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Nope, recent polls show the majority has definitively turned AGAINST Thaksin.

And you actually believe polls in Thailand?

I believe polls also say the same about Abhisit.

Agree - as also by the US vote by people with intelligence - 411 to 4. Abhisit is not so stupid to rest on his laurels. He is also not as smug as Thaksin was and will still move forward with as much support as he can garner from within his ranks, bearing in mind many of his party would jump ship at a heart beat to remain in power should another election remove the democrats.

It is a tough job he has but he is still the best bet for Thailand - against all odds but surely if the international perception of red is out voted (crushed is a word that comes to mind) the convicted crim with money has no way he can ever return and the writing is on the wall. The reds need to ditch the loser and try to align themselves with someone who can help them and above all else I still believe Abhisit is that man.

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Somehow the US has to to stay neutral you never knows who will be the next government and Thailand and that's exactly what the letter is neutral.

Could you please point out where the House resolves to support the Red Shirt roadmap or the Pheu Thai Party roadmap?

Or even that it supports all of them equally and "neutrally"?


That the House of Representatives--

(4) supports the goals of the 5-point roadmap of the Government of Thailand for national reconciliation


U.S. Congress non-binding resolutions are a dime a dozen...usually at least a hundred issued every year. Basically a congressional resolution is a statement of position, has no legal authority, no force of law, etc.

Absolutely correct. The title of this thread being .."A Victory For Thailand In Washington" is pretty misleading. Neither the American public or it's government could care less about Thailand no matter who's in charge.

Pretty cynical, but probably correct. At first glance a nicely phrased statement, but then politicians are good at that. Meaningful contents little. Still good for Thailand and it's government, a clear loss for Thaksin c.s.

Abhisit, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban and some other government leaders cautiously welcomed the American politicians' move, but all stopped short of portraying it as a strong endorsement of the roadmap's legitimacy.

"It's always my belief that most foreign governments and organisations see the steps being taken by the government as a possible solution to the crisis," Abhisit said.

How i have to understand the first sentence, isn't it saying that the govt don't hold a big victory party as the headline of the article and some replies in the thread suggest?

And the next sentence is also not clear to me, how many "foreign governments and organisations" is the United States House of Representatives acually?


The title of this thread being .."A Victory For Thailand In Washington" is pretty misleading. Neither the American public or it's government could care less about Thailand no matter who's in charge.

I would wager a half million (and more) would disagree with that

Whereas approximately 500,000 people of Thai descent live in the United States and foster strong cultural ties between the 2 countries

The US has a total population of about 320 million people. Simple arithmetic tells us 500,000 people of Thai decent comes out to around 0.15% (that's 15% of 1%)of the total population and of that tiny number a significant proportion of them support the Red Shirts and another significant portion (the younger ones) don't care one way or another. That leaves the percentage of Abhisit supporters so small that statistically it might as well be zero.

I therefore stand by my statement that neither the American public or it's government could care less about Thailand no matter who's in charge and that's the way it should be. It's none of our business. The Congress has said they favor reconciliation and a peaceful resolution to the conflict; and that's good enough.


The title of this thread being .."A Victory For Thailand In Washington" is pretty misleading. Neither the American public or it's government could care less about Thailand no matter who's in charge.

I would wager a half million (and more) would disagree with that

Whereas approximately 500,000 people of Thai descent live in the United States and foster strong cultural ties between the 2 countries

The US has a total population of about 320 million people. Simple arithmetic tells us 500,000 people of Thai decent comes out to around 0.15% (that's 15% of 1%)of the total population and of that tiny number a significant proportion of them support the Red Shirts and another significant portion (the younger ones) don't care one way or another. That leaves the percentage of Abhisit supporters so small that statistically it might as well be zero.

I therefore stand by my statement that neither the American public or it's government could care less about Thailand no matter who's in charge and that's the way it should be. It's none of our business. The Congress has said they favor reconciliation and a peaceful resolution to the conflict; and that's good enough.

