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Thai Visa Broadband Speed Test Results


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I was hoping for some kind of comparison result to tell me how good my results were but this is all I got. Still I know I have a great connection and can't complain about the speed.

Last Result:

Download Speed: 17071 kbps (2133.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 6649 kbps (831.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 265 ms

Saturday, July 10, 2010 7:53:06 PM

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Good lord, you must not be on a home internet plan in Thailand to get those speeds. About the fastest home internet plans available in Thailand are the True 16M/1Mb and TOT 12Mb/1Mb plans only available in select locations. What system/plan are you on (maybe fiber) and where are you located?

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OP is in Korea demonstrating their prowess in providing high speed internet.

Yes that is correct I am in Korea.

I was referring to previous speed tests done when i was in different countries. Other sites would usually compared the result with DSL, Cable etc. That was what i was referring to.

The server may be in the kitchen but the kitchen I chose was in Singapore.

What is the latency issue? Could it be my computer?

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Wow...88.00Mb down/0.5Mb up...True must have figured out a new way to completely fool speed tests programs. Or, True is running a beta test on their new nuclear powered hyperspace internet server.

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16mb True premium:

Download Speed: 13706 kbps (1713.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 487 kbps (60.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 47 ms

11 July 2010 12:31:07 GMT+07:00

Not bad but mon-fri usually about 15100kbps - Saturday Sunday always slow down.

Wish I could get the new True product :( :( Seems they have skipped sukhumvit 24 altogether judging by the map on their website. Strange would have thought they would have got a lot of customers from those condos....some strange choices of condo listed on their map. (Perhaps thats where senior True employees are resident..)

Singapore server:

Download Speed: 14301 kbps (1787.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 488 kbps (61 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 47 ms

11 July 2010 12:44:53 GMT+07:00

That is one good thing about the True 16mb Premium product international bandwidth is always consistent. However you still get the odd guy on here stuck in 2004 saying Thailand does not have enough international bandwidth....nonsense.

Edited by negreanu
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Hi Guys

I have just got the 16 Mbps true package.




So all the above appears great. However if I go to download a file attachment say for example a word document from hotmail I get maybe 20kps.

The site below has test download files


my downloads are crawling. Is true shaping the traffic?

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That is one good thing about the True 16mb Premium product international bandwidth is always consistent. However you still get the odd guy on here stuck in 2004 saying Thailand does not have enough international bandwidth....nonsense.

Oh, you True customers which happen to be living in just the right/select location...you're spoiled. Most of the country is still in the 2Mb to 4Mb in-Thailand speed range and around 0.5-2MB for international speed.

Edited by Pib
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Hi Guys

I have just got the 16 Mbps true package.




So all the above appears great. However if I go to download a file attachment say for example a word document from hotmail I get maybe 20kps.

The site below has test download files


my downloads are crawling. Is true shaping the traffic?

On your 16Mb package how are you managing to get speeds manys times 16Mb, such as your above 112Mb to London, 89Mb to LA, and 70Mb to Bangkok. Do you consider these tests valid with only a 16Mb max package? Just maybe the speedtest programs are being fooled and giving high, false results, but the normal/standard downloads are more indicative of the download speed you are really getting?

Edited by Pib
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Different...gives some nice little graphs, to include a Thailand-specific graph (or where ever you are running the test from). Thought for a few seconds when that advertisement/logo page came up it wasn't much of test, then I noticed it was running a "surfing" test to different sites, and then other tests continued. Yeap, different.

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Hello friends,

since I have a problem with True, I was looking if other True user with negative experiences,

my story:

I had for 5 years a 2.5 mbpst package (1150 Baht) with True, without complain, saw 2 months ago that they offered 8 mbps for 1199 Baht, I was thinking that is a good deal, not so, my surf speed was down most of the day, sometime I got a message that I am not connected, I am minimum 10 hours a day on the internet, all with Europe and America,

ebay, website, banking,

I contacted true, I got from one service rep. from True that I should use the True proxy, that worked better,

now comes the fun part: speed test, I use several different




and I also used that one recommended on this side


I found out that all tests in asia gave me 8 mbps

tests to Europe or the US I got between 2.3 and 3.3 mbps speed, also with the True proxy,

I complained and the True guy said that there are to many people on the line and recommended that I take the 4 mbps package that will be better,

nothing changed, Asia I got 4 mbps, US 1.3 mbps, Europe 1 to 2 mbps,

the sad thing is that I wanted my old 2.5 mbps back, they don't sell that package anymore,

now I plan to change the provider,

has anybody an idea who sell reliable internet?

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Hello friends,

since I have a problem with True, I was looking if other True user with negative experiences,

my story:

I had for 5 years a 2.5 mbpst package (1150 Baht) with True, without complain, saw 2 months ago that they offered 8 mbps for 1199 Baht, I was thinking that is a good deal, not so, my surf speed was down most of the day, sometime I got a message that I am not connected, I am minimum 10 hours a day on the internet, all with Europe and America,

ebay, website, banking,

I contacted true, I got from one service rep. from True that I should use the True proxy, that worked better,

now comes the fun part: speed test, I use several different




and I also used that one recommended on this side


I found out that all tests in asia gave me 8 mbps

tests to Europe or the US I got between 2.3 and 3.3 mbps speed, also with the True proxy,

I complained and the True guy said that there are to many people on the line and recommended that I take the 4 mbps package that will be better,

nothing changed, Asia I got 4 mbps, US 1.3 mbps, Europe 1 to 2 mbps,

the sad thing is that I wanted my old 2.5 mbps back, they don't sell that package anymore,

now I plan to change the provider,

has anybody an idea who sell reliable internet?

It won't matter much to whom you change.

I don't know if you know how Internet works in detail and if not, I explain it for you.

The speed you get is dependent of many things, Thailands hub (connection point) out of Thailand, their choice of router capacity, not only True.

Now to the issue at hand, the longer the distance, the longer a route will take. Imagine there are 500 ways for your traffic to reach its destination, routers communicates with each other from top to bottom to find out the fastest route for you.

Not to say they all communicate with everyone, they keep a record from previous communication to speed up the process but routers connected to each other give information about the route.

A router shares its connections to everyone passing, sometimes there could be a huge amount of connected traffic so the router won't allow you to have full speed, called load balance.

What you seem to have with True is that they limit you when going out of Thailand, bandwidth limitation. You get full speed inside Thailand but when going out, they turn your speed down and that will change dependent of which route you are taking (automatically assigned for you).

To my knowledge, all the ISP's in Thailand are doing the very same thing.

That is one of the reasons why you will have lower bandwidth out of Thailand.

Imaging millions of people sharing 155mbit or less. Fortunately, there are more hubs out of Thailand than one 155 mbit, don't have info of how many though.

What I have heard is that 2 companies in Thailand won't pay the bill for the optical line connecting Thailand with Singapore but when they do, everyone should really get a boost with international Internet.

Anyone reading this having more information, I would be glad to know more.

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