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Thai Immigration To Keep Close Track Of All Tourists

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Lt Gen Wuthi said the data collected would be reported to every ambassador, which would give them confidence "that we are trying to serve and protect their nationals". "We have to identify who the people are, and where they are staying," he said. "If you remember when the tsunami struck Thailand in December 2004, we had some problems with the identification of victims. We had no information or any data on them. With this method, we will have information on almost every tourist, making it easier to identify them if something happens."

Totally absurd!!!

Serve & Protect?


If people were entering the country during the tsunami, they will/should have been recorded as such at the airport.

Instead of spending a shitload of money to keep track of tourists, the money should be spent on updating the equipment/software at airports etc.

This is nothing but another waste of money & manpower.

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How will this affect tourism?

It is up to the hotels to report info. to authorities and has zero to do with tourism

Unless you read about this rule being enforced you will not even kn ow about the rule,

nor will you know if the rule is being followed by the hotels or whoever else

Agreed that the tourist has to do nothing and most people here on a two week summer break won't even know it's being done it's all the responsibility of the hotel etc. as it should be. I however wonder what the grey area covers as there is potential for 'expat residents' to be classed as tourists which they aren't as in general expats who live here have different patterns to daily routines than tourists as we work and travel for example far more frequently and stay in friends or relatives houses rather than resorts. Is this type of activity under the remit of this policy?

It seems immigration has dug deep and dusted off some old legislation clearly past its sell by date and decided it's still good. Unfortunaty with all the political squabbles no decent review of immigration policy is likely for some years to come.


Lt Gen Wuthi said the data collected would be reported to every ambassador, which would give them confidence "that we are trying to serve and protect their nationals". "We have to identify who the people are, and where they are staying," he said. "If you remember when the tsunami struck Thailand in December 2004, we had some problems with the identification of victims. We had no information or any data on them. With this method, we will have information on almost every tourist, making it easier to identify them if something happens."

My dear immigration officer - Most tourists killed in the tsunami had no id on them cause they were at the beach or in the sea, or running quickly away from the sea in their trunks or bikinis which don't have a pocket for your passport.


Lt Gen Wuthi said the data collected would be reported to every ambassador, which would give them confidence "that we are trying to serve and protect their nationals". "We have to identify who the people are, and where they are staying," he said. "If you remember when the tsunami struck Thailand in December 2004, we had some problems with the identification of victims. We had no information or any data on them. With this method, we will have information on almost every tourist, making it easier to identify them if something happens."

What happened to "the data" upon the arrival of such people at the airport? Did it get lost or wasn't it recorded?


I see the knockers are out in force....wonder why they are getting so irate?

Its an old law that is being re-inforced...will it effect your life? NO so whats the big deal?

As I said earlier Paranoia!!


Who gives a sh...!! Overstay is a laugh. Met a Dutch guy last year living here since 1977. No Passport, no Visa, and never been asked for it on the street. Anyone of you have been stopped, if you're doing nothing wrong? In the two years I'm here, (first of all they never stopped me in the car, and when they would, the only thing they aske for is your drivers license) So????


your the typical person no one wants in thailand, if you can't live by the rules dont play the game, your not clever not getting caught just another blot on farangs in asia, no doubt you have no insurance for your car as you are there illegally so when you have an accident and someone is injured it's not a problem for you as you couldn't care less about anything other than your selfish self.


The airport closure and the siege of Silom have done huge damage to the reputation of Thailand in this part of the world. Its all people talk to me about.

Wakey Wakey Thailand, you are killing your product.


Who gives a sh...!! Overstay is a laugh. Met a Dutch guy last year living here since 1977. No Passport, no Visa, and never been asked for it on the street. Anyone of you have been stopped, if you're doing nothing wrong? In the two years I'm here, (first of all they never stopped me in the car, and when they would, the only thing they aske for is your drivers license) So????


your the typical person no one wants in thailand, if you can't live by the rules dont play the game, your not clever not getting caught just another blot on farangs in asia, no doubt you have no insurance for your car as you are there illegally so when you have an accident and someone is injured it's not a problem for you as you couldn't care less about anything other than your selfish self.

Have to agree with this statement.

It is the people that play by the rules and are considerate of others that have to bare the brunt of the problems caused by the happy go lucky`s and the so what, who cares.

Perhaps this is why we are so wary of other farangs in this country.

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence ,

or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in

the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration

Office located in the same area of that dwelling place or hotel, within 24

hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned. If there is no Immigration

Office located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified.