And of course you have data to support your claims of how many of the half million Thais/Thai-Americans living in the US support either the redshirts or the government?

Abhisit, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban and some other government leaders cautiously welcomed the American politicians' move, but all stopped short of portraying it as a strong endorsement of the roadmap's legitimacy.

"It's always my belief that most foreign governments and organisations see the steps being taken by the government as a possible solution to the crisis," Abhisit said.

How i have to understand the first sentence, isn't it saying that the govt don't hold a big victory party as the headline of the article and some replies in the thread suggest?

And the next sentence is also not clear to me, how many "foreign governments and organisations" is the United States House of Representatives acually?

You probably mean you'd prefer words of less than three syllables, or just like to make probing questions.

No-one suggested big victory parties. The second paragraph is just a generalization, not a link to the US of A.


People are taking far too much from this touchie feelie resolution. Please read the resolution. In particular, look at the request that the Thai government (along with protestors) renounce the use of violence. Yes the resolution supports the 5 point plan, but that support is for the promises Mr. Abhisit is making. A gangster can say that he likes puppies and I would agree, because I like puppies too. That doesn't mean that I support the gangster, just that i agree with his statement.

The resolution is not an endorsement of Mr. Abhisit. Wrapped up in the diplomatic language about reconciliation there is mention of timely free and fair elections and a free media. Anyone taking the resolution as anything more than support of basic freedoms is misguided.

H. Res. 1321

In the House of Representatives, U. S.,

July 1, 2010.

Whereas Thailand became the first treaty ally of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region with the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, signed at Sia-Yut'hia (Bangkok) March 20, 1833, between the United States and Siam, during the administration of President Andrew Jackson and the reign of King Rama III;

Whereas the United States and Thailand furthered their alliance with the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, (commonly known as the 'Manila Pact of 1954') signed at Manila September 8, 1954, and the United States designated Thailand as a major non-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally in December 2003;

Whereas, through the Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations, signed at Bangkok May 26, 1966, along with a diverse and growing trading relationship, the United States and Thailand have developed critical economic ties;

Whereas Thailand is a key partner of the United States in Southeast Asia and has supported closer relations between the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN);

Whereas Thailand has the longest-serving monarch in the world, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who is loved and respected for his dedication to the people of Thailand;

Whereas Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has issued a 5-point roadmap designed to promote the peaceful resolution of the current political crisis in Thailand;

Whereas approximately 500,000 people of Thai descent live in the United States and foster strong cultural ties between the 2 countries; and

Whereas Thailand remains a steadfast friend with shared values of freedom, democracy, and liberty: Now, therefore, be it Resolved,

That the House of Representatives--

(1) affirms the support of the people and the Government of the United States for a strong and vital alliance with Thailand;

(2) calls for the restoration of peace and stability throughout Thailand;

(3) urges all parties involved in the political crisis in Thailand to renounce the use of violence and to resolve their differences peacefully through dialogue;

(4) supports the goals of the 5-point roadmap of the Government of Thailand for national reconciliation, which seeks to--

(A) uphold, protect, and respect the institution of the constitutional monarchy;

(B ) resolve fundamental problems of social justice systematically and with participation by all sectors of society;

(c ) ensure that the media can operate freely and constructively;

(D) establish facts about the recent violence through investigation by an independent committee; and

(E) establish mutually acceptable political rules through the solicitation of views from all sides; and

(5) promotes the timely implementation of an agreed plan for national reconciliation in Thailand so that free and fair elections can be held.



