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Thailand Urged To Provide Incentives For Women To Produce 'Qualitative' Children

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Many nations are beginning to experience a reduction in birth rates as well as a higher population of the elderly. Some nations, such as Russia, expect a population drop of some 30 million over the next 10 years due more to the lack of births and to more minor attrition (deaths). Thailand, it seems, is no exception in terms of this world-wide phenomenon. Look at the US with its older population, planned at the time of Roosevelt with a social security system expecting that people would die around 67 years of age. However, with medical technology, this has been extended much later, into the later 70's. So, social security was planned to pay for only a few years and also was not quite set as to inflation, therefore, we see a collapse here in the US in this structure now taking place. The same is true for many state pension plans as well. Of course, "quality" children is an offensive term and I am sure tat this is a problem with translation and, as a result, I am not offended when buttressed with this self-assurance. Yet, Thailand or any nation is not exempt from the need for populations to be built on the growth of rather than a decline in population with an emphasis on births in order to later be competitive in the world market. If there is anything to decry, this would be it--the world market! Also, as other have alluded to, the loss of the nuclear family is another huge factor with the government taking on the care of the elderly rather than families doing so as they have done in the past. So, when you combine these factors, it makes for serious ecoomic implications for the future of any nation, including Thailand.<br>

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Never mind the birth rates, is this forum ever going to resolve the reply dialogue anomaly that drops code with the text into the post? This was brought to your attention some time ago. Perhaps, it is time to consult a professional.


Calling Dr Goebbels.....Calling Dr Goebbels. Your needed in Thailand ASAP. :whistling:

He's here already, his title is PM!


You start with the word 'Statistics'. So where is your data?

You are saying that the assertion that if one take the average thai woman that marries a foreigner and compare their previous partners or partners of other thai women in the same income and education bracket and compare those partners to the foreign partners they end up with, that there isn't a clear economical slant towards the foreigner?


Where is your data?

Don't forget we are talking about foreigners who don't get a visa otherwise but want to have an easy visa because they have children with a Thai woman. That means we talking about foreigners who don't have any job or work in Thailand, otherwise the would have a working visa anyway nor it seems that these farang have the sufficient funds to pay the normal visa fees, otherwise they would not begging for a free and easy visa.

About what woman from what income group and what education group you are talking about? And what is about the farangs, what is their income group, education group, age group? Are you talking about prostitutes and their customers?

Where is your data?


Quality children starts with responsible parents.

How many chidren are being abandoned into the care of grandparents or other relatives,

and how many husbands walk out of their pregnant wives?

Arjan is spending too much time with his books and computer and lacking fieldwork.

I do agree 100%, great post



Don't forget we are talking about foreigners who don't get a visa otherwise but want to have an easy visa because they have children with a Thai woman.

No, we are not. Just because a poster want an automatic longterm visa on basis of marrige or children doesn't mean they cannot get any now. Just that within the context of this topic it might increase the amount of 'Qualitative' children.

And also that an easy visa for those with bloodbands would be nice for those that have it.

But please go on to obfuscate...


If it weren't for stereotypes, apparently, there wouldn't be any types at all." Is it not a form of racism to think, not only that some other ethnicity is beneath you, but also, your own ethnicity is unconditionally superior? Two sides of the same coin, aren't they? Only two kinds of people in the world, nice folks and a**h*les, and they come in all colors, shapes, beliefs, languages, and sizes.


Speaking of children, Thailand may be catching up with America and some other developed nations, as suggested by a recent statement by a visitor to Bangkok who said, "It is amazing how well the children of Thailand have their parents trained."


Smart women produce smarter children.

The men side is not an influential factor.

Sorry dear not strictly true.

Smarter women raise children smarter. But...

Genetics dictates that the inherited capabilities of the child

to take mothers, and teachers, and life's lessons as constructive instruction,

is squarely dependent on BOTH parents genetic make ups.

Who you decide to breed with should be based on several factors

health, strength, intelligence and to a lesser extent attractiveness.

Though in most cases, the three former create the latter .

Bedding the cutest guy is not the route to having a child

with the strongest learning abilities.

Though sometimes 'two less that stellar minds' can produce a genius too.

But that is more genetic fluke than regular occurrence.


