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American Killer Tells Phuket Police 'It Was A Terrible Accident'


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Other evidence seized by police, but not presented today, included a foam mattress and the motorbike used to dispose of Wanphen’s body, which was stuffed into a large suitcase and dumped in a remote part of Wichit, several kilometers from Mr Fanelli’s rented home, also in Wichit.

That must of been a really BIG suitcase to fit both the motorbike and (I think) a mattress inside it... and then he was still able to see around it to drive another motorbike to dispose of it... That one must have been a real HUGE HOG !!!

And later they say that the body was in the suitcase as well.... Hmmmm.... Me thinks someone needs to head back to "Remedial English 101."

Or it's just "The Nation" setting another example on how to write clearly so as to confuse people.


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What a crazy story.

I googled his name and found this interview with him back when he played poker. A bit irrelevant but some people might be interested:

Actually, just watched all of it. It is relevant, the guys mad!

Agreed, one can short of a six pack.

Now to the police sympaphy.... the way I read it there were some sympathetic police reported, but I think what some have read as police excuses are actually them chasing motives. And the dodgy internet connection...well,... there have been times when I could have strangled my wife when she interupts my wrestling match with my computer coz it wont do what I want it to do. And all she has to say is 'what do you want for dinner honey/' HOW DARE SHE !!!

I think what we should also remember is there have been a lot of f.....ed up guys come outa Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan etc and just plopped back on the streets by their govts without any real debriefing/assessment rehab etc. to turn them from freaked out killers to normal civs.

Remember Timothy McVeigh???

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He has committed murder and should be treated the same as any Thai that commits the same crime at home.
<br><br>there are many Thai murders walking the streets of Thailand after only serving very short sentances...... ( and some without even serving a prison sentance )<br>
<br><br>The Thai's who kill a farrang regularly use the "he insulted the monarchy/flag" ploy &amp; get a much lighter sentence.<br><br>
<br>Not 100% sure if this is still the case but 99% anyway. America is the only country that has an agreement with the Thai government regarding murder and length of incarceration. Us citizens will serve no longer than 8 years on a life sentence and then be deported to finish out any time the American government deems appropriate. Unless it's a child, usually they are set free after a debriefing of their crimes to the proper authorities.   <br><br><br>
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What a crazy story.

I googled his name and found this interview with him back when he played poker. A bit irrelevant but some people might be interested:

Actually, just watched all of it. It is relevant, the guys mad!

Sounds like he was doing okay until he hit LOS. "Asia fever" claims many here.

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(Prostitution is illegal in Thailand, but enforcement of anti-prostitution laws are rare in cases involving consenting adults.)
wow, do they mean to say that there is actually prostitution in Thailand. I don't believe it...

:whistling:No prostitution..............it just a job to sleep with people for money... :jap:

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Why do the Thai Police pity this self confessed murderer?

The Thai police found the perpetrator of a particularly brutal attack on a Thai woman. They treated him well. They apparently have not rushed to judgement nor have they reacted brutally towards him.

Hard to find a reason to fault the Thai police ?? Not here at Thai Visa.

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What a terrible situation & what a waste.

I found it strange that the Thai Police sympathized with his situation and took pity on him????? On what grounds should anybody feel even a tiny bit of sympathy for that thing!!! &lt;deleted&gt;**ing murderer.

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<BR>Why do the Thai Police pity this self confessed murderer?<BR><BR>He has committed murder and should be treated the same as any Thai that commits the same crime at home. Using the intoxication and stress excuses really don't wash - he was ex military and as such should have known his own limits both physically (in terms of consumption, presumably having ample time to drink in the service) and mentally.<BR><BR>Some men do get violent when they are under extreme stress and drunk, but the smart ones know not to drink more than a few small bottles when this is the case.<BR><BR>I sincerely hope that this man does life, and suffers for what he has done. This man saw the bar girl as something less than he was, and the murder was a show of power - let the hand of justice now show its full power in return.<BR>
<BR><BR><BR>By what I read he is being treated the same as any Thai man who commits murder. There is a press conference with as many police as can fit into the room in front of cameras & the newspapers as it is explained that the subject admitted to murder. In my 11 1/2 months of living in Phuket I don't remember this farang being treated any different than a Thai. As far as a Thai policeman feeling sorry for him, that is probably just media hype. Probably a bald-faced lie. His life is over the same as the female he killed. He will simply suffer more. Thai prison is not a quick death.
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It'd be good if he has to serve the whole sentence out in a Thai prison rather than going back to the USA after 8 years and serving the rest there. If he goes back to the USA after serving 8 years in Thailand they'll probably just let him out on probation or something similar to that.

Edited by Mhayden
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What a crazy story.

I googled his name and found this interview with him back when he played poker. A bit irrelevant but some people might be interested:

Actually, just watched all of it. It is relevant, the guys mad!

Not sure why this video shows that the guy is mad, to me he makes a lot of sense...poker talk.

