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Would You Allow You Gf/Wife To Dress Provocative Or Talk To Other Men?

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You are completely lost mate. Nobody told you they wouldn't allow their wife a facebook account. They told you it is odd that your wife apparently often receives queries from FARANG men on a daily basis asking when they can meet her.

This is odd. Warning bells went off in some of our heads and we let you know.

Now, it seems like you are in some kind of self help therapy session where you manipulate the details and try to convince yourself with the help of the forum that everything is OK.

You should know better than us what ur wife is upto and if she can be trusted. If you have to come and ask us about ur wife, you are probably in trouble.

You are incorrect on many facts.

In the other thread some posted that they would not want their partner to have an online account on social networking sites.

And I have never said anything about my wife getting messages or not. I have however said that my girlfriend has a profile and that she, as many other women do as soon as they are found to be alive online, ofcourse get messages and friends-requests. Many from men probably like you. Their proposals are rejected, but it is fun reading the wordings anyway of their proposals. Or the reaction from some of the men... (a tip for many men on social networking sites: improve your ability to communicate. You would not get anywhere with most women even if they where single and desperate from the way you communicate...)

In either way, I don't see the harm, she never initiates the contact. And neither do I.

And again, this topic isn't about me or advice for me. Your constant failure to understand written English confuses me. Perhaps I need to formulate my sentences in a simpler fashion? Easier words? Please, if you still are confused, let me know.

This topic was for you and those others that was unable to follow the topic of the other thread as a place to vent your inability to understand that other people are not as insecure in their relationships as you are.

Comprende, amigo?

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A bit irrelevant. How many people have noticed that once they moved in with a farang it wasn't long before their clothes changed....???

Gotta agree with that. Once she moved in, it was clothing optional all the time. Naked badminton on the front lawn every other afternoon...


A bit irrelevant. How many people have noticed that once they moved in with a farang it wasn't long before their clothes changed....???

Would that not go to prove that they are normal girls with normal expectations forced into a proffession they do not approve of......and at the first opportunity will disassociate from said proffession....good on them ........well pointed out F1

And wouldn't your rejoinder imply that if a woman changes her dress style, she must have been a hooker?


A bit irrelevant. How many people have noticed that once they moved in with a farang it wasn't long before their clothes changed....???

Would that not go to prove that they are normal girls with normal expectations forced into a proffession they do not approve of......and at the first opportunity will disassociate from said proffession....good on them ........well pointed out F1

Could be. Or then again it could be that the farang b/f made it slowly, subtly clear that he was embarrassed by the way she dressed....

They were never forced into prostitution, they could always have found a job in a 7-11 or whatever. The money though was a lot worse.....

The funny (?) thing is that they can never escape it - the Thais know exactly what they are, and they will NEVER be welcomed in normal Thai society.

Oh dear... where on earth told you that? You can't honestly subscribe to that claptrap?


A bit irrelevant. How many people have noticed that once they moved in with a farang it wasn't long before their clothes changed....???

Would that not go to prove that they are normal girls with normal expectations forced into a proffession they do not approve of......and at the first opportunity will disassociate from said proffession....good on them ........well pointed out F1

Could be. Or then again it could be that the farang b/f made it slowly, subtly clear that he was embarrassed by the way she dressed....

They were never forced into prostitution, they could always have found a job in a 7-11 or whatever. The money though was a lot worse.....

The funny (?) thing is that they can never escape it - the Thais know exactly what they are, and they will NEVER be welcomed in normal Thai society.

Oh dear... did your stunning, head-turner hiso gf tell you that? Or did you do a copy/paste from some other whore bashing thread?

You been on the sauce or what?... :burp::burp::burp: F1fanatic is a female member who's husband left her for a Thai woman, get jiggy with it mate...


mark has stopped posting lyrics so here's one for the misogynists (and as yet unburnt undergrads of WBU) among us...

My father told me, lying on his bed of death,

"Boy," he says, "woman she's gonna make it, don't fool yourself

'cause she's got something to make a man

lay that money, uh, right in her hand

And the very thing that makes her rich will make you poor

The very thing that makes her rich will make you poor"

That's right!

