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wife's Dad and brothers

Here's what they are posting on Thai forums:

We're About To Move Into A Property And The Farang Owner Doesn'T Even Realize It Actually Belongs To Us!


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Well we are in our new house tonight.

What a wonderfull feeling!

The guy next door just told my wife that the wood flooring was bought from Homepro for 3,800 bht sq/m, there is over 95 sq/m installed!

My plans are to park my wife's Dad and brothers here for a few months, just in case some besotted Englishman darkens our doorstep with suitcase in hand. They will take care of any "potential problem" :lol:

I post this thread as a warning to all you guys!

My wife was even approched by another "potential seller" this afternoon.

By vertue of the fact that u feel that the "Englisman" may "darken" your doorstep, you admitt that this deal does not pass the smell test.

I wish you and your wife and your extended family well

wife's Dad and brothers

Here's what they are posting on Thai forums:

We're About To Move Into A Property And The Farang Owner Doesn'T Even Realize It Actually Belongs To Us!


Hahaha.... great response!

Seriously, congratulation to the OP. This is a market, and you played it correctly. No moral issues here.

Dude, history has shown that wars have been started over the love of a woman.

Have they, really. Which wars? I suppose there was Helen of Troy and the trojan war, but i think history has shown that she was a myth. Which other war has been started over the love of a woman?


I have purchased some land over the last 5 odd years in pattaya and I have also had deals. Also up in Isaarn where I have made a few quid quickly. Not millions of GBP but enough to put a smile omn my face!

That's amazing, can you explain how you can buy and sell land in Thailand ? I'd like to do this myself.

I was under the impression that foreigners aren't allowed to buy land and the only way to do it would be to get a Thai who you trust to act on your behalf, therein lies the problem.

Buy it in your wifes name - as long as

1)she is living with you and your family,

2).not living apart from you with her family (Thai husband)

3) she is not half your age and with you for your money!

4) you get her to do all legwork.

Simple and easy

So, you are correct that foreigners cannot buy land in their name but seem to be incorrect in the fact that not all Thai people are lying dogs. It just goes to show what type of people you have met in the past and probably where you have met them. Stay out of the bar scene and don't be bitter with everyone, there are many western men happily married to honest Thai women.

Good luck with your buying and selling.

<BR>There is 400,000 baht worth of "tile" on the floor?<BR>[/quote<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>

Greetings MY FRIEND...

Firstly let me congratulate you on your new found luck in acquiring the house at such a bargain price.

Yes,it does indeed have destinctive flooring, im glad you appreciate this as it took some considerable time and deliberation in the choosing.

I must also thank you for posting said details on what is such a very public website...very brave of you.

Your story is very interesting and i have been taking note of ALL the opinions that followed.

ln all decency,i will refrain from passing my own judgement on the matter, until which time i should arrive in Bangkok, which i am glad to advise you will be in the VERY near future.

I do believe we have a common link. I should not be so bold as call this link a common friend, suffice to say an ex business partner of sorts.

It is no understatement to say that me and this person have much unfinished business to tend to, yet in her jubilation of her lucky windfall, and with the aid of a further cash injection from my part, she has agreed to forward details of you and your wifes recent doings.

I also noted names of all the laywers whos hard work has made all this possible.

Thanks to your posting i have no doubts as to your exact location, so you need not bother forwarding  an address should we decide to get together while i am in Bangkok.

Maybe we can have a laugh and flip a few coins together?

Just so you have no doubts as to the legitamacy of my post i have added my pic.

It was taken while talking to a few of my red shirt buddies from up north..they are a real scream, im sure you would enjoy their company should you ever meet them.

Thanks again,

will look forward to seeing you soon,

PS. You guys on Thaivisa are so helpful,can someone possibly advise me on a low key destination in which to refill a portable gas bottle??

post-66927-057566000 1279268995_thumb.jp


There is 400,000 baht worth of "tile" on the floor?

Actually it cost him 342,000 bht laid!

The timber is Rosewood and over 2cm thick!

Beautifull timber.

Sounds nice. :)


Well we are in our new house tonight.

What a wonderfull feeling!

The guy next door just told my wife that the wood flooring was bought from Homepro for 3,800 bht sq/m, there is over 95 sq/m installed!

My plans are to park my wife's Dad and brothers here for a few months, just in case some besotted Englishman darkens our doorstep with suitcase in hand. They will take care of any "potential problem" :lol:

I post this thread as a warning to all you guys!

My wife was even approched by another "potential seller" this afternoon.

You back on the booze again? Judgement and moral compass first thing to go I'm told.