And you don't consider a racist post suggesting that they should encourage foreigners to live here and father children because they would be of a better quality than Thai children insulting?

Not necessarily. Western men often have more means to support the family,

and come from a place where family units and early learning are valued higher.

It's not hard to see the differences between local custom and mores

and where you come from and/or have lived.


BS and still racist.

Most Western men don't come to Thailand to found families, nor do Thai men ignore family values or not support the family.

Whatever 'qualitative' children actually means, why you super smart Farangs marry a Thai woman? She has only a Thai father, why you don't marry a woman with a Western father, a father of superior quality like yourself. Such woman must suits you much better and breed even better offspring for you.


I've been here 10 years, spend all my money here and have given Thailand 3 infants who can point out Thailand and the UK on a globe of the world along with several other countries and the continents. They all speak Thai and English and are doing very well in all subjects at school so maybe Thailand should be giving out free non-immigrant visas and forget about the current clauses to getting one for people such as myself who are happy and willing to start a family here with a Thai husband or wife and actually support that family. Nuff said!

lady, my supreme lady....

you have all my utmost repect and adulation, maam.... :jap:

may your children grow up and earn many honors including possibly the premiere, the governor, the senator and much much more.... :jap: :jap: :jap:

I also applaud your attitude and responsibility to your progeny. Chock Dee madam.


Don't forget we are talking about foreigners who don't get a visa otherwise but want to have an easy visa because they have children with a Thai woman.

No, we are not. Just because a poster want an automatic longterm visa on basis of marrige or children doesn't mean they cannot get any now. Just that within the context of this topic it might increase the amount of 'Qualitative' children.

And also that an easy visa for those with bloodbands would be nice for those that have it.

But please go on to obfuscate...


Where is your data?

Where is your proof that children with a farang daddy have it better than children who have "only" a Thai father.


The need for an intelligent educated set of parents is essential, that starts at the grass roots. A decent education system , followed by a dramatic change in society where parents actually look after their own offspring and not farm them out to aged relatives.

To solve the farming out problem would mean an all round increase in salaries/ wages so as to encourage mum or dad to stay home and actually be a parent.

The necessity for a decent maternity leave is needed however as far as I am aware that there are provisions in place for such leave here in Thailand.

However, remember, we create that child between ourselves and our partner, but we don't know what we are going to get, what we get may differ very much from what we expect.

I've seen kids from appalling backgrounds grow and prosper , I've also seen kids from privileged backgrounds sink below the gutter, parenting is dammed hard work. After bringing up, and still bringing up four boys I assure you my wife (who is Thai) and myself are still learning day to day.

Our children have never been farmed out,however family contact has always been a prominent part of their upbringing.

The learned Ajarn who is responsible for the original article indeed needs to actually get in contact with the grass roots parents to see how they exist, then let us see what ideas and theories this high minded isolated from reality intellectual can propound and even put into practice so as to benefit the upcoming generations of Thai's

The whole gamut of parenthood like childhood is a vast unexplored scene of if's and but's, I wish I had done this or not done that. Social pressures financial pressures, indeed a frightening prospect but a damm good ride in my view.

Strange as it may seem most parents irrespective of social levels ,education or location do a pretty good job of bringing up their children in Thailand considering the rigid constraints that bind the majority of people into a form of debt bondage and servitude that binds them to a sometimes dysfunctional family.

Once the state becomes involved that is the downward slope, North Korea, China, many more can be mentioned, my own country the U.K. has all but destroyed childhood and parents and children's rights in its pursuit of political correctness and conformity .

The industry that has sprouted from the caring society in the U.K. has created far more victims than it has or ever will save.Strangely enough that industry is staffed in the main by unmarried and childless overpaid people with no insight into reality

Governments and politicians and intellectuals have no insight nor right in interfering in family matters in the main.

Parenthood is our personal duty and we should be able to understand that which is best for our children.

This is unlike some isolated government mandarin jobsworth whose only concern is, what is my next promotion, and what will my pension be worth when I retire ?

That's an interesting post. Do you have a blog or summat?

I agree that kids here seem to arrive at early adulthood often better adjusted than back home in the UK, even if they lack some basic knowledge about history, geography or algebra. Sweeping generalisation, granted. Sometimes it seems as if it is society itself that is bringing up the child.