Not sure what you think a resolution is, but it literally means to resolve to do or to support something, and this is a staggering near unanimous resolution of 411 US lawmakers who,

calling the Kingdom of Thailand a strong and vital ally, a major ally and a key partner in Southeast Asia, a country with whom they have critical economic ties, a steadfast friend with shared values of freedom, democracy, all the way back to Andrew Jackson and King Rama III! (Lord of lords, the number 51 does come to mind)

.... resolve to provide strong support for Thailand, strong support for the monarchy, strong support for the government, and strong support for each every one of the 5 points of Abhisit's plan for reconciliation, and strong support for elections to be held in a "timely" manner, as expressed by the current prime minister, Mr. Abhisit..

(wave US flag above images of Thailand and the King, fade to Abhisit addressing the country)

This resolution leaves no legitimacy whatsoever for Thaksin and his thugs program of violence and disruption of the country. Thaksin's entire modus operandi is out the door. It also calls on Abhisit to be a man of his word and carry through with what he has said he will do.As long as he does, he will get strong US support. If Thaksin tries to further destabilize the country or derail the reconciliation with his money and violence, the resolution clearly states that the US will support Thailand and its institutions. The resolution is also the first step in the legitimization of any actions the US might take to prevent the derailment of a peaceful resolution, such as support to help stop Thaksin's activities if required.

Such a resolution does not happen by accident, but through careful diplomatic work. I strongly suspect that this is the work of the US State Department itself and Ambassador John and his staff here in Bangkok.

Then is would have been worded in a more decisive way. Is it a form letter resolution. The letter does not mention Thaksin at all. You are reading to much into it. You are acting the like the government looking for support even as weak as this. The USA will give full and more complete support to the "elected leader' of Thailand. Obviously you do not understand the workings of the US State Dept.

Ditto. I agree with geriatrickid and Capealava.

Pro Thailand - yes, why not. But i cannot spot the part how that could be anyhow twisted as an anti-Thaksin or anti-red shirt statement.

And for the support of the Thai government and the support for the road map the key words are "supports the goals" of the 5-point roadmap. Indeed - 5 nice goals, nobody would argue that they are bad or that the red shirts would have the opposite in mind. The question is how the achieve these goals, the letter nowhere says that the steps taken has the support too. There is a difference between the way and the goal, between the process and the product.


The way in Abhisits words:

1) All parties concerned must join forces to uphold the monarchy.

2) The government will carry out national reform to do away with injustice in the economic and political structures.

3) The government will ensure that the media will function as a constructive tool.

4) The government will set up an independent committee to investigate the deaths and injuries in clashes between troops, police and protesters on April 10, at Silom and on Vibhavadi Road.

5) The government will take actions to study the public feelings of injustice regarding to political system, especially after what happened over last few years, and try to solve the problems.

Can you see the difference?


And of course you have data to support your claims of how many of the half million Thais/Thai-Americans living in the US support either the redshirts or the government?

You don't need a pole. Just get out and talk to a cross section of foreign Thais on your own and you can get a pretty accurate feel as to how many support who and what. Even if ALL the Thai Americans supported the elitists, which of course they don't, they would only total about fifteen percent of one percent of the entire US population. If you have any Thai-American friends you will see they can be broken down into pretty much 3 groups.

Group 1.) Those who are from Bangkok and vicinity and who are of at least upper middle income families or higher who support the present government and the status quo.

Group 2.) Those who hail from dtang jangwat and who distrust the army and support democracy and the red shirt movement.

Group 3.) Those from the second, third and even further back generations of Thai Americans who have now completely integrated into American society and who know very little if anything about what is going on in Thailand and don't seem to care much about it either.


The title of this thread being .."A Victory For Thailand In Washington" is pretty misleading. Neither the American public or it's government could care less about Thailand no matter who's in charge.

I would wager a half million (and more) would disagree with that

Whereas approximately 500,000 people of Thai descent live in the United States and foster strong cultural ties between the 2 countries

The US has a total population of about 320 million people. Simple arithmetic tells us 500,000 people of Thai decent comes out to around 0.15% (that's 15% of 1%)of the total population and of that tiny number a significant proportion of them support the Red Shirts and another significant portion (the younger ones) don't care one way or another. That leaves the percentage of Abhisit supporters so small that statistically it might as well be zero.

