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King George Ii Visits The Colonies Today!


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Mr V I must admit that is some funny shit you have here !!! :D and so right on. Kind of sad to see the old master becoming such a whimp. Blair had a chance to join the Euros and become a real independant nation again, but he blew it again by coming back with his "old" bitch girlfriend. I have nothing against the Brits and their culture and history is great, but I think they should move on and leave the "dark side" alone. Seeing such a demonstration of servitude in public and live on the News is really "humiliating". Maybe there is a plan for a three some tonight on Bukakke Palace !!!! :o

Yes, bukakke palace is probably what they're all engaged in right about now. While the subjects gorge on their bangers and mash washed down with old milwaukee.

Their culture is great? How so? Screwing people all around the world to a point where there is no respect for these fairies and now their relegated to kissing a new kings ring ? ( which actually they seem to hold dear, dear) It's actually poetic don't ya think?

Unfortunately the US is essentially running down the same socialist road and with just a tad under a 7 Trillion dollar debt, you can bet your ass their going to collect it and make life real tough for all the other countries while doing that march.

Which makes being a PT or expat all the more smart.

I believe there will be a news update from the BBC soon. Stay tuned!

Da Mr Vietnam B)

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oh my !! oh my !! after reading this thread full of Anti-American rants I am starting to feel that there are more insane people than me, here  :D

What happened ? looks like the board was taken over by some "anti-American" crowd. This is just wrong !!!  B)

Yes, Butterfly..me too was amazed and good to see that so many are here to gangbang US. B)

I thought that it is just few of us slamming Bush in the other thread. B)

Anyway, Bush is getting a WORM welcome in England. What a Liar he is? B)

Do you really think US is the Superpower? or is it just a Propaganda. :o

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oh my !! oh my !! after reading this thread full of Anti-American rants I am starting to feel that there are more insane people than me, here  :D

What happened ? looks like the board was taken over by some "anti-American" crowd. This is just wrong !!!  B)

Yes, Butterfly..me too was amazed and good to see that so many are here to gangbang US. B)

I thought that it is just few of us slamming Bush in the other thread. B)

Anyway, Bush is getting a WORM welcome in England. What a Liar he is? B)

Do you really think US is the Superpower? or is it just a Propaganda. :o

yeah but too much bashing kills the bashing. Not good.

Ok I will try defend Bush for once. When you think of it, it has brought positive things to the world:

1. Removed that POS Saddam

2. Forced the EU to rethink its NATO strategy and start think how to implement instead a new European defense strategy

3. United the World against US unilateralism

4. Revealed the true colors of Britain as a real poddle when it comes to defend the US worldwide defense strategy

5. Have forced new alliance to be made (former ennemies are becoming allies now)

6. Proved that the CIA and Pentagon have no reliable intelligence and is only a front for domestic political propaganda. The UN have more intelligence info that the Americans could possibly think of.

7. Removed any suspicion we could have had about the US real motives when they come to defend or invade countries in the name of "democracy" and "freedom"

8. Has made the US lost its international credibility as an international police force and leader of the "free world"

9. Has shown that the UN is always right when it comes to vote on a "peace" resolution for an international crisis

10. And finally has shown that the US army is incapable to fight a real battleground war with a third world army without air support, even with powerful toys and technology.

So as you can see, it's not all bad.

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How's it feel to be a 3rd world country over there in england?

The tragic thing is , this guy believes it.

We have always been Amercias closest allies , 2nd to none , and vice-versa.

A 3rd world country ? , your closest allies ?

It just goes to show the respect that you must hold the rest of the world in.

As for giving help , when was the last time we wanted it? I believe the UK have assisted USA many many times over the last 50 years.

Unlike other posters here , I really have no problem with Yanks , if I did it would be easier to ignore the abusive , stir-crazy , uneducated rantings of yourself , but these tirades just make me worry for "The SuperPower's " future , if indeed you represent an nth of its beliefs.

But I'm fairly sure you're a minority.

The guy in the corner of the bar , talking , no-one listening.

See , I managed to dismiss you without once calling you a name.

Thats the difference between about 40 on the IQ level.


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Latest from “THIS IS LONDON.CO.U.K”


Bush welcomed at Palace B)

By This is London reporters 19 November 2003


US President George Bush is this morning receiving a ceremonial welcome at Buckingham Palace.

He pulled up at the front gate in his Presidential Cadillac and walked up the red carpet to be met by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

After a brief meet-and-greet, the group stood to attention to hear the Star Spangled Banner. President Bush and his wife Laura stood with their hands on their hearts as the band played.

Traditional British pomp and ceremony, including a 41-gun salute, was laid on for start of the historic state visit.