I can see huge difficulties in people honouring this law. Where for example can you find a 'competent' official?

Can't remember seeing any myself.

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence ,

or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in

the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration

Office located in the same area of that dwelling place or hotel, within 24

hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned. If there is no Immigration

Office located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified.

I believe that is the requirement.

The missus and I have a home in Thailand and visit often, but I don't head straight for the imm or police to say.." Hi.. I,m here back home again".

I do however think that this is required.

When you enter the country, there is an address required on the back of the Entry Card. If you put your home address, you have fulfilled this obligation, perhaps.

Doesn't read like that to me Mick.


I believe this is necessary as terrorist are using more and more foreigners to plan bomb. I don't mean typical foreigners in ThaiVisa, but foreigners like Cambodian, Burmese, Laos, etc.


I don't mean typical foreigners in ThaiVisa, but foreigners like Cambodian, Burmese, Laos, etc.

Seems as if the old hatred for the neighbours is alive and well as per usual. Perhaps if one was to look a little more closely at the Thai's on the run who are living in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar one might just find out who is behind the bombs and disruption to life in general here in Thailand.

Indeed there are a number of people who are fugitives from Thai law who are happily evading prison sentences for corruption in construction projects whose political party aligned with Thaksin so as to have a case dropped against their leader, and of course there are a number of runaway Red Shirts involved who reside in the aforementioned states all strangely enough seem to have a link to Thaksin in one way or another.

Very convenient to blame historical enemies for ones own actions, indeed a classic propaganda action to divert eyes and minds from the truth by bringing xenophobia into play.

As an aside could it be explained what a typical foreigner in Thai Visa looks like ?

2-4-6-8 legs, 3 pink eyes furry ears , green skin, large cranial cavities fangs not teeth, ears on our elbows, possibly I eat children or monkeys who knows whatever am I or we like ?

Perhaps maybe because I or other foreigners look like the average Thai I meet and work with every day only a bit whiter I am deformed in your eyes Chantorn ?

I am sure we would all like to see the picture of what we typical foreigners in Thai Visa look like.

The thought crossed my mind concerning the words PATRONISING and RACIST regarding the comments made in post #102, either as a genuine error of judgement or perhaps a firmly held opinion.

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence ,

or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in

the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration

Office located in the same area of that dwelling place or hotel, within 24

hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned. If there is no Immigration

Office located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified.

I can see huge difficulties in people honouring this law. Where for example can you find a 'competent' official?

Can't remember seeing any myself.



I spend a lot of time travelling around the provinces and use small hotels and big hotels, when we arrive the Thai wife signs us in

I have never been asked to register or give any detail taken about me in 4 years


To those that say they have nothing to fear if they have done nothing wrong I would respectfully differ. The US fought the American Revoltion and established it's Constitution fully recognizing the tyranny of government left unchecked. Innocent people are caught up in government enforcement abuses every day. The US prisons are full of people who did nothing wrong except make unintentionally misstatements to law enforcement on obstruction of justice convictions ( an FBI favorite and why you are insane if you ever speak to law enforcement about anything). The government constantly attempts to trample on law enforcement victims right to remain silent through lying and coercion fully sanctioned by the US Supreme Court. If this is the state of affairs in an established democracy like the US, what do you think goes on in a country like Thailand where discriminatory enforcement against foriegners is the norm? If you've done nothing wring you have nothing to worry about? Really? Think again!


Ya right... Of all the problems Thailand has faced over the past year, I can see how foreigner tourists would be at the top of the list in the eyes of one nationality...

No need to talk about the warring non-foreigner factions, including those that held the country hostage and bombed and burned Bangkok... and perhaps are still trying to do so... Ohh...and who are those people down in the south who keep planting bombs and burning schools???

But forget all that... Let's focus on keeping better track of tourists.. That's really where the country's law enforcement resources should be best spent. :whistling:

Plus, all those sneaky Cambodian, Burmese and Laos are taking up too much space in the local hotels when they come here, anyway... So much better if the hotels and guesthouses are forced to do a better job of reporting them.

I believe this is necessary as terrorist are using more and more foreigners to plan bomb. I don't mean typical foreigners in ThaiVisa, but foreigners like Cambodian, Burmese, Laos, etc.

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence ,

or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in

the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration

Office located in the same area of that dwelling place or hotel, within 24

hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned. If there is no Immigration

Office located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified.