I therefore stand by my statement that neither the American public or it's government could care less about Thailand no matter who's in charge and that's the way it should be. It's none of our business. The Congress has said they favor reconciliation and a peaceful resolution to the conflict; and that's good enough.

If you chose to discount the thoughts and feelings of a half million people, that's up to you. They are certainly a part of the "American public" and would likely disagree with your assessment that they don't care what happens in Thailand.

At no time was it implied that a majority or even a significant minority of the American public care, but its not a stretch to believe that a half million do.

Obviously the USA government cares on some level, otherwise they wouldn't have even bothered with the resolution in the first place, nor would the State Department be involved as it has over the past several years. Is it the top priority for the USA government? No, but to say it "could care less" is as inaccurate as to say the American public "could care less."

The USA government has said they favor reconciliation by way of Abhisit's roadmap and that's an endorsement of the Abhisit's Thai government, and that is "good enough".


And of course you have data to support your claims of how many of the half million Thais/Thai-Americans living in the US support either the redshirts or the government?

You don't need a pole. Just get out and talk to a cross section of foreign Thais on your own and you can get a pretty accurate feel as to how many support who and what. Even if ALL the Thai Americans supported the elitists, which of course they don't, they would only total about fifteen percent of one percent of the entire US population. If you have any Thai-American friends you will see they can be broken down into pretty much 3 groups.

Group 1.) Those who are from Bangkok and vicinity and who are of at least upper middle income families or higher who support the present government and the status quo.

Group 2.) Those who hail from dtang jangwat and who distrust the army and support democracy and the red shirt movement.

Group 3.) Those from the second, third and even further back generations of Thai Americans who have now completely integrated into American society and who know very little if anything about what is going on in Thailand and don't seem to care much about it either.

A simple 'no' would have sufficed.


The title of this thread being .."A Victory For Thailand In Washington" is pretty misleading. Neither the American public or it's government could care less about Thailand no matter who's in charge.

I would wager a half million (and more) would disagree with that

The US has a total population of about 320 million people. Simple arithmetic tells us 500,000 people of Thai decent comes out to around 0.15% (that's 15% of 1%)of the total population and of that tiny number a significant proportion of them support the Red Shirts and another significant portion (the younger ones) don't care one way or another. That leaves the percentage of Abhisit supporters so small that statistically it might as well be zero.

I therefore stand by my statement that neither the American public or it's government could care less about Thailand no matter who's in charge and that's the way it should be. It's none of our business. The Congress has said they favor reconciliation and a peaceful resolution to the conflict; and that's good enough.

And of course you have data to support your claims of how many of the half million Thais/Thai-Americans living in the US support either the redshirts or the government?

Who they support wasn't what I was addressing in my post.

I was replying to the poster's extremely incredulous post that they didn't care what happened in Thailand (irregardless of who they support). Unfortunately, he chose not to respond to that crux of his error.


The USA House of Representatives isn't the only entity to endorse Abhisit's reconciliation roadmap. Others have too:

The anti-government 'Red Shirt' United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) affirmed Friday they would join Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's road map for national reconciliation but said it needed one more day to conclude its stance, according to UDD leader Natthawut Saikua.

Mr Natthawut told reporters after the discussion with other Red Shirt leaders that the UDD would join the road map for reconciliation with the government or any other organisation that shared the same idea that peaceful means should be implemented to solve political problems.

This standpoint of UDD would be permanent and would not change, he said.



“Red Shirt leaders unanimously agree to join, and welcome, the reconciliation roadmap proposed by the prime minister to prevent further loss of life,” protest leader Veera Musikapong announced



Those red anarchists burning Bangkok images made an INTERNATIONAL impression. Reds, what did you expect?

post-37101-003085200 1278134595_thumb.jp

For once, I have to disagree with you Khun Jingthing...