Peculiarly, the President and Mrs Bush stayed overnight at the Palace before the official welcome ceremony.

After breakfast, they boarded the presidential motorcade to drive the 100 yards or so from the palatial Belgian Suite to the Palace forecourt.



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We have always been Amercias closest allies , 2nd to none , and vice-versa.

Oh please, you're again confusing government with people.

We merely tolerate your whining and snivelling. That's about it.

Unfortunately, government in the US has started to resemble the brits of old. Shortsighted, shallow, immoral and violent socialists.

However, as evidenced twice in our history, one of these days our people will hopefully rise up once again in rebellion. It's an American trait.

brits merely whine and follow. You're all whining followers who embrace socialism.

Mr Vietnam :o

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Whine = Complain

Brits complain? No they put up with it , more fool us.

Yanks complain , national pastime I believe.

The revolution in USA , if it comes , will be from the poorly treated ethnic minorities , already your violent crime statistics is 3 times the average European country. Ignore these figures at your peril.

Still up for that Milkshake?

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Talk about a pathetic group of whiners and losers. brits pulled down a fake statue of George Bush in gay england.

You have to laugh at these fairies. After all it is THEY who go around the world with their nose up our asss, doing whatever bidding we tell their illustrious queen, "royals" ( hahahahaha) and "prime faggot" blair.

If there was a real shoing of chutzpah in that land of fairies, you would think they would revolt against their own fairy leaders.

But no, there are no men in england and so they play act and take a fake statue of the US$ President down.

What a pathetic group of second rate people. No balls.

Mr Vietnam :o

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Guest IT Manager

Kiss my British arse and say "Thank-You, Sir", Thief.

Just remember to tip your hat when an American walks by. You're a loser, have always been losers and as I mentioned in the post I write., your whining is of course expected.

And fortunately as evidenced by unprecedented historical fact, we Americans will ( maybe) still be there for you poor examples of the human race when you cry loud enough for our help.


How's it feel to be a 3rd world country over there in england? You did it to yourself. And the only ass that will be kissed you small potato is ours and your beloved "queen" regadless of said queens gender on any given day.

You are funny though. LOL!

Mr Vietnam :o

How did you manage that Mr V. I didn't actually think you would understand any of what Hextab said.

You will notice, that aside from a few necessary flavourings, he didn't get personal at you? Perhaps for a joke, just to prove him wrong, you could do that as well.

Bit of a struggle but goodness, what else have ou got to do with your life?

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Kiss my British arse and say "Thank-You, Sir", Thief.

Just remember to tip your hat when an American walks by. You're a loser, have always been losers and as I mentioned in the post I write., your whining is of course expected.

And fortunately as evidenced by unprecedented historical fact, we Americans will ( maybe) still be there for you poor examples of the human race when you cry loud enough for our help.


How's it feel to be a 3rd world country over there in england? You did it to yourself. And the only ass that will be kissed you small potato is ours and your beloved "queen" regadless of said queens gender on any given day.

You are funny though. LOL!

Mr Vietnam :o

How did you manage that Mr V. I didn't actually think you would understand any of what Hextab said.

You will notice, that aside from a few necessary flavourings, he didn't get personal at you? Perhaps for a joke, just to prove him wrong, you could do that as well.

Bit of a struggle but goodness, what else have ou got to do with your life?

"Understand"? That's funny too.

Besides looking for a job are you trying out to be a comedian?

That british "wit"?

It is rather funny actually.

Mr Vietnam :D

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Mr. vietnam,

Why are you using offensive language against homosexuals ?

Shame you.

I really don't get how UNhumanistic some people can be by being such bigots (racists, sexists, anti-gays, etc).


It's pretty obvious why.

He hasn't come to terms with his own homosexuality, and the more he indulges the guiltier he becomes.

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JemJem, however inelegantly worded (in the tiny world of Mr.V), your post does bring up quite a salient point. A brief review of Mr.V posts does seem to indicate a predisposition on his part to homophobic insults, directed towards myself amongst numerous others (the entire British population included). I originally viewed it as the subconscious rumblings of a peon.


However, I believe that it has been well researched and proven by psychologists the world over that most ostentatious, outspoken homophobes are actually over-compensating for their own repressed homosexual tendencies. Maladjusted gay individuals tend to over-exaggerate their dislike of homosexuals as a façade, purely because of their intrinsically homophobic social environment and in the hope others won’t notice their latent sexuality.

Try it yourselves; find a thread posted to by Mr.V with no deprecating homosexual remarks. You may be some time...

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Mr. vietnam,

Why are you using offensive language against homosexuals ?

Shame you.

