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2-Mbps Wi-Fi To Be Available Across Thailand In 2 Years

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No need to spend all that money improving the internet.......just keep blocking all the girlie sites, gambling sites and whatever else they can think of they'll be nobody on the internet.... that'll speed things up automatically :blink:

<br>stunning news as the world goes to 20mb by then ok not wireless but bah.gif<br>

I would be very happy when a 2 Mbps wireless Internet connection will be available at a moderate price in my area (small village in Northeastern Thailand). At the moment, I can only access the worldwide web at a "decent" speed (1 Mbps at its best) via an expensive (almost 2800 baht per month) and not always reliable during the rainy season TOT iPSTAR Satellite broadband connection and no, alas, CAT CDMA-EVDO Rev. A is not available where I live (I'm located too far from their nearest access point).


Dun even think about it......politic not stable talk whatever plan also no use. Stupid to give people hope for 2 years plan which the govt can't even stable for a year........


I am sorry but i must say you pay too mut!! We live in the Sisaket province, just bought satellite internet at 1 MBps for 1100 Baht per month flat. Of course a monsoon shower can disrupt services, as it will do all over Thailand , even in Bangkok, Internet still goes down with the rain in some areas ! On a sunday i chat with HER - from Germany - via MSN messenger with active webcam at astoundings speed !


Well, the message is missing of substance !

first off, WI-Fi is just the making of a signal delivered to fixed location port. The port always is supplied by DSL, ADSL, or whatever speed you choose to opt for, to be delivered to your port. The WI-Fi Speed is irrelevant, it is only as fast as the port speed.

The message says the Wi-Fi speed they want to increase. Why didn t they just say INTERNET SPEED IN THAILAND WILL INCREASE FROM 1 Mbit TO 2 Mbit IN THE NEXT TWO YEARS . .because that simply is what they are trying to tell you.

If you pay for a 3 MBps speed internet, it s up to you. You may have noticed, that in most places, the speed is somewhat like 160 KBps , regardless of what you pay. Upstream.

The message says they will give it to you within the next two years. Hey, wait ! I thought they already give it to me ??!! I pay 500 Baht per month for a promised 3 MBps internet speed at my house

in Cha Am.

What i am trying to tell you this is just a message of some bloke from TAT, who graduated from university, and is trying to give you insight information, but got the components of his

"message" completely wrong !!! Confusing WI-Fi with what ????

If you don t believe in shit, try the THAI VISA Forum Internet Speed test from your location to see if you get what you pay for !!!!!


maybe they meant wimax or something similar?

anyway, better they would be quicker with 3G

in Indonesia i have 200 kb/s (that is 1.6 mbit ya) real 3G speed. and several operators have this service too

or unlimited 384kbit for just above 500 baht/mth or 35/day

and it works not only in Jakarta or on Bali

in many major cities and even on Lombok

and of course outside of the 3G coverage i often still get EDGE

Are you describing Germany? In remote areas we are on the same down level.

EDGE nearly covers everything. 3G(384kbit/s) is very comment to bigger towns.And we call it HSDPA, HSUPA (3,6-7,2kbit/s) are only available in cities.

But here in Thailand, TOT offered me high speed (2 Mbytes/s,) for 400 Baht per month in a remote area in Northeast.That is far away better than I can get into a similar situation in Germany.


I am sorry but i must say you pay too mut!! We live in the Sisaket province, just bought satellite internet at 1 MBps for 1100 Baht per month flat. Of course a monsoon shower can disrupt services, as it will do all over Thailand , even in Bangkok, Internet still goes down with the rain in some areas ! On a sunday i chat with HER - from Germany - via MSN messenger with active webcam at astoundings speed !

Please keep it a secret where you get this half price service. We whom are stuck with extortion services don't want to save a baht. Thanks.

<br>stunning news as the world goes to 20mb by then ok not wireless but bah.gif<br>

I would be very happy when a 2 Mbps wireless Internet connection will be available at a moderate price in my area (small village in Northeastern Thailand). At the moment, I can only access the worldwide web at a "decent" speed (1 Mbps at its best) via an expensive (almost 2800 baht per month) and not always reliable during the rainy season TOT iPSTAR Satellite broadband connection and no, alas, CAT CDMA-EVDO Rev. A is not available where I live (I'm located too far from their nearest access point).

Why not move to civilization? What's the point of retiring if you need to live on rice and beans? I don't get it when other foreigners say they live in far regions of Thailand but complain about the prices of produce, supplies, electronics, internet. You are living out there for a reason and this is not one of them.

He is not talking about rice, or beans, the price of most foodstuffs or consumables or electronic goods.

He is taking about the shambles that is Thai connectivity in most regions of the country and the lack of any decent solution.


How about using the money to improve education?

Educated people are less subservient and more difficult to control through fear. A lot of effort has gone into installing religious and cultural beliefs. Education would mean people would start asking questions.

