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El Shadai Orphanage


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Not one mention about my Chicken Legs Guys. :D

But very wise words from both Kd & scea nontheless

I was thinking along the same lines for the motorcy group if it ever takes off.

I'm up for that reccy trip Kd. I dont have anything planned for the weekend. maybe I can take my Kids also.

I'm sure I can contribute even without my Christain or Bhuddhism doctrine. Did I get the spelling right this time ?

Well, I didn't really notice your legs when we met, but even if you have got chicken legs, I'm sure someone will still love you!

What are you going on about, Biff? I recall you eying his legs and then eying the chicken legs on your plate when we all met at Rimkok for lunch? Did you think we din't see that?

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Not one mention about my Chicken Legs Guys. :D

But very wise words from both Kd & scea (and Biff) nontheless

I was thinking along the same lines for the motorcy group if it ever takes off.

I'm up for that reccy trip Kd. I dont have anything planned for the weekend. maybe I can take my Kids also.

I'm sure I can contribute even without my Christain or Bhuddhism doctrine. Did I get the spelling right this time ?

Good that you're going and taking the kids. That means you can haul the fruit in the truck or car and the wife and I can ride the motorcycle.

yeah... But... No... But ...... I can get all the family on the motorcy .......... I was going to utter some blasphemous words Kd. You've stitched me up like a Kipper :lol:

I'm content with my own legs Guys, I've had them 45 years. Although Some of the ladies like the way the sun bleaches my hairs golden :rolleyes:

Edited by jubby
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The questions that dindong and others raise are good. There are enough organizations in this world that are known for "harvesting kids". The directors won't let anyone near their operations and accept "money only" for contributions. If you want to donate food, clothing, housing or appliances, you aren't welcome at some of them. So, nothing wrong with getting the facts instead of buying into a scam or just accepting it at face value. So, for those of you who have posted with knowledge of this particular place: Where exactly is the place? Give the directions so people can go see for themselves. If you don't have the directions, then you really don't know much about the subject first-hand at all. And if you do, then a much better form of contribution would have been for you to give the location, with directions and encourage others to go there and see for themselves, increasing the chances of the place getting better support. So, at this point, there is some skepticism and rightly so. What can any of you offer to put it to rest? Assaults and insults don't contribute anything.

I don't need the directions but others may. I have never heard of this place but I can find the place by myself. But if you know where it is, place it on the pinned Google map in our pinned topics list. If it checks out, it will probably stay there for others to reference. If it doesn't check out, it will probably disappear.

Sounds like this might be a good destination for a CR Motorcycle Meet and Greet ride in the future. Not the initial one, of course. But maybe the second one. Garry, VF, what do you think?

The local Thai motorcycle clubs do a lot of support for these types of operations. They send some scouts to check it out, find out what is needed and then they make a weekend or more of it, adding living quarters or improvements in whatever ways they can. I'll ask their members what they know of this place.

At least one person on here has said that he contributed appliances and such directly. Good on him and his group.

Religion and these kids. Wow. Big topic. But in a nutshell, any help the kids get is welcome help. They can certainly decide for themselves, as they come of age, which way they want to go. I know lots of folks that got plenty of direction growing up and as they became adults, they made intelligent decisions about whether or not that way of life was for them.

Ethnic Thai or not? Doesn't matter. If someone chooses to raise them without the benefit of government support and interference and can make a go of it, good for them. Each kid only knows his/her life and personal circumstances. He/She doesn't know or care where they fit into the big picture. Later, it may become important. Right now, they just need to be kids.

Buddhist charities. I couldn't say how much good they do world-wide. I can say this. We often have a young monk at our house. He is about 10 or 12 years old. He loves to visit with my mother-in-law. She and his mother were close friends. His mother died about two years ago. The local temple took the kid in, and he is leading the life of a young monk, getting an education, food, shelter, guidance and other good things. He had no one else to turn to. I am told that almost all, if not all, of the temples do the same thing. So, even if they aren't going around the world saving children, they are doing a lot in their own areas. Also, keep in mind that Buddhists are more or less from less affluent countries and therefore, find it harder to have the capital to go to foreign lands and do good. Even then, I'm sure that some of them accomplish that mission.