Using the term "anarchist" for these red thugs is a compliment that they do not either deserve or understand...B)


It's interesting to hear Thaksin finally break his long silence to speak out on this topic as well as other amazing statements:

Thaksin phoned in to the Puea Thai Party meeting on Friday and predicted he would be back in Thailand by the end of this year.

It was Thaksin's first public call to the party, which is widely regarded as his proxy, since the anti-government demonstrations in central Bangkok were crushed by the army on May 19.

Thaksin, who has had an increasingly tough time finding refuge, said he was calling from an undisclosed African country.

He accused Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's administration of deceiving foreign governments by accusing him of terrorism.

Thaksin said the government's international public relations campaign had been successful in deceiving the US House of Representatives, which voted 411-4 Thursday on a motion calling on all Thai political parties to renounce violence and pledge to resolve their problems peacefully and democratically.

July 3, 2010 from DPA



Also interesting to read of Abhisit's reaction to Thaksin's prediction:

PM: Thaksin not barred from returning to Thailand

BANGKOK, 3 July 2010 (NNT) – Self-exiled ex Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is not barred from returning to the country, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva says.

Speaking on Saturday upon Mr Thakin’s statement that he was to return to the Kingdom soon, the premier said Mr Thaksin was welcomed back to Thailand anytime, but those living on the Thai territory needed to obey the Thai law.



Those red anarchists burning Bangkok images made an INTERNATIONAL impression. Reds, what did you expect?

post-37101-003085200 1278134595_thumb.jp

For once, I have to disagree with you Khun Jingthing...

Using the term "anarchist" for these red thugs is a compliment that they do not either deserve or understand...B)

Sorry, I was in a reconciling mood ...


It's interesting to hear Thaksin finally break his long silence to speak out on this topic as well as other amazing statements:

Thaksin phoned in to the Puea Thai Party meeting on Friday and predicted he would be back in Thailand by the end of this year.

It was Thaksin's first public call to the party, which is widely regarded as his proxy, since the anti-government demonstrations in central Bangkok were crushed by the army on May 19.

Thaksin, who has had an increasingly tough time finding refuge, said he was calling from an undisclosed African country.

He accused Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's administration of deceiving foreign governments by accusing him of terrorism.

Thaksin said the government's international public relations campaign had been successful in deceiving the US House of Representatives, which voted 411-4 Thursday on a motion calling on all Thai political parties to renounce violence and pledge to resolve their problems peacefully and democratically.

July 3, 2010 from DPA


What K. Thaksin says and what he does not always match. Just keeping face, installing faith, no relation with factual truth (maybe not expected either).

To suggest the government "successful in deceiving the US House of Representatives" is hilarious. If it had been the other way he'd probably say something like "the US HoR has recognized the illegal status of the current Thai government and their whitewashing of the bloodbath they created". K. Thaksin's motto might be "never let the truth stand between you and your goal".


It's interesting to hear Thaksin finally break his long silence to speak out on this topic as well as other amazing statements:

Thaksin phoned in to the Puea Thai Party meeting on Friday and predicted he would be back in Thailand by the end of this year.

It was Thaksin's first public call to the party, which is widely regarded as his proxy, since the anti-government demonstrations in central Bangkok were crushed by the army on May 19.

Thaksin, who has had an increasingly tough time finding refuge, said he was calling from an undisclosed African country.

He accused Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's administration of deceiving foreign governments by accusing him of terrorism.

Thaksin said the government's international public relations campaign had been successful in deceiving the US House of Representatives, which voted 411-4 Thursday on a motion calling on all Thai political parties to renounce violence and pledge to resolve their problems peacefully and democratically.

July 3, 2010 from DPA


"Thaksin said the government's international public relations campaign had been successful in deceiving the US House of Representatives, which voted 411-4 Thursday on a motion calling on all Thai political parties to renounce violence and pledge to resolve their problems peacefully and democratically."

