - Knots

In reality I decided to post these quotes because I sometimes get sick of people here saying to others "don't do it". If someone wants to "live the dream" I reckon we should encourage it.

Anyway I am now starting to think I have been infected by the urge to just write down my gripes on here.



You summed up what I meant when you said

"In reality I decided to post these quotes because I sometimes get sick of people here saying to others "don't do it". If someone wants to "live the dream" I reckon we should encourage it. Anyway I am now starting to think I have been infected by the urge to just write down my gripes on here."

I completely agree and thought you would attract an attack by the nay-sayers. I thought you were fishing for such comments, that simple.



Some people come on this forum and ask for advice on how to make money , how to support themselves, wife's family, educate kids,on a Thai size farm, because they like the laid back lifestyle of the farmer. Then they volunteer the fact they come from the inter city and their exposure to the farm scene has been a trip of 3 days/or week, with their girl friend to visit family. As a self described realistic pessimist,I sometimes come across as somewhat of a forecaster of gloom, to the referenced people. My advice/expectations of their success are based on a couple decades of watching the majority of this type of individual, move on after a relative short time. I never aspired to be a teacher, as repeating the same info time and time again just seemed like a boring way of life. I do admire the teachers as their patience level, make me jealous.

Some would say. well if you feel that way, be quiet. I just hate to see people with good intentions, make the same mistakes , many of us made, when I may bee able to nudge them one way or the other, with my limited knowledge/experience.

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