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Change From Retirement To Marriage Visa

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I am currently on a retirement visa which expires on 3 October 2010 and my 90 day reporting is due on 21 September 2010. I wish to change to a marriage visa so can any TV members advise me what documents Chiang Mai Immigration require and on what date l should make the application.

Many thanks

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You appear to be on one year extension of stay for retirement (or an OA one year entry) and wish to change the reason to Thai wife. You would do that during the normal last 30 days of current permitted to stay but not show enough financials to qualify for retirement. Your wife/marriage certificate/marriage register copy/wife ID/wife home register/photos together in/outside home/TM.7 with photo and passport copies. Remember Thai wife must be 400k in bank or 40k income - there is no combination allowed. Above is normal requirements so you should check with Chiang Mai for anything extra they might require. Best to do early to allow time for any last minute request in any case.

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You appear to be on one year extension of stay for retirement (or an OA one year entry) and wish to change the reason to Thai wife. You would do that during the normal last 30 days of current permitted to stay but not show enough financials to qualify for retirement. Your wife/marriage certificate/marriage register copy/wife ID/wife home register/photos together in/outside home/TM.7 with photo and passport copies. Remember Thai wife must be 400k in bank or 40k income - there is no combination allowed. Above is normal requirements so you should check with Chiang Mai for anything extra they might require. Best to do early to allow time for any last minute request in any case.

I have well over the 400k in a thai bank a/c but l was not aware my wife should have 400k in the bank or an income of 40k pa. I had a marriage visa before my former wife died about 6 years ago and she did not have to produce evidence of 400k in a bank or income of 40k pa. My wife does not have that sort of money in the bank but she does earn over 40k pa. She also owns a house and l have a lease to a property l rent

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Thai Wife isn't after a Visa, her Monies are not Checked. 400K in your name for 3 months..Bank letter saying its been there for 3Months.A map of where you live sketched out.. Letter from Amphur, signed by Boss Man, if anyone can find him to say youre O.K. and live there. 800K in the Bank for no time gives you a same-day Visa, otherwise you must return after a review.Have Wife in tow, plus whatever Lopburi suggests

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(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

It has to be your money. Not your Wife's.

Lopburi 3 gave the correct requirements.Also needed is a letter from your bank verifying your balance and your bankbook updated to show the same balance.

You will get a 30 day under consideration stamp.

Go back in 30 days and get the extension.

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"Thai wife" applies to the extension of stay type requiring 400k/40k. Sorry for misunderstanding. Yes it has to be the husbands funds.

Many thanks. You had me worried for a moment with the wifes bank a/c requirement

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