I really don't get how UNhumanistic some people can be by being such bigots (racists, sexists, anti-gays, etc).


It's pretty obvious why.

He hasn't come to terms with his own homosexuality, and the more he indulges the guiltier he becomes.

As one moron tries to communicate with another moron.

Keep it going "fella's". This gets funnier all the time. LOL!

Mr Vietnam :o

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mr vietnam, try removing your head from your rectum and rinsing the excrement from your mouth. you are the most unpopular person on this forum, you talk rubbish, your brain is out of gear, you have little positive input, to this forum I am recommending that the administrators banish you once and for all. have you considered psychiatric help or professional counselling? You have a disorder of personality, i say this for your own good,I am concerned that you might damage yourself. Take good care my brother, may your dreams be troubled. :o

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Syd, for you to recommend banning Mr. Vietnam, you will have an extremely difficult time doing so. Many members here know him and many members here know me. If you ask to ban Mr. Vietnam, I will be the first to defend him and request that you be banned instead. Is this clear. Banning is purely up to the administrators and such needs a very good reason. Just because you don't like his views is not reason enough, and besides you are new here on this forum so it is best you sit on your duff and get to learn who we all are as a group. With that said I hope you understand. :D

Mr Vietnam also is not homophobic shall I say. I cannot seem to fathom some male sniffing up in my arse and getting turned on himself and if such was to occur this person has seen their last sunrise or sunset. There are some limits that I do apply and that is one of them.

As long as one is gay go ahead and be gay or what ever pleases them. Just as long as they keep their frigin hands to themselves and behave in front of me I have no problem speaking to them. Once they cross that line it is history for them. Now you can say I dislike homo's but only to a certain degree. I have to exercise tolerance because that is them, and one cannot change it but themselves.

Spot on Mr. Vietnam It is refreshing to read your fascinating posts!!!!!!!!!!

Daveyo :oB)

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you have little positive input, to this forum I am recommending that the administrators banish you once and for all.

Now this is by far too harsh. Let every body open up in here and don't attack

them personally. Perhaps mrvietnam2001 has some points that shold be considered, even if other sides don't like it. I agree on one thing, I stand with my back towards a wall, just to be safe, even in front of B_Palace :o .

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Stevie boy wonder, hmmmm nice name you have in its relations. Asking me if we are lovers, I simply laughed me my arse off on such stupidity of such a question. Now do tell of its simplicity to such question what do you think????? B)

Only a moron idiot would ever answer such much less ever ask such out in public forum. B)

Let me put it this way if you have some brains. If I made a comment about homos a post or two back, what would make your feeble brain think of something like this????????? :D

If you are what I think you are I truly do have pity on you.

Spot on steve and keep it coming. I am waiting for California Dave to join in this intriguing discussion.

Daveyo B):o

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So....just because Mr.Vietnam is ''popular'' with some forum members, it is okay for him to use discriminatory and offensive language.

Pathetic stuff !

Go ahead, Mr. Vietnam.....it is 'cyber-war' from now on between you and me, if you continue with your bigotry.


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Jem, what makes you think it is discriminatory and offensive???? Cyber war, with Mr. Vietnam???? Now this I ought to see. Wait let me get some popcorn and set the lounge chair for the good view. B):o

Have you ever met a person who is not discriminatory???? We all have some form of it one way or another. So tell me now my Son, educate me :D

Daveyo B)

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Guest IT Manager

Here is another take on it. If I say one poster is a blithering idiot, and can prove it by the simple expedient of quoting some of his nonsense, does that make it discriminatory.

I have on a couple of occasions found something Mr V has said, offensive, but to ban him is not going to make him anything apart from what he is already, a blithering idiot, though for a moment it will take him time to work out how to set up another acount and come back. So for me someone would have to be fairly OTT to even consider such a step.

A warning system is in place and users can report offensive posts, like a vote of members. Get enough people saying that so and so is a pain, he gets a warning level. He can be suspended as well I think from what I have read, or he can be set so that all posts from him are moderated before posting. Sort of like a naughty boy having to put his hand up in class to speak (or to go to the toilet).

IMHO if he says something that niggles a user enough to be offended, users should report him, rather than start a flame war, which is childish. Childish people should be spanked. This board is made up essentially of intelligent people keen to indulge in thought provoking conversation about subjects of mutual interest. I do not believe it was set up to provide a sand box where naughty boys could misbehave. If naughty boys misbehave, see above.

If anyone feels that this is not the way to deal with naughtiness, please feel free to discuss it as a rational adult. Make your point and justify it. I spend about 2 hours per day on the board if there is anything going on. I support users of the board having problems of an IT nature where I can. As to whether I do anything else, thankfully I am multi-skilled. I can drink coffee as well as fix PC's and post to the board using 2 monitors and a coffee cup (for the coffee).