Christians: Lots of good work, some bad work sometimes, too. No need to throw out the whole barrel because of a bad apple. I personally know of lots of good that has been accomplished and quite a bit of bad as well. I wouldn't throw away the good just to make sure that no bad occurs. The good far outweighs the bad.

Thanks to moderator Lite Beer for getting involved here and thanks to whoever hit the "report" button that caused him to get involved.

So, if anyone is up to a ride this weekend, let me know. We'll take a bit of fresh fruit and some smiles to the place and say "hello". If anyone wants to go with me before that, let me know. I'll tell the wife I have important business to take care of during the week and she will let me take a break from this work at the house. She will go as well. She is Thai and she loves kids. Anyway, it looks like I have a small trip in store this weekend or very soon. I'll post here with what I find unless someone else goes first and gives us a good report. I'll also put it on the map after I find it.


I thank you for your reply.

You have hit the nail right on the head.

All i was trying to find out if any local's really know this place.

Obviously we never know that.

Time will tell if the guys can arrange a ride to this place

I also thank all the responses to my original post. :)

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Not one mention about my Chicken Legs Guys. :D

But very wise words from both Kd & scea nontheless

I was thinking along the same lines for the motorcy group if it ever takes off.

I'm up for that reccy trip Kd. I dont have anything planned for the weekend. maybe I can take my Kids also.

I'm sure I can contribute even without my Christain or Bhuddhism doctrine. Did I get the spelling right this time ?

Well, I didn't really notice your legs when we met, but even if you have got chicken legs, I'm sure someone will still love you!

What are you going on about, Biff? I recall you eying his legs and then eying the chicken legs on your plate when we all met at Rimkok for lunch? Did you think we din't see that?

Aw shucks, busted! :lol:

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I thank you for your reply.

You have hit the nail right on the head.

All i was trying to find out if any local's really know this place.

Obviously we never know that.

Time will tell if the guys can arrange a ride to this place

I also thank all the responses to my original post. :)

Thanks to you for the original topic. Good one. We'll let you know what we find. It is pretty easy to get answers about these things. Just have to burn a little petrol.

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If anyone wants to drop off any fruit, boxed milk or anything else to go this weekend, post here or PM jubby or myself. I can arrange to pick up if need be. Other than that, I can provide you with the location of my home, which is on the pinned Google map. If others want to go, we can decide on a day, time and meeting place. My schedule is flexible. All comers welcome.

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That trip will go ahead Lizard. As sure as I've got an hole in my @$ (too much time sitting on fences I suppose) :)

Anyway, I'm outta here. Got grass to cut. .................. someone elses Bloody Grass :(

I gotta go now, too. My wife is expecting some production here today. See ya'll later.

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If anyone wants to drop off any fruit, boxed milk or anything else to go this weekend, post here or PM jubby or myself. I can arrange to pick up if need be. Other than that, I can provide you with the location of my home, which is on the pinned Google map. If others want to go, we can decide on a day, time and meeting place. My schedule is flexible. All comers welcome.

Not much fruit around, my rinchees are well and truly finished and the Som-O has a way to go.

I'm a Som-O addict, I try to eat a whole one every day as part of my weight loss regime. Just avoid the hong naam for an hour or two after I've been in there.

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That trip will go ahead Lizard. As sure as I've got an hole in my @$ (too much time sitting on fences I suppose) :)

Anyway, I'm outta here. Got grass to cut. .................. someone elses Bloody Grass :(

I gotta go now, too. My wife is expecting some production here today. See ya'll later.

Keep me informed. I can usually go on short notice. I may want a bike ride and my RN may be useful also.
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Let us know how the ride goes guys and google map the place. I'm back on the 12 Aug.

Forgoing what my family has planned upon my return, I do intend heading off there, either buy bike or the SUV.

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It is looking like Sunday, after lunch, will be the time to meet and head out. If anyone has any input on that, let us hear it. Scorpio, you good with that? Any scheduling adjustments can be arranged.

Sounds good to me. I am very flexible.

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Meeting time and place:

Sunday, 1:30 p.m., in front of the old jail. "At the Saturday night Walking Street area, near where the food court and stage is".