I can see huge difficulties in people honouring this law. Where for example can you find a 'competent' official?

Can't remember seeing any myself.


I've just reread the regulation. It actually says that one has to find THE competent official not 'a' competent official.

THE competent official of the local immigration office, so apparently each office has just exactly one competent official. I still think that's highly unlikely. Do they wear a special uniform?


Why this big fuss? I wonder what's it all about. Reporting tourists is standard 'law' for hotels in most western countries. It's nothing new.

??? You mean hotels, motels, guesthouses, B&Bs reporting all tourists to the Government, on a DAILY basis? In which western countries would this be 'standard'.

It's certainly not standard in my country, and I'm pretty sure nothing like this happens in the UK, just for starters.


How will this affect tourism?

It is up to the hotels to report info. to authorities and has zero to do with tourism

Unless you read about this rule being enforced you will not even kn ow about the rule,

nor will you know if the rule is being followed by the hotels or whoever else

Well said. This has NO effect on tourists at all. The tourist does NOTHING. It is all about the hotel/resort/villa etc reporting to the government - as it is required to do so by law already.

It happens in MOST countries around the world.

You are conveniently ignoring the preceding section of the same Act, which says:

(anyone entering the kingdom on a tourist visa:)

3. Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of change in residence in which new residence is not located the same area with the former police stations , such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival.

Have you ever done this? Has anyone ever done this?

What tourist is even aware of it?

The fact is stupid, xenophobic, myopic laws like this make a criminal out of 99.9999% of tourist visitors to Thailand.

You might also argue - "oh, it doesn't matter - such laws are never enforced".

That's not completely true. I remember in the late 80s, some human rights activists were in Thailand protesting against Burma's thuggish rulers. The Thai government used this very law to arrest, fine and deport the activists: they of course hadn't notified local police when they had gone bahn nork.

I personally try hard to obey laws. I have never been in trouble with the police in either Thailand or my own country. But this sort of law makes it almost impossible to stay clean.

It is sort of like a 'joker' card that the Thai govt can pull out of the pack to use against any foreigner it decides it doesn't like.


How boring, just another bi annual event by the Immigration Dept. :boring:

Exactly, Somebody bucking for a promotion again.


Just another Big Brother exercise, there is no way that they are protecting Foreign Nationals by updating the various ambassadors. Besides nearly all farang are classified as tourists even if they have been living here for 30 years. Still I wouldn't worry about it too much as it when it comes to organisation and effective management and enforcing the law, these are hardly strong suits here! Still it will probably be just another thing used to hassle foreigners!

Just another negative foreigner posting. Maybe the government is clever than you. Maybe not.


Sure we know about Thailand's flexilaws. But in regard to notifications, I recall as a newbie being told by a veteran that quite aside from the obligation of hotels/guest houses to notify immigration of guest particulars, farangs (aliens) are under a separate obligation to advise immigration (or local police) anytime they spend more than two nights at the same address, if that address is different to the one they have lodged with Immigration.

In other words, a traveller moving around Thailand is within the rules until he stays at the same lodgings for more than 2 days without notifying Immigration, at which point he becomes fair game and subject to routine extortion.

Perhaps I heard/understood it wrong, because that sounds between odd and bizarre, especially considering it's no big deal if you leave the address section blank, or just offer a city, on the immigration form upon entry. Anyone with a clue?

...Have you ever done this? Has anyone ever done this?

What tourist is even aware of it?

The fact is stupid, xenophobic, myopic laws like this make a criminal out of 99.9999% of tourist visitors to Thailand.

You might also argue - "oh, it doesn't matter - such laws are never enforced".

That's not completely true. I remember in the late 80s, some human rights activists were in Thailand protesting against Burma's thuggish rulers. The Thai government used this very law to arrest, fine and deport the activists: they of course hadn't notified local police when they had gone bahn nork...

Precisely. Not all laws are designed to be enforced. Some simply create a new 'criminal' class out of normal people doing normal things. Some are so obscure or ambiguous that those targeted either do not know of them or do not understand them.

Either way, it gives government and its enforcers (not just in LoS) the power of selective enforcement.

A fine example is the one you gave, with the 'yuman rites' people.


so when you rent a condo, do they report, are they suppose to report the person staying in the condo?

Perhaps it is a way to make the place pay taxes...they know x # of people are staying for y # of days making z amount of money...which they get __% amount of commission?

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