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Have You Had These Problems With True Visions/Ubc?


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I want to know if anyone has had this happen to them and what I can do about it? Ive tried everything and dont know what to do...<BR><BR>Also, I have searched briefly on these forums but didnt find a solution on my own so I apologize in advance incase someone flames me for posting a new topic to an already answered question.

So heres what happend:

I went in one day a few weeks ago to the True - Seacon Square branch. I picked out the gold package for true visions digital cable. I filled out the form and was told a technician would call back on this date to install.

Ok! Sounds normal. So I waited and sure enough the tech called, showed up but had a problem at our Condo. Neither the tech or the Condo manager speaks very good eglish but this is what I understood from them: The owner did not allow satellite to be installed. So we had to reapply for the digital cable box. I got confused. I thought that is what I applied for in the first place. So I called True and the person pretty much said the same thing and that she would call back. I grew impatient and eventually went to True at Seacon the next day because I got no call back. I spoke with a sales rep and once again the English isnt very good so I had problems explaining the whole situation. Keep in mind I understand Thai english and I dont expect the english to be perfect and I do not get impatient because of their speaking. What pissed me off is the "I dont know what to do so I'll try to brush you off with a solution that doesnt help" attitude I started to get. They made me reapply again. So I did. Nobody called me back after a few days so I called back again. Again I was told after explaining everything the support person would figure out what is going on and call me back. No call back. I call again and find out that the previous renters who stayed in our room before us neglected their bills and were "blacklisted"... So now I have to provide copies of our room contract and the owners contact info to straighten the blacklist thing out.

Why wasnt I told about the blacklist as soon as I signed up the first time? This was starting to REALLY frustrate me. Im getting the genrall sense of unorganization and lack of care to the customer. Anyways I push on. I wanted to watch the world cup damnit!

Anyways I bring the documents in to Seacon branch and am told to wait for a call back again. Believe me, I made them aware no one ever calls me back and Im not being rude about it but I feel like Im losing my patience.

No one calls me back again. Im fed up with this. Im missing the world cup and Ive been patient everytime and polite and its getting me nowhere. So I march in to Seacon again, I ask firmly but politely to speak with a manager or supervisor/superior. They just led me to a different color shirt wearing true employee behind the counter. I explain everything and am given the same act like "Oh Ill figure it out and call you back" but I said no. I said, "I want you to put it in writing that you will contact me on this date and sign your name and contact number." I was told the call would be Wed. (tomorrow). I guess that firmness worked because they call me up today (tuesday) , and luckily I had my Thai friend who speaks native english as well, talk to them.

So now I found out that the blacklist is indeed true and we have 2 options. Option 1 is to sign up for prepay and pay upfront 6 months advance.... &lt;deleted&gt;?

Option 2, have the owner sign up for us in their name. Now my friend was confused about this and were not sure if that is what we need to do so I just gave the owner contact info to the true support person on the phone.

She called my condo owner and called back saying "Sorry but the owner can not" and we only have option 1 aviable.

Im so pissed... I just want the gold package. Ive missed the world cup already. My thai friend said the support people arnt being helpfull and I got the same feeling myself with them. They do not want to help us. They are punishing us for someone elses blacklist.

Why should I pay 6 months advanced for someone elses mistake? I cant afford that right now and I just want some TV!

So I came home this afternoon and had my Thai friend talk to the condo managers. They understand the situation now and I told them that they never told me or put anything in the contract about our room being blacklisted so if True sticks us with this crap till the end Im demanding a new room not blacklisted or moving out and demanding my full deposit back as a result of breaching contract. The condo managers said they know a technician that works the condo building, from True and will call him. I didnt really understand what they are trying to acheive but Im about to say "screw it" and move.

So I ask the community: What is your opinion on the matter? Who is correct in this situation? Am I right to complain? Did this happen to you before and wht did you do?


P.S. spell check doesnt work for some reason in both IE and firefox with noscript (all scripts allowed)

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Unfortuantly you are dealing with one of the most unprofessional, uncaring companies in Thailand.They have a monopoly and apart from a few "rogue " operators that offer something similar,which is illegal ,you are stuck with them. There are many people who speak good English within the company, maybe you should try their head office. Should you ever wish to cancel their service it takes 2 months to get your deposit money back and its in the form of a cheque which most Thai Banks will not clear immediatly.Too bad if you have to travel overseas. If you do a search on Thai Visa you will find countless stories of frustration. By the way World Cup football was NOT available on ESPN /True it was carried by local Thai stations. 90 % of their programming is rubbish and the situation cries out for compeition but don't hold your breath.

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Yeap, TrueVisions can be a very challenging company to deal with (i.e., a pain), especially when canceling the service/getting your deposit money back or when just modifying/changing the service you are currently getting. No shortage of TrueVisions/UBC "frustration" posts on ThaiVisa. I've had a couple of challenging moments with their service.

