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New Thai Banknotes Coming In December


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Whatever happened to the plastic 50 B notes.

I was hoping they would extend it to the other denominations.

Very handy during Songkran !

Time for a 5000 B note ?

Problems with the currency now.

1=anyone with sight or even slight sight faults--the 20 green and the 50 blue can get a bit mixed up--as the green isn't green enough and the blue isn't blue enough.

2=the 100 bht and the 1000 bht notes again can easily ( if mixed together) are not altogether dissimilar

3=GET RID of the stupid and senseless SATANG, 100 for 1 bht.they are a waste of good metal. thus saving a bomb in minting the useless <deleted>.

My own thought would be, 1-2-5-10-20 bht coins bronze silver and or dual colour.

Notes. Bold blue 50 bht---------crimson 100 bht-------------orange 500 bht-------emerald green for 1000 bht.

The 5000 bht note would be too large, and would be open to fraud and copying. so a 2000 bht note in red blue and white-Thai colours. I just woke up from a dream-----but my idea, comments on that posters---------non political please B)

I actually find the 100 and 500 confusing in bad light. I never get the 100 and 1000 mixed up.

Sorry-whybother my error, why I put that I don't know===I did mean the 100and 500 notes are confusing-----to add again NOT the 100 and 1000.

Normally with bank notes if colours do not contrast you can have them mixed up in the wallet. Here in Thailand you near have to keep all the notes separate from each other, as the designers/printers are stupid enough to have confusing colours and out of sell by date SATANG.

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Yes a 5000bt note would be to large,they look at me like im mad in my local mom and pop store if i give them a 1000 note,imagine giving them 5000 for a few beers and a packet of chips.lol

Whatever happened to the plastic 50 B notes.

I was hoping they would extend it to the other denominations.

Very handy during Songkran !

Time for a 5000 B note ?

Problems with the currency now.

1=anyone with sight or even slight sight faults--the 20 green and the 50 blue can get a bit mixed up--as the green isn't green enough and the blue isn't blue enough.

2=the 100 bht and the 1000 bht notes again can easily ( if mixed together) are not altogether dissimilar

3=GET RID of the stupid and senseless SATANG, 100 for 1 bht.they are a waste of good metal. thus saving a bomb in minting the useless <deleted>.

My own thought would be, 1-2-5-10-20 bht coins bronze silver and or dual colour.

Notes. Bold blue 50 bht---------crimson 100 bht-------------orange 500 bht-------emerald green for 1000 bht.

The 5000 bht note would be too large, and would be open to fraud and copying. so a 2000 bht note in red blue and white-Thai colours. I just woke up from a dream-----but my idea, comments on that posters---------non political please B)

Just a note about the English notes to compare. suggested large note here 5000 bht, this equals 100 pound sterling. too high. In England the most used high value note is the 20 pound=1000 bht. do we still have the 50 pound note in England ?? because it is rarely used and many outlets will not handle it, it's worth in bht=2,500 bht..................does that give us a better Idea what is really needed here.Having said that a 2,500 bht note would be handy as paying for houses cars and other high purchases usually are paid in cash HERE, people seem to want cash in hand more than Europe, something like the old gypsy transactions years ago.

Edited by ginjag
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I do wish they would discontinue those irritating little satang coins that no one wants and serve no purpose other than helping the big stores squeeze that little bit extra money from us.

Agreed these are useless but no big deal: I just leave them at the store.

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Do old notes remain legal tender? We have a few thousand left from our last trip but won't be back for about a year. Hope they haven't turned into souveniers :P

AFAIK ALL Thai banknotes are valid tender. I've had some ancient B10 notes, all are still readily accepted.

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Do old notes remain legal tender? We have a few thousand left from our last trip but won't be back for about a year. Hope they haven't turned into souveniers :P

AFAIK ALL Thai banknotes are valid tender. I've had some ancient B10 notes, all are still readily accepted.

If you very old bank notes are in new condition---save them

just to add a penny black stamp, gold sovereign, white five pound English notes are still readily accepted at shops etc, no problem B)

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I am suprised they did not introduce larger denominations. With inflation it must be getting harder and harder to fit enough notes in a lunchbox.

starting to sound like Rhodesia

Incorrect; Rhodesians will be most offended. Zimbabwe!!!

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Whatever happened to the plastic 50 B notes.

I was hoping they would extend it to the other denominations.

Very handy during Songkran !

Time for a 5000 B note ?

Long since past time forva 4 or 5,000 baht note

I think my comment from more than a year ago (#16) is still valid:

Although a higher denomination note would be nice for some, trying to pay a taxi driver with 100 Baht can already be a problem.

Aha, you should have kept that quiet. Now the drivers/owners want to up the minimum fee to 50 Baht!

