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Albert King - Laundromat Blues [1967]

Here's another song about a laundromat. Usually washing clothes is a somewhat dull ritual as far as I am concerned but one of my cousins who was in Nepal when the first terrible earthquake struck, showed me a more positive side to washing clothes.

He survived because just minutes before the earthquake he had decided to wash his clothes outside at a tap- seconds later the guesthouse he was staying in collapsed,burying everyone inside.

Cleanliness can be next to godliness.

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Dedicated to another fellow poster whose wit and one liners are sadly missing these days.

Posted as MIA, "will yeah no come back again" , "when will we see your likes again", probably gone back o'er the water.

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Wilko Johnson is an inspiration- given 6 months to live with pancreatic cancer he refused to let it get him down- on the contrary he decided to live every moment for itself.

And then the docs performed break- through surgery, entirely removing the cancerous growth!

A new lease of life- it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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A low down dog- I sympathize with the urban soi dogs, scared witless by the traffic and callous humans- unlike their rural cousins, fiercely protective of every inch of their turf, arrogantly growling at every stranger passing by.

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BN, havent been for one of these,

But havent yet decided whethers its jolly old blighty this year, or Oz.

If blighty will need to check out the blues and country festivals, if Oz that will be Nov Dec time, will need to see who is on tour then.

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