Spoken as only Mr. Thaksin can. He must be quite upset, tricking the US to support only peaceful means and ask everyone to renounce violence.

And that's the whole point to the resolution, the US will support Thailand and its institutions in the peaceful resolution of the problems, including the 5 point reconciliation plan. The support for Abhisit is only incidental to his support for the same. No need to even ask what they think of Thaksin and his goons' armed insurrection, sabotage, and arson.


Those red anarchists burning Bangkok images made an INTERNATIONAL impression. Reds, what did you expect?

post-37101-003085200 1278134595_thumb.jp

For once, I have to disagree with you Khun Jingthing...

Using the term "anarchist" for these red thugs is a compliment that they do not either deserve or understand...B)

Sorry, I was in a reconciling mood ...

Hello Farang USA, the house resolution urges ALL sides to renounce violence. Nobody names or blames the red shirts as the only guilty one for the violence.

Over 175 years of good relationship between USA and Thailand are not the achievement of Abhisit nor is it an INTERNATIONAL endorsement of the Abhisit govt. And it make also not an INTERNATIONAL impression. That house resolution don't even made it in the news overthere in the US of A.

And don't forget, unlike you, Farang USA, the red shirts are Thai people. Reconciliation will only work together with them (and better without Abhisit and Thaksin). If you don't understand you should better GO HOME NOW!! (quoting you)


Those red anarchists burning Bangkok images made an INTERNATIONAL impression. Reds, what did you expect?

post-37101-003085200 1278134595_thumb.jp

For once, I have to disagree with you Khun Jingthing...

Using the term "anarchist" for these red thugs is a compliment that they do not either deserve or understand...B)

Sorry, I was in a reconciling mood ...

Hello Farang USA, the house resolution urges ALL sides to renounce violence. Nobody names or blames the red shirts as the only guilty one for the violence.

Over 175 years of good relationship between USA and Thailand are not the achievement of Abhisit nor is it an INTERNATIONAL endorsement of the Abhisit govt. And it make also not an INTERNATIONAL impression. That house resolution don't even made it in the news overthere in the US of A.

And don't forget, unlike you, Farang USA, the red shirts are Thai people. Reconciliation will only work together with them (and better without Abhisit and Thaksin). If you don't understand you should better GO HOME NOW!! (quoting you)

You say If you don't understand go home. Your superior attitude is part of the problem. The sooner Thai's wake up to the fact that they don't know more than the rest of the world the sooner they will be able to approach the problem with a open mind. You have the same attitude that Americans do.

Then and only then will they have a chance.


And don't forget, unlike you, Farang USA, the red shirts are Thai people.

There's 2 farang in Bangkok Remand Prison this evening that contradict that statement

Reconciliation will only work together with them

That will only occur if the Red bombings stop and hopefully now that Cambodia, of all countries, is even agreeing that the Reds "committed terrorist acts", it will help

(according to the latest in)


The Nation comes out with 1 to 3 News Articles a day, either, like this one, going all GaGa about a yellow victory in the World's eyes, or, decrying the red propoganda.

Has anyone NOT told the Nation that Thailand is a fiercely independant Nation that gives short shrift to outside opinion???

They, the Nation I mean NOT Thailand, should not appear to be so grovelling to the court of World opinion.

Eyes down, crossing their toes, shrugged shoulders"nyah nahh, the reds did it"; they come across as having a 'guilt complex'.


The Nation comes out with 1 to 3 News Articles a day, either, like this one, going all GaGa about a yellow victory in the World's eyes, or, decrying the red propoganda.

Has anyone NOT told the Nation that Thailand is a fiercely independant Nation that gives short shrift to outside opinion???

They, the Nation I mean NOT Thailand, should not appear to be so grovelling to the court of World opinion.

Eyes down, crossing their toes, shrugged shoulders"nyah nahh, the reds did it"; they come across as having a 'guilt complex'.