Well, I put you behind the wheel of a deuce and a quarter, yes I did

Had you living like a rich man's daughter, yes I did, I sure did

While you were living high on the hog

You had me down here scuffling like a dog

Well, the very thing that makes you rich makes me poor

The very thing that makes you rich makes me poor

Don't you never ever make such a bad mistake

You know I'd rather climb into bed with a rattlesnake

Then to work hard every day bringing that woman all my pay

The very thing that makes her rich makes me poor,

Makes me so dam_n poor

The thing that makes her rich makes me poor

The very thing that makes her rich will make me poor

Very thing that makes her rich makes me poor

Makes me so damned poor

Money won't change it, no no... (ad nauseum and fade)


You been on the sauce or what?... :burp::burp::burp: F1fanatic is a female member who's husband left her for a Thai woman, get jiggy with it mate...

Fast edit not fast enough for ya?

Umm... I consider myself 'jiggy' now.

And now, another cup of coffee.

PS. Not unknown for people to seek solace with members of the same sex after a bad result with the oppo... or is this getting way too far off topic?


A bit irrelevant. How many people have noticed that once they moved in with a farang it wasn't long before their clothes changed....???

Would that not go to prove that they are normal girls with normal expectations forced into a proffession they do not approve of......and at the first opportunity will disassociate from said proffession....good on them ........well pointed out F1

And wouldn't your rejoinder imply that if a woman changes her dress style, she must have been a hooker?

Nope, normal girls change their dress style all time as they progress through life....you have not noticed this? .....I guess naked badminton does not really educate a man in the fashion stakes....:D ...here we are talking about a particular group......supposedly changing dress code for a reason.


A bit irrelevant. How many people have noticed that once they moved in with a farang it wasn't long before their clothes changed....???

Would that not go to prove that they are normal girls with normal expectations forced into a proffession they do not approve of......and at the first opportunity will disassociate from said proffession....good on them ........well pointed out F1

And wouldn't your rejoinder imply that if a woman changes her dress style, she must have been a hooker?

Nope, normal girls change their dress style all time as they progress through life....you have not noticed this? .....I guess naked badminton does not really educate a man in the fashion stakes....:D ...here we are talking about a particular group......supposedly changing dress code for a reason.

Ahhh.... normal girls. No such thing in LOS is there? They are either head-turning, stunning, hiso gf's of thaivisa members or... a "particular group" that only the old, fat, ugly or otherwise socially challenged (and odd newbie) find attractive.

PS. Naked badminton never was, or ever will be about fashion sense..... honestly.


Would that not go to prove that they are normal girls with normal expectations forced into a proffession they do not approve of......and at the first opportunity will disassociate from said proffession....good on them ........well pointed out F1

And wouldn't your rejoinder imply that if a woman changes her dress style, she must have been a hooker?

Nope, normal girls change their dress style all time as they progress through life....you have not noticed this? .....I guess naked badminton does not really educate a man in the fashion stakes....:D ...here we are talking about a particular group......supposedly changing dress code for a reason.

Ahhh.... normal girls. No such thing in LOS is there? They are either head-turning, stunning, hiso gf's of thaivisa members or... a "particular group" that only the old, fat, ugly or otherwise socially challenged (and odd newbie) find attractive.

PS. Naked badminton never was, or ever will be about fashion sense..... honestly.

>>>So I guess your answer to the ops question would be at times your wife just has no fashion sense!!! ........:D


>>>So I guess your answer to the ops question would be at times your wife just has no fashion sense!!! ........:D

And that is the least of my worries, believe me!


Allow her to have a Facebook account and allow her to dress provocatively?

TAWP, do you think that people own their gfs or wives??

Uh, what?

No-where does my posts imply that, read again. Or follow the link in the OP as to WHY I even branched off this topic...

As somebody else pointed out, your use of the word "allow" strongly implies that. Maybe you are not a native speaker?

Regarding what I think this topic might be about, if my girlfriend started corresponding with random men on Facebook, I probably wouldn't be all that happy about it.


The funny (?) thing is that they can never escape it - the Thais know exactly what they are, and they will NEVER be welcomed in normal Thai society.

Not true, there are many former working girls that are now even living public life and have fame...and most of the normal ones have no traces of their past in their daily life.


F1fanatic>> Thanks atleast fore reminding us all that there exist many bitter women from bad breakups out there too. We usually only see the bitter men here that now are looking for something 'new' in asia after being burnt back home. Before they are burnt here and write that story too, ofcourse...