I'm paying 2,000 baht a month for whats meant to be the fastest service available in Thailand 16mbps and its crap. Its up and down and normally takes 5 secs a page can take 30secs.

its quicker to use free internet in some coffee shops in Bangkok or Pattaya but I don't want to sit there all day. Its a complete rip off. 16mbps is within Thailand.

Like anyone's interested in local content!

The bottleneck is the bandwidth in and out of the country. It doesn't matter what speed we're promised now or in years to come.

By comparison

Hong have got 1000mbps (1gbps) for $26 USD a month.


I guess u have 3BB internet? Im actually a bit supriced that you feel it sux. I also have 3BB, but their 10mbps for 1590 a month and it really delivers what it says. Downloading a file from overseas i get 700-800kb/s (from sweden). Pages and skype and other bandwith sensitive stuff, works without any issues.


I am sorry but i must say you pay too mut!! We live in the Sisaket province, just bought satellite internet at 1 MBps for 1100 Baht per month flat. Of course a monsoon shower can disrupt services, as it will do all over Thailand , even in Bangkok, Internet still goes down with the rain in some areas ! On a sunday i chat with HER - from Germany - via MSN messenger with active webcam at astoundings speed !

Hello, CrazyGreg44!

With which company and what are the conditions (for instance, how long have you subscribed with them to get such a rate)? For instance, the minimum duration of my contract with TOT was one year when I subscribed. Now, I could change (providing that a better and/or cheaper solution is available in my area). I would rather have a CDMA-EVDO Rev. A internet connection if it was possible, but in the meanwhile, I might consider a new provider for a satellite connection if it's better than what I currently have.


I am in one of the lucky selected towns with the 3g HSDPA 7mb/s is on trail.

it is a service through AIS and is advertised as 7 mbs when I bought it I asked the lady and called Ais to confirm that I will actually get 7 Mbs and they said they will Guarentee at leats 5mbs to which I said well why advertise 7 if noones going to get that.

I still went ahead and bought it as it still seemed to be a good deal at 499 baht for the first 6 months then up to 599 baht for an UNLIMITED service.

got it home and speed tested it and everyday ive had it and the best speed best speed i got was 3 Mbs and most of the time it was 2 Mbs. but still thought it was a good deal as I was paying TOT 700 baht for 4Mbs connection.

After about 2 weeks my internet slowed right down and everytime i did a speed test it showed up as 256 connection so I called up Ais thinking there was a problem.

but guess what, Their so called unlimited service is unlimited until you have downloaded 4 giggs( which is hardly anything) then they slow your connection down to 256 Kbs connection speed until your next month comes up.

When I was with TOT I was paying for an unlimited service and I always got that.

So if there is anybody that are heavy downloaders dont bother with the HSDPA 3G. I dont download movies or anything I am a Teacher and just download worksheets for my students and the 4Gb was soon used up.

The words UNLIMITED mean nothing over here.

<br>stunning news as the world goes to 20mb by then ok not wireless but bah.gif<br>

I would be very happy when a 2 Mbps wireless Internet connection will be available at a moderate price in my area (small village in Northeastern Thailand). At the moment, I can only access the worldwide web at a "decent" speed (1 Mbps at its best) via an expensive (almost 2800 baht per month) and not always reliable during the rainy season TOT iPSTAR Satellite broadband connection and no, alas, CAT CDMA-EVDO Rev. A is not available where I live (I'm located too far from their nearest access point).

me to mate my ipstar is crap and i live in ban-on my speed most days 300kbs maybe 512 late at night 124 kbs and no rain

Is this another hub thing? I am not clear on which 2 years they are talking about??? Is it 2552/2553 or 2553/2554 or some year in "Far far away"! If you haven't seen Shrek the movie you may not get that! :rolleyes:


Sounds like a bizarre plan devised by people who have never seen "the internet".

WiFi is simply not suited to cover large areas, let alone all of Thailand (and especially presumably those areas that don't already have DSL). Then there is the existing TOT WiFi access - we had that in Pai. You can buy a card with a password to get on it. I tried it, and it just didn't work. Like - at all. I don't think anybody is using this.

TOT does a pretty good job delivering DSL to unlikely places - that's because they were tasked to cover all of Thailand with DSL way back when. Giving them more money to expand would be a good idea. Giving CAT more cash to expand their CDMA service maybe also good.

Or issuing 3G licenses, easiest of all. No matter which way you look at it, this reeks of corruption, of contracts devised to grease somebody's hands, and that's all that's ever going to happen with this.

PS: Maybe they meant WiMax, then it would at least make a teeny tiny bit of sense.


this is about right for Thailand.. the rest of the world will have 12-Mbps while Thailand finally upgrades to 2. They keep hearing about this Windows 7 thing, but haven't a clue when it will get here. :whistling:


Well if TOT are administering it, expect there to be blackout periods where the system won't work, connectivity issues where the system keeps disconnecting and if they are quoting speed of 2mbps then it willin fact be 1mbps or slower.<BR><BR>I would say that TOT are the worlds most unreliable internet service provider,compared with other companies in Thailand.