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I would advise you not to waste your money on TRUE. I have finally cancelled this month.

Just not worth the money. Customer service is lousy and this years world cup debacle along with not showing The Tour De France were the final straws.

Over to ASTRO for me.

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I agree with the other posts!! Maybe i can clarify that True/UBC offers two services in BKK. They offer digital cable and they offer sattelite. The cable service is only available in certain areas and buildings. Normally, when you sign up, they can check to see if your building has the cable option but no real guarantee about this. What may have happened is that you signed up for cable but then the technician arrived at your building, he discovered that cable was not available thus the need to re-apply for satellite. I have been through that myself.

The whole blacklisting issue is quite common here. A couple of years ago, I was blacklisted by Thai Airways at no fault on mine. It took me several months to clear it up and i had to do all of the work from my side to prove my innocence. My suggestion is that you have the condo manager contact the owner once more. Possibly, he will agree to sign up for the True service if the cost is added to the monthly rent, therefore, assuring, that it is paid and the owner's risk is gone. The second choice is to forget about True and sign up with a local cable company which may not have as much international programming but much better that nothing. In Phuket, the local cable is 80 channels with about 10 channels in English.

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Well, for better or worst, TrueVisions/UBC offers the best choice of English language channels and popular Thai channels you can't find on other services. They pretty much have the 800 pound guerrilla status among the other satellite/cable providers in Thailand, but that is slowly changing...but I know not fast enough for your current problem. I'm just waiting for the day that another company comes along that can offer some serious competitiion to TrueVisions in my part of Bangkok, as that will be the day I switch. While I also have C/KU band Free To Air channels (i.e,. the big black dish on the house), the great, great majority of those channels are Thai/Asean language channels.

Recommend you put a little more patient into getting your residence/room off the True blacklist with whoever will help (especially the condo manager...take him/her with you to the TrueVisions office); if that don't work out in a few weeks then I can fully understand why you would want to go the route of trying to cancel your rental contract (i.e., move). But keep in mind when dealing with the TrueVisions representatives (which will probably be females) keep your cool, be forceful, but DON'T scream, hollow, get loud---all of that just don't usually help in Thailand plus these reps are just marching to the drumbeat of TrueVisions corporate policies.

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To make it simple., True is a bad company run poorly and with no customer service routines that helps the customer. They have potential though, but they do not seem to be able to make the whole system work well at all.

Customer service reps have no incentive to help you, they get paid a low salary, and if the client makes life a little difficult they will try to ignore you. No benefit for them to work hard.

Same thing with techs, they have no incentive to help you and will ignore/delay your requests for assistance should it be too inconvenient for them.

Consider this.

You have trouble signing up... Imagine the horrors you will face when (not if) you want to cancel...

And as a side note. I just viewed their HD channels. It was B A D. The compression alone made the football unwatchable. The pitch looked like something green Shrek coughed up.

It was embarrassingly horrible considering how True reps were boasting about how great the picture was. I had my laptop with me with a downloaded HD football match. I showed them real HD and they could say no more.

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If TRUE was the ONLY satellite provider available in Thailand I would not touch them. I had to suffer for a long time when I lived in a condo with only TRUE Cable available, but no longer. Thank god for "Grey areas" and ASTRO TV. Yes the initial/set up costs are greater but if you really appreciate good TV then this is where there is in my opinion no other choice especially now that DSTV has gone! I get 8 HD Channels. I'm originally from the UK and I appreciate BBC News and the new Grenada TV channel. I get everything and more than the TRUE Platinum service and at a lower price!! I understand that a lot of you will have no other choice due to satellite dish placement etc, but there are other cable companies out there to. It is about time that TRUE get the message THAT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO GET AWAY WITH PROVIDING 3RD CLASS SERVICE FOR A 1ST CLASS PRICE!!

True made it quite clear to me a few years back when it withdrew the BBC channel . . . . . . . . They don't care, clear and simple. Take my advice and stay away!!

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I too was a viewer of the BBC Entertainment Channel. More importantly for me though is the rugby............All gone. UK Clubs, Southern Hemisphere Super 12s, Tri-nations, Six Nations, International Touring; all shown previously and now all taken off the air. People, please do not insult me saying they show Asian Rugby and Sevens at times. The UFC PPV is also shown throughout Asia with the exception of Thailand. True could rectify that if they wanted too!

Most English has disappeared from the Monthly Mag which is more than a shame and a shame also is that True (I still call it UBC) has a monopoly. I speak a few languages having lived in various places around the World but Thai unfortunately is not a language I can get to grips with.

Ah well!! I shall just continue being an invisible, know nothing, not wanted Farang.

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