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Just a note about the English notes to compare. suggested large note here 5000 bht, this equals 100 pound sterling. too high. In England the most used high value note is the 20 pound=1000 bht. do we still have the 50 pound note in England ?? because it is rarely used and many outlets will not handle it, it's worth in bht=2,500 bht..................does that give us a better Idea what is really needed here.Having said that a 2,500 bht note would be handy as paying for houses cars and other high purchases usually are paid in cash HERE, people seem to want cash in hand more than Europe, something like the old gypsy transactions years ago.

Just for a laugh (sad I know) I took a brand new issue UK 50 pound note into the mall and tried to exchange it at ALL of the major banks represented. After what seemed like ages and much conferencing and worried looks none of them could do it simply because it was not in their book of photocopies of banknotes (although it has been legal issue for several months already)

Then went around the corner to Superrich - yes sir no problem thank you very much, and nearly 2 baht better exchange rate.... Amusing Thailand.

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Just a few points

There has been no SATANG (not my capitals) for a number of decades, there has been a saleung though (25 Baht).

100 and 1000 Baht notes can look very similar where light is colour filtered, usually bars.

The copper who suggested remembering the last 3 numbers of the 1000 Baht note may have sounded very clever but what if the bar owner shoves it in her knickers/his undies?

From the planet smartarse.

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I would rather have low value notes (or even mixed currencies like Cambodia) than coins.

Just me.

It's me too.thumbsup.gif

IMO replacing notes by coins somehow creates inflation, as the coin is seen as being of lesser value, and is relegated to the "loose change" rather than padding out my wallet, so I feel (and look) poorer.

Nothing like a thick wallet full of notes to impress the gals, eh?

Bring back the 10 Baht note......

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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Whatever happened to the plastic 50 B notes.

I was hoping they would extend it to the other denominations.

Very handy during Songkran !

Time for a 5000 B note ?

2,000 Baht note should fine.

I pity the bus conductors, who still need to handle 25 stang coin.

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Are these the new Polymer substrate notes to be printed in Australia or did they find a different alternative?

CSIRO and Note Printing Australia (part of the Reserve Bank of Australia) developed polymer money. Note Printing Australia produce Polymer Substrate banknotes for Thailand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Kuwait, Western Samoa, Singapore, Brunei, Sri Lanka and New Zealand and sells the material to a number of other countries who print thier own.

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Yeah, I'm sure counterfeiters (of any currency) will just give up and say 'hey, printing money is just not worth the effort anymore.'


The Polymer substrate notes are extreemly hard to counterfeit and generally not worth the time money or effort. Counterfeits are very easy to detect even by the untrained eye.

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I would rather have low value notes (or even mixed currencies like Cambodia) than coins.

Just me.

It's me too. :thumbsup:

IMO replacing notes by coins somehow creates inflation, as the coin is seen as being of lesser value, and is relegated to the "loose change" rather than padding out my wallet, so I feel (and look) poorer.

Nothing like a thick wallet full of notes to impress the gals, eh?

Bring back the 10 Baht note......

No way. It is like asking the UK to bring back the one pound sterling note (which is worth 50 Baht apprx).

Coins are much better, because it you keep it long enough, the material itself will be worth more than the coin. Remeber the old 1 baht coin, no one pass it back to the mint anymore. They are sold as scrape matel with a high value.

As for paper bank notes, many people learn an expensive lesson:

1. The termite/fungus enter the jar that was burried in the back yard (don't trust the bank for some reason).

2. Lost them all in a fire.

3. The markings and serial number link to a corruption crime (like Khun Supoj case)

4. Float away during a flood.

5. Metal detector is useless if you lost your tressure map (pirates)

6. Govt void bank note (usually during a war), suddenly paper note is valuless (metal coins still can be sold as scrape).

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Do the same people have the keys to the passport office as the mint? I would hate to see a surprise 10,000 baht note with MR. T on it! :bah:

No problem there the new notes are made at the Royal Mint (Note Printing Aust) in Melbourne, Australia.

Australia prints notes for Bermuda, Brunei, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Indoneasia, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, THAILAND, Samoa, Singapore and Zambia.

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Whatever happened to the plastic 50 B notes.

I was hoping they would extend it to the other denominations.

Very handy during Songkran !

Time for a 5000 B note ?

Long since past time forva 4 or 5,000 baht note

I think my comment from more than a year ago (#16) is still valid:

Although a higher denomination note would be nice for some, trying to pay a taxi driver with 100 Baht can already be a problem.

Trying to buy a house or land with 1,000 baht notes, and some DO insist on cash purchases, is way beyond getting change for a taxi...

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Whatever happened to the plastic 50 B notes.

I was hoping they would extend it to the other denominations.

Very handy during Songkran !

Time for a 5000 B note ?

I never really liked the plastic 50 B notes, but I find the value very practical. There are paper-based 50 B notes in circulation, but far too few.

A 2000 B or 5000 B note makes sense these days. Surely not to pay the taxi driver, but there are other uses for money.

I believe the highest EUR note is 500, which is over 20,000 Baht.

