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Bangkok To Stay Under Emergency Rule After Blast: PM

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I'd be real curious to know what exactly Thaksin, Samak, and the others now reincarnated as PT were/are going to do to NOT hold onto the wealth, power and privilege held by the elites... They are, of course, among the elites.

Every time I hear the bogus "elites vs masses" argument (with the PT portrayed as representing the masses) it makes me wanna barf...

You'd be hard pressed to find anyone beyond the symbolic leader of that whole movement who ever did a better job of self-enrichment for himself and his cronies.

Now, if you want to call it "the elites vs. the other elites" then you'd be getting closer to reality.

The elite will do ANYTHING to hold onto wealth, power and priviledge. That's the story of modern Thailand.

Like it or not (and apparently you don't), Thaksin was elected and would be elected again if he could stand for office. The PTP would easily sweep elections again with or without sending the Bangkok bar girls back to Isaan to vote. That's been proven. If you don't like the idea of one man (or woman), one vote, just say so and stop couching it in some larger "good of Thailand" b.s.

One voter, one vote sounds nice, but then the system kicks in to manipulate how vote are counted or grouped. Ask the LibDem's in the UK. The basicly two party system in USA also doesn't seem too perfect.

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Nice politcally bent response... but notably, it totally avoids addressing the main point I raised, which was that Thaksin as the onetime leader of the movement was the ultimate elite in financial terms... I never saw him giving his wealth away...just the opposite, of course. But obviously, you dont want to talk about that..

I'd be real curious to know what exactly Thaksin, Samak, and the others now reincarnated as PT were/are going to do to NOT hold onto the wealth, power and privilege held by the elites... They are, of course, among the elites.

Every time I hear the bogus "elites vs masses" argument (with the PT portrayed as representing the masses) it makes me wanna barf...

You'd be hard pressed to find anyone beyond the symbolic leader of that whole movement who ever did a better job of self-enrichment for himself and his cronies.

Now, if you want to call it "the elites vs. the other elites" then you'd be getting closer to reality.

The elite will do ANYTHING to hold onto wealth, power and priviledge. That's the story of modern Thailand.

Like it or not (and apparently you don't), Thaksin was elected and would be elected again if he could stand for office. The PTP would easily sweep elections again with or without sending the Bangkok bar girls back to Isaan to vote. That's been proven. If you don't like the idea of one man (or woman), one vote, just say so and stop couching it in some larger "good of Thailand" b.s.


Can anybody tell me what time these curfews are enforced. I was told its from 11pm until 5am. Is that correct.


There is no curfew in effect in Bangkok anymore.

Are you saying i'll be ok to go out, for a few drinks, past a certain time. I was under the impression that after a certain time, nobody was allowed out ??


No curfew in Bangkok. A fact. Or do you mix curfew with the closing time of certain entertainment venues?

Well, all i wanna know is if i can go out for a few beers when i arrive next month, past 11pm. I wont be to happy if i'm out and get lifted. Also, are there a few bars still open down sukhumvit area, again, past 11-12 at night.

Thanks again for your help.



Maybe a better way to refer to the struggle would be the "new money-based elites" vs the "traditional money and Thai institution based elites".

In either case, I don't see the "winners" doing much to address the basic wealth vs. poverty inequities in Thailand. If anything, in recent years, the income gap between high and low has probably widened... not narrowed.


The emergency decree should be extended, until we have a proper bib force in Thailand. So my guess is that we will have an emergency decree in Bangkok for as long as we live.


Many thanks to Mr. Shinawatra.

You got that one wrong!

It should say: Many thanks to the traitors who staged an illegal coup against a legal government

Sorry to say you've got it both wrong. It should be no thanks to the mad men who placed and exploded a bomb killing one, injuring ten others. For who did it, many suspects have been mentioned in others topics, but no evidence yet. This brings us to "insufficient data" (IMHO).


TallForeigner Your last post you said


You got that one wrong!

It should say: Many thanks to the traitors who staged an illegal coup against a legal government " A little confused arent you.:huh:


Remembering the bomb blasts in Bkk just before the 2006 coup? We've seen this script before. Just another ham-fisted move of the unelected co-conspirators.


Mission accomplished!

Result: Emergency decree remains enforced.