Everyone welcome. Looks like we might be able to drag woralak and his better half along as well. I suspect several of us will meet at Tree House for lunch prior to the meeting time.

PM us with any need for clarification.


Edited by kandahar
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Meeting time and place:

Sunday, 1:30 p.m., in front of the old jail. "At the Saturday night Walking Street area, near where the food court and stage is".

Everyone welcome. Looks like we might be able to drag woralak and his better half along as well. I suspect several of us will meet at Tree House for lunch prior to the meeting time.

PM us with any need for clarification.


I'll be there. About how long a ride?
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Meeting time and place:

Sunday, 1:30 p.m., in front of the old jail. "At the Saturday night Walking Street area, near where the food court and stage is".

Everyone welcome. Looks like we might be able to drag woralak and his better half along as well. I suspect several of us will meet at Tree House for lunch prior to the meeting time.

PM us with any need for clarification.


I'll be there. About how long a ride?

Looks like about ten or 15 minutes. I believe it is within a couple of kilometers of Rim Kok resort. The wife just spoke to them and they gave us good directions. We will do a test run this afternoon or tomorrow morning so we don't waste anyone's time. The lady says they have 18 children on hand right now.

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How did the visit to the orphanage go?

The place looked fine to me. It clearly has had or does get a few 'Tourists' visiting from time to time. The kids sang a few songs whilst the owner strumbed away on his Guitar. A little show perhaps, but its probably the only way they know how to get additional funds. I almost had a tear in my eye at one stage. Altogether a very pleasant experience.

The Farang lady mentioned in previous posts has had some influence on the place in the ealy days I suspect, helping to get it setup perhaps. She doesn't provide support now or atleast thats how I understood it.

The Kids do appear to be happy. The two childrens dorms, one for males, one for females looked clean and functional, probably in better shape than the family house, I suspect its just a normal lahu family in a normal Lahu village, who've taken in a few Kids. most kids where lahu and one was Ahkka. Most had been with the family for 5 years or so. They also have a small community room /church sort of thing at the back of the place. They've certainly packed a lot into the small piece of land they have.

I didn't feel any hardcore religion was going on. They are probably 2nd or 3rd generation Christians anyway, so its just normal for them.

Its certainly not squalor, I suspect they've had harder times before they learn't how to promote themselves a little.

There was talk of sponsoring individual children but I suspect thats an idea thats been given to them by outsiders.

I'm sure they will be glad of any contributions anyone can make, from a bag of rice, to secondhand clothes for the Children. money, always come into the equation though. I certainly couldn't live without it. They will have Bills to pay for sure.

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Good on all of you for going up there and having a look see. I think you have done that home a great service and have helped to spread awareness about some good folks doing the right thing. I am happy to see a thread that went a good direction for a change.

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How did the visit to the orphanage go?

The Farang lady mentioned in previous posts has had some influence on the place in the ealy days I suspect, helping to get it setup perhaps. She doesn't provide support now or atleast thats how I understood it.

Thanks for the fine report, I'll try to get a visit when I have the time.

It's a pity about the deceit however, claiming they didn't know the lady in question and that there were 2 ElShadais with different spellings.

Can you give us directions or maybe even put it on the map.

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How did the visit to the orphanage go?

The Farang lady mentioned in previous posts has had some influence on the place in the ealy days I suspect, helping to get it setup perhaps. She doesn't provide support now or atleast thats how I understood it.

Thanks for the fine report, I'll try to get a visit when I have the time.

It's a pity about the deceit however, claiming they didn't know the lady in question and that there were 2 ElShadais with different spellings.

Can you give us directions or maybe even put it on the map.

Oh I don't know about the deceit Dindong. The place does have a Christian Character to it, but if they are instilling some christian Values I can't really see the harm in it.

El Shadai is apparently a big Christian organisation, Google is your friend.

I'm not a practicing Christian , although I've probably been instilled with Christain Values during my upbringing. I can't see anything Sinister in that either.

Oh, and it wasn't meant to be a fine report, I was just filling the space until someone better comes along as I am known to do from time to time B)

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Thanks for the fine report, I'll try to get a visit when I have the time.

It's a pity about the deceit however, claiming they didn't know the lady in question and that there were 2 ElShadais with different spellings.

