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Latest Bashing At Nana


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i would apologise udon...but unfortunately i get out quite a lot and as i stated i find most americans obmnoxious.

if you are american i suggest you calm yourself about dictionaries as it is your nation that stole are language then "bastardized"it.

:D :D :D

I think if you get out more you will meet loudmouths from ALL western nations, including my own........ :D

How do you think other nations feel when threatened by Pommie Lager Louts? :o

Sorry to go OT.

'nuff said.


I think you should sign The Pledge. :D

Edited by meadish_sweetball
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Sure as farang, we have certain freedoms over the locals, but then on the flip side, we are much more vulnerable on the Thai streets as his experiences can teach us.

I have known plenty of Thais who have been involved in fights after drinking too much so I would argue the point about Farangs being more "vulnerable" on the streets than Thais. I have had several Thai friends murdered over the years. I use to frequent the roadside cantinas north of Chiang Mai and I quickly learned to not drink where there are Thais getting hammered but to exit with due haste before things begin to get out of control. Fortunately I tend to fall asleep long before I become rip roaring drunk.

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No accident here, drinking can be used as an excuse to be a little "louder" than normal and lets face it, your best judgement is rarely used..... hope your buddy is ok and puts it down to a learning experience. Unfortunately from my experiences, people that drink hard seldom learn from anything that happens on a night out........

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i would apologise udon...but unfortunately i get out quite a lot and as i stated i find most americans obmnoxious.

if you are american i suggest you calm yourself about dictionaries as it is your nation that stole are language then "bastardized"it.

:D :D :D

I think if you get out more you will meet loudmouths from ALL western nations, including my own........ :D

How do you think other nations feel when threatened by Pommie Lager Louts? :o

Just to clarify: I travelled around England and had many great times -- the country pubs, the museums, the Cotswolds, etc.

In Plymouth I think I walked into the wrong place -- a place for sailors just out of training camp (or whatever they call it in the Navy -- I learned later there is a big facility in Plymouth). I was making the point that drunken, agressive behavior that can be accepted in some cultures may eventually get you in trouble in others -- or your own for that matter. But if all your mates aren't around and you do that, not everyone might think it's "normal."

A group of these shaved-headed guys gathered around me, talking about Yanks, one shoved me, I taked fast and happily fled the scene.

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In my first few years of living here, I was on the turps a lot. I was always fighting, always arguing and always had an ongoing problem with someone.

A few of the guys on this forum who know me will attest to that.

The day I decided not to go to those sleezy type beer bars, was the day my life moved forward.

The trouble with drink is, you never walk away from a problem and that can be deadly in the wrong areas..

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Yank, Brit, Farang, Ozzy, Cheezy Winer, Fin, ....whatever!!??

In Thailand, we are all farang

I'm not a fan of my local embassy, or my distant government...neither of them are adequate representatives of the people they are supposed to be behind yet continue to deceave (spelling?) .

"It's not where you are from, it's where you're at."

Off the subject-- on average, I wonder which nationality of farang support the Thai economy the most via the Sex industry? :o

It may be biased as I'm an American, but I have doubts that my birth country holds the gold medal here. If I had to guess, it would either be the English, Germans, or one of the Scandanavian countries.

Back on the topic of my mate, he told me that he can't exactly remember if it was a Thai guy who had hit him. It is possible it could have been the Brits as he remembers having a dispute with them prior to the incident...they got up and left, aparently and that's the last he could remember before the attack.

If this is the case, it irritates me just a bit. Had it/If it was the Thai, that's one thing because these streets are his turf and thus he's more justified---though violence should never be justified. But if it was the drunk Brits with character conflict with a Fin who wouldn't pay their tab, then this changes everything...

Either way, more reason to not invest your time and money in shady places like Nana, Cowboy, Patpong, and the like. Stock up your fridge/load the bong, pop in a DVD, indulge in your computer, play the guitar, whatever...almost anything is more appealing to me then making myself broke in such sinful neighborhoods.

Edited by meadish_sweetball
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Either way, more reason to not invest your time and money in shady places like Nana, Cowboy, Patpong, and the like. Stock up your fridge/load the bong, pop in a DVD, indulge in your computer, play the guitar, whatever...almost anything is more appealing to me then making myself broke in such sinful neighborhoods.

Yeah, but that gets boring after a while.

Sometimes you just gotta get out! :o

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He11 I thought your buddy refused to pay his own bill. If this guy is so intelligent he can talk about chinese and physics while blotto'd why can't he better pick the people he sits with for drinks?

If he has been knocked on the noggin more than once while drinking, he should quit for awhile and get a full on bathing where they scrub the he11 out of ya. He will fill better. Too bad about the stitches, the soaped up head massage is great.

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Sorry - I do NOT agree that it is relatively OK for a Thai (read "local" and apply to ANY country) to attack someone because he is on "his own turf"...while it is less so for a foreigner to attack someone on turf that is presumably not his...

I would hope that you are not suggesting this - and giving you the benefit of the doubt, I will make that assumption, and say that I guess you may have mis-stated your case.

Perhaps you may have been thinking that a local may take greater offence than a foreigner at another foreigner getting drunk and/or abusive (if that really was the cause of the, obviously one sided, argument).

I really think that allowing yourself to get so drunk that you become a relatively easy target for such an attack should tell you something about youself.

A few years ago I realised that mixing spirits and beer in the one night caused me to become aggressive - not that I ever ended up in fights as a result - but I heeded the warning and if I go out, I only drink one or the other - usually beer - but certainly not both.

I wonder if I am the only one affected like this? I very much doubt it.

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Yank, Brit, Farang, Ozzy, Cheezy Winer, Fin, ....whatever!!??

In Thailand, we are all farang

I'm not a fan of my local embassy, or my distant government...neither of them are adequate representatives of the people they are supposed to be behind yet continue to deceave (spelling?) .

"It's not where you are from, it's where you're at."

Off the subject-- on average, I wonder which nationality of farang support the Thai economy the most via the Sex industry? :D

It may be biased as I'm an American, but I have doubts that my birth country holds the gold medal here. If I had to guess, it would either be the English, Germans, or one of the Scandanavian countries.

Back on the topic of my mate, he told me that he can't exactly remember if it was a Thai guy who had hit him. It is possible it could have been the Brits as he remembers having a dispute with them prior to the incident...they got up and left, aparently and that's the last he could remember before the attack.

If this is the case, it irritates me just a bit. Had it/If it was the Thai, that's one thing because these streets are his turf and thus he's more justified---though violence should never be justified. But if it was the drunk Brits with character conflict with a Fin who wouldn't pay their tab, then this changes everything...

Either way, more reason to not invest your time and money in shady places like Nana, Cowboy, Patpong, and the like. Stock up your fridge/load the bong, pop in a DVD, indulge in your computer, play the guitar, whatever...almost anything is more appealing to me then making myself broke in such sinful neighborhoods.

try visiting the south american sex capitals and put-up with redneck yanky punks over there :o

once in the dr i got in a sh1t fight because of my dutch accent and getting attention of one of the girls the redneck fancied, told him to back off and i threw a glass of beer in this smart-ass face and then it was on :D

me, europe against the yanks, we won :D

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I really think that allowing yourself to get so drunk that you become a relatively easy target for such an attack should tell you something about youself.

Is this a reference about my culture? :o

Greer, you should visit Finland sometimes.

I'll give you a tour. :D

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if you ever did a survey Finns and reality and behaviour when drunk proably rate worse than the most extreme English Stella louts

I happen to have seen a TV program about the alcohol related problems in Finland... it seems they like their grogg just as much if not more than the Brits... and have the social problems that go with it..

totster :o

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