Collateral damage: 1 dead 10 injured

Some of you people do post a lot of nonsense.


What else was Abhisit and his Government supposed to do?lift the State of Emergency and congratulate the Bombers?

Well, yes, they have to react like they are suppose to do.

HOWEVER, if I was PM, I would make a speech about the terrorist cannot threaten our freedom and lift the emergency rule...

What makes you think they can not threaten our freedom. From Where I sit it seems like they can do any thing they want. And that is why the emergency rule is in play. It can not stop them but it can help. It can stop a mass riot from happening again. That is if the red shirts have enough support left.

Unfortunately it can not stop the individuals from acting alone.

I would have to agree with you if the government had properly prosecuted the yellow shirt leaders and stopped the red shirt picnickers in Bangkok in a reasonable time Neither one of these things happened and hence we are in a position where it is not just the religious nuts it is any one who has a axe to grind threatening us and we can't even see them.


Many thanks to Mr. Shinawatra.

Guess we all appreciate Mr.Thaksins' help, or let's better say his money. :angry: Time for him to come back. But who would have the power to lock him up?? Money's power,especially in the LOS......


There is no curfew in effect in Bangkok anymore.

Are you saying i'll be ok to go out, for a few drinks, past a certain time. I was under the impression that after a certain time, nobody was allowed out ??


No curfew in Bangkok. A fact. Or do you mix curfew with the closing time of certain entertainment venues?

Well, all i wanna know is if i can go out for a few beers when i arrive next month, past 11pm. I wont be to happy if i'm out and get lifted. Also, are there a few bars still open down sukhumvit area, again, past 11-12 at night.

Thanks again for your help.


The emergency decree which is being extended gives the security forces special powers of arrest, detention etc. It no longer enforces curfew.


What makes you think they can not threaten our freedom. From Where I sit it seems like they can do any thing they want. And that is why the emergency rule is in play. It can not stop them but it can help. It can stop a mass riot from happening again. That is if the red shirts have enough support left.

Unfortunately it can not stop the individuals from acting alone.

I would have to agree with you if the government had properly prosecuted the yellow shirt leaders and stopped the red shirt picnickers in Bangkok in a reasonable time Neither one of these things happened and hence we are in a position where it is not just the religious nuts it is any one who has a axe to grind threatening us and we can't even see them.

The last paragraph I cannot agree with. Somehow I doubt that the normal red-shirts really cared about the yellow-shirt leaders. It's much more one group of elite against another color elite. For UDD leaders to condemn the PAD leaders is an easy explanation as to why 'we fight for democracy' and 'keep on fighting till our last drop of blood'. Indoctrination from the red stages and broadcast via PTV has made many reds believe this nonsense now. Maybe one of the UDD leaders read about Cato who kept saying "Carthago delenda est" and by repetitive insistence, created a reference to a strongly held conviction to be right about a topic.


14 per cent indicated they wanted no more acts of violence to injure and cause the deaths of innocent people

Suddenly, this poll loses all credibility.


Bangkok, Thailand regional hub of state of emergency, political unrest and explosions.

Tell the TOT, I'm sure they can spin it.


I am getting REALLY fed up by the polemic nonsense that so many of you are writing since these troubles started !!

Specially the smart asses who know "everything" and give comments reaching the Nobel price of stupidity!

If you have an opinion so say it the civilized way - without insinuations like "Bravo good for them or those"

What irritates me here actually is that the US (as usual) is pointing with the finger!!

Now not you nor the US have ANY rights to tell or criticize Thailand!

DO NOT forget that The Land of Smile is experiencing the worst passage in its entire history - Scandals after scandals, gossips, corruption like never before and (saddest thing) a frail Father - venerated King.

Respect, be concerned (without inflammatory comments) and observe! Many of us have family here and the insecurity is at its highest level.

We cannot compare our so different cultures...

It is an immense task for Khun Abhisit, the parliament and all parties to solve the problem by themselves.

And, again I think that the US should better concentrate on other priorities like North Korea and Myanmar and assist if necessary instead of preaching!

Sorry I had to let it out !!!

