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Do You Believe Everything Here ?


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I'm from a farm background too, NZ, and there's no shame in that.

Just think about all the free love you used to get....BAA

I believe they were hi-so sheep with Degrees in Wool Technology..

Some said they had a Maaaaaasters Degrees.

Well I hope so, but they all said they had never worked in baaaaaaaaaaaars!

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Didn't you read the forum rules? To be a member of ThaiVisa you must:-

1. Have met your wife, a good girl from a hi-so background, in Chulalongkorn university while you were doing research for number 2.

2. Be educated to PhD level, MSc or BSc are acceptable at a scrape but you can only be an associate member.

3. Have NEVER EVER been to Pattaya, but that doesn't rule out knowing everything there is to know about the place.

The alternative is to lie through your back teeth like most of us. ;)

Funny stuff. I guess Thailand is like an adult Disneyland. Lots of fantasy.

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Yes, but then I'm the 11th Viscount of Winchester.

EDIT: Got my name wrong.

Ya, I know him. He is the guy who lost Malaya and Burma to the Japanese. But I thought he died in 1950.

Oh bugger!

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I take everything with a pinch of salt.

Have to say what I have noticed so many times is peole on Thai visa

thinking a woman who works as a bank cashier or office admin staff

are somewhat hi-so or whatever! These are working class jobs guys, wake up

I know these girls who work in these jobs think they are the top notch

but I am sure one day they will wake up also.

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Funny stuff. I guess Thailand is like an adult Disneyland. Lots of fantasy.

It's called "Thai magic", which can't be recognized amongst most circles. Quite powerful and unassuming.;):rolleyes:

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I don't understand how you can guarantee that you could make me lose it .I think you were trying tb be funny, but I don't get it.

If you don't know how to tell if a woman has an orgasm, or even if she's faking it, I'm not sure I could explain it to you.

Flying the kite is one of the funniest, descriptive phrases I've ever read here, and I always laugh when I think about it. Thanks to whomever used it here.

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Considering that 80% or more of Thais don't speak English or any other foreign language, and those that do either work in bars or high end businesses, I find it hard to believe that foreigners coming to Thailand for the first time can meet women anywhere else but bars. I'd also believe that very few foreigners can learn to speak thai within the first year of living in Thailand. Even the ones who've been around Thailand for several years seldom learn the language. If that is the case then I guess all those men live like monks when they come to Thailand.

I think it also has to do with how old and how a farang looks. A fat old pot bellied alcoholic will not meet any Thai girl that is not in group 1 but a classier or younger guy can possibly meet any kind of Thai girl. I think its apropriate to post the this chart again(a Thai girl made it)


From this "chart"alone this chick sound like a dumb jaded bitch , that is super pissed off at the world ! Probably needs a decent one up her !

what part of the chart did you take offense to ? I thought it fairly well written. I think she is talking about hardened bar girls in the first column.

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I take everything with a pinch of salt.

Have to say what I have noticed so many times is peole on Thai visa

thinking a woman who works as a bank cashier or office admin staff

are somewhat hi-so or whatever! These are working class jobs guys, wake up

I know these girls who work in these jobs think they are the top notch

but I am sure one day they will wake up also.

This isnt the west man. Some Thai girls might actually be happy with what they are doing and its not their goal in life to try and out rank men.

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I take everything with a pinch of salt.

Have to say what I have noticed so many times is peole on Thai visa

thinking a woman who works as a bank cashier or office admin staff

are somewhat hi-so or whatever! These are working class jobs guys, wake up

I know these girls who work in these jobs think they are the top notch

but I am sure one day they will wake up also.

This isnt the west man. Some Thai girls might actually be happy with what they are doing and its not their goal in life to try and out rank men.

I have never met a woman anywhere whose goal is to out rank a man.

Never said they are not happy. Actually in the west a woman would have a job

in a office or bank and generally be happy, humble and treat people with respect.

I can not speak too much for female office workers (although met a couple who think they

can look down on their countryfolk) but female bank cashiers are arrogant asses usually

in Thailand. They have a real attitiude problem. I have recieved good service overall in Thailand

from shops, restaurants, hotels, airports etc but banks seem to be a place where some right snotty

women work with no manners, charm or common service sense. Actually the male cashiers

seem Ok. Might be just me but I dought it. Gone way off topic here though. Apologies.

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I take everything with a pinch of salt.

Have to say what I have noticed so many times is peole on Thai visa

thinking a woman who works as a bank cashier or office admin staff

are somewhat hi-so or whatever! These are working class jobs guys, wake up

I know these girls who work in these jobs think they are the top notch

but I am sure one day they will wake up also.

