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Perhaps Things Would Be So Much Easier For Farang


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I don't know who got suspended, I just hope it wasn't the new user that seemed decent but that was baited by one of the recent trolls.

In anyway, some people will always think bad about a mixed couple here. No-matter the social grouping the couple actually reside in. Not unlike how mixed couples was seen 50 years ago in the US.

Especially the older generation, with the level of nationalism that exists, will always disdain us foreigners.

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I don't know who got suspended, I just hope it wasn't the new user that seemed decent but that was baited by one of the recent trolls.

In anyway, some people will always think bad about a mixed couple here. No-matter the social grouping the couple actually reside in. Not unlike how mixed couples was seen 50 years ago in the US.

Especially the older generation, with the level of nationalism that exists, will always disdain us foreigners.

think trans am has 15 day ban

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the one that winds up posters here the most is when you have a go at someone's girlfriend or wife; even if indirectly by suggesting they are all bar girls, and that all previous bar girls or even dark skinned girls are scum.

Rofl. I said nothing of the sort.

Quote: "I have never seen a Thai man walking around a shopping mall with an obvious prostitute but I have seen thousands of farang doing so. I have never seen a Thai male in the various upscale apartment buildings that I have lived in, bring home an obvious prostitute but I have seen dozens of farang do so. I have never seen a Thai man take an obvious prostitute to a nice restaurant."

This comment I feel indirectly suggests that the great majority of white foreigners here are staying only for "obvious prostitutes", as of course you have observed "THOUSANDS"! Would you like to document these thousands of incidents? I didn't know that all white foreigners were that bad. Clearly you have already judged these girls and the men with them by what standard? A short dress, high heels and let me guess - dark skin? Oh doesn't the short dress and high heels sound like most "decent" girls here (in other words, rich), so how you determine these thousands of women are prostitutes is by the only other obvious mark of the dark skin; or Oh MY God, maybe they are holding hands or were the girls showing some type of affection to the man! What a crime, dark skin and showing affection-she must be a prostitute! As mentioned earlier please check reliable studies and books which show that the great bulk of prostitution (over 95%) is Thai with Thai but is simply not obvious but more hypocritically hidden away.

Please tell me how you determine that these thousands of farang men and women, you have witnessed, by what standard you determine they are prostitutes, or are you suggesting that there are just so many Thai women here that the great bulk of them are prostitutes? As for one person to have observed thousands then clearly you feel the place must be just totally corrupted with "bar" girls. :ermm:Sorry I'm confused please enlighten what you really mean? Or perhaps this is exaggeration?

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Interesting post. I suspect you either haven't been in Thailand long or you haven't traveled extensively here. Polite? Well-dressed?

Fact is that most Thais don't have the money to dress well.

Polite has regional and social variations.

What is polite behavior at a wedding in Issan would be decidedly unpolite at a wedding in the Oriental. Frankly I disagree with most of the content of your post as it points to only a very small subset of the population within very limited social circles.

utter rubbish. all thai's???????? <deleted>

If you had bothered to read even the part you highlighted you would see I said 'most Thais'. And this is a fact. 'Most Thais' are living on an income that does not allow the purchase of a supply of 3000 bt pants, 2000 bt shirts, and 5000 bt shoes. Get over it. There is nothing wrong with pointing out facts. Note also that I carefully avoided making any judgment on the financial situation of the majority of the country.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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please tell me why i haven't been banned if all of your wild accusations are true? several moderators have already visited and responded in the topic. i have said nothing at all disparaging about Thai women or farang. I have simply commented on the social norms of Thailand, the exact sentiment that many other users have expressed themselves.

if you can't read something on the internet without threatening to murder the person who wrote it, i think you might want to seek therapy.

mods, feel free to lock this thread.

Cheer up, Chunks. I never found most of what you've said to be offensive, not in the least. It's actually something that should be discussed...but obviously, with cooler heads. A lot of these folks have taken it personally. I wonder why that is? Did it hit too close to home? I don't know. I just don't get how they can turn this all around and all of a sudden, you (and the Thai's) are the bad guys.

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I think you have opened yourself up to a bit of scrutiny. What ever country your in, laws have come forward usually to protect people. If you do wrong on the road, you pay the price. In the UK you can be fined £100 for parking in a stupid place but thats to try and have some sort of normality, keep things clear and moving.

The last time l got knicked in the UK was 40 years ago, been knicked in LOS 3 times in the last 3 years for really doing sod all.:) .

Now this is the sort of PC thing I can't stand. That is, the government having laws and regulations for every little thing, with the broad intent of "protecting it's citizens." This is an intellectual debate, by the way, and probably not appropriate for this thread. But yes, I leave myself open for scrutiny by being honest and saying, "hey, Big Brother, I don't need to be looked after. Just let me live my life."

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Interesting post. I suspect you either haven't been in Thailand long or you haven't traveled extensively here. Polite? Well-dressed?

Fact is that most Thais don't have the money to dress well.

Polite has regional and social variations.

