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Tourism Authority Of Thailand Expects 2011 Tourism Income To Top Bt1 Trillion


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There was a poll taken at a local bar , the guy running it was leaning on the bar to prevent his drink tipping over and spilling his drink all over him , would look bad to go back to his residence smelling like a local drunk , anyhoooo , hands up those dipping their wicks , duly recorded , hands up for those whom are celebate , meaning 'Choking the bishop' or suffering from ED , duly recorded .

As duly witnessed by all(12) in attendance , it has been concluded as stated , 50% here for the sex , or at least able to take advantage of what's available , any more questons ? Okay , I'll be running along then .

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The inbound tourism is still about 50 % sex and fun seekers and sex always sells. Thailand has unique position and this will prove to be some resilient factor. This will never be an official position but it is a fact

If it's a fact, back it up with proof. Otherwise it's just one person's opinion.

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