I will say this much about board Administration... it's hard work. I look at a post which has generated negative feedback and consider the feedback, as well as my own views, and I have deleted a couple of posts which I found offensive in the light of the reactions they drew, and in the light of my own personal opinion, which while in some ways, a bit jaundiced, I like to think is relatively open minded.

Every board member views the postings from a different point. Some see one item in an entire post and shti-can the writer in a flame. Some view the post as a single item and make a determination on the quality/content of the post and write the post off. Others still actually see one post from another member and immediately see the poster as a crock of shti. In my opinion the latter is not a good way to do it. Different people with different views on different subjects.

So..flame me if you like, but my preference is for thoughtful discussion on protection of the forum from becomg another crock, and failing to fulfill the hopes of the owners and those who put the effort into its' development to what it is now, from what it was then.

Regarding the board being down this week, could have happened anywhere, to any one. It happened here to thaivisa and quite a few people missd it. The admins had a break from moderating and went after the organisation that caused the problem (no not a Thai organisation), so it came back. It was quite weird but experientially, very satisfying to close that particular chapter off.

I hope everyone has a great week.

###### :o

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Well, actually, if you read my two messages in this thread, you can see that I DID NOT ask for Mr. Vietnam to be banned. I just expressed my view that his bigotry and offensive language should not be seen as 'okay'. That is not the same as 'asking him to be banned'. I think it was another forum user who wrote he should be banned.

So...to make it clear here.....I am NOT asking mr. Vietnam or anyone to be banned (I respect admins' choices on 'banning matters').

BUT, I am expressing my view that Mr. Vietnam's bigotry is obvious from the use of the word 'faggot', especially the way he keep using it.

On a side note.....Mr. Vietnam called Tony Blair a 'faggot'.

You are no different than the kids or immature people who post such stuff in yahoo message boards. Example would be a sentence like below :

''Gay Democrats are a waste of time''

Finally.....dear Mr. Vietnam, what have homosexuals done to you to cause you to have so much hatred towards them ? If your son or daughter comes out as homosexual one day, how would you feel ? Call him/her a 'faggot/dyke'' and tell him/her to get lost ??!!


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Well, actually, if you read my two messages in this thread, you can see that I DID NOT ask for Mr. Vietnam to be banned. I just expressed my view that his bigotry and offensive language should not be seen as 'okay'. That is not the same as 'asking him to be banned'. I think it was another forum user who wrote he should be banned.

So...to make it clear here.....I am NOT asking mr. Vietnam or anyone to be banned (I respect admins' choices on 'banning matters').

BUT, I am expressing my view that Mr. Vietnam's bigotry is obvious from the use of the word 'faggot', especially the way he keep using it.

On a side note.....Mr. Vietnam called Tony Blair a 'faggot'.

You are no different than the kids or immature people who post such stuff in yahoo message boards. Example would be a sentence like below :

''Gay Democrats are a waste of time''

Finally.....dear Mr. Vietnam, what have homosexuals done to you to cause you to have so much hatred towards them ? If your son or daughter comes out as homosexual one day, how would you feel ? Call him/her a 'faggot/dyke'' and tell him/her to get lost ??!!


Are you a fairy too little jem jem? Poor little thing. You must also be a refugee from the yahoo boards.

Everybody has the ablity to know exactly who I am, what I do, where my location is and what my personal beliefs are. That's well written about as well as very accesible. Just takes a few clicks little man/?

How bout you little guy? Cyber war with me because of my "bigotry"?

That's very funny on both counts. You're a loser. On the third count.

Mr Vietnam :o

P.S. Tony Blair IS a fag . I think the brits should stop wetting themselves already and learn to become people.

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I have on a couple of occasions found something Mr V has said, offensive, but to ban him is not going to make him anything apart from what he is already, a blithering idiot,

And yet another whining simpleton who simply can't intelligently reply to another idiot. Why is that?

Are you bitter because your web development skills or lack therof were not enough to get me to give you a job? Is that it?

I mean cmon face it, you're unprofessional, not talented and as evidenced yet again by your reactionary post, you're simply not qualified to do anything more than whatever it is you are trying to do and that's lick the backsides of still another country, only this time, they don't WANT YOU IN IT.

Well nobody else does either.

Face it.

Mr Vietnam :o

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Hmmmmmm, what can I say, except Hmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting whatever happened to California Dave, did some alligator snap him up. Been waiting to hear of any responses.

Ta la la la la la la la la da la la la la :oB)

Daveyo :D

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