Pesche - Living here since 18 years

You are right. Lets cut those Millions of US Dollars the US is giving Thailand every month and quit having Military exercises together. Get rid of the Thai military is a better idea. What the need one for? Never been to war!Oh, sorry forgot great need for it " Over throw elected governments"


Mission accomplished!

Result: Emergency decree remains enforced.

Collateral damage: 1 dead 10 injured

Some of you people do post a lot of nonsense.

Logic isn't the strong point of true believers.


This is a simple report about a bomb blast and the governments actions regarding state of emergency. To date there is no one making any claims as to why the bomb was planted. It is very unfortunate that there are those that think this type of action will have any effect in what the government does. All a bomb blast does is kill and injure innocent people. All the posts relating to who "might" have done it are just conjecture with no basis in fact. Reds, yellows, elites, military, police: all corrupt and wanting to maintain their power for their own reasons.

Anyone who has spent any time in Thailand would know by now that the so-called democracy in Thailand is run by thugs with no other reason than for power and greed. The "elites" of all stripes and the military/police only wish to maintain the status quo to maintain their power and wealth. Thailand, for the most part, lacks any type of moral and ethical "culture" as a good number of Thais would (and do)sell their sister for gain. The fact that people can evidently be swayed at a ballot box for 100 or 200 baht is evidence of the fact that people will sell their soul for a price. Sorry to say that in general, Thai people do not share the same values as Western people. That is not necessarily a condemnation but a statement of fact. Their values differ from ours. They do not have a deep history of philosophical thought with which we in the west have been educated. Their sense of right and wrong differs from the West. Other than the teachings of Buddha by way of the local temple, the common man is poorly educated and without deep thought. The common Thai learns to survive. While I surely do not condemn all Thais for all things, many of you posters really don't see Thailand for what it is, a third world country run as a fiefdom by those in power. Until the people seek leaders who will represent their needs not just with handouts at election time, there will be no change in Thailand. Until the people demand that the police protect and serve rather than rip them off there will be no change. One of two things must happen: (1) the people really get angry and demand change, or (2) somehow/somewhere political leaders surface who want something more than to fill their pockets and will struggle to change the way things work in Thailand. Most likely Thailand will continue the coups and changes in government that have been its history since it became a constitutional monarchy. Until the economy works in a way to allow those at the bottom to achieve some sort of middle class status, Thailand will function with the "haves" trying to maintain their wealth and the "have-nots" struggling to survive. Even in so called communist states like China and Vietnam they are surpassing the Thais and are creating wealth for many of their citizens. What is wrong in Thailand: CORRUPTION at every level and a people willing to engage in it as well. Land of Smiles? I think not!

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Heh Rubi

are you from South Africa? You liked apartheid? Suits you sir.

" It's much more one group of elite against another color elite"

you should get out more.

another colour elite: I saw pickups in silom (during the protests) and some BMW but sadly no mercedes and no elites (what we used to call chins back in Sheffield.)



Pesche - Living here since 18 years

You are right. Lets cut those Millions of US Dollars the US is giving Thailand every month and quit having Military exercises together. Get rid of the Thai military is a better idea. What the need one for? Never been to war!Oh, sorry forgot great need for it " Over throw elected governments"

Aimed at Hardy not Pesche .... Pillock !!!

I assume you were not here in February 2001 when the Burmese began shelling all the tourists shopping on Mae Sai High Street?

Nor I suppose have you taken a wander up the western border any further north than the Kwai Bridge, and encountered the evidence of Burmese incursions attempting to get at the refugee camps on the Thai side of the border?

Then there's the little matter of the long-running insurgency down in the South of Thailand - what do you want to do with that? Send down a few traffic cops?

If you want to transpose western values into things, how about all the tourist revenues generated directly from military events such as the trooping of the colours (a-la-Buckingham-Palace-style) for events like the King's birthday? Of course, we won't mention that the armed forces are in essence also a way of redistributing wealth down to the poor servicemen and their families, the small businesses that depend on custom from military establishments nationwide, nor the medium and large businesses that have many employees and long term contracts to supply non-war materials ... such as food for the troops, cleaning supplies, and so on.

Maybe you've never been in uniform, and therefore cannot appreciate how life in uniform is pretty much one long classroom session from start to end of your service? Even the humblest of grunts demobs far better educated than when they held up their hand at their swearing in ceremony. Surely you can't object to that aspect of having a military?