This isnt the west man. Some Thai girls might actually be happy with what they are doing and its not their goal in life to try and out rank men.

I have never met a woman anywhere whose goal is to out rank a man.

Never said they are not happy. Actually in the west a woman would have a job

in a office or bank and generally be happy, humble and treat people with respect.

I can not speak too much for female office workers (although met a couple who think they

can look down on their countryfolk) but female bank cashiers are arrogant asses usually

in Thailand. They have a real attitiude problem. I have recieved good service overall in Thailand

from shops, restaurants, hotels, airports etc but banks seem to be a place where some right snotty

women work with no manners, charm or common service sense. Actually the male cashiers

seem Ok. Might be just me but I dought it. Gone way off topic here though. Apologies.

western women try to out rank men subconsciously, maybe you didn't notice but I did.

The reason a Thai women might treat you with less respect is because she is not trying as hard to out-do the man that out ranks her.Tell a western woman that she has no chance in hel_l of moving up in the ranks and she would probably quit on the spot.

Edited by sokal
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I think most of you guys are mistaking "Hi-So" with being Thai/Chinese. I consider "Hi-So" like Thaksins daughter and government official's kids and the movie stars you see everywhere here. The majority of Thai-Chinese are not considered "Hi-So" but somewhat close to it. Most of the time Thai/chinese women find thier foreign boyfriend while studying abroad(Which is how i met mine). I've even seen old farts with nice young Thai/Chinese women(for money obviously same as she would do the same with a Chinese man). Most young Thai/Chinese are looking for someone their age and at least look a little decent. Not drinking and smoking is a huge factor as most of them are repulsed by it. Tattoo's and long hair/bald as well is a no no. My family is not connected with anyone in any way, but they do own a few businesses around Bangkok as most Thai/Chinese do. I had to do back flips for her father because he did not want his daughter marrying a foreigner. Now we are good friends :)

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Regardless of whether these guys are lying or not, i wouldnt consider a chinese/thai wife to be anything to skite about anyway.These people seem more obsessed about money than the average Thai.They are taught never to marry "below" them which is not suprising.

I met one of those types once and she asked me,within the first 15 minutes, how much i make per year.

When i told her it is not really a polite question to ask as far as my culture goes she seemed quite offended.Needless to say i didnt bother with that one.

In the case where these guys claim they havent got a brass razoo and their wives keep them, id say it was a bunch crap..

BUT if the guy has heaps of assets,investments and cash ready id say it is quite believable that he could pull a girl from a wealthy family..

I personally know of one case where a chinese/thai girl is engaged to a wealthy Aussie guy..him 55,she 28.As always its all about $

Sometimes i cant help but think the averge Isaan girl may cause you a lot less problems in the long run

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I don't understand how you can guarantee that you could make me lose it .I think you were trying tb be funny, but I don't get it.

If you don't know how to tell if a woman has an orgasm, or even if she's faking it, I'm not sure I could explain it to you.

Flying the kite is one of the funniest, descriptive phrases I've ever read here, and I always laugh when I think about it. Thanks to whomever used it here.

If you think you can get any girls, especially one that you are with for money and she has no emotional links to you (possibly the reverse), then you are delusional and clearly don't know when a girl reaches orgasm or that some girls are very-very good at faking it.

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what part of the chart did you take offense to ? I thought it fairly well written. I think she is talking about hardened bar girls in the first column.

I personally thought Kaewmala's chart was very well thought out and well written. Or at least as well thought out as anyone could make any char that deals with such a diverse subject. I won't call anyone's post a lie, but I may think many are exagerated for effect. I've seen enough strange but true circumstances that I know that just about anything can happen... and often does.

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How would you know she had an orgasm?

He doesn't, as he confuses their acting for reality...

I can tell with the few ladies I'm with on a regular basis, but I can also get fooled into thinking a woman HASN'T had an orgasm when she actually has. No two women are the same. I also realize there are a lot of good actesses out there. But, when you know each other fairly well and are honest with each other in all other things then there isn't any reason to fake anything.

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Tawp, I don't know why you're addressing me personally, and making statements about what I know or don't know. Especially saying I'm delusional about it. How would you know what I know or don't know?