Sorry, is that typo? Most Uni Grads here couldnt tie their shoelaces mate while reading their comic books. Sweeping generalisation, granted.

James, I have to agree with you. I'm currently doing my degree here in Thailand and I'm shocked everyday at how childish the students are and suprised out their lack of lifeskills. Growing up in Canada and having experienced a Canadian college, I can say without hesitation that the education system here, or lack there of, is a big problem. University here is to the equivalent of my highschool back home.

Also, something has to be said for the women that end up getting pregnant by accident etc and don't have the option for abortion... a child of such circumstances is just set up for trouble.


Some Thai's I have spoken to do not want to have children because they have the risk of giving birth to a girl.  Life for a thai female is not good if she can not marry quickly.  (30 is old) Mothers do not want to see daughters on scrap heap or married to farang 50 yrs older than daughter. 

In my wife's area most families prefer daughters. Menfolk are often drunks and layabouts and are known to abandon their parents to old age without providing any assistance. Daughters tend to work more regularly and assist the family in times of need.

Yes to this too.

The Thai women as a class tend to be much more industrious and responsible.

That they will do 'what they must do' in too many cases, to do the right thing in another sense

and do it with a smile on their faces is truly amazing...


It seems like a chock to some people that they are infact not the center of the world, culturally, intellectually or historically. When their school-backgrounds flawed curriculum indeed told them they they were.


It seems like a shock to some people that they are in fact not the center of the world, culturally, intellectually or historically. When their school-backgrounds flawed curriculum indeed told them they they were.

You said a mouthful!

The old school tai, can also be a noose to hang yourself culturally in another milieu.



It seems like a chock to some people that they are infact not the center of the world, culturally, intellectually or historically. When their school-backgrounds flawed curriculum indeed told them they they were.

:violin: :violin: :violin:

So are you posting some data or are you starting to stereotype and insult?

Some self-opinionated farangs cannot get over the fact that they are actually are nobodies, people of no importance and that their proud white race not make them superior nor give them better genes to look down on Thai people. :P


The need for an intelligent educated set of parents is essential, that starts at the grass roots. A decent education system , followed by a dramatic change in society where parents actually look after their own offspring and not farm them out to aged relatives.

To solve the farming out problem would mean an all round increase in salaries/ wages so as to encourage mum or dad to stay home and actually be a parent.

The necessity for a decent maternity leave is needed however as far as I am aware that there are provisions in place for such leave here in Thailand.

However, remember, we create that child between ourselves and our partner, but we don't know what we are going to get, what we get may differ very much from what we expect.

I've seen kids from appalling backgrounds grow and prosper , I've also seen kids from privileged backgrounds sink below the gutter, parenting is dammed hard work. After bringing up, and still bringing up four boys I assure you my wife (who is Thai) and myself are still learning day to day.

Our children have never been farmed out,however family contact has always been a prominent part of their upbringing.

The learned Ajarn who is responsible for the original article indeed needs to actually get in contact with the grass roots parents to see how they exist, then let us see what ideas and theories this high minded isolated from reality intellectual can propound and even put into practice so as to benefit the upcoming generations of Thai's

The whole gamut of parenthood like childhood is a vast unexplored scene of if's and but's, I wish I had done this or not done that. Social pressures financial pressures, indeed a frightening prospect but a damm good ride in my view.

Strange as it may seem most parents irrespective of social levels ,education or location do a pretty good job of bringing up their children in Thailand considering the rigid constraints that bind the majority of people into a form of debt bondage and servitude that binds them to a sometimes dysfunctional family.

Once the state becomes involved that is the downward slope, North Korea, China, many more can be mentioned, my own country the U.K. has all but destroyed childhood and parents and children's rights in its pursuit of political correctness and conformity .

The industry that has sprouted from the caring society in the U.K. has created far more victims than it has or ever will save.Strangely enough that industry is staffed in the main by unmarried and childless overpaid people with no insight into reality

Governments and politicians and intellectuals have no insight nor right in interfering in family matters in the main.

Parenthood is our personal duty and we should be able to understand that which is best for our children.

This is unlike some isolated government mandarin jobsworth whose only concern is, what is my next promotion, and what will my pension be worth when I retire ?

That's an interesting post. Do you have a blog or summat?