In your own time, and by the numbers, remove your foot from your mouth - if you can remember how to.


Heh Rubi

are you from South Africa? You liked apartheid? Suits you sir.

" It's much more one group of elite against another color elite"

you should get out more.

another colour elite: I saw pickups in silom (during the protests) and some BMW but sadly no mercedes and no elites (what we used to call chins back in Sheffield.)

Just on the slightest chance you're serious: When I say "It's much more one group of elite against another color elite" I don't mean these elite, leaders slug it out. Obviously and naturally in these things their supporters are the cannon fodder.


troubling indeed.

As you say either a Napoleonic figure should emerge and /or a napoleon figure emerges whilst the populous was watching some TV soaps.

We now never hear of any efforts being made to stem corruption in this country. We're allways told of Thaksin's corruption though. That's very telling but I don't want to labour the point.

To "Trouble" For the police to protect and serve rather than rip the people of then there should be an ending to this feudal state.

Backwards is the state in Thailand one thinks.


This is a simple report about a bomb blast and the governments actions regarding state of emergency. To date there is no one making any claims as to why the bomb was planted. It is very unfortunate that there are those that think this type of action will have any effect in what the government does. All a bomb blast does is kill and injure innocent people. All the posts relating to who "might" have done it are just conjecture with no basis in fact. Reds, yellows, elites, military, police: all corrupt and wanting to maintain their power for their own reasons.

Anyone who has spent any time in Thailand would know by now that the so-called democracy in Thailand is run by thugs with no other reason than for power and greed. The "elites" of all stripes and the military/police only wish to maintain the status quo to maintain their power and wealth. Thailand, for the most part, lacks any type of moral and ethical "culture" as a good number of Thais would (and do)sell their sister for gain. The fact that people can evidently be swayed at a ballot box for 100 or 200 baht is evidence of the fact that people will sell their soul for a price. Sorry to say that in general, Thai people do not share the same values as Western people. That is not necessarily a condemnation but a statement of fact. Their values differ from ours. They do not have a deep history of philosophical thought with which we in the west have been educated. Their sense of right and wrong differs from the West. Other than the teachings of Buddha by way of the local temple, the common man is poorly educated and without deep thought. The common Thai learns to survive. While I surely do not condemn all Thais for all things, many of you posters really don't see Thailand for what it is, a third world country run as a fiefdom by those in power. Until the people seek leaders who will represent their needs not just with handouts at election time, there will be no change in Thailand. Until the people demand that the police protect and serve rather than rip them off there will be no change. One of two things must happen: (1) the people really get angry and demand change, or (2) somehow/somewhere political leaders surface who want something more than to fill their pockets and will struggle to change the way things work in Thailand. Most likely Thailand will continue the coups and changes in government that have been its history since it became a constitutional monarchy. Until the economy works in a way to allow those at the bottom to achieve some sort of middle class status, Thailand will function with the "haves" trying to maintain their wealth and the "have-nots" struggling to survive. Even in so called communist states like China and Vietnam they are surpassing the Thais and are creating wealth for many of their citizens. What is wrong in Thailand: CORRUPTION at every level and a people willing to engage in it as well. Land of Smiles? I think not!

Thank you and how true.

  • Like 1

Hi Rubi

they're cannon fodder for what exactly? Haven't the royalist elite got what they want? Now identified supporters of the exPM have their assets seized.

One senses though that there are more sympathetic voices out there within the elite and they seek change if only to match Singapore's development.


Hi Rubi

they're cannon fodder for what exactly? Haven't the royalist elite got what they want? Now identified supporters of the exPM have their assets seized.

One senses though that there are more sympathetic voices out there within the elite and they seek change if only to match Singapore's development.

Great wish but you will see hel_l freeze over first before one can put Thailand in the same sentence with Singapore. Corruption rules in Thailand in every level unlike Singapore.


I know. We're having to weigh off gov officials re rates , to give them their tea money is that right. We pay 20000 baht out of which 12500 goes to the official.


What makes you think they can not threaten our freedom. From Where I sit it seems like they can do any thing they want. And that is why the emergency rule is in play. It can not stop them but it can help. It can stop a mass riot from happening again. That is if the red shirts have enough support left.

