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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Dedicated to my Thai next door neighbour, "India Daeng", yes I kid you not, he thinks in a previous life he was a Red Indian.

Great guy, great sense of humour, his brother is a well known Thai singer, Sunday nights are always a great laugh with CCR blasting out.

Anyway I digress, I called his mrs, Minnie Ha Ha one night, they were a bit confused, so we fired this up on U Tube, me steaming drunk blasting the words out.

No one admits to liking this group, but we all do.

Khun Dae, I salute you.

rgs, you've just shot all credibility, you put on something right on like The Pink Fairies and then blow it out of the water with the worst of the 70s,The Sweet! What's next, The Bay City Rollers? I can only blame alcohol for this temporary lapse of musical taste, Bob Harris would be horrified if he knew.

Get back to some real music as below

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sorry I must decline your face saving get out of jail free card by pleading alcohol temporary induced insanity.

As for musical taste, as someone who readily admits to liking early HW I accept I will never graduate from The Whispering Bob School of Musical Credibility.

However I digress, is this acceptable?

Two events always stick in my mind about this band, Reading 79/80 or 81 time, Noddy and the boyz rocked the place, almost surreal, Merry Xmas blasting out in August.

About the same era, blowing Acca Dacca off the stage at Donnington.

Edited by rgs2001uk
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Heres another from the same era, never knew what to make of it at the time, and too be truthful, still dont.

One things for sure, its stood the test of time,and was so far ahead of its time its unbelievable.

(did Prince rip this off on Sign Of The Times?)

Easily one of the top one hundred singles ever released.

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Classic rock

The flashbax the flashbax.

BN, used to go out with a girl who loved this group, the crap I had to endure just to get a shag.

She ended up in the dump of a town thats known as Peterborough, went throught there a couple of times, the best thing I can say about the place, it was on the East Coast Line into Kings X.

Jeez, if Crewe is the equivalent of Korat, Peterborough is the equivalent of some place like Sara Buri or Chayiphum.

Twin lead guitars and and a Gibson flying V (LOL).

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Rgs, there are some terrible places in England, I ended up spending 10 years in Hull and some of the places in the East Riding of Yorkshire defy description, one place is called Grimethorp, a village of terraced houses, soot and dirt engrained in the brickwork from the smoke of the power stations and colleries nearby.One time hitching back from somewhere I couldn't get home in time and had to spend the night in a telephone box in Bawtry, staring at this slag heap nearby.

I remember Peterborough and Leicester well as I ended up at the same school as Stephen Fry in Rutland, Rutland was beautiful, full of limestone cottages and rolling hills but Leicester and Peterborough were plain boring.At the time I don't think any of us knew Stephen Fry batted for the other team, just as well otherwise the showers would have been deserted. In his autobiography he specifically mentions myself and 2 other boys who would tease him about his lack of knowledge of folk and rock, he then goes on to claim one of our gang of 3 introduced him to weed!

It certainly wasn't me officer.

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A lesson in writing a rock song- start off with a catchy melody played softly, fortify the tune with some nice lead, introduce a bridge to reconcile the melody,,then back to the theme, relaxed again but second time round power it up, accelerating guitar, bass and drums to the climax.

Creation of tension, melody, pace and intensity from one of the greatest.


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Rgs, there are some terrible places in England, I ended up spending 10 years in Hull and some of the places in the East Riding of Yorkshire defy description, one place is called Grimethorp, a village of terraced houses, soot and dirt engrained in the brickwork from the smoke of the power stations and colleries nearby.One time hitching back from somewhere I couldn't get home in time and had to spend the night in a telephone box in Bawtry, staring at this slag heap nearby.

I remember Peterborough and Leicester well as I ended up at the same school as Stephen Fry in Rutland, Rutland was beautiful, full of limestone cottages and rolling hills but Leicester and Peterborough were plain boring.At the time I don't think any of us knew Stephen Fry batted for the other team, just as well otherwise the showers would have been deserted. In his autobiography he specifically mentions myself and 2 other boys who would tease him about his lack of knowledge of folk and rock, he then goes on to claim one of our gang of 3 introduced him to weed!

It certainly wasn't me officer.

BN, wow thanx for the laugh.

Hull? who the heck did you upset to be sent up there?

Its akin to being posted to the "penal colonies"

A mate of mine lives in Beverley, going from Hull to Beverley is like entering some sort of parallel universe.

Dont know how many times I have driven the M62 from there to Manchester, yes its grim up North, but it aint all whippets flat caps and flat beer.

Posted on here before about Karen from Sheffield, brilliant girl, proper down to earth Yorkshire lass, salt of the earth.

Leicester, what can I say, the only good things about that dump, it was next to the motorway for a swift exit stage left, the De Montfort Hall (lost count of how many bands I saw there, and there used to be an ace second hand record store up the London Rd.

You mention good old Oakham, for some reason that place always struck me as being out of place, its almost as if it should be in some snobby place like Witney in Oxforshire.

Nottingham, brilliant city, Donnie another great place to go on the piss.

Dont forget such dumps as Scunny.

The telephone box, LOL, think I posted on here before about seeking refuge in one one night, it was battering down and freezing, in a moment of drunken thinking I thought if I set fire to the phone book it would keep me warm, almost died of smoke inhalation, always a good idea when you are off your head.

Anyway, posted this before, just in case you were getting nostalgic,

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from one of the greatest.

Let me re write that for you, The Greatest, Simply The Best.

Have seen Rory more times than I can remember, one of the most down to earth guys you will ever meet.

Remember going up to Glasgow years ago, we were in some now long gone bar called The Burns Howff, Rory was sat there having a few after completing a sound check at The Apollo.

Some band on the stage asked if anyone wanted to get up and jam, Gerry Mac said something like, this guy here can plays a few licks, next minute the place is going crazy, Rory just picked up an axe, didnt bother tuning it, just started playing.

He was right into it, he would have played there all night for free, if someone hadnt told him he was due on stage at 9 o'clock.

It was like the Pied Piper as Rory left the bar and walked (I shyt you not) up to the Apollo, didnt bother with a taxi or any of that crap, walked on stage and rocked the place for two hours.

Rory, you are The Man, no poncy stage lighting, no costume changes, just Denim and a Strat.

Somewhere I have a bootleg of Rory knocking out a 20 minutes + version of Messing with the kid, Germany 73 or 74 (really must dig that out).

Anyway, have a couple of bootlegs in the house, first one called, Why Rory Is Better Than Clapton (awesome) another called Listen To This Bono (a play of Listen To This Eddie, a famous Led Zep Bootleg).

Here goes, why Rory rawks. Check out the interaction with the crowd.

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