What is polite behavior at a wedding in Issan would be decidedly unpolite at a wedding in the Oriental. Frankly I disagree with most of the content of your post as it points to only a very small subset of the population within very limited social circles.

utter rubbish. all thai's???????? <deleted>

If you had bothered to read even the part you highlighted you would see I said 'most Thais'. And this is a fact. 'Most Thais' are living on an income that does not allow the purchase of a supply of 3000 bt pants, 2000 bt shirts, and 5000 bt shoes. Get over it. There is nothing wrong with pointing out facts. Note also that I carefully avoided making any judgment on the financial situation of the majority of the country.

Maybe a new topic is in order. Can one dress well for 500 baht or less :)

I think you can actually but maybe that's just me.

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u win transAm. i am not going to post here anymore since the overwhelming consensus is a difference of opinion. congrats on your victory. B)

There's no reason for you not to post again. But i do think you could be a little more sympathetic to foreigners that live here, we're not all bad.

Mindyou. if you waste your time listening to the monotonous drivel blerting from a certain B________ in his usual condescending, arrogant unpleasant manner you would probably think we all infact are!

Edited by carmine
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Chunky mentioned something about being "ignored". Is there a way to ignore people's posts here? I'll have to do some searching and find out how.

Berkshire...yeah, you got me, I'm not really in Afghanistan, I'm a 18 year old kid sitting on a computer in Iowa. Oh, and I don't "go around threatening people with personal harm." What I typed in previous posts weren't threats, they were factual based on what I would do if a comment was made to my girl (or to me for being with her). Trust me, there will be no threatening involved in what would transpire. In fact, I likely won't say anything at all...would just take care of business and walk away.

Now...off to find that "ignore" button. :D

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Chunky mentioned something about being "ignored". Is there a way to ignore people's posts here? I'll have to do some searching and find out how.

Berkshire...yeah, you got me, I'm not really in Afghanistan, I'm a 18 year old kid sitting on a computer in Iowa. Oh, and I don't "go around threatening people with personal harm." What I typed in previous posts weren't threats, they were factual based on what I would do if a comment was made to my girl (or to me for being with her). Trust me, there will be no threatening involved in what would transpire. In fact, I likely won't say anything at all...would just take care of business and walk away.

Now...off to find that "ignore" button. :D


GOTO, the top left hands side of your screen and thento the drop down box next to your name. Select settings, then profile, then manage ignored users.


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Chunky mentioned something about being "ignored". Is there a way to ignore people's posts here? I'll have to do some searching and find out how.

Berkshire...yeah, you got me, I'm not really in Afghanistan, I'm a 18 year old kid sitting on a computer in Iowa. Oh, and I don't "go around threatening people with personal harm." What I typed in previous posts weren't threats, they were factual based on what I would do if a comment was made to my girl (or to me for being with her). Trust me, there will be no threatening involved in what would transpire. In fact, I likely won't say anything at all...would just take care of business and walk away.

Now...off to find that "ignore" button. :D


GOTO, the top left hands side of your screen and thento the drop down box next to your name. Select settings, then profile, then manage ignored users.


Most excellent! Thank you! I no longer have to read that absolute B.S. those two type.

I'll apologize now if I've offended any board members here for describing what I would do to someone who insults my girl or me in such a way to imply (either directly or indirectly) that she's a prostitute. Normally the only acts of violence I perform are at the request of my country, but in an instance like that, I wouldn't hesitate. And, I suspect all self-respecting boyfriends/fiances/husbands would react the same way.

This thread seems to now only go in circles. But, before I depart, I would like to remind everyone here that we farangs in Thailand are vastly out-numbered. We get charged more for goods and services, we cannot own land, we are in a country that does not cater to us the way other coutries cater to visiting foreigners, etc. It's important for us to stick together and help each other out...not put down other farangs because their lady of choice happens to be from a poor section of Thailand and/or has a darker skintone and/or can't afford expensive clothing and/or...well, you get the point. A shame that some members will never understand that.

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Chunky mentioned something about being "ignored". Is there a way to ignore people's posts here? I'll have to do some searching and find out how.

Berkshire...yeah, you got me, I'm not really in Afghanistan, I'm a 18 year old kid sitting on a computer in Iowa. Oh, and I don't "go around threatening people with personal harm." What I typed in previous posts weren't threats, they were factual based on what I would do if a comment was made to my girl (or to me for being with her). Trust me, there will be no threatening involved in what would transpire. In fact, I likely won't say anything at all...would just take care of business and walk away.

Now...off to find that "ignore" button. :D

And go on admit it, while in confessional mode, you met your so called "girlfriend" in a bar.Your over the top denial rather confirms the fact I'm afraid as many members will have observed a thousand times.Go on fess up:it will do you no end of good.Do it for your country.

Edited by jayboy
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Perhaps it would be easier if foreigners visiting Thailand for the purposes of sexual trysts were given a flashing armband so that hookers would know who to approach. It would also make it easier for some people to point and laugh. :)

DId you not get yours?

They are invisible to you or I, only the hookers can see them. So if one's good lady-wife points out somebody wearing one, pretend not to hear.