Your right, but fortunately some Thais start to recognize that the world is bigger than just Thailand. Also if a larger part of your economy is based on export ignoring the outside world becomes almost like suicide (which is not painless as all lamenting about the bad economical situation can tell you).


I've no doubt that the Red Apologies, sorry Apologists who are playing down the worth of this resolution would be singing a different tune had it gone the other way.

A classic example of personal self censorship. You only believe what you like to believe no matter what the truth is.

Whoa, let's get the mule back in the barn. The resolution is a statement of support for the nation of Thailand, not of any particular political faction. The red apologists as you call them fully support these positions. What's to criticize in a statement of support for free and timely elections, a free media and an end to violence? You agree with the sentiments stated in the resolution, right? Me too. I'm sure the object of your affections, Mr. Thaksin also agrees with these sentiments. What's not to like about a statement asking for a positive result and peace?

As has been stated elsewhere in this thread, if the USA wanted to express support of a government it would have been written more clearly and specifically. You need only look at the statements of support that followed the London and Madrid bomb explosions to understand the difference.


The Nation comes out with 1 to 3 News Articles a day, either, like this one, going all GaGa about a yellow victory in the World's eyes, or, decrying the red propoganda.

Has anyone NOT told the Nation that Thailand is a fiercely independant Nation that gives short shrift to outside opinion???

They, the Nation I mean NOT Thailand, should not appear to be so grovelling to the court of World opinion.

Eyes down, crossing their toes, shrugged shoulders"nyah nahh, the reds did it"; they come across as having a 'guilt complex'.

Your right, but fortunately some Thais start to recognize that the world is bigger than just Thailand. Also if a larger part of your economy is based on export ignoring the outside world becomes almost like suicide (which is not painless as all lamenting about the bad economical situation can tell you).

Actually he's not right.

This thread's topic was carried by the international and Asian news outlets in addition to The Nation.

A sampling of what's out there:







TAN Network:


National News Bureau of Thailand:



Whoa, let's get the mule back in the barn. The resolution is a statement of support for the nation of Thailand, not of any particular political faction.

It specifically endorses Abhisit's roadmap. Abhisit = Democrat. Democrat Party = political faction.

You agree with the sentiments stated in the resolution, right? Me too. I'm sure the object of your affections, Mr. Thaksin also agrees with these sentiments.

It seems he doesn't

"Thaksin said the government's international public relations campaign had been successful in deceiving the US House of Representatives, which voted 411-4 Thursday on a motion calling on all Thai political parties to renounce violence and pledge to resolve their problems peacefully and democratically."

Spoken as only Mr. Thaksin can. He must be quite upset, tricking the US to support only peaceful means and ask everyone to renounce violence.

As has been stated elsewhere in this thread, if the USA wanted to express support of a government it would have been written more clearly and specifically.

As stated in (4) of the resolution, not sure how they can make it more clearer or more specific.


Dear Kissdani, your reply doesn't really seem to be on the remark quoted. Furthermore hiding behind someone else quote and in a 'by the way' you also insult, is not good nettiquette.


I am not hiding behind someone else quote but give exactly Jingthing that back what he repeatedly wrote at TVF. "GO HOME!!!"

That are the words of Jingthing - I am just holding a mirror. :P

Farangs telling Thai people in Thailand to 'Go HOME'. What kind of xenophobic paranoia is that?


Dear Kissdani, your reply doesn't really seem to be on the remark quoted. Furthermore hiding behind someone else quote and in a 'by the way' you also insult, is not good nettiquette.


I am not hiding behind someone else quote but give exactly Jingthing that back what he repeatedly wrote at TVF. "GO HOME!!!"

That are the words of Jingthing - I am just holding a mirror. :P

Farangs telling Thai people in Thailand to 'Go HOME'. What kind of xenophobic paranoia is that?

You were quoting #69 JayJay0 !

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