Can you give us directions or maybe even put it on the map.

I'm trying to figure the place out on the Google map. I had to switch to the Earth view because the roads aren't on the other. Still having trouble pinpointing it because, it seems to me, everything I saw today is too new to be on the map. I will have to make another trip tomorrow and take note of the older house roof colors and come back to put it on the map. Same with directions. It is kind of a bear. But I will get some concrete answers pasted in here tomorrow about the directions.

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I don't think anyone "better" than jubby could come along. But as many of you know, I can type a longer report with more words.

As jubby said, several of us went today. All of us Farang had Thai wives or girlfriends in tow. I thought is especially important to have some Thai speakers along, as they would be able to converse and understand better. They were.

To me, all seems genuine. I have no problems with supporting the folks to the extent that I can. Everything I saw today, tells me that they need it and deserve it.

I don't think the couple there ever considered themselves or their place an "orphanage". They just keep taking in kids that get left there in their care. They have two of their own. And they pretty much think that they can't say "No" to others and they think that things will work out. I think they are right. Outsiders have kind of tagged them and the place with the name "El Shadai". I believe that name was actually suggested by Patty Wolfe and it is my understanding that she has some connections to a larger organization by that name. She initially discovered the place, made a large donation to get them some housing and other things they needed and tried to get them some more recognition. She built the little boys dorm., according to the man there. However, it is my understanding that they do not get support from El Shadai at this time. The name is more of a reference point for people to want to contact or find the place and help. That is okay. They are big enough that they need a name and a reference point.

Another poster here mentioned that he and his wife had provided quite a bit of help to this place, in the way of appliances and other things needed. I know his name and mentioned it to the parents there, They know him well and count on his generosity in a big way.

The kids seem very happy and their interaction with the foster parents was sincere, warm and loving. Witnessing that kind of stuff just makes me know all the better who I am not and who I could have been. I'm proud of those two. Truly, I think we just witnessed one huge, loving family today.

A little background on why and where they are- They are located in an area where the government set aside land for that group of people and the government provided those people with some money to get their lives started there. I'm not sure that the foster parents are in on that deal but that is where they live and they are surrounded by those people. I understand that the main group of people were given that opportunity because, at the time, they were living in the mountains, slashing and burning everything to eek out a living and the government wanted to get them out of the mountains and a little more into society. I visited with a Thai woman who is originally from this area and she knows the history of that group well. She was raised in the area where those folks are now living.

After the visit had concluded, we retreated to a coffee shop for a little info comparison session. I was particularly interested in what our Thai speaking partners thought and had to say. The ladies pretty much saw and believed what the rest of us did. A small aside here- As Thais, the ladies also registered a bit of disappointment that such a place does need to exist in Thailand. As Sceadugenga pointed out earlier, Thais take care of Thais. So, this thing today was a bit of a shock for some of the ladies. But when the foster parents explained how and why these kids end up there, the ladies were satisfied that there is indeed that group of people who really don't have the family network here supporting them that most Thais do have.

We asked the foster parents what they needed most. The first answer this morning was "Rice". It is the best spent money when it comes to food. But they need foods other than rice. Later, they did mention that actually sponsoring one of the children helps them a lot. I don't like that idea. I can't look at those kids and tell myself that I like the idea of one of them being better dressed or provided for than the others. They are all sweet, well behaved children. The parents need money. They have electricity bills to pay, things to buy, a truck to fuel and repair and they have lots of other needs. They didn't ask for money. It is just obvious that two people who are full-time parents need that help. They certainly aren't living a life of luxury and the children actually live in nicer, newer quarters than the parents and their two own children live in.

Now, just think about yourself having eighteen little kids. Shoes, school lunches, shirts, underwear, pants, toothbrushes, sheets, pillows and pillow cases, combs, pencils, paper, book bags, breakfast, dinner, laundry detergent……….. Good grief! Yeah. Those two can use your support. So, any help you can give, they will appreciate. When you're at Big C or Makro and buying your month's worth of stuff, anything extra you can throw in the cart, they can use. And if you're not in the position to help a bit, then just spreading the word about them and their needs is pretty good help too.