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Other evidence seized by police, but not presented today, included a foam mattress and the motorbike used to dispose of Wanphen's body, which was stuffed into a large suitcase and dumped in a remote part of Wichit, several kilometers from Mr Fanelli's rented home, also in Wichit.

That must of been a really BIG suitcase to fit both the motorbike and (I think) a mattress inside it... and then he was still able to see around it to drive another motorbike to dispose of it... That one must have been a real HUGE HOG !!!

And later they say that the body was in the suitcase as well.... Hmmmm.... Me thinks someone needs to head back to "Remedial English 101."

Or it's just "The Nation" setting another example on how to write clearly so as to confuse people.


Well lets just assume that they meant that the suitcase had the body in it. I know that many weird and wondeful things are carried on motorbikes here, but I would like to see a drunk guy ride a motorbike for several km with a large suitcase on the front with the equivalent weight and size of the deceased in it. I think that this would be quite difficult. I know everyone on TV has already found the guy guilty and maybe he is, but when the bib are involved I always have my doubts. Is he just a convenient nutter to hang this crime on? Was he given a choice of plead not guilty and get the death penalty or plead guilty and get life and maybe let out after 10 years?

Edited by lensta
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By the way...The newspaper says, "Retired Navy Officer" This guy is what 36 years old? He was an LT or maybe even just a LTJG who knows. Anyway, I doubt seriously that he "Retired" from the U.S. Navy. He probably spent 4 to 6 years in after OCS and then just quit or technically resigned his commission. He didn't retire.

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The Thai's who kill a farrang regularly use the "he insulted the monarchy/flag" ploy get a much lighter sentence.

Care to substantiate this, or is it just based on bar beer wisdom?

OT i know but

Curious if anyone knows the latest on the leo delpinto murder case, Last i remember his murderer was moved to another district.

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Killing a 40 kg poor girl, maybe just because she asked for the 1000 baht he had promised her. What a HERO. And poker players are professional liars, so no point in listening what excuses he's pulling to justify is act. And yes, he'll probably be back in the U.s. after 8 years. No need to say that 8 years in a thai prison equal 80 in a western one. He'll have plenty of time to play poker in the next years...

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For those who scoff at the insidious effects of internet addiction; it was never was claimed to be the motive here but may be construed as a contributing factor or the 'straw that broke the proverbial...' Everyone has a tipping point.

How many TV'ers have blown a fuse when their internet goes wonky? Be honest now, or should we ask your partners for their opinion?

Sorry, i cant ask mine , i killed her :(:lol:
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Killing a 40 kg poor girl, maybe just because she asked for the 1000 baht he had promised her..

And maybe not? Let's stick to what we know and not make assumptions. Probably only them two knew what really happened and the guy admitted to the crime and is getting punished.

Let's not make stories about what happened when clearly we don't know.

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Other evidence seized by police, but not presented today, included a foam mattress and the motorbike used to dispose of Wanphen's body, which was stuffed into a large suitcase and dumped in a remote part of Wichit, several kilometers from Mr Fanelli's rented home, also in Wichit.

That must of been a really BIG suitcase to fit both the motorbike and (I think) a mattress inside it... and then he was still able to see around it to drive another motorbike to dispose of it... That one must have been a real HUGE HOG !!!

And later they say that the body was in the suitcase as well.... Hmmmm.... Me thinks someone needs to head back to "Remedial English 101."

Or it's just "The Nation" setting another example on how to write clearly so as to confuse people.


Well lets just assume that they meant that the suitcase had the body in it. I know that many weird and wondeful things are carried on motorbikes here, but I would like to see a drunk guy ride a motorbike for several km with a large suitcase on the front with the equivalent weight and size of the deceased in it. I think that this would be quite difficult. I know everyone on TV has already found the guy guilty and maybe he is, but when the bib are involved I always have my doubts. Is he just a convenient nutter to hang this crime on? Was he given a choice of plead not guilty and get the death penalty or plead guilty and get life and maybe let out after 10 years?

It was a Suzuki Step motorbike, its a step-through motorbike. Suitcase wouldn't up be up on front, it would be down below between his legs. (I do not have any experience in this), you see people everyday carry all sorts of stuff in the step through area of these motorbikes.

edited to add link to previous topic, page 2.

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"It was a terrible accident" yeah right, in a rage he stabbed this poor girl to death, what he accidentally lost his mind? What's wrong with people? After living in Thailand for several years do these men they loose touch with reality and all common sense, I think many do. Look at the suicide rate in Pattaya and the UK guy 3 years ago that tried a blackmail plot by sending threating emails to Tesco; Police say he has confessed that he tried to blackmail the superstore giant Tesco by threatening to poison food in Tesco's British stores unless he was paid 2 million pounds (about 138 million baht, $4 million). And the list goes on... RIP, my condolences to the girl's family and friends.

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I really have to wonder, why is there so much interest in this particular murder case in Phuket? There were 4 other murders in June along with this one. Only in this case was there a 50,000 Baht reward offered by the police. The big BIB's from Bangkok and Surat Trani were putting pressure on as well. There were 45 murders on Phuket in 2009, an average of 3.75 per month according to a Phuket Gazette article... Yes, I feel from the woman's family, but what about all the other families? Don't they matter?