I agree that kids here seem to arrive at early adulthood often better adjusted than back home in the UK, even if they lack some basic knowledge about history, geography or algebra. Sweeping generalisation, granted. Sometimes it seems as if it is society itself that is bringing up the child.

Sorry, is that typo? Most Uni Grads here couldnt tie their shoelaces mate while reading their comic books. Sweeping generalisation, granted.

James, I have to agree with you. I'm currently doing my degree here in Thailand and I'm shocked everyday at how childish the students are and suprised out their lack of lifeskills. Growing up in Canada and having experienced a Canadian college, I can say without hesitation that the education system here, or lack there of, is a big problem. University here is to the equivalent of my highschool back home.

Also, something has to be said for the women that end up getting pregnant by accident etc and don't have the option for abortion... a child of such circumstances is just set up for trouble.


Automatic visas to couples who have a Farang father who stays with the wife and child

Now that is an instant way to get better quality babies and more of them


do you really mean what you said.... :ermm:

and do you really say what you mean....?:blink:

to arrive at quality children.... it begins even before conception....

it is almost a little too late in the scheme of natural processes.... once a child is born.... :(

any rate.... thailand is heading toward the right direction in getting people

to begin to think about qualitative and intelligent children with verbal and performance scores above 140.... :D

Thailand wastes so much Time and money on this academic 'thinking'.............. 11 years to date that I have personally observed........... nothing new in OBJECTIVE measurements of progress in Education, for example,just more BS of 'tomorrow, tomorrow'.

So sad and so prevalent so often.

Yawn !!!!!



Automatic visas to couples who have a Farang father who stays with the wife and child

Now that is an instant way to get better quality babies and more of them


do you really mean what you said.... :ermm:

and do you really say what you mean....?:blink:

to arrive at quality children.... it begins even before conception....

it is almost a little too late in the scheme of natural processes.... once a child is born.... :(

any rate.... thailand is heading toward the right direction in getting people

to begin to think about qualitative and intelligent children with verbal and performance scores above 140.... :D

Thailand wastes so much Time and money on this academic 'thinking'.............. 11 years to date that I have personally observed........... nothing new in OBJECTIVE measurements of progress in Education, for example,just more BS of 'tomorrow, tomorrow'.

So sad and so prevalent so often.

Yawn !!!!!


Oh, and 'above 140'.......what is this scale please?

  • Like 1

The need for an intelligent educated set of parents is essential, that starts at the grass roots. A decent education system , followed by a dramatic change in society where parents actually look after their own offspring and not farm them out to aged relatives.

To solve the farming out problem would mean an all round increase in salaries/ wages so as to encourage mum or dad to stay home and actually be a parent.

The necessity for a decent maternity leave is needed however as far as I am aware that there are provisions in place for such leave here in Thailand.

However, remember, we create that child between ourselves and our partner, but we don't know what we are going to get, what we get may differ very much from what we expect.

I've seen kids from appalling backgrounds grow and prosper , I've also seen kids from privileged backgrounds sink below the gutter, parenting is dammed hard work. After bringing up, and still bringing up four boys I assure you my wife (who is Thai) and myself are still learning day to day.

Our children have never been farmed out,however family contact has always been a prominent part of their upbringing.

The learned Ajarn who is responsible for the original article indeed needs to actually get in contact with the grass roots parents to see how they exist, then let us see what ideas and theories this high minded isolated from reality intellectual can propound and even put into practice so as to benefit the upcoming generations of Thai's

The whole gamut of parenthood like childhood is a vast unexplored scene of if's and but's, I wish I had done this or not done that. Social pressures financial pressures, indeed a frightening prospect but a damm good ride in my view.

Strange as it may seem most parents irrespective of social levels ,education or location do a pretty good job of bringing up their children in Thailand considering the rigid constraints that bind the majority of people into a form of debt bondage and servitude that binds them to a sometimes dysfunctional family.

Once the state becomes involved that is the downward slope, North Korea, China, many more can be mentioned, my own country the U.K. has all but destroyed childhood and parents and children's rights in its pursuit of political correctness and conformity .

The industry that has sprouted from the caring society in the U.K. has created far more victims than it has or ever will save.Strangely enough that industry is staffed in the main by unmarried and childless overpaid people with no insight into reality

Governments and politicians and intellectuals have no insight nor right in interfering in family matters in the main.