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EDIT: Cant be bothered having to constantly edit all the drivel, especially if only replying to someone that only offers a coffe drinking icon


:coffee1: Perhaps because your post is drivel. Ideas from Readers Digest hmmmm. Photo from a ' B ' movie. :Dave:

hehe, well i am not a readers digest reader, so im not sure about that...

Fair criticism though, im not immune to poor attempts at black humour at certain times of day...err...or night :burp:

Just hope the OP is ok , he hasnt posted on here since...hope the real boogeyman hasnt got him :ermm:

Dude, history has shown that wars have been started over the love of a woman.

Have they, really. Which wars? I suppose there was Helen of Troy and the trojan war, but i think history has shown that she was a myth. Which other war has been started over the love of a woman?

The Falklands war.

Dude, history has shown that wars have been started over the love of a woman.

Have they, really. Which wars? I suppose there was Helen of Troy and the trojan war, but i think history has shown that she was a myth. Which other war has been started over the love of a woman?

The Falklands war.

:D Good one. :thumbsup:


I have never read such an awful thread with such callous boasts from the OP who seems to take great delight in boasting that he has benefited from somebody else's misfortune.

Enjoy your bargain, I suspect it will come back to haunt you.

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I have never read such an awful thread with such callous boasts from the OP who seems to take great delight in boasting that he has benefited from somebody else's misfortune.

Enjoy your bargain, I suspect it will come back to haunt you.

Same, I felt sad to read this. Especially the part when he is sending his wife family at the house for protection like they are dogs or something...

Things always turn around...

  • 2 weeks later...

There's legal and then there's acting in good faith; you sure did fail the last test.

You clearly have talents that many of us just do not have. talents are clearly wasted buying these odd houses from bent wives. I would recommend getting into property development down in samui, pattya or hau hin; your talents should bring you huge returns down there; perhaps you should get into ya baa or boiler room shares too after all money is money and if you don't do it someone else will too so whats the harm.

Don't forget lap dogs do occasionally bit the hand that feeds them


Well sometimes its about morality in business. I do not know if you are in business or what you do, but for myself i wouldnt do business with someone and thinking about how i can cheat them legally and get an advantage.

Its something that i can't accept from people doing.

I have also lost my first company to my ex, and the worst of it is that 1 week later she was staying with 2 english guys at the same time and they took advantage of my business and investments... even sleeping on the property i financed 100%...

So if i was the op, i would feel really loser to take advantage of the misfortune of someone because the partner got greedy and isnt a good person.

Things did turn out pretty good for me and my new business and pretty bad for her, had some problems with my work permits after i lost my company, but some friends company helped me. So I don't feel angry anymore...

So to the last poster, do you understand that we farangs know that they are many ready to cheat us here, but when an other farang is taking advantage of this kind of situation and even has the guts to brag about it in public, well I am shocked and wonder where is the morality.


Although I don't disagree with you, BigPanda, I'm more inclined to go along with Transom's point of view. The OP didn't do anything illegal, but he did take advantage of another man's unfortunate situation. If it wasn't him it would have been someone else. I take this thread as a very good warning about what can happen when you get emotionally involved with ANYONE. As I keep saying on these forums, never invest in anything that you can't walk away from with few regrets. It's only money and most of us can make more of that. Anything that doesn't kill or maim you makes you stronger and wiser.It's like having a little accident on your motorbike. Maybe it's a warning to be a bit more careful next time, and that might eventually save your life. Life is a series of lessons learned. Pay attention to them. Don't worry about the bad people.There are too many of them to count and they are scattered around the whole world and in every walk of life. Just be aware that they are there waiting to pounce on your mistakes. Rise above their shallow, miserable existance.


Here's the thing. The topic of this sickening thread IS: 'I'm about to buy a property and the farang owner doesn't even know it's being sold'. Ergo, the OP knows it is owned, to all intents and purposes, by someone who is unaware that they are about to lose their share thereof, but seems not to give a rat's arse, same large percentage of the respondees.

No wonder this country is notorious for it's money grubbing, unethical (not to mention half witted) expat community. You sicken and disgust me. Would you do this in your home countries? Or is it simply that it's so easily done here?:realangry:

Unfortunately there are those amongst us Farangs that leave in the Homelands Departure Lounge,all principles,morals,ethics,and scruples,its all a very sad topic.


Well we are in our new house tonight.

What a wonderfull feeling!

The guy next door just told my wife that the wood flooring was bought from Homepro for 3,800 bht sq/m, there is over 95 sq/m installed!