You're confusing reality with hope....

Yes, there are lots of bitter men out there (we all know them), but they make the same mistake again and again!

Yes, I learned the hard way to realise what was going on in Thailand.... I still can't believe it took me sooo long to realise. But then again, why would I - I never realised that certain Thai women had no morals whatsoever, or that my ex was stupid enough to fall for it

Plus, men don't come out here cos they've been burned - they come cos they know its easy to find a woman....

They were never forced into prostitution, they could always have found a job in a 7-11 or whatever. The money though was a lot worse.....

The funny (?) thing is that they can never escape it - the Thais know exactly what they are, and they will NEVER be welcomed in normal Thai society.

If I may point out

1) Thai women have morals, they just aren't the same set of morals that western women have.

2) I came here cos I was burned, I had no idea how easy it was to find women here, and if I had known would have been here 20 years ago with all my mates. (and yes, I would have dumped the cold and heartless wife from the UK without a second thought too)

3) You need a high school diploma (school until age 17) to get a job in a 7-11, most girls in the entertainment industry left school at age 12

4) A huge tattoo across the lower back is a little bit of a give-away, not all the girls are so easy to spot.

The problem with many of the bar girls is that they still are bar girls but now only have 1 regular customer. Once they stop being bar girls they can be assimilated back into Thai society, it does take a little bit of effort, which many don't bother to make.


You need a high school diploma (school until age 17) to get a job in a 7-11, most girls in the entertainment industry left school at age 12

I feel that it should be pointed out that this would not be through choice, but because their family couldn't afford the fees.

We know a woman in Bangkok who is in this line of work. She and her two children were abandoned by her husband. She tried to get various jobs so she could support her children; but the ones that paid enough she wasn't qualified for, and those she could get simply didn't pay enough, even though she at times had at least two of them!

Then someone said that she could get her a job in a bar in Patpong.

She doesn't particularly like the work; but says that the money it brings means her children get an education and the opportunities that were denied her. Before anyone asks, yes she does hope that one day she'll meet a customer who will take her away from the life. She says that she may not love him, but if he is good to her and her children she will be a good wife to him.

I appreciate that not all the women in this line of work are the same; but many are. I for one can only admire them for their dedication to their children's future.

Getting back to the topic (ish). She obviously dresses in a certain way when working; but when she is not working she dresses the way she chooses; usually jeans and a top.


You need a high school diploma (school until age 17) to get a job in a 7-11, most girls in the entertainment industry left school at age 12

I feel that it should be pointed out that this would not be through choice, but because their family couldn't afford the fees.

We know a woman in Bangkok who is in this line of work. She and her two children were abandoned by her husband. She tried to get various jobs so she could support her children; but the ones that paid enough she wasn't qualified for, and those she could get simply didn't pay enough, even though she at times had at least two of them!

Then someone said that she could get her a job in a bar in Patpong.

She doesn't particularly like the work; but says that the money it brings means her children get an education and the opportunities that were denied her. Before anyone asks, yes she does hope that one day she'll meet a customer who will take her away from the life. She says that she may not love him, but if he is good to her and her children she will be a good wife to him.

I appreciate that not all the women in this line of work are the same; but many are. I for one can only admire them for their dedication to their children's future.

Getting back to the topic (ish). She obviously dresses in a certain way when working; but when she is not working she dresses the way she chooses; usually jeans and a top.



What do you find shocking?

That a woman is forced into prostitution in order to provide for her children?

In which case, I agree.

Or, given the part of the quote that you have highlighted, that my wife and I know her?

If this is so, that's your problem, not ours!


This is getting way of topic.

If people want to discuss prostitution, there is a current topic where they can do so.

This topic is about dress and behaviour of married women; please stick to that.


Personally I let my girl wear what she wants, would not be put off from

her getting attention from the oppostite sex as I feel quite secure, as for

your last question I think one would have to be in a situation first.

My girl can dress how she wants, talk how she likes and have her own

freedom. The only thing I expect as a boyfriend is that we help each other

and if I ask her for something there is no attitude, just a willingness to

please me and at the same time If she needs help I am there for her.


Personally I let my girl wear what she wants, would not be put off from

her getting attention from the oppostite sex as I feel quite secure, as for

your last question I think one would have to be in a situation first.