"If you think you can get any girls, especially one that you are with for money and she has no emotional links to you (possibly the reverse), then you are delusional and clearly don't know when a girl reaches orgasm or that some girls are very-very good at faking it. "

I have been with women, in just those circumstances, where the woman has indeed had an orgasm. In fact, in some cases, an intense one. I'm not bragging about my cockmanship as I could care less if they do or don't (although I always try my best, and I'm not a selfish person). Especially if I'm paying. Most of the faking I've experienced had been with my ex-wife. Since you seem to know so much, maybe you could enlighten us as to how you can tell if it's real or not.. Using a phrase like "if you think you can get" indicates I give a shit one way or the other. Mai pen rai. How hard do you try, what methods do you use, and how can you tell if you've been successful? Quick edit to delete this "Try to answer without being delusional," and add "Why are people delusional about attaching importance to "emotional links" and sex? I'm hoping you can pull my coat about these matters cause maybe I've been kidding myself for a long time.

Edited by Shotime
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How would you know she had an orgasm?

He doesn't, as he confuses their acting for reality...

I can tell with the few ladies I'm with on a regular basis, but I can also get fooled into thinking a woman HASN'T had an orgasm when she actually has. No two women are the same. I also realize there are a lot of good actesses out there. But, when you know each other fairly well and are honest with each other in all other things then there isn't any reason to fake anything.

I have to agree with most of that post Mr F, especially as no 2 women are the same, even if their twins, the easiest way to spot if a woman has had an orgasm IMO is the one who's a squirter...I don't think their faking it.. :o


Edited by MB1
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I don't understand how you can guarantee that you could make me lose it .I think you were trying tb be funny, but I don't get it.

If you don't know how to tell if a woman has an orgasm, or even if she's faking it, I'm not sure I could explain it to you.

Flying the kite is one of the funniest, descriptive phrases I've ever read here, and I always laugh when I think about it. Thanks to whomever used it here.

Sorry missed your previous post.

Edited by mark45y
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Yeh, when the sheet is soaking wet, either they had an orgasm or they pissed themselves.

Oh my dog, some reports say that... "Reports on the volume of fluid expelled vary considerably[8] from amounts that would be imperceptible to a woman, to mean values of 1–5 ml,[9] although volumes as high as one pint (473 ml) have been reported.[10]"

Bed be pretty wet with a pint of it, need to go to bed with a raincoat on, mind ya it's rainy season... :licklips:

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How would you know she had an orgasm?

He doesn't, as he confuses their acting for reality...

I can tell with the few ladies I'm with on a regular basis, but I can also get fooled into thinking a woman HASN'T had an orgasm when she actually has. No two women are the same. I also realize there are a lot of good actesses out there. But, when you know each other fairly well and are honest with each other in all other things then there isn't any reason to fake anything.

I have to agree with most of that post Mr F, especially as no 2 women are the same, even if their twins, the easiest way to spot if a woman has had an orgasm IMO is the one who's a squirter...I don't think their faking it.. :o


Have you ever met one? Really?

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Have you ever met one? Really?

Your a bit nosy today marky45y but I'll forgive ya, but do you think I'd be lying if I said I've met more than 1, the first one was when living in Germany at a tender age of 21 ish, gave me quite a shock, but in my expeirience their out there so have your raincoat handy or a spare bath towel...

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Have you ever met one? Really?

Your a bit nosy today marky45y but I'll forgive ya, but do you think I'd be lying if I said I've met more than 1, the first one was when living in Germany at a tender age of 21 ish, gave me quite a shock, but in my expeirience their out there so have your raincoat handy or a spare bath towel...

Interesting. I have only met a couple and I don’t think I could call them real squirters. Something more like those lawn sprinklers that soak the grass. I envy you. I never really had the experience. I thought they were a myth.

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How would you know she had an orgasm?

He doesn't, as he confuses their acting for reality...

I can tell with the few ladies I'm with on a regular basis, but I can also get fooled into thinking a woman HASN'T had an orgasm when she actually has. No two women are the same. I also realize there are a lot of good actesses out there. But, when you know each other fairly well and are honest with each other in all other things then there isn't any reason to fake anything.

Some conversation a way back with an ex GF who was in a profession that I wouldn't be able to dispute the facts about reckons the signs are some of the following in no particular order and to a varying degree:

Flushed upper chest/neck area or large red spot

Can't talk when it happens, only moan/groan

Mouth and lips dry

Muscle contractions try to "expel" you

Body contracts not unlike an epileptic convulsion

Perhaps ask the wife if she concurs with some of them? ph34r.gif

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^^TV just keeps getting more and more bizarre!

That's good. It's certainly more interesting.

There are little squirts, and there are big squirts. There are many ways to know a woman has had an orgasm. One woman I was with (only twice) was on top, and she just straightened out her right leg. I knew immediately she had come. She looked at me, and we both laughed.

Flying the kite is an entirely different matter.

I still don't know why the other guy was picking on me.

This should be moved to "little boys secret business." How come none of the women members have added anything to this discussion?

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