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It's NOT a khlong, it's a moat. (Kuu Muang)

Sheesh. :)

Funny ...... certain color shirts always have to be different

to me its a klong..... if you want it to be a moat ok by me

somehow you seemed to understand what I was talking about didn't you???

anyhow was there a car in there or not.....

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was when i went past around 9.30pm last night - many standersby watching; could just see the roof level with the water. Hope to see a pic.

Ask and you shall receive.

We got stopped on the way home from dinner by this guy.


Huge crowd. What could be happening? GF thought someone must have drowned, but there was no body, just bubbles coming out of the moat.


When the truck arrived we figured it was probably a car or a bike.


Dude stripped down and went swimming.


As soon as he stood up in the middle of the moat we figured it was a car.


They got it hooked up and slowly towed it in.








When the rear end of the vehicle came out of the water and there was no license plate the crowd moaned. GF told me it was because everyone was waiting for the numbers to use in the next lotto. The car was brand new though and still had no plates. :( Oh well.

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These are fantastic professional looking photos, HTWoodson.

Normally when I take night shots, the end result is shadowy figures in a grainy background.

Can you tell us what camera you use? And how you achieve such perfect night vision on your camera?

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Great job HTWoodson... Over the years there have some very good photos posted on TV.... In my opinion , these that you have just given us, rank up there with the best of the best.. Great photos.

Was there any information on how the car got into the moat; who was driving;or were there any injuries? As someone stated, it was an unplated new car, maybe it was stolen.

Just seems to get curiousier and curiousier.....

and an interesting point on the comment by HTW's gf...... how could it be lucky [car tag number] when you are so lucky as to have your car drive into the klong???? [moat for those that take umbridge}

Well remember the old saying , I guess, " if it weren't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all "


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i came round the inside corner of the moat must have been 5 mins after it happened, there were skid marks on the road, then veering off up over the kerb and down into the abyss. I asked around and apparently everybody got out fine. No-one could tell me though just how the idiot managed to lose control on a straight bit of road.( almost directly outside the old reggae pub).

As one guy already mentioned, my gf wanted to wait till they pulled the car out so she could see the plate numbers for the lotto, that baffled me as why would you want to commemorate bad luck, why not the plates of the rescue truck instead?? so in the end we scarpered before the car got dragged out, great photos by the way.

Edited by sundaypsychos
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These are fantastic professional looking photos, HTWoodson.

Normally when I take night shots, the end result is shadowy figures in a grainy background.

Can you tell us what camera you use? And how you achieve such perfect night vision on your camera?

Thanks! I just used a Nikon D90 with a 35mm prime lens, ISO bumped all the way up to 3200 and no flash. I had lots of very blurry shots because I was hand-holding but a few came out ok. The shots were very grainy from the high ISO, but the Lightroom 3 program on my PC has a filter that takes it out beautifully. I was happy with how Doi Suthep looks in the background.

As for how the crash happened, I arrived after it was all over and never found out. Someone did say that he came from inside the moat so SundayPsychos probably has it right.

Thanks again everyone for the kind words about the photos. :rolleyes:

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