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Other evidence seized by police, but not presented today, included a foam mattress and the motorbike used to dispose of Wanphen's body, which was stuffed into a large suitcase and dumped in a remote part of Wichit, several kilometers from Mr Fanelli's rented home, also in Wichit.

That must of been a really BIG suitcase to fit both the motorbike and (I think) a mattress inside it... and then he was still able to see around it to drive another motorbike to dispose of it... That one must have been a real HUGE HOG !!!

And later they say that the body was in the suitcase as well.... Hmmmm.... Me thinks someone needs to head back to "Remedial English 101."

Or it's just "The Nation" setting another example on how to write clearly so as to confuse people.


Well lets just assume that they meant that the suitcase had the body in it. I know that many weird and wondeful things are carried on motorbikes here, but I would like to see a drunk guy ride a motorbike for several km with a large suitcase on the front with the equivalent weight and size of the deceased in it. I think that this would be quite difficult. I know everyone on TV has already found the guy guilty and maybe he is, but when the bib are involved I always have my doubts. Is he just a convenient nutter to hang this crime on? Was he given a choice of plead not guilty and get the death penalty or plead guilty and get life and maybe let out after 10 years?

It was a Suzuki Step motorbike, its a step-through motorbike. Suitcase wouldn't up be up on front, it would be down below between his legs. (I do not have any experience in this), you see people everyday carry all sorts of stuff in the step through area of these motorbikes.


edited to add link to previous topic, page 2.

I certainly do. I've carried friends' backpacks this way many times on my honda. It's not super easy but not too hard. A rigid suitcase of any size would be very hard though I think.

EDIT: Punctuation, and to add 'rip the victim'.

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What a crazy story.

I googled his name and found this interview with him back when he played poker. A bit irrelevant but some people might be interested:

Actually, just watched all of it. It is relevant, the guys mad!

OK so give... what happened? in the tournament that is..

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What a crazy story.

I googled his name and found this interview with him back when he played poker. A bit irrelevant but some people might be interested:

Actually, just watched all of it. It is relevant, the guys mad!

Agreed, one can short of a six pack.

Now to the police sympaphy.... the way I read it there were some sympathetic police reported, but I think what some have read as police excuses are actually them chasing motives. And the dodgy internet connection...well,... there have been times when I could have strangled my wife when she interupts my wrestling match with my computer coz it wont do what I want it to do. And all she has to say is 'what do you want for dinner honey/' HOW DARE SHE !!!

I think what we should also remember is there have been a lot of f.....ed up guys come outa Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan etc and just plopped back on the streets by their govts without any real debriefing/assessment rehab etc. to turn them from freaked out killers to normal civs.

Remember Timothy McVeigh???

Tim McVeigh....That's going back over 15 years. Is that the best you have to try to denigrate the USA with? There are currently over 1,500,000 active duty US personnel, not including almost 1,000,000 reserve personnel. As a percentage of the military population at large since 1995 I don't see that we have a world wide epidemic of blood thirsty rapes and murders being committed by US military personnel. I can't speak for the Air Force but the Navy, Marine Corp and the Army all debrief their personnel coming out of combat assignments contrary to your assertion.

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Bit over the top mate,

Altogether, this caused the former sailor to “snap” when Ms Wanphen approached him playfully in his bedroom asking for sex, Col Wanchai said.

Mr Fanelli stabbed Ms Wanphen once in the back then again in the chest, Col Wanchai added.

Ms Wanphen’s wrists and ankles were found broken, apparently so her body could be stuffed into the suitcase.

I’m glad to hear that they found this guy. We all might think poor Isan girl, but those who had known her would like to help this m- fuc_ker to have a ‘little accident’. To be perfectly honest, I hope they give him such a hard time in jail that he’d wish to die.........

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Geez guys...any way you slice it , you have to be f%&king insane and or seriously mentally disturbed to hack a defenseless woman (or anyone for that matter) to death then be as irreverent as to break her ankles and wrists to get her into a suitcase so you could dump her. So, when he was shoving and breaking her up to get her into the suitcase and planning where to dump her he was still drunk and angry over his lost internet connection??? The guy is a fruitcake and I hope his fellow inmates show him the same lack of concern for a fellow human being as he has...despicable individual!

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I really have to wonder, why is there so much interest in this particular murder case in Phuket? There were 4 other murders in June along with this one. Only in this case was there a 50,000 Baht reward offered by the police. The big BIB's from Bangkok and Surat Trani were putting pressure on as well. There were 45 murders on Phuket in 2009, an average of 3.75 per month according to a Phuket Gazette article... Yes, I feel from the woman's family, but what about all the other families? Don't they matter?

I think due to the senseless and brutal nature of this crime it got more attention. See pics of her friends and family at the cremation ceremony from the Phuket Gazette. Her mother could not attend as she stayed home to take care of her 2 children... Sad.

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