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Multi Entry 12 Month Non Immigrant O Visa

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Hi Everyone,

This is a genuine question although I guess it may come across as a bit naive.

Is it possible to obtain a new 12 month multi entry non immigrant O visa to use for the purchase of a car here in Thailand.

If it is possible will any Thai consulate or embassy in Asia issue said visa for this purpose.

Also if you own a condo here in Thailand can you obtain the same visa as above - also at a consulate/embassy in asia.

I am 45 years old - UK national - I currently have a 12 month multi entry non immigrant O visa obtained from Perth, Australia on the basis of visiting family/friends.

Prior to that I had the same visa issued from Hull in the UK - once again on the basis of visiting family/friends.

I can obviously go back to either of these consulates but it is time consuming and also expensive.

My current multi entry 12 month O visa runs out on the 19 Aug 2010 - I will make a border crossing on said day to obtain a final 3 months - finally having to leave the kingdom in November.

Thanks to all genuine constructive feedback.

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Non-O marriage Visa obtained in Singapore will be NO problem for you . Show..............

(1) Marriage Cert.

(2) Condo ownership details

(3) Photocopy of Wifes' ID

(4) Photocopy of your passport

(5) Printout of 400,000 baht in your Thai bank account. (May I add that "in my subjective" experience,the money doesn't have to have been in your Thai bank account for 3 months. That is the rule/requirement but

one that is physically not checked on)

(6) Assuming you have 400,000 baht in your Thai bank no need for monthly salary etc... is needed.

You submit the forms in the morning and come back the next afternoon to collect your multi-entry Non-O visa..........easy......9that is assuming you have 400k in the bank account and all the other stuff !!

All the best. This can be all checked out on their website,or just give them a call !!

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If you already have a Non-O and are paying cash for the car it should not be a problem to buy it. If you want finance you need a work permit and letters from an employer. You can't get a visa for the purpose of buying car.

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Thanks to all replies so far.<BR><BR>On reflection my original question could of been worded better.<BR><BR>My hope was that once my current Non O visa expires and I leave the kingdom in November, I could travel to say Singapore, Phnom Phen or Ventiane etc.. and obtain a new Non O visa for the purpose of buying a car in Thailand upon my return. <BR><BR>I am not married to a Thai currently - although that may change in the future - I am well aware of the procedure of obtaining a Non O visa because of marriage.<BR><BR>Perhaps the moderators could explain the exact reason/s why Hull for example will issue a Non O Multi 12 Month on the basis of visiting friends, whilst non of the embassies/consulates in Asia will do so.<BR><BR>Does anyone know the reason/s for this - apart from the obvious xenophobia - surely they all operate from the same mandate set forth by the Thai Government.<BR><BR>I, as well as many others, would pay 3 times the Non O visa cost if one could be obtained by making a quick jaunt to Laos, Cambodia or Singapore etc...<BR><BR>

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When did you hear about this new type of Visa (Non Immigrant O for the purpose of buying a car).

O visas are for those married to Thai nationals, or have Thai Children, etc.

You will need to go to Perth or Hull for a visa, as they give them out for visiting friends, or get married.

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When did you hear about this new type of Visa (Non Immigrant O for the purpose of buying a car).

I believe the O/P was simply inquiring about the possibility of securing another Multi-Entry Non-Immigrant Type-O visa at a thai embassy located in a nearby S/E Asian country using 'buying a car in thailand" as the reason for said visa.

In re-reading his post I didn't see where he said he'd ever heard of this before. This would lead me (at least) to believe it was more a seeking information type of post rather than one which unintentionally muddies the waters for other readers of the T/V Forum concerning visas to thailand.

O visas are for those married to Thai nationals, or have Thai Children, etc.

Sorry to burst your bubble there “beano2274” :o , but the very definition of an "O" visa means the category is classified, aptly enough, as "OTHER" :ermm: ; where people don't fall into any of the other predefined categories of visas offered for thailand. Don’t confuse a yearly extension of stay based on marriage, retirement, having a thai dependant as an O visa. Those are extensions of stay secured inside the country AFTER you possess at least a Single Entry Non-O, or convert what ever visa you had into it.

As previous posters have pointed out to the O/P; currently Perth and Hull are almost sure shots at securing another year long Multi-Entry Non-Immigrant Type-O visa.

FWIW, Hull recently started requesting a document which wants to know who you're actually visiting here in thailand. Earlier they were much more lenient in their accepting; 'visiting friends' in the reason box with no supporting documentation.