Parenthood is our personal duty and we should be able to understand that which is best for our children.

This is unlike some isolated government mandarin jobsworth whose only concern is, what is my next promotion, and what will my pension be worth when I retire ?

That's an interesting post. Do you have a blog or summat?

I agree that kids here seem to arrive at early adulthood often better adjusted than back home in the UK, even if they lack some basic knowledge about history, geography or algebra. Sweeping generalisation, granted. Sometimes it seems as if it is society itself that is bringing up the child.

Sorry, is that typo? Most Uni Grads here couldnt tie their shoelaces mate while reading their comic books. Sweeping generalisation, granted.

James, I have to agree with you. I'm currently doing my degree here in Thailand and I'm shocked everyday at how childish the students are and suprised out their lack of lifeskills. Growing up in Canada and having experienced a Canadian college, I can say without hesitation that the education system here, or lack there of, is a big problem. University here is to the equivalent of my highschool back home.

Also, something has to be said for the women that end up getting pregnant by accident etc and don't have the option for abortion... a child of such circumstances is just set up for trouble.

volatilekoala' .... i am abbreviating your comments below:

I'm currently doing my degree here in Thailand....

having experienced a Canadian college,....

I can say without hesitation that the education system here, or lack there of, is a big problem. University here is to the equivalent of my highschool back home....

my first curious question to you is.... which thai university are you attending and which university are you referring to in your comment pls?

for what it is worth.... did you or did you not know that most high school graduates in thailand will need to take qualifying entrance examination into chula or thammasart et al.... which would sort out 'not qualified' students to the ratio of about 1,000 to 1.... :angry:

which means that for every uniformed university student in chula or thammasart you see walking around.... there are about 1,000 peers who are weeded out.... because their scores are ranked below those uniformed students....

just how many of us would stand the chance of succeeding when competing for 1 in 1,000 chance....? B)

EVEN AT THE HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL.... my young son, 12 yr old.... has to compete at entrance exam to get in one of the royal family sponsored high schools--CHULAPHORN COLLEGE.... even at high school level, the competition was fierce.... there were some 4,000 students from all over sitting for the entrance exam into the most prestigious regional high school....

do you know what the available spaces were for the year 2010...? there were only 120 spaces allotted for freshmen or first year students.... :(

if my multiplication and division is correct.... it works out to be only the top 3% was admitted this year.... B)

now coming back to your comments.... you can figure it out for yourself, can you not; which educational system among and between u.s., canadian and thai.... is more competitive and difficult.... :lol:

and if we think thai high schools and universities selective system are tough.... wait till you go to japan, india.... and china.... to mention just a few.... :bah:

volatilekoala, my only intention to post the above is for us to realize that in spite of what we think we know, in spite of what the outward appearance seems to be and in spite of what others say.... the fact is.... it is very tough to get into a good high school and a good university in thailand on students own merits.... despite what every other farang might think or say about thai educational system....

university here is to the equivalent of my (canadian) highschool back home.... now that you know some additional facts about selected thai high schools and univerisities.... won't you say that thai high schools and thai universities are much tougher than canadian high schools and universities....?

more importantly, how many of us when we were back home, have to drive our kids to academic tutorial sessions day in and day out.... AFTER REGULAR SCHOOL CLASSES....

and most importantly, we have to pay all expenses out of our own pockets....? :annoyed:

yes, granted.... many parents do drive their kids and neighbor kids after regular school sessions to soccer, baseball, football, volleyball practices.... but only very very few would consider driving their kids to academic tutorial sessions backhome.... :o

i must be getting really old.... to be saying so much with so little substance.... :D



do you really mean what you said.... :ermm:

and do you really say what you mean....?:blink:

to arrive at quality children.... it begins even before conception....

it is almost a little too late in the scheme of natural processes.... once a child is born.... :(

any rate.... thailand is heading toward the right direction in getting people

to begin to think about qualitative and intelligent children with verbal and performance scores above 140.... :D

Thailand wastes so much Time and money on this academic 'thinking'.............. 11 years to date that I have personally observed........... nothing new in OBJECTIVE measurements of progress in Education, for example,just more BS of 'tomorrow, tomorrow'.