They do get the occasional tourists that read about the place on a travelers website. Most of those leave some baht before they go. But it isn't an every day or every week thing. It is occasional.

All in all, a good trip. I wish all of you could have been there. Pretty cool to see how much difference two people can make in the lives of little ones. As I walked and smoked in the street in front of the place afterwards, I took notice of the neighbors and pictured the foster kids in those places. From what I could see, people are VERY poor there. And from what I could see, the foster kids were in a better place and better cared for even though they weren't with their real, original parents.

One more aside- I asked the foster parents if those eighteen kids had ever been to the Pizza Company for an nice pizza dinner. That brought a pretty good laugh. No. They have never been. Just an idea, folks.

I'll post directions and get the place on the map just as soon as I can get my head wrapped around that location. In the meantime, if anyone needs the telephone number for foster parents, pm me. I'll send it, you can call them, they can talk you into the place or drive out to the highway and meet you and they will be tickled to see you if you come.

Sorry for the misuse of any words or any typos here. I'm kind of in a hurry right now.


Edited by kandahar
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HI kandahar and others who visited El Shadai yesterday.

Thanks so much for going - for taking the time to see for yourself.

It's hard not to be moved by that family and the support they are giving to the children.

I have heard that there are very few visitors from Trip Advisor going throughout August and September - so any suppport at all I'm sure will be appreciated.

Just thought I would let you know that when we were there in April the father gave us an A4 print out (very basic) that they had put together.

It is titled El Shadai Orphanage and has a brief outline of what they are about. It also has a small map which points out how to get there.

I thought this might help you in directing others. There are few street names on the map - but it would help as it is tricky to find.

You might like to drop back in if you are going that way and ask for a copy of it.

All the best.....

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HI kandahar and others who visited El Shadai yesterday.

Thanks so much for going - for taking the time to see for yourself.

It's hard not to be moved by that family and the support they are giving to the children.

I have heard that there are very few visitors from Trip Advisor going throughout August and September - so any suppport at all I'm sure will be appreciated.

Just thought I would let you know that when we were there in April the father gave us an A4 print out (very basic) that they had put together.

It is titled El Shadai Orphanage and has a brief outline of what they are about. It also has a small map which points out how to get there.

I thought this might help you in directing others. There are few street names on the map - but it would help as it is tricky to find.

You might like to drop back in if you are going that way and ask for a copy of it.

All the best.....

Yeah, I got one of those too. I'll have to scan the map.

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Interesting Idea about Pizza Kd. Don't know if it would phaze them though. The money spent on Pizza would probably feed them for a month.

There are other options though. We could perhaps take them to that restaurant opposite St marys School sometime, a few plates of fried rice and some Coke or something, and they get to play on that superb playground for free.

There's always Big C. Kids in our village, including my Kids always want to go Big C. Could feed em all for twenty baht (each) in the food court and theres the Ball park thing there. just a few suggestions. Don't know if anyone else wants to get involved.

I know my kids enjoy a restaurant but what they really enjoy is running riot around the restaurant with new friends.

Food and Coke always gets wasted and I have to take up the slack ;-)

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Thanks for the report I tend to be a doubting Thomas with these things and it is sad that others have seemed to spread some misinformation by using it to support their own beliefs and causes. I have no doubt that the kids needs are unending as are those of all kids and all kids deserve the best. I would say in regard to Pizza hut there are probably better ways of spoiling them than that. Maybe a trip up the hills to jump in a waterfall pool. And of course rice and the occasional tub of ice cream.

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Thanks for the report I tend to be a doubting Thomas with these things and it is sad that others have seemed to spread some misinformation by using it to support their own beliefs and causes.

I don't think anyone has spread misinformation about this place.

There is only one place of this name and the information, though out of date, was correct.

I also am a doubting Thomas as far as orphanges and missionaries are concerned in Chiang Rai . If you know of some of these places and the people who run them then you would also be seriously concerned.

I accept Kandahar and Jubby's report on this place and will make my own contribution in due course.

Well done to the Thai Visa members for checking it out.

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Just to clarify, it was not TV members who spread any misinformation....all of their contributions were valuable. The misinformation I referred to was on various websites where this place was refered to and promoted. I am glad the kids are ok.

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