This was all explained by the nice man at immigration, and its worked a charm for me


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Berkshire...yeah, you got me, I'm not really in Afghanistan, I'm a 18 year old kid sitting on a computer in Iowa. Oh, and I don't "go around threatening people with personal harm." <SNIPPED>

Ohh looky. :blink: .. Another 40 post 4 day member whose morphed into the 'expert in residence' on "all-thingz-thai". In addition to promising what would happen IF someone dared to cast a disparaging eye at his thai sweetie. :o .

Where was that 'ignore button' again? :D Oh that's right, no one can read this, as I am ignored by all, :whistling: and now only post for my amusement.

I personally don't give two shits where another foreigner met his thai significant other, also known as his; 'thai-in-tow'. As long as they don't solicit my opinion about her we're good. Although all too many foreigners seem to do this, much to their consternation when I actually give my opinion rather than parrot out a pat answer. My advice is; have balls big enough to 'walk the walk' whoever you happen to pick to 'walk the walk' with. :ermm:

Who a person picks to spend their life with is SOOO far down my list of even semi-important things that it doesn't even make the top 100. You wanna have a bangkok born-'n-bred, white-skinned, hi-so, uni-educated, thai-nese (for the very thick, that's thai-chinese), man knock yourself out. It's the same if you wanna have a dark skinned, 4th grade dropout, rice farmer's daughter from Nakhon Nowhere for your a significant thai other. Those are choices YOU must live with, not me, my posting pals.

And FWIW: I'm NOT sitting on a couch in Any-town USA posting my two satang's worth of info; but in my office here in Bangkok. Thanx for askin' though. :lol: ..

As an aside to the poster known as "Judia" (who posted a nearly incomprehensible rant on the first page), which I will include here for your perusing pleasure;

Who give a FXXX about what Thai people like us think. But IF you look at Thai people They have evil intention event tho you think they good THEY NOT THAI PEOPLE ARE NOT I'm Thai and I think Riping White people off And sell stuff high price is consider UNFAIR! soo Whatever U guys Farang or whatever u are do you should think of US Thai Worse that you guy..when you come to Thailand of course

Keep up with those "engrish as a second language" classes; they'll start to pay off eventually. ;) ..

One last thing to the poster known as "StreetCowboy", my armband appears to be broken as it doesn't seem to work like it did when I first got it shortly after I arrived here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". . Is there a warranty on these things? :whistling:

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Berkshire...yeah, you got me, I'm not really in Afghanistan, I'm a 18 year old kid sitting on a computer in Iowa. Oh, and I don't "go around threatening people with personal harm." <SNIPPED>

Ohh looky. :blink: .. Another 40 post 4 day member whose morphed into the 'expert in residence' on "all-thingz-thai". In addition to promising what would happen IF someone dared to cast a disparaging eye at his thai sweetie. :o .

Where was that 'ignore button' again? :D Oh that's right, no one can read this, as I am ignored by all, :whistling: and now only post for my amusement.

I personally don't give two shits where another foreigner met his thai significant other, also known as his; 'thai-in-tow'. As long as they don't solicit my opinion about her we're good. Although all too many foreigners seem to do this, much to their consternation when I actually give my opinion rather than parrot out a pat answer. My advice is; have balls big enough to 'walk the walk' whoever you happen to pick to 'walk the walk' with. :ermm:

Who a person picks to spend their life with is SOOO far down my list of even semi-important things that it doesn't even make the top 100. You wanna have a bangkok born-'n-bred, white-skinned, hi-so, uni-educated, thai-nese (for the very thick, that's thai-chinese), man knock yourself out. It's the same if you wanna have a dark skinned, 4th grade dropout, rice farmer's daughter from Nakhon Nowhere for your a significant thai other. Those are choices YOU must live with, not me, my posting pals.

And FWIW: I'm NOT sitting on a couch in Any-town USA posting my two satang's worth of info; but in my office here in Bangkok. Thanx for askin' though. :lol: ..

As an aside to the poster known as "Judia" (who posted a nearly incomprehensible rant on the first page), which I will include here for your perusing pleasure;

Who give a FXXX about what Thai people like us think. But IF you look at Thai people They have evil intention event tho you think they good THEY NOT THAI PEOPLE ARE NOT I'm Thai and I think Riping White people off And sell stuff high price is consider UNFAIR! soo Whatever U guys Farang or whatever u are do you should think of US Thai Worse that you guy..when you come to Thailand of course

Keep up with those "engrish as a second language" classes; they'll start to pay off eventually. ;) ..

One last thing to the poster known as "StreetCowboy", my armband appears to be broken as it doesn't seem to work like it did when I first got it shortly after I arrived here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". . Is there a warranty on these things? :whistling:

oops some ones having a bad day at work

just like to point out the last two pages of this thread has absolutely nothing to do with original topic,guess this is why some people say this forums going down hill.

imho i dont think the forum is going down hill there is a lot of great usefull information on parts of this forum ,however the general topics forum does seem to get a bit petty immature what ever you want to call it................................

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