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I am suprised they did not introduce larger denominations. With inflation it must be getting harder and harder to fit enough notes in a lunchbox.

The main reason why governments are reluctant to issue high denomination banks notes, is because to them it is admitting that they're economic policies are not working and losing the battle against inflation. Looking at the situation logically, it would be much more practical to have 20 baht and 50 baht as coins rather than notes. Although producing coins in the short term is more expensive than notes, in the long term coins are a better investment and can last for scores of years, way passed when notes have worn out and served they're purpose.

But again it`s all played by tactics. Having smaller amounts as notes gives the appearance that the currency is worth more than it actually is and the economy is doing well.

Very funny. Do you know how many millions of dollars are being paid in cash, and what headache it is that the biggest note is only 100?

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Whatever happened to the plastic 50 B notes.

I was hoping they would extend it to the other denominations.

Very handy during Songkran !

Time for a 5000 B note ?

Problems with the currency now.

1=anyone with sight or even slight sight faults--the 20 green and the 50 blue can get a bit mixed up--as the green isn't green enough and the blue isn't blue enough.

2=the 100 bht and the 1000 bht notes again can easily ( if mixed together) are not altogether dissimilar

3=GET RID of the stupid and senseless SATANG, 100 for 1 bht.they are a waste of good metal. thus saving a bomb in minting the useless <deleted>.

My own thought would be, 1-2-5-10-20 bht coins bronze silver and or dual colour.

Notes. Bold blue 50 bht---------crimson 100 bht-------------orange 500 bht-------emerald green for 1000 bht.

The 5000 bht note would be too large, and would be open to fraud and copying. so a 2000 bht note in red blue and white-Thai colours. I just woke up from a dream-----but my idea, comments on that posters---------non political please cool.gif

I actually find the 100 and 500 confusing in bad light. I never get the 100 and 1000 mixed up.

Rather difficult for me to confuse the 100 and 1000 notes with each other. Aside from the obvious difference in the number of zeroes, they are completely different in color AND size.

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Elgato quote------------ioo and 1000 bht notes are completely different in colour, what do you meen completely ?? sort of reddish and brownish red. the same as the 500. only the green and blue are different -but they are not strikingly different, all are not a big problem to many BUT are hell of a problem to poor sighted people, I bet if most glasses wearers were to take them off, big percent would get confused. maybe now you can see my point of my earlier post.

There is NO need to print notes that can be mistaken. Why ?? when there are so many vivid colours available, it's only logic to vary your colours, when many people say ( I don't have any problem) they are not thinking about other people that do.

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elgato #54

persons who are saying ( I don't have any problems ) are NOT thinking about the people who do.

There is no reason on earth why they print notes slightly similar, there are so many VIVID colours to choose from. the notes that are not so bad are the 20 and 50 note-even the green and blue are of pastel shade, the 100 500 and 1000 notes==although we have to say they are different yes--BUT are the colours vastly different NO. poor sighted and normal glasses wearers have problems, without your glasses and you can get confused, and in poor light, sure.

Lets be more thoughtful in the new year, and think about others before saying there are no problems.

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elgato #54

persons who are saying ( I don't have any problems ) are NOT thinking about the people who do.

There is no reason on earth why they print notes slightly similar, there are so many VIVID colours to choose from. the notes that are not so bad are the 20 and 50 note-even the green and blue are of pastel shade, the 100 500 and 1000 notes==although we have to say they are different yes--BUT are the colours vastly different NO. poor sighted and normal glasses wearers have problems, without your glasses and you can get confused, and in poor light, sure.

Lets be more thoughtful in the new year, and think about others before saying there are no problems.

You didn't read my post which said nothing about a lack of concern for others having difficulties discerning the differences in bank notes.

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elgato #54

persons who are saying ( I don't have any problems ) are NOT thinking about the people who do.

There is no reason on earth why they print notes slightly similar, there are so many VIVID colours to choose from. the notes that are not so bad are the 20 and 50 note-even the green and blue are of pastel shade, the 100 500 and 1000 notes==although we have to say they are different yes--BUT are the colours vastly different NO. poor sighted and normal glasses wearers have problems, without your glasses and you can get confused, and in poor light, sure.

Lets be more thoughtful in the new year, and think about others before saying there are no problems.

You didn't read my post which said nothing about a lack of concern for others having difficulties discerning the differences in bank notes.

I wasn't getting at you, but persons who say THEY don't have a problem with one or two of the notes personally, are automatically not mentioning a vast number who have problems, you understand one doesn't have to mention it in the post.

You didn't read your comments then, wouldn't it have been better to add=='''others may have problems as some notes ARE similar'''

So I did read your post, as I have mentioned the above problem. I sometimes have problems, and have been here 31 years, If my sight was perfect, I would still say 3 of the notes surely are confusing. you did say that 2 notes were a completely different colour---you know that is not the fact. completely would be black-white.........blue-yellow not reddish brown and brownish red. don't get ruffled about it. -ginjagwai.gif

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