My girl can dress how she wants, talk how she likes and have her own

freedom. The only thing I expect as a boyfriend is that we help each other

and if I ask her for something there is no attitude, just a willingness to

please me and at the same time If she needs help I am there for her.

So simple, but yet so right


Personally I let my girl wear what she wants, would not be put off from

her getting attention from the oppostite sex as I feel quite secure, as for

your last question I think one would have to be in a situation first.

My girl can dress how she wants, talk how she likes and have her own

freedom. The only thing I expect as a boyfriend is that we help each other

and if I ask her for something there is no attitude, just a willingness to

please me and at the same time If she needs help I am there for her.

So simple, but yet so right

He allows her to wear what she wants. :o


My wife does not let me wear thin, tight white T-shirts that accentuate my nipples. Nor does she take kindly to my attention-grabing tendency to remain unzipped after using the washrooms at shopping malls. She does not approve of any jocular tête-à-tête I may engage in with dainty damsels. She has no appreciation of the well-practiced, jaw-dropped stares I endow upon women who have been 'allowed' by their men to dress provocatively.

So your women are safe from me.


Personally I let my girl wear what she wants, would not be put off from

her getting attention from the oppostite sex as I feel quite secure, as for

your last question I think one would have to be in a situation first.

My girl can dress how she wants, talk how she likes and have her own

freedom. The only thing I expect as a boyfriend is that we help each other

and if I ask her for something there is no attitude, just a willingness to

please me and at the same time If she needs help I am there for her.

So simple, but yet so right

He allows her to wear what she wants. :o

"My girl can dress how she wants"

BTW: I know of a beautiful Thai girl, that her ex Thai husband would not "allow" her to wear red or yellow shoes, insisted that she wear make up every time that she goes out in public, could not use dark or red nail pollish, and could not wear ear rings that he felt where too flashy....

Being around me, it is like a the leash has been removed...

I actually prefer girls in t-shirts and shorts (jeans) any how, because I like to be in "relaxed" mode most of the time.


Personally I let my girl wear what she wants

Hmm...selective quoting there, Dakhar.

Incidentally, I would be interested to hear some examples of the "many" prostitutes that TAWP says have gone on to become famous in Thailand. I think that might be a slight exaggeration. And, famous or not, many Thai girls will tell you that they can spot an ex-prostitute quite easily.


Incidentally, I would be interested to hear some examples of the "many" prostitutes that TAWP says have gone on to become famous in Thailand.

I didn't say 'many' as in thousands, nor famous as in 'superstars'.

The most famous one is in some soap opera and have several movie contracts etc. Not that I am totaly comfortable giving any info here as it is a friend of a friend situation and not so widely known...

But when it comes to part-timers, there are a lot more. How can you tell if a student you meet has ever been given/offered/taken money a handful of times for their services, be it as dinner-dates or 1h in a hotel?

You don't.

Edit: But this is the wrong thread.


Incidentally, I would be interested to hear some examples of the "many" prostitutes that TAWP says have gone on to become famous in Thailand.

I didn't say 'many' as in thousands, nor famous as in 'superstars'.

The most famous one is in some soap opera and have several movie contracts etc. Not that I am totaly comfortable giving any info here as it is a friend of a friend situation and not so widely known...

But when it comes to part-timers, there are a lot more. How can you tell if a student you meet has ever been given/offered/taken money a handful of times for their services, be it as dinner-dates or 1h in a hotel?

You don't.

Edit: But this is the wrong thread.

Sorry, I can't remember what this thread is about anyway. :)

I don't think I could always tell. I was just saying that many Thai people claim to be able to. I don't meet any students by the way, I think my gf would get pissed off if I started hanging around schools or universities looking to meet girls!


Personally I let my girl wear what she wants

Hmm...selective quoting there, Dakhar.

Incidentally, I would be interested to hear some examples of the "many" prostitutes that TAWP says have gone on to become famous in Thailand. I think that might be a slight exaggeration. And, famous or not, many Thai girls will tell you that they can spot an ex-prostitute quite easily.

Why are there so many negative people posting on Thai visa. You can post

almost anything on this forum with the most laid back sincere content and

still you will find some loser quoting on your post or picking little holes in

your sentences.

To all the people who fit into the catergory stated in the paragragh above

Get a life or do everyone a favour and jump under a speeding tuk tuk.

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