And to answer the O/P’s other question; The various and sundry thai embassies and consulates scattered around the globe DO NOT operate by anything but a very broad loosely interpreted set of guidelines or standards regarding the issuance of visas. They have great latitude in deciding what documents they feel you need to get the visa you want. Do not look for logic where there is none! :bah:

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Thanks to all especially tod-daniels who interpreted my post correctly.

I was hoping for that chink of light - where somebody had obtained this visa for the purpose of buying a car - a long shot I know - but worth the try.

You are all correct about Perth, Hull and I believe Brisbane - in that being issued with a Non O 12 Month Multi is extremely straight forward.

Shame that the consulates/embassies dotted around Asia can't be more accomodating - think of the revenue they are losing - but like you say - bereft of logic !

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Hi folks

I have exactly the same visa as the OP and I'm aware of the Hull/Perth options for new O type vise.

My question relates to the OP's comment:

'My current multi entry 12 month O visa runs out on the 19 Aug 2010 - I will make a border crossing on said day to obtain a final 3 months - finally having to leave the kingdom in November.'

IO also plan to do the same thing, i.e. get the 3 month extension before my year runs out. Is this a straightforward process/what questions are asked on forms?

Any help much appreciated.

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it doesn't have to be time consuming or expensive. I just came back from Perth...booked far in advance, so was able to get a flight on Air Asia (from KL) for 2500 baht!! And return on Tiger to Singapore for 5000 baht. Non O's in Perth are a joy to obtain. You do now need a photocopy of a Thai person's ID card (supposedly the "friend" that you want to visit), but that is it...visa can be issued in about 2 hours if requested beforehand. If you factor in that you wont require a visa for 15 more months (compared to doing runs in the region for tourist visas), you actually save on time and money. As to why the visa cant be obtained in the region, who knows what goes on behind the scenes. Remember when Penang used to be THE choice for visa runs, and then all of the sudden you couldn't even get a visa in Penang, whereas Vientiane was giving double entries with no questions asked Who knows what rule will come next and which place will become hot/not

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  • 1 month later...

Don't worry IMA_FARANG.

You just need to supply the name and address of the friend you are visiting and sign that document.

It a downloadable form, think it's in the "Additional pack for the O-Visa".

Edited by MTH
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IMF. Surely your lady can scan her ID and send a suitable letter by email.

Even if she's not computer savvy a photocopy and good old snail-mail would provide a solution. EMS would get the letter to you in a few days.

Do let us know what Hull say.

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IMF. Surely your lady can scan her ID and send a suitable letter by email.

Even if she's not computer savvy a photocopy and good old snail-mail would provide a solution. EMS would get the letter to you in a few days.

Do let us know what Hull say.

I'm surprised Crossy, did you not even see my response to IMA_FARANG.

You only need to provide a self certified letter with name and address of who you are visiting.

The form is on the Hull site.

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  • 1 month later...

I have tried to send email to Hull about making an appointment and im also trying to enquire about how long it takes to issue the visa, but they are not responding. They responded one time, but I have since than sent 4 emails without response. Does anyone know how long it takes to issue the visa if I show up with all the right papers? I read in this thread 2 hours for perth, same in hull?

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When did you hear about this new type of Visa (Non Immigrant O for the purpose of buying a car).

O visas are for those married to Thai nationals, or have Thai Children, etc.

You will need to go to Perth or Hull for a visa, as they give them out for visiting friends, or get married.

I believe Perth no longer issues Non O to visit friends, but check the website.

As per my recent new thread, you need documentary evidence of your "friend" to obtain one in Hull, now.

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I have tried to send email to Hull about making an appointment and im also trying to enquire about how long it takes to issue the visa, but they are not responding. They responded one time, but I have since than sent 4 emails without response. Does anyone know how long it takes to issue the visa if I show up with all the right papers? I read in this thread 2 hours for perth, same in hull?

Took me 30 minutes after they took the papers, in Hull. If they won't repond to e-mail ( wouldn't to mine either ), give them a ring.

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  • 1 month later...

Back on topic

Multi Entry 12 Month Non Immigrant O Visa Obtaining One For Car Purchase

gazumo's post stated correctly that the OP does not need a new visa for Car Purchase, a Residency Certificate available from you local immigration, with or without charge, is sufficient

Unfortunately his correct post was lost in the frenzy to discuss various places to obtain a Visa. If the OP wants options for a new Visa, open up a new topic, not one about car purchase ;)

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