So sad and so prevalent so often.

brewsta, i agree with you more than 100% ....

they just do not know .... how to do it ....

they are just awaiting for old boys like us and many other educational experts on thaivisa ....

to show them how to do it right the first time.... and how to do it quickly to bring everything around too.... LOL

most thai professionals as well as educators are just way too shy and timid to ask for any kind of assistance whatever....

and we are just too busy and too engaged in whatever we are interested in.... to be bothered with or to offer any sort of help.... to anyone.... except ourselves.... :unsure::ermm:

Yawn !!!!!


Oh, and 'above 140'.......what is this scale please?

stanford binet / weschler, sir/madam. you are already familiar with them, right?


If we are to go along with this strange assertion from some posters that the average Westerner in Thailand can provide a better upbringing for children because they have more money, and therefore should be encouraged to settle here because their offspring will be superior to those of all-Thai families then shouldn't the UK government be neutering people who live on council estates and don't earn much money? (An unfortunate side effect of such a policy would be a huge reduction in the number of British people coming to live in Thailand though)

The continual comments about the level of intelligence of Thai people is extremely silly too. The last time I was in the UK it was full of stupid people. Half the people I talked to seemed to think I live in Taiwan which doesn't say much for their education or intelligence.

According to a table of national IQ estimates that I found online, the USA ranks 19th in the world. The top five places are Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore. So perhaps the USA and other Western countries should start offering incentives for nationals of these countries to come and mate with their less intelligent natives?

  • Like 1

To promote a population increase is mass murder.

Within the current population increase we will be running with 21 billion if a baby born today will be aged 70. With the population increase, oil use per capita increase and finite petrol reserves, we are heading for a population crash. I hope Thailand population minister is aware of that.

For those who are interested in this subject, and even those people who aren't, I strongly recommend to view the video from Pr. Al Bartlett on the following link:

For a lot of people, after have viewed this video, they all get another perception of the crash we are heading to. The economical crisis, piek oil, world population crash, etc. etc... it is all weaved together.


a response to brewsta post....

Thailand wastes so much Time and money on this academic 'thinking'.............. 11 years to date that I have personally observed........... nothing new in OBJECTIVE measurements of progress in Education, for example,just more BS of 'tomorrow, tomorrow'.

So sad and so prevalent so often.

brewsta, i agree with you more than 100% ....

they just do not know .... how to do it ....

they are just awaiting for old boys like us and many other educational experts on thaivisa ....

to show them how to do it right the first time.... and how to do it quickly to bring everything around too.... LOL

most thai professionals as well as educators are just way too shy and timid to ask for any kind of assistance whatever....

and we are just too busy and too engaged in whatever we are interested in.... to be bothered with or to offer any sort of help.... to anyone.... except ourselves.... :unsure::ermm:

Yawn !!!!!


Oh, and 'above 140'.......what is this scale please?

stanford binet / weschler, sir/madam. you are already familiar with them, right?


It seems like a chock to some people that they are infact not the center of the world, culturally, intellectually or historically. When their school-backgrounds flawed curriculum indeed told them they they were.

:violin: :violin: :violin:

So are you posting some data or are you starting to stereotype and insult?

Some self-opinionated farangs cannot get over the fact that they are actually are nobodies, people of no importance and that their proud white race not make them superior nor give them better genes to look down on Thai people. :P

The only one bringing race in as a dominant factor is you. I was talking economics. Not the color of the skin.


It seems like a chock to some people that they are infact not the center of the world, culturally, intellectually or historically. When their school-backgrounds flawed curriculum indeed told them they they were.

:violin: :violin: :violin:

So are you posting some data or are you starting to stereotype and insult?

Some self-opinionated farangs cannot get over the fact that they are actually are nobodies, people of no importance and that their proud white race not make them superior nor give them better genes to look down on Thai people. :P

The only one bringing race in as a dominant factor is you. I was talking economics. Not the color of the skin.


So where is your data?

What you are saying is that you suffer from a complex and can provide no data or facts to back up your claims or outbursts?

Carry on.

  • Like 1

Why am I reminded of the Hitler Youth?

probably because at some stage in your life you were fed with far-left propaganda :ph34r:

Spoken like a typical Reichwing spew-run-hide ©overt ninjyaidiot...


:jap: :wai: :jap:

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