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Visa To Italy

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Hi Guys,

I wonder if anyone can help?

My missus and I hope to go to Italy to visit my dad who now lives there. We plan to go in mid August but we're unsure about the visa process. Please note, we live in the UK.

As I understand it, the fee is waived for the wife of an EEA national (she's currently on FLR(M) and has a residence permit).

I noticed on the following website http://www.conslondra.esteri.it/Consolato_Londra/Menu/I_Servizi/Per_chi_si_reca_in_italia/ that:

"According to EU Directive 2004/38/CE, family members of EU nationals who do not have the nationality of a Member State, but have the new residence permits issued by the British Home Office bearing the specific following indication:


Type of Document: Residence Card of a Family Member of an EEA National"

will not need a Schengen visa for a SHORT STAY (up to 90 days in 6 months) in Italy if accompanied by the EEA National OR if traveling to join them.

Bringing a copy of marriage certificate or proof of relationship is advisable."

But my wife's doesn't say this; it just says "spouse/partner". Does anyone agree/know that this means we have to apply?

And, according to the website it seems (but is not clear) that she has to go in person to the Consulate in London? Is this the case? And does anyone know whether she will have to go back to collect it? NB the link to the VFS site says it can be sent but as she's my wife it says she can go to the consulate. It doesn't say whether they have a delivery service.

We're only going for a few days due to my work commitment so if there's loads of travelling into London we're just not sure it's worth it.

Appreciate any advice/knowledge!


Edited by Bukseeda
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IN reply to my own questions - this has been dealt with elsewhere on the forum and it looks like we do need to apply for the schengen visa.


Does anyone know the timescale involved?

Do they return the passport by post?

Is it possible to apply by post?

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We applied in person at the consulate in London and collected 2 or 3 days later.

If it makes any difference, the consulate was not at all busy on either of our visits and we were in and out within 5 minutes.

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