Their customer service (an oxymoron) were abusive to me, hung up on me and then refused to answer the phone when I complained about a mistake they had made and in typical style refused to take responsibility and apologise.

Horrible company. :bah:


What amuses me about all the ridicule being placed upon Thailand in this case is that we don't even have 2Mbps Internet throughout the UK.

Universal broadband delayed until 2015

Thursday 15 July 2010 15:08:38 by John Hunt

The UK Culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has at today's broadband summit announced a delay to the roll out of a universal 2meg broadband across the country. The government had previously stated they wanted to ensure virtually all homes could connect to the Internet at a speed of 2Mbps by 2012 but this has been delayed to 2015. Whilst the universal service obligation (USO) wouldn't have made it to every home, dropping this back by three years is a blow to the UK's broadband roll out.

The reason for the delay is blamed on the previous government having left insufficient resources to meet the target. Labour put forward plans to implement a 50p tax on all phone lines to help fund investment in to next-generation broadband for rural areas, which when deployed, would have no doubt helped boost some communities well past the 2meg barrier. Labours plans for directly investing in 2meg by 2012 would have used the excess funding from the digital switchover (DSO) to fund this. The new government are now saying that this isn't enough to cover all areas. It's not clear where they instead expect to find a new source of funding, particularly with industry asking for more public money to deploy next-generation services.

Hunt also reiterated today his ambition that the UK should have "the best broadband network in Europe" by the end of parliament in 2015, but gave more information in that he defines this in terms of the number of people connected and the speed of their access. Whilst many will be connected to fibre-to-the-cabinet deployments by this date, there may still be great swathes of people on slower services and only just receiving 2meg broadband, widening the broadband divide.


I don't understand what you guys are whining about.

I have been waiting nearly 7 years just to get a phone line.

I use DTAC and EDGE and pay 200 baht +vat for 50 hours connection and get another 50 hours free.

It ain't rocket speed but it does work.


What amuses me about all the ridicule being placed upon Thailand in this case is that we don't even have 2Mbps Internet throughout the UK.

Universal broadband delayed until 2015

Thursday 15 July 2010 15:08:38 by John Hunt

The UK Culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has at today's broadband summit announced a delay to the roll out of a universal 2meg broadband across the country. The government had previously stated they wanted to ensure virtually all homes could connect to the Internet at a speed of 2Mbps by 2012 but this has been delayed to 2015. Whilst the universal service obligation (USO) wouldn't have made it to every home, dropping this back by three years is a blow to the UK's broadband roll out.

The reason for the delay is blamed on the previous government having left insufficient resources to meet the target. Labour put forward plans to implement a 50p tax on all phone lines to help fund investment in to next-generation broadband for rural areas, which when deployed, would have no doubt helped boost some communities well past the 2meg barrier. Labours plans for directly investing in 2meg by 2012 would have used the excess funding from the digital switchover (DSO) to fund this. The new government are now saying that this isn't enough to cover all areas. It's not clear where they instead expect to find a new source of funding, particularly with industry asking for more public money to deploy next-generation services.

Hunt also reiterated today his ambition that the UK should have "the best broadband network in Europe" by the end of parliament in 2015, but gave more information in that he defines this in terms of the number of people connected and the speed of their access. Whilst many will be connected to fibre-to-the-cabinet deployments by this date, there may still be great swathes of people on slower services and only just receiving 2meg broadband, widening the broadband divide.

See, the British is just as backward as Thai.


What amuses me about all the ridicule being placed upon Thailand in this case is that we don't even have 2Mbps Internet throughout the UK.

Universal broadband delayed until 2015

Thursday 15 July 2010 15:08:38 by John Hunt

The UK Culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has at today's broadband summit announced a delay to the roll out of a universal 2meg broadband across the country. The government had previously stated they wanted to ensure virtually all homes could connect to the Internet at a speed of 2Mbps by 2012 but this has been delayed to 2015. Whilst the universal service obligation (USO) wouldn't have made it to every home, dropping this back by three years is a blow to the UK's broadband roll out.

The reason for the delay is blamed on the previous government having left insufficient resources to meet the target. Labour put forward plans to implement a 50p tax on all phone lines to help fund investment in to next-generation broadband for rural areas, which when deployed, would have no doubt helped boost some communities well past the 2meg barrier. Labours plans for directly investing in 2meg by 2012 would have used the excess funding from the digital switchover (DSO) to fund this. The new government are now saying that this isn't enough to cover all areas. It's not clear where they instead expect to find a new source of funding, particularly with industry asking for more public money to deploy next-generation services.

Hunt also reiterated today his ambition that the UK should have "the best broadband network in Europe" by the end of parliament in 2015, but gave more information in that he defines this in terms of the number of people connected and the speed of their access. Whilst many will be connected to fibre-to-the-cabinet deployments by this date, there may still be great swathes of people on slower services and only just receiving 2meg broadband, widening the broadband divide.

See, the British is just as backward as Thai.

Hey hey...take it easy. I'm British.

I was just making the point that many here just shoot their mouths off without thinking.

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