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Hi all.

As part of a Masters I'm pursuing in Technical documentation, I'm planning on writing some documentation (user guide/tutorials) for Anki. Although there is some documentation on the website and some nice youtube videos here


there is still a lot that could be done to make this great programme easier to learn, use and modify (if you're not familiar with Anki, I'd also point out its free. You can get it from http://ichi2.net/anki/.)

When I am done, I will post the documentation here for anyone to use. However, to help me do this, I'd like to canvas opinion from TV members that have tried Anki (particularly if you're not a regular user or if you only tried it once, your views will be invaluable to me).

Below are fourteen questions. Please answer as many or as few as you like! The attachment contains the same questions, but is provided for those that would rather complete it privately. You can send it to me via PM if you wish. Otherwise, you could just post replies in this thread, whichever you prefer.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Sw :)


1. Have you ever tried ANKIs software for the purpose of learning Thai?


2. Have you used it regularly since trying it? ___________

1. If not, would you care to say why not?


3. Do you consider yourself an expert, intermediate or novice user of Anki?

· For the purpose of this survey, you are 'expert' if you have explored every feature including sound and pictures, and know what all options and menus mean and do;

· You are probably 'intermediate' if you know how to set up your own packs and manipulate them to accept typed responses to questions, and how to make some templates. There may be some features of Anki you are not familiar with, do not understand or have not used.

· You are probably 'novice' if you have only just started using Anki and/or have not really explored many of the options.

I consider myself _____________________ user.

4. Did you have any problems downloading or installing ANKI? ____________

1. If yes, please describe in as much detail as you wish. Please also say HOW you solved your problems.


5. Did you read the documentation on ANKI's website before you started using the software, or did you experiment and teach yourself?


6. Have you had any problems or frustrations while trying to use ANKI? ___________

1. If yes, please describe in as much detail as you wish.


7. What features of Anki do you dislike, don't understand or think could be improved?


8. Do you mostly use a pack/s made by others or do you mostly use packs made by yourself?


9. Have you ever uploaded one of your own packs to the Anki Website? ____________

1. If no, would you care to say why not?


10. If you make your own packs, could you please describe in as much detail as you wish what kind of packs you make (i.e. template/models: basic, forward/reverse, typed responses) and what you use Anki for (vocab words, vocab chunks, grammar, tone rules, listening practice, etc).


11. If you have used any other space repetition software (e.g, Byki), how would you compare it in terms of ease of use? Is Anki easier or more difficult to learn, to set up and use? Please describe in as much detail as you wish.


12. What, if any, kind of documentation would you find most useful for ANKI – e.g., a comprehensive user guide from basic to advanced options, and/or tutorial on particular tasks? Troubleshooting Guide? All? None? Other?


13. When you need help with a product, website, or software, do you prefer manuals/help documentation as Pdf text file? youtube video? interactive software demo, online help file/search query box?


14. Do you have any other comments about Anki? Please write as much or as little as you wish.


Thanks again you for your help. :)

Anki questionairre.doc



2.At first, no. Now, I use it everyday.

1.At first, I didn't use audio and had few cards. I gave up. Having too much time on my hands, when I used it again with audio, I discovered how helpful the program is to my studies.



5.Read documentation before using? Not since the mid-80's.


7.I don't like the fact that cards needing review keep piling up when I'm too lazy to review. At the same time, I understand the need for this feature. To avoid overdosing on cards needing review, I've developed better daily habits of using the program. It still sucks when you're on vacation.

8.My own packs

Most of my cards are portions of sentences, with audio. Single word cards don't appeal to me much....although I have a fair share of them.

9.I didn't find any Thai packs that appealed to my current level of studies

10.Using Thomas Gething's Intermediate Reader series (as an example), I'd listen to the audio (using Audacity), type the script as I heard it (using the pdf file to check my work), then create anki files from pertinent words or phrases. With audacity it's easy to highlight portions of a conversation, export it to a file, then dump that audio file into anki. The front of my cards is Thai script with audio, the back is English. I always use forward/reverse to review.

I have, on occasion, used Anki for grammar/tone rules (why is สบาย สะ บาย and not สะ หบาย, for example).

I'm also able to go to the file containing all the anki mp3 files and download them to a cheap Samsung mp3 player. When I'm out exercising, I play the anki files in rapid fire mode (one right after the other), only repeating those I can't understand.

I'm not plugging audacity, but it's very simple to snip portions of one sentence, then insert that portion into another sentence. Then export as a clip and put it into anki.

11, Haven't used other software.

12.I tend to use trial-and-error versus documentation in trying out new software. It's probably not the best way to do things, but that's the way I do it. I have looked at some of the anki forums, but didn't find anything that appealed to my needs.

13.If I need help, I will refer to the manual (pdf....no paper, please!). But short youtube videos are very helpful if they're not created by an engineer

14.Before Anki I was writing out my own flashcards. That sucked. No audio and time consuming. Anki has made a substantial difference in my retention of vocabulary.

Good luck with your research.

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