Unfortunately it can not stop the individuals from acting alone.

I would have to agree with you if the government had properly prosecuted the yellow shirt leaders and stopped the red shirt picnickers in Bangkok in a reasonable time Neither one of these things happened and hence we are in a position where it is not just the religious nuts it is any one who has a axe to grind threatening us and we can't even see them.

The last paragraph I cannot agree with. Somehow I doubt that the normal red-shirts really cared about the yellow-shirt leaders. It's much more one group of elite against another color elite. For UDD leaders to condemn the PAD leaders is an easy explanation as to why 'we fight for democracy' and 'keep on fighting till our last drop of blood'. Indoctrination from the red stages and broadcast via PTV has made many reds believe this nonsense now. Maybe one of the UDD leaders read about Cato who kept saying "Carthago delenda est" and by repetitive insistence, created a reference to a strongly held conviction to be right about a topic.

The reason I mentioned properly prosecuting the Yellow shirt leaders was becouse the Mai pen rai attitude they showed in my opinion led the red shirts to believe that justice would not happen. I could be wrong but if the government would have made some moves against them rite away they would have sent a message that they would not stand for civil disobedience. When they gave one of there more vociferace backers a cabinet post it cemented the idea that it was OK to carry on any way you like.


What makes you think they can not threaten our freedom. From Where I sit it seems like they can do any thing they want. And that is why the emergency rule is in play. It can not stop them but it can help. It can stop a mass riot from happening again. That is if the red shirts have enough support left.

Unfortunately it can not stop the individuals from acting alone.

I would have to agree with you if the government had properly prosecuted the yellow shirt leaders and stopped the red shirt picnickers in Bangkok in a reasonable time Neither one of these things happened and hence we are in a position where it is not just the religious nuts it is any one who has a axe to grind threatening us and we can't even see them.

The last paragraph I cannot agree with. Somehow I doubt that the normal red-shirts really cared about the yellow-shirt leaders. It's much more one group of elite against another color elite. For UDD leaders to condemn the PAD leaders is an easy explanation as to why 'we fight for democracy' and 'keep on fighting till our last drop of blood'. Indoctrination from the red stages and broadcast via PTV has made many reds believe this nonsense now. Maybe one of the UDD leaders read about Cato who kept saying "Carthago delenda est" and by repetitive insistence, created a reference to a strongly held conviction to be right about a topic.

The reason I mentioned properly prosecuting the Yellow shirt leaders was becouse the Mai pen rai attitude they showed in my opinion led the red shirts to believe that justice would not happen. I could be wrong but if the government would have made some moves against them rite away they would have sent a message that they would not stand for civil disobedience. When they gave one of there more vociferace backers a cabinet post it cemented the idea that it was OK to carry on any way you like.


What makes you think they can not threaten our freedom. From Where I sit it seems like they can do any thing they want. And that is why the emergency rule is in play. It can not stop them but it can help. It can stop a mass riot from happening again. That is if the red shirts have enough support left.

Unfortunately it can not stop the individuals from acting alone.

I would have to agree with you if the government had properly prosecuted the yellow shirt leaders and stopped the red shirt picnickers in Bangkok in a reasonable time Neither one of these things happened and hence we are in a position where it is not just the religious nuts it is any one who has a axe to grind threatening us and we can't even see them.

The last paragraph I cannot agree with. Somehow I doubt that the normal red-shirts really cared about the yellow-shirt leaders. It's much more one group of elite against another color elite. For UDD leaders to condemn the PAD leaders is an easy explanation as to why 'we fight for democracy' and 'keep on fighting till our last drop of blood'. Indoctrination from the red stages and broadcast via PTV has made many reds believe this nonsense now. Maybe one of the UDD leaders read about Cato who kept saying "Carthago delenda est" and by repetitive insistence, created a reference to a strongly held conviction to be right about a topic.

The reason I mentioned properly prosecuting the Yellow shirt leaders was because the Mai pen rai attitude they showed in my opinion led the red shirts to believe that justice would not happen. I could be wrong but if the government would have made some moves against them rite away they would have sent a message that they would not stand for civil disobedience. When they gave one of there more vociferous backers a cabinet post it cemented the idea that it was OK to carry on any way you like.

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