My plans are to park my wife's Dad and brothers here for a few months, just in case some besotted Englishman darkens our doorstep with suitcase in hand. They will take care of any "potential problem" :lol:

I post this thread as a warning to all you guys!

My wife was even approched by another "potential seller" this afternoon.

Gloating over the likely misery of another. Appalling attitude and behavior. Have fun counting your money.

I post this thread as a warning to all you guys!

Can't ever in my life remember one so benevolent.


Here's the thing. The topic of this sickening thread IS: 'I'm about to buy a property and the farang owner doesn't even know it's being sold'. Ergo, the OP knows it is owned, to all intents and purposes, by someone who is unaware that they are about to lose their share thereof, but seems not to give a rat's arse, same large percentage of the respondees.

No wonder this country is notorious for it's money grubbing, unethical (not to mention half witted) expat community. You sicken and disgust me. Would you do this in your home countries? Or is it simply that it's so easily done here?:realangry:

Unfortunately there are those amongst us Farangs that leave in the Homelands Departure Lounge,all principles,morals,ethics,and scruples,its all a very sad topic.

Some of you guys are really over-the-top with your condemnation of the OP. This sort of thing happens all the time in the LOS--this guy started out by warning everyone that they should be careful. That's all. Would you rather he not even talk about it? Perhaps you should ignore this thread and pretend that this isn't going on. Sort of like putting your "head in the sand." I applaud this guy for sharing. And you holier-than-thou types, are you really offended by this guy's behavior due to the ethical aspects? Or is it really the resentment and jealousy due to the fact that it's not YOU making a killing on this deal?


Ohh, there is not question regarding "killing" the question is really, "When and How?"

Things do not function here as they do in the west... It doesn't really matter in regards to legal document, ultimately what matters is, "who you know & how much do you have to offer" in order to right a wrong, or possibly to wrong a right.


A young man who was visiting America got a girl pregnant and then returned to his home country and refused to help her financially.

I knew both parties and their families. I helped the girl out by paying her bills for a year till she got on her feet again.

The young man really didn’t do anything illegal. The lady had an abortion before legal paternity could be established.

If it happened in Thailand? I wonder what I would have done. I know what would have happened if I was a Thai.

I know a man who owns a bar in Pattaya. A very successful bar. His Thai wife steals from him. I know the guy and I know his wife’s family.

The only reason she doesn’t sell the bar when he is back in his home country is he owns a trucking business. He is a mob guy. He would know what to do if she sold the bar.

I think the OP posted a warning. There is also an implied warning that all the foreign men who come to Thailand may not be nice upstanding citizens.

There is an Estonian guy in Pattaya. He speaks Estonian, English, Polish and Russian. He has lived there for a long time. He prowls Soi Bukhow early in the morning for fun at the Thai Karaoke bars. No one messes with the man and that is quite something to say about a Falang walking in that neighborhood at 4AM.

You never know who you may be involved with in Thailand.


If it wasn't him it would have been someone else

Most likely very true.

His actions are understandable.

But that doesn't make them morally acceptable

I would rather be a poor man than steal from a rich man



You are taking this topic awefully personally evanson.

If you had bothered to read the whole thread you would have seen;

"We had no idea a Farang was involved untill we inspected the property and when I asked where he was she said she hadn't heard from him for 6 months.

She "claims" the chanote is in her name but we didn't see it.

If we do decide to go ahead I will get our lawyer to go over it with a fine tooth comb."


"My lawyer advised me today that any assets on the land automatically becomes the property of the land owner providing the property title is legitamate. The contract would stipulate "house&land". Any claims by someone with a bunch of receipts in his hands would need to be with the seller, NOT THE BUYER!

Only when the land is leased is the assets deemed as seperate.

This rubbish about the house is seperate to the land title is just that...rubbish. The seller signs a contract for "house&land"

Can you imagine if this was true?

Every land&house ownership transfer in Thailand would be subject to the previous owner making claims for the "house"!

We will go ahead with the purchase when my lawyer has concluded due diligence."

It so happens the seller produced the chanote today and my lawyer has confirmed that the house and land title is squeaky clean.

Even my lawyer said that if I did not buy it he certainly would!

We are meeting at the land office tomorrow morning to exchange contracts.

The housing market is no different than any other market be it stock, commodities or even fruit and veg. The dynamics are exactly the same.

You win some and you lose some. :D

Let's hope the farang,who probably financed the purchase of the land but could not have is name on the chanut,was so clever to have the building license and receipts in his name.This makes him the legal owner of the house and gives him the right to bulldozer it at any given time.

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