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I Have Questions About Thailand'S International Gateway


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I am trying to find current information on thailand's current status with international gateways. As a foreigner living here I am aware of a few things with thailand's internet

1. international gateway's are given a low priority as the major of all Thailand's Internet Service Providers customers are thai, and most thai users visit websites that are locally based in thailand. I am aware certain websites have made the need to increase this but I have serious doubt's about the ISP here's making progress.

2. Contention Ratio ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contention_ratio ) just in case some of you don't know what that is. I have 3 BB 5 mb premier so I'm aware that I share the internet with other users on line.

3. Quality of infrastructure ( telephone lines, other equipment used to keep me connected to the internet )

My question is do any of you have any photos, websites with links or any other information regarding thailand's international gateway, I just want to know what progress is being made. Also can anyone confirm this article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_Thailand to be true or not. look forward to all your postings

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Question 1.



Question 2.


Question 3.

No real info exists I believe as there is really isn't any standard testing procedure. All is done with price in mind. The cheaper, the better it seems.

You could call up the ISP's, CAT et alia but I doubt they will divulge any in-depth info regarding infrastructure.

I'm sure you can answer some of your questions by processing the data.

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