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Ice Cream Machines


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The last best hope for meduim priced, medium qualty ice cream has since disappeared from Bangkok market shelves. I used to buy Swenson's as a decent priced compromise. Now one must mortage the house for a pint of Haagen Daz or settle for air inflated Walls. Pathetic.

Home ice cream makers. Any good SMALL ones in Thailand? I don't like the large bucket size with the ice and salt mess. If you have seen a good small freezer type, would love to hear from you.

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cuisinart ice cream makers are now for sale at central. they are really easy to use and give great results. i'm referrring here to the 2 liter kind that doesn't have its own refrigeration unit. basically you just stick the container for the ice cream mixture in the freezer for at least 8 hours before using. then pour the mixture in, turn the machine on and let it run for anywhere from 25-35 minutes. then empty the mixture into a chilled bowl and let it sit in the freezer for a few hours to harden up. I think the machine costs about 5000 baht.

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I have one of the messy bucket and ice jobbers from Verasu the OP doesn't like -- My small freezer is not industrial strength ... 3 bags of ice for 21 baht ... I buy the salt that they use for coating BBQ tilapia ... Works great. I put the ice cream bucket in a bigger wash bucket to somewhat contain the mess... even Vegan stuff came out great.

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