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Iphone Swallows All My Minutes - Why?


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Hey... Strange issue here.... I have an unlocked iPhone 2G for which I buy "pre-paid" minutes on 12Call. I usually buy 100 or 200 baht value at a time.The phone has started using up ALL my credits immediately without much use on my part. I am wondering... do perhaps some of the data apps use my credits without my knowing? Is there any way to adjust the settings on the phone to avoid this?Thanks -- these late night trips to 7-11 are killing me!

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Your phone probably connects via GPRS to the internet.

Ahhh, ok.... do you know how I can prevent that from happening?

Leave it turned off? The peace & quiet is an added bonus.

Not sure how much one can control iPhone's stealthily accessing the 'net. I had the same when I first turned on my Nexus One here. So I ended up calling AIS's customer service and setting up an internet connection on the same number, (it transfers baht from your prepaid top-up account to enable it) and then turn the APN on and off when I want to do anything internet-ish. That way you get broadband rates for the data when connected and it doesn't drain your voice account. The catch is if you do exceed the internet package you purchase, it will revert to eating your voice account AND YOU WON'T GET NOTIFICATION. So buy something that you know you won't exceed and it will automatically roll-over and top-up from your prepaid on the same date each month if you have sufficient prepaid credit. You lose any broadband credits you have at each rollover.

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Some application is regularly connecting to the Internet and using up your baht. You have to track down which app it is. Could be your mail app checking regularly for new mail or more likely one of the stupid apps they installed on your phone when it was jail broken. I found a weather app that was checking every minute for weather updates using up all my baht!

If you can't find the culprit take it in to one of the phone stores that seem to know about the iPhone and get a teenager there to help you!


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turning off gprs wont fix it, it will still find a way to stealth drain ur balance! enter fake APN and fake user/pass in the details, restart ur phone, and that should do it. i had this problem before, but now i just use 650 baht a month unlimited internet package one2call and its fine

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Hi aroydee..

You can stop your phone going to the internet ;

Click on Settings ; General ; Network ; Cellular Data Network,

clear the text in the APN field under Cellular Data.

Any Application needs internet can't go.

Edited by n1661
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Hey guys, it is Richard, the original poster here!

All of you have been so incredibly helpful, I really appreciate the spirit of mutual assistance here. I have followed everyone's suggestions, reloaded credits into the phone... and it seems to be working just fine.

I must add, however, that possibly the most perceptive comment was the one advising me to find peace and quiet by simply turning the iPhone OFF. That really does speak to the essential issue here: not just my disappearing phone credits but also my disappearing time with myself!

Thanks to all of you!

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If you have an iPhone or Android you should seriously consider getting an unlimited data plan.

I can't believe the amount of misinformation on this topic on the Internet. It's bizarre.

No, you don't need an unlimited data plan.

Even with moderate to heavy use, you can very easily get by with a 20 hour / month plan. The fact is that you are not going to sit there and stare at your tiny phone screen for 20 hours a month. If you use your phone heavily you get maybe 30 minutes a day all together, which would make 15 hours / month.

You don't need any hacks - the iPhone doesn't bleed data if you change a few settings:

- turn off automatic email checking (which is on by default)

- turn off Notifications (also on by default)

- Possibly turn off Location Services - I am not sure about that one. In the past, when I was on a limited plan, this wasn't necessary. I think my wife has this on too, and she is on a 20 hour plan too, no problems.

- Remove all Cydia applicaitons. I know of a few that are safe, and possibly most are. But the problem with Cydia (jailbreak) apps is that there's no guarantee one won't leak internet minutes. And we know that there are Cydia apps which constantly connect to the internet. So if you want to be sure, just delete all Cydia apps first. I think this is the biggest problem in Thailand as your phone may come with lots and lots of apps pre-installed. Some of these may leak data.

Anyway, I used my iPhone a lot, and I was happy on a 20 hour plan for 2 years. No problems, except one time when I turned on Notifications, then forgot to turn it back off. Notifications basically connects to the internet every minute, so your minutes disappear in real time.

Same for my wife.

A friend of mine in Austria is one some ridiculous internet plan where his limit is 25 Megabytes / month. A total joke. Yet, he's managed to stay below it for over a year now.

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I use my Blackberry as a tethered modem and my BB is my primary emailing device. This phone is connected to the Internet 24 hours a day. Pushes mail all day long. Cost: 650 baht/mo.

IPhone I think is: 600 baht/month

Just get unlimited and enjoy the phone.

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  • 3 months later...

turning off gprs wont fix it, it will still find a way to stealth drain ur balance! enter fake APN and fake user/pass in the details, restart ur phone, and that should do it. i had this problem before, but now i just use 650 baht a month unlimited internet package one2call and its fine

Does the 650 baht include any phone credit (for calls)?

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turning off gprs wont fix it, it will still find a way to stealth drain ur balance! enter fake APN and fake user/pass in the details, restart ur phone, and that should do it. i had this problem before, but now i just use 650 baht a month unlimited internet package one2call and its fine

Does the 650 baht include any phone credit (for calls)?


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I use my Blackberry as a tethered modem and my BB is my primary emailing device. This phone is connected to the Internet 24 hours a day. Pushes mail all day long. Cost: 650 baht/mo.

IPhone I think is: 600 baht/month

Just get unlimited and enjoy the phone.

iPhone is 599 a month for same deal as you. 3G as well.

I just posted this from my iPhone.

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I use my Blackberry as a tethered modem and my BB is my primary emailing device. This phone is connected to the Internet 24 hours a day. Pushes mail all day long. Cost: 650 baht/mo.

IPhone I think is: 600 baht/month

Just get unlimited and enjoy the phone.

iPhone is 599 a month for same deal as you. 3G as well.

I just posted this from my iPhone.

AIS unlimited plan is going up to a bit over 800 baht a month next month i have been told.

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I use my Blackberry as a tethered modem and my BB is my primary emailing device. This phone is connected to the Internet 24 hours a day. Pushes mail all day long. Cost: 650 baht/mo.

The True plan is 599/month unlimited internet, 300 minutes, and 200 messages (I think). Excluding VAT so ends up being 660 or so. I don't call much so I never exceed the minutes, and I am not a teenager so I don't exceed the messages either. Best deal in Thailand. 3G speeds in Chiang Mai are great, and tethering the iPhone is officially enabled. I use it every day.

DTAC has similar plans here but you can only get them when buying the phone from them: http://www.dtac.co.th/iphone/plan/index-en.html - still I would ask about it, apart from the 6-month-free it doesn't make much sense to only sell them to new iPhone 4 buyers. I imagine they